February / March Newsletter : A Light in the Dark

Hello My friends

This letter to you is later than normal for all the normal reasons; winter, schedules, life and waiting for instructions and right timing. Such a cold and wildly snowy winter here in Maine. We really got pummeled. Winter can be draining and hard no matter what, and this one has been exceptional. It probably does not take a psychic, or astrologer truly to tell you have wild or weird the energy has been lately, but it helps! :) I have been inundated with clients and friends with deep issues lurking about of either stickiness or stuck-ness in much of life. There has been a funk of fog and fear permeating the vibrations of much of the collective and also a HUGE sense of impending shifts or life rearranging. The energy is one of endings and shifting of old feelings, thought forms, spaces and places and letting it happen is necessary and part of how we will begin new cycles as the next few months happen.

In Cosmos we Trust - the current astrology:

We are now in Pisces season, the last sign before the zodiacal year beings on the spring Equinox and Aries season on March 20. On the 23rd of February, Mars the planet of action finally went direct in the sign of Cancer (although its an odd feeling in emotional and stoic Cancer for Mars to be). It will help that stuck and out of gear feeling improve now. However, Venus the planet of love, value, and money will go retrograde March 1-April 12 and Mercury will retrograde as well on March 15-April 17th SO……things will still need review and reworking in communication, tech, travel, and all matters of the heart. March is a humdinger. We end February on the 28th with a new moon in Pisces on Thursday the 27th. Massive intuitive vibration out there so pay attention to your intuitive nudges all this week and around that time. The angels are speaking to us through our inner knowing. Then the whammy Eclipse season begins with a full moon total lunar eclipse in the sign of Virgo on March 14th - expect the season to be about events and situations that spur and manifest endings, beginnings, and the fated events in life. Followed with a partial solar eclipse on the new moon in Aries on March 29. Turing the tides for the next 18 months of our collective and individual lives.

There is a lot of transition going on. Actually, seismic wild huge transition. People are having a really tough time of it. Collective anxiety and fears. Anger and frustration at peak levels.

If you are feeling off or unguided in life and like the mist of doubt surrounds you (in your view of life or the world or work or relationships), you are not alone. You are likely feeling that collective. Illusions are crumbling, discomfort becoming a bedfellow,  and emotional tides demanding us a deeper look at life - this means shifts are incoming. There is much to benefit from this discomfort and the greatest benefit is a more spiritual less material look at our lives or LIFE as it has been. A surge of prayer for answers, convening angels in our midst subtly or brightly lighting up the pilot lights inside our weary, blinded hearts.

The unraveling has begun and now living with times of uncertain measure and hopeful actions and the norm. This is where I say, what a time to be alive and be called to our spaces, places, callings, soul tribe, soul geography and work life balance of a grander spiritual nature. And one of personal soul awakening. One must let the path gently reveal and untighten one's angry grip to find the TRUEST lesson and call forward when Divine shows us the way. Trust me when I say that WAYS will be shown. One must try now to stay away from fist a cuffs for the wrong immediate reaction and take heed and TIME to FEEL the answers and solutions bust forth soon enough. 

You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.

Maya Angelou  

Trust in the call to meditate, to heal, to journal, to be pulled to care of the self and care of the soul. If you are guided to a new spiritual practice or an experience that pulls you out of your zones of disassociated comfort, follow that…. it can lead you through, out and beyond to healing and healthy life in general.

I have been reviewing my poetry from the last 30 some odd years and it is one way I review my life and call in awareness of my own path and prayers and my next instructions. There are so many ways to review (with love) trauma and emotional responses to create SPACE for God to give new ways of seeing life. WE are being asked to see a new way. Don’t be surprised if you feel and need something new and different in your life but also your call to create new thinking, new belief, new understanding, new methods of dealing with said above, anxieties, or inner fear blockages.

I myself am in the throws of my second Saturn return and with it, fated, changes and shift for this stage of my blessed human life. It’s a wild ride and one we all sign up for. Eclipses and shifts like this create the NEXT of everything in life and this year in general is no exception for MANY of us on life’s path.

Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.

Terence McKenna

Try hard to let your algorithms LITERALLY (and metaphorically) spur the love and unity and creativity in your life; not the worst parts. Catch yourself before you fall into those pits because there is the yuck, the dark, and the OPPOSITE of light, my darlings.  

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” – John 1:5

Well onto the only quick announcement and it is just a reminder I still have *** LAST MINUTE *** space in my Psychic 101 Class THIS SATURDAY MARCH 1st from 10 AM - 2 PM in South Portland.
If you are curious how to really learn method of diving that intuition and leaning to translate it all this is a primer course and VERY fun and VERY mind expanding and soul affirming. Few more spots left !!!! SIGN UP HERE.

I leave you briefly with this;

This is a big year. One can tell, feel, see and know that, welp... Dorothy we aren’t in Kansas anymore and this will be a year for you to be required energetically to breathe, and pace one self.

I am here in my flow of this part of the river of life, simply, truly Loving YOU.


Reed Allen
2025; The Journey To Change

Hello my friends

It has taken me quite a while to be able to sit down and get to this newsletter. With the beginning of the year and the vibration of me balancing personal and preparations for new things in the year, and clients, I’ve just been pacing myself because I actually understand and know the astrology right now and the vibration and energy of The planet …. Its BIG stuff 

I hope you have the time to sit down and read the words to come, and I intend and trust they can help you understand a little bit more. More of what we are feeling, more of what we are sensing, more of what each of us could be going through, individually or collectively. I will be touching on channeled information, current astrology, and most hopefully giving you some advice on where to set your sail for your souls ship to move forward with grace, abundance, and purpose. 

As I’m sure you can all feel, the year started out with great intensity. What with the California fires, and the knowledge that there are other places that have also not gotten help and remain in the “rebuild“ stage. The forging of seismic shifts. 

2025, and into 2026 heralds the beginnings of a huge year of change for us. What is different this year than the last, is several of our big outer planets are changing signs from where they have been for a while, bringing us to new DESTINED marker points in our souls destiny, and the FATED serendipitous happenings of places, people, and events. 

The lunar Nodes of fate which stand in orbit with the moon in the ecliptic shifts have changed to the north node in Pisces and the south node in Virgo for 18 months on January 11. The last time they were here was in 2015 to 2017, 2006 to 2008, and 1987 to 1988, although the other planetary placements were at a different destination and juncture. So we have upcoming eclipses in these signs in 2025. This will be many doors closing and many brand new ones opening.

Similar themes could come up in your life, but the difference is with Mars being retrograde, and the big outer planets preparing to change signs in the spring and summer, this will have a different imprint, but maybe with some similar themes for you from that time. 

This means collectively, more fated, and destined things will happen in a more Piscean nature, which is creation and intuition, and dreaming of possibility, empathy and more connected to our spiritual core and our spiritual value. Think spiritual awakening.

And what we will be moving away from, is being too overly critical and too tightly held onto the way things have been, or the way things should be. Moving away from being too perfectionist in certain areas of our life and two over analytical. It really depends on your birth chart, which is always a good thing to find out.

But thematically, we will all be feeling this because we are collective unconscious, human beings on planet Earth, as I’m sure everyone is starting to figure out 

This is why intuition and discernment are going to be your best friend basically from here on out discerning what is truth, discerning what we may need to dislodge our thinking from and discerning what could be illusionary, but also using our own intuition to create change in purpose in our own lives. This is and what has always been the way to move forward in our souls destiny. This is where we meet people, places and events and feelings that lead us to the next stage of our life. 

And as we look at this as a whole, this means the United States and other places on the Earth. With Pluto in Aquarius for the next 20 years, we will definitely be feeling the urge for rebellion and autonomy from things that try to control us. I am already seeing this theme in almost every thing that spirit is showing me with people and events.

You could see it as wanting autonomy, financially, wanting autonomy in relationships, wanting autonomy in the standard of what hasn’t worked in your career or in how you choose to walk with ease in the world. 

But the way that we see that is true disruption and sometimes chaos. It takes a whole lot of chaos to awaken the soul, sometimes even if it’s just in our homes… this is where people decide to leave relationships. 

You must remember there is no good or bad in the eye of the Creator when it comes to leaving things that have finished their course. Think of it as finishing a lesson at school. Our intuition always knows. The logic part takes a little bit to catch up, but our intuition always knows. It’s what you do with the lessons that becomes you’re healing and then the healing of everyone around you. Sometimes you don’t even know you’re doing it! 

