November News; Changing Times, New Year on the Horizon, and More!
Hello My Dear Friends
Writing you on the last week of October. How did it get so late in the year already? Can you believe it? 2020 is right around the corner. This week brings us today (Monday the 28th) an exact square of Uranus to the sun so today may be a nervous energy kind of day and bring sudden news or shifts. The energy is kind of funky out there as Mercury prepares to go retrograde on Halloween, BOOO! How is that for scary? I’ve noticed many very cranky people being sharp in the tongue and unkind and jumping to conclusions. This is why it is important to know about energy as it is real. We are made up of it so if you don't know you tend to get caught up in it unaware. Take time to think a bit before you speak or write those text as we move through this retrograde into and through November. As our days get darker and colder here in the Northern Hemisphere the need to know what you will tolerate, what you wish to will into being, will appear to get louder. This is why a bit of silence now and then is a good remedy. You can notice huge results humming into being as we head into the season of Sagittarius, late November. 2020 is ramping up in its lessons, gifts, and shifts. I can feel it from here and it feels like freedom and dedication both aligning.
Don't feel ashamed if a portion of your life seems to be falling apart. I feel like I am speaking to someone out there specifically! Because it is truly falling into place with what the Divine wants for you. My favorite expression is "thank God for UNanswered prayers" for the Divine will always answer the prayer that is RIGHT for us. And steer us away from situations that are not in our highest good. Remember it is a journey not a hard and fast easy destination. You getting to know YOU in the process is a gift from your soul itself. That is true love.
Thank you to all the lovely people that came out on the 27th to see me at Salud in Portland! If you did go and want to email us with a testimonial we would love that. My group sessions are pretty wild! Lots of laughter! Please think about joining me on December 6th at The Dunegrass golf club in Old Orchard Beach, Maine for another one! This one titled "This Rough Magic " Is a bit different. From 6-7 you can have a drink and food at the Fairways bar at the club (not included in ticket price) and then from 7-9 PM, I do a talk and tell a few stories then go into a group reading.
I would love to see you there, its my birthday month! Come get a holiday hug :) link to tickets here;
We are ramping up for holiday giving and Gift Certificate season so I am going to run one more coupon for my gratitude for you. The policy for this is stricter now; No discounts are given beyond the 48 hour time frame - so hop on the coupon code and make sure to do it in that 48 hour time frame. ALSO WE ARE BOOKING FOR DECEMBER - AND THE NEW YEAR there is a wait list started and folks do cancel at times so no worries. My lovely assistant Julia will get back to you ; My Thanksgiving coupon code is below and will give you $50.00 off either a half hour session or full hour. Remember to put the code in at the time of your Paypal purchase. You can then email us when you are ready to get on the schedule or let us know if it will be a a gift.
THANKFULONEHOUR - for $50 Off a One Hour Reading
THANKFULHALFHOUR - for $50 Off a Half Hour Reading
Gratitude begets gratitude and brings us a cornucopia of love and opportunities that seem carved from the Heavens itself. For in the connection of heart to heart we find we are indeed not alone in our world and there is always love out there. Think of it always. Gratitude is hopes best friend.
For you, I am so incredibly grateful.
I am loving you always,
"I truly believe we can either see the connections, celebrate them, and express gratitude for our blessings, or we can see life as a string of coincidences that have no meaning or connection. For me, I'm going to believe in miracles, celebrate life, rejoice in the views of eternity, and hope my choices will create a positive ripple effect in the lives of others. This is my choice." Mike Ericksen