Hello my friends
It has taken me quite a while to be able to sit down and get to this newsletter. With the beginning of the year and the vibration of me balancing personal and preparations for new things in the year, and clients, I’ve just been pacing myself because I actually understand and know the astrology right now and the vibration and energy of The planet …. Its BIG stuff
I hope you have the time to sit down and read the words to come, and I intend and trust they can help you understand a little bit more. More of what we are feeling, more of what we are sensing, more of what each of us could be going through, individually or collectively. I will be touching on channeled information, current astrology, and most hopefully giving you some advice on where to set your sail for your souls ship to move forward with grace, abundance, and purpose.
As I’m sure you can all feel, the year started out with great intensity. What with the California fires, and the knowledge that there are other places that have also not gotten help and remain in the “rebuild“ stage. The forging of seismic shifts.
2025, and into 2026 heralds the beginnings of a huge year of change for us. What is different this year than the last, is several of our big outer planets are changing signs from where they have been for a while, bringing us to new DESTINED marker points in our souls destiny, and the FATED serendipitous happenings of places, people, and events.
The lunar Nodes of fate which stand in orbit with the moon in the ecliptic shifts have changed to the north node in Pisces and the south node in Virgo for 18 months on January 11. The last time they were here was in 2015 to 2017, 2006 to 2008, and 1987 to 1988, although the other planetary placements were at a different destination and juncture. So we have upcoming eclipses in these signs in 2025. This will be many doors closing and many brand new ones opening.
Similar themes could come up in your life, but the difference is with Mars being retrograde, and the big outer planets preparing to change signs in the spring and summer, this will have a different imprint, but maybe with some similar themes for you from that time.
This means collectively, more fated, and destined things will happen in a more Piscean nature, which is creation and intuition, and dreaming of possibility, empathy and more connected to our spiritual core and our spiritual value. Think spiritual awakening.
And what we will be moving away from, is being too overly critical and too tightly held onto the way things have been, or the way things should be. Moving away from being too perfectionist in certain areas of our life and two over analytical. It really depends on your birth chart, which is always a good thing to find out.
But thematically, we will all be feeling this because we are collective unconscious, human beings on planet Earth, as I’m sure everyone is starting to figure out
This is why intuition and discernment are going to be your best friend basically from here on out discerning what is truth, discerning what we may need to dislodge our thinking from and discerning what could be illusionary, but also using our own intuition to create change in purpose in our own lives. This is and what has always been the way to move forward in our souls destiny. This is where we meet people, places and events and feelings that lead us to the next stage of our life.
And as we look at this as a whole, this means the United States and other places on the Earth. With Pluto in Aquarius for the next 20 years, we will definitely be feeling the urge for rebellion and autonomy from things that try to control us. I am already seeing this theme in almost every thing that spirit is showing me with people and events.
You could see it as wanting autonomy, financially, wanting autonomy in relationships, wanting autonomy in the standard of what hasn’t worked in your career or in how you choose to walk with ease in the world.
But the way that we see that is true disruption and sometimes chaos. It takes a whole lot of chaos to awaken the soul, sometimes even if it’s just in our homes… this is where people decide to leave relationships.
You must remember there is no good or bad in the eye of the Creator when it comes to leaving things that have finished their course. Think of it as finishing a lesson at school. Our intuition always knows. The logic part takes a little bit to catch up, but our intuition always knows. It’s what you do with the lessons that becomes you’re healing and then the healing of everyone around you. Sometimes you don’t even know you’re doing it!
This is why we say hindsight is 20/20. But you see, the universe, and our guardians and angels and guides, they are trying to help us succeed all the time. So they give us hints and clues and signs and symbols.
“ are you happy? ” “ unhappy ? ”
“ are you serving your purpose on earth? ”
“ do you know what you want? ”
“ what is making you frustrated, stopped up, stuck, or sad ? ”
These are the things you will feel when you are getting ready for change
Let me tell you a little story about destiny…
As many of you know, I am also an artist. I was a painting major in college and I am also a writer and I’ve been writing poetry since I was a child. I am very creative and come from a creative family.
I have also been highly intuitive my entire life throughout the whole thing I have been given visions and visitations and powerful miraculous connections and events.
Even in my 20s, I probably could’ve been doing readings, but I was not ready as the course of things that had to happen in my life needed to happen; the good, the bad, the ugly.