This is why we say hindsight is 20/20. But you see, the universe, and our guardians and angels and guides, they are trying to help us succeed all the time. So they give us hints and clues and signs and symbols. 

“ are you happy? ” “ unhappy ? ”  
“ are you serving your purpose on earth? ” 
“ do you know what you want? ”
“ what is making you frustrated, stopped up, stuck, or sad ? ” 

These are the things you will feel when you are getting ready for change 

Let me tell you a little story about destiny…

As many of you know, I am also an artist. I was a painting major in college and I am also a writer and I’ve been writing poetry since I was a child. I am very creative and come from a creative family. 

I have also been highly intuitive my entire life throughout the whole thing I have been given visions and visitations and powerful miraculous connections and events. 

Even in my 20s, I probably could’ve been doing readings, but I was not ready as the course of things that had to happen in my life needed to happen; the good, the bad, the ugly.

I had been doing some readings, sort of on the down low for a while, but also creating these little art cards and posters with positive and funny sayings and then printing them, and my hope was to sell them and so that they would create income and a source for my independence financially, while an impending split from my partner was happening. 

I meditated on where to sell them, and I distinctly heard or felt “take them to these two shops and you will find a way and an avenue for your career that is long lasting and will bring you the abundance you are seeking”

So me, being very excited, thinking I was going start selling my art and imagining Hallmark buying up my sweet and inspirational cards eventually, I went to the two places, and both of the owners of the shops did buy my cards, but one of them was a spiritual shop and we ended up talking about psychic perception, and I mentioned to her that all my friends wanted me to do readings.

Forward 20 minutes and she suddenly had me read her and the manager of the shop all within a bumbling few minutes on my part where I thought I didn’t know what was happening and by the end of it, she asked me if I could start doing readings there the following week……. just like that. 

Fast forward about 3 to 4 weeks and I am doing readings at the other shop which is a different kind of store, within just a few months so many people were coming to me that I knew I could make more money just doing them out of my home office and I did. 

And here we are today. If I had not followed that urge to sell my art cards, who knows what would’ve happened, but the universe and my spirit guides wanted me to follow those words and I did. 

Anyone who has taken my classes knows these are just small examples of how the universe works in our favor to get us where we need to go to meet our soulmates, to meet our soul tribe, to find our purposeful, employment and talents, and most importantly; 

To awaken our souls to realize that we are not just human and we are not just here to consume things and ruin the earth and buy stuff that fills our loneliness and spend the bulk of our week on our phones.

We are souls embodied for a temporary time here and it’s very clear that we must awaken further to our purpose as I’m sure everyone is understanding. We are GOD in action. 

Do NOT let fear dominate your energy. I am not ashamed or afraid to tell you to take large fast from television and news often. 

This truly is about spiritual bypassing when you stay addicted to those sources of information and habits. 

You can use technology for good learning new things, skills, and taking online courses or good things like that, but the rest can go in the dumpster fire that it is. 

Be very discerning about the information you take in and get back to Joy and playfulness and “tribal” love as much as you can. Because these are the things that will help you reconnect to your intuitive body and to solution space idea, ideas that come to solve the problems that we see on the outside of our world..

Strangely, this is much easier than you think. But you have to LET GO of the past you, unfurl those clasped hands that hold onto the way things were or what it was and be brave enough to just let go and surrender.

“Always say “yes” to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to what already is? What could be more insane than to oppose life itself, which is now and always now? Surrender to what is. Say “yes” to life — and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.”

Eckhart Tolle

You will see that even in technology and other societal things that are happening it will be best to let go of outworn things.

Letting go creates space. 

I have been further studying astrology in depth, as it’s been something I have pulled on in all of my newsletters for the 20 some odd years I’ve been doing newsletters, and so that will be the course in the future, but things are changing for me as well. I have been busy preparing for this change as I feel it in my soul, and I know it consciously as well. 

I am looking forward with an open heart to the future. 

Which brings me to this! 

My Souls Journey class which is scheduled for February 1 is now full! High demand for this class and will likely be teaching it again so stay tuned!  

And there are spots available for my March 1 ‘Psychic 101; the Journey to Intuition’ class. This class is an in person, four hour intensive. More information and sign-up is here.

This year will bring many things to a close. New opportunities will exist in those doors closing, and the excitement of creating with spirit begins. 

This is a nine year numerology wise, and that means closure and endings; and the spiritual search for higher meaning.

At the new moon, on January 29 in sign of Aquarius, also move into the Chinese year of the Wood Snake: intuition and inner authority, strategy, and letting go; wisdom and knowing, creativity and transformation. It matches energetically the astrology as well.

Where will it happen in your life? Only your soul knows!  

So take heed to listen. Pay attention to reoccurring thoughts and themes. 

I’ll leave you with this; I actually First put this in my blog around the year 2011 or 12, if I remember correctly I have quoted parts of this here and there, but it is a good reminder, and it also is good to think of it in a energetic way rather than literal, or fantastical…….. 

The 11th hour Hopi prophecy:

You have been telling the people that this is the
Eleventh Hour, now you must go back
and tell the people that this is the Hour.
And there are things to be considered
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.
Then he clasped his hands together,
smiled, and said, “This could be a good time.
There is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift, that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold on to the shore.
They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly
Know the river has its destination.
The elders say, we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river,
keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.
and I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally.
Least of all, ourselves.
For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the people we are waiting for!”

Loving you all from this port, 


Reed Allen
December 2024: Goodbye to 2024

Hello my friends 

This is my end of the year newsletter/blog. Stay tuned and scroll down for information on a class reminder, and the next beginning psychic development class announcement and sign up. 

My friends, what a year! Something I remember saying at the start of this year is that by the end of this year many people’s lives would begin at one trajectory, and then end feeling changed and feeling VERY different and I definitely have been seeing that for sure.  The general collective energy and vibration has been going through many challenges. I liken it to feeling energetically of being put through the eye of a needle. It has been affecting people in different ways. One can say that this is a spiritually motivating time if one is symbolically “reading the cards right” to try to figure out how to create what’s next in our lives, both personally collectively and socially.  

Many of us, spiritual teachers, and SEERS of things unseen, have been watching and cautioning against narrow mindedness and doomscrolling and ineffective and unnecessary worry. This creates a collective fog of fear and worry and ineffective problem-solving. The old expression can’t see the forest for the trees. This creates some macrocosm of anxieties, and irritability.

What we really want is “as above so below“ societies and communities based on faith and communal, problem-solving and both personal self authority, while creating abundance and flow in a sense of unity within community frameworks. 

Currently, we are on the edge of a full moon in Gemini on Sunday the 15th when pesky Mercury goes direct - thank God! 

Mars is still currently retrograde and you might be noticing some feeling of can’t get anything started, or frustrations on plans and building. Mars will be retrograde all the way till February 23, 2025. This is a good time for research and planning and strategies for the future that may not necessarily be able to be created at this very moment until the late winter into the spring of 2025. 

On Christmas Eve Jupiter will be squaring Saturn. The theme of this energy and this is right around the holidays, is structure and hope/big ideas and optimism/clashing a bit with restrictions and authority. 

“ what needs to be tackled and what needs to be given breathing room? ” 

My best advice for rounding out this year and beginning the new year is self reflection, journaling, and paying attention to ideas, and serendipities and dreams and symbolic things that you may notice that seem to be floating around you like butterflies - this is the universe going to work, letting you reflect and ponder how you see yourself in the coming year within the framework of what you may want to do, and pondering what you could need to do, as opposed to how things have been. What is outworn and done? Intuition and discernment will take a huge part of what we need to understand for ourselves in the coming year as what is illusionary and what is truth should not be reflected on quick judgment or images and click bait. Intuition and discernment will help with the incoming advances in AI technology 

I had a client ask me recently, but how do I make changes when I’m so worried all the time about whether my plans will work? I was explaining that mostly in our life, considering we have free will and choice, we are often given opportunities to create multiple realities and outcomes based on who we are in the current moment and who we are letting go of, you know the parts of ourselves that we are done with, and that we have assimilated, hopefully through inner work and study and therapies. I further explained that prior to our incarnations we always have certain marker points and significant transits in our life, you know the big moments, these are spiritual landing points and pivot points that create the mental and emotional and spiritual growth we have signed up for Awakenings and realizations. 

So using strategies of logic, but also a giant amount of intuition, gumption, gratitude, and trust, this is how we create significant change in our lives. Both personally and individually, but also collectively. 