I had been doing some readings, sort of on the down low for a while, but also creating these little art cards and posters with positive and funny sayings and then printing them, and my hope was to sell them and so that they would create income and a source for my independence financially, while an impending split from my partner was happening.
I meditated on where to sell them, and I distinctly heard or felt “take them to these two shops and you will find a way and an avenue for your career that is long lasting and will bring you the abundance you are seeking”
So me, being very excited, thinking I was going start selling my art and imagining Hallmark buying up my sweet and inspirational cards eventually, I went to the two places, and both of the owners of the shops did buy my cards, but one of them was a spiritual shop and we ended up talking about psychic perception, and I mentioned to her that all my friends wanted me to do readings.
Forward 20 minutes and she suddenly had me read her and the manager of the shop all within a bumbling few minutes on my part where I thought I didn’t know what was happening and by the end of it, she asked me if I could start doing readings there the following week……. just like that.
Fast forward about 3 to 4 weeks and I am doing readings at the other shop which is a different kind of store, within just a few months so many people were coming to me that I knew I could make more money just doing them out of my home office and I did.
And here we are today. If I had not followed that urge to sell my art cards, who knows what would’ve happened, but the universe and my spirit guides wanted me to follow those words and I did.
Anyone who has taken my classes knows these are just small examples of how the universe works in our favor to get us where we need to go to meet our soulmates, to meet our soul tribe, to find our purposeful, employment and talents, and most importantly;
To awaken our souls to realize that we are not just human and we are not just here to consume things and ruin the earth and buy stuff that fills our loneliness and spend the bulk of our week on our phones.
We are souls embodied for a temporary time here and it’s very clear that we must awaken further to our purpose as I’m sure everyone is understanding. We are GOD in action.
Do NOT let fear dominate your energy. I am not ashamed or afraid to tell you to take large fast from television and news often.
This truly is about spiritual bypassing when you stay addicted to those sources of information and habits.
You can use technology for good learning new things, skills, and taking online courses or good things like that, but the rest can go in the dumpster fire that it is.
Be very discerning about the information you take in and get back to Joy and playfulness and “tribal” love as much as you can. Because these are the things that will help you reconnect to your intuitive body and to solution space idea, ideas that come to solve the problems that we see on the outside of our world..
Strangely, this is much easier than you think. But you have to LET GO of the past you, unfurl those clasped hands that hold onto the way things were or what it was and be brave enough to just let go and surrender.
“Always say “yes” to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to what already is? What could be more insane than to oppose life itself, which is now and always now? Surrender to what is. Say “yes” to life — and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.”
Eckhart Tolle
You will see that even in technology and other societal things that are happening it will be best to let go of outworn things.
Letting go creates space.
I have been further studying astrology in depth, as it’s been something I have pulled on in all of my newsletters for the 20 some odd years I’ve been doing newsletters, and so that will be the course in the future, but things are changing for me as well. I have been busy preparing for this change as I feel it in my soul, and I know it consciously as well.
I am looking forward with an open heart to the future.
Which brings me to this!
My Souls Journey class which is scheduled for February 1 is now full! High demand for this class and will likely be teaching it again so stay tuned!
And there are spots available for my March 1 ‘Psychic 101; the Journey to Intuition’ class. This class is an in person, four hour intensive. More information and sign-up is here.
This year will bring many things to a close. New opportunities will exist in those doors closing, and the excitement of creating with spirit begins.
This is a nine year numerology wise, and that means closure and endings; and the spiritual search for higher meaning.
At the new moon, on January 29 in sign of Aquarius, also move into the Chinese year of the Wood Snake: intuition and inner authority, strategy, and letting go; wisdom and knowing, creativity and transformation. It matches energetically the astrology as well.
Where will it happen in your life? Only your soul knows!
So take heed to listen. Pay attention to reoccurring thoughts and themes.
I’ll leave you with this; I actually First put this in my blog around the year 2011 or 12, if I remember correctly I have quoted parts of this here and there, but it is a good reminder, and it also is good to think of it in a energetic way rather than literal, or fantastical……..
The 11th hour Hopi prophecy:
You have been telling the people that this is the
Eleventh Hour, now you must go back
and tell the people that this is the Hour.
And there are things to be considered
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.
Then he clasped his hands together,
smiled, and said, “This could be a good time.
There is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift, that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold on to the shore.
They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly
Know the river has its destination.
The elders say, we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river,
keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.
and I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally.
Least of all, ourselves.
For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the people we are waiting for!”
Loving you all from this port,