One thing I have noticed both in the people that I know but also my client base, is that the shimmering hope of change is inevitable right now. I liken this to what I’ve seen is just about everyone I know is in some sort of a gear change for a new cycle to begin in 2025 and 2026. Think; new relationship to the self and body, new soul relationships, new locations, contractual beginnings after harrowing contractual endings, both spiritually and literally at some point in 2023 and 2024. 

The age of Aquarius is in full effect and the vibration of tribal energy has begun. Where we gather in communal energy to find strategies to understand solutions to problems economically, socially, spiritually, and emotionally. 

Even if the tribe is 2 to 3 people, it matters not. Eventually like limbs of a tree or the system of roots, communicating under the ground from tree to tree. This will be the commonality as the year progresses.

Don’t be surprised if really odd solutions come out of the blue at certain points for you that you either weren’t expecting, or they come in in such an abstract way that it takes you a minute to assimilate it but then it seems like it’s a positive solution so these things. This could be happening to people in one or another area of life. That expression of it has to get worse before it gets better as a very negative way of saying the actual truth, which is that we grow and are aware through what we see as our mistakes, but with care and a lack of judgment solutions come and abundance arrives again. It reminds me of my favorite quote:

God breaks the heart again and again and again until it stays open.

- Hazrat Inayat Khan  

First classes for 2025;

On February 1st, from 10 AM to 2 PM I am teaching “ The Souls Journey “  Psychic 104!

This class is for anyone interested in learning about the studies of Michael Newton and Dolores Cannon and all things around our soul journey and why we choose the life we do here on planet Earth. Description of this class is also linked in the shop button - $200 for this class and location TBD. Space is limited for this class! Sign-up is here.

On March 1, 2025 I am teaching the first installment of my incredibly popular psychic development course Psychic 101! 10 AM to 2 PM - location, South Portland, Maine

This is a hands-on full experience, teaching you about energy centers, and meditation to connect, Symbolism and how to translate intuition versus ego, Spirit guides, Energy centers / psychic protection. It is a profoundly fun class with lots of opportunities to bond with fellow students as well as grow immensely and enjoy the learning experience. Price for this classes is $300. 

Email here with questions - more information and sign up is here. This class fills up very very quickly and space is limited.

Give the gift of a one on one reading with Sarah for your friends family and loved ones. 

Gift certificates are available here when you purchase specify if you want a card stock paper version mailed to you via regular mail or a printable version. Click here to purchase gift certificates.

I will close out this newsletter with a message from my heart to yours. I have been doing this job long enough to see significant societal changes. Technology changes, changes in my clients lives, changes in their children’s lives, and changes in our culture, and our vibration.

What I do know is that we are effectively and hopefully with care breaking apart, breaking down and breaking open. I have noticed a shift in the awakening and consciousness, and also moments of people‘s fear and fear of darkness essentially going to battle within themselves and their perceptions of the world. Fear has no place in the lives of all of us because we are spiritual beings tied to each other through energy, thought and creation. Our ability to awaken out of conceptual and spiritual slumber is HUGE right now. I have seen it with my own eyes, and I am excited for the future. It holds within it immense possibility for great spiritual depth and abundance for all. It will take work to get there and the first step is opening the heart have faith for the future and give good prayer to the end of one era and the beginning of another. 

Personally and professionally; I have been working on the down low on some significant shifts for this business and it’s offerings and teachings in the years 2025 and 2026.

I am very, very excited and hopeful for the shifts at my ability to reach a wider audience.

On closing; 

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don’t go back to sleep.

You must ask for what you really want.
Don’t go back to sleep.

People are going back and forth across the doorsill
where the two worlds touch.

The door is round and open.
Don’t go back to sleep.


I send you, thanks and love and a huge hug from me to you for the happiest of holidays and the greatest cheer into the New Year. 

Lets do this!

With love,


Reed Allen
November Newsletter 2024; Pluto’s Journey Reflection’s For NOW

Hello my friends.

My newsletter schedule is a bit off, but that’s OK - lately I have been understanding Divine timing even more than I normally do. Please see closer to the end of this newsletter for a class announcement and a lovely holiday art sale that I will be in!

In this newsletter, I will touch on upcoming changes, spiritual information coming through, the cosmic ASTROLOGY of the end of November and a bit into December, one upcoming class in the beginning of the year, and hopefully to help you access your own inner tools for traversing and navigating the upcoming energies .

A quick note to my new subscribers: hello, I’m grateful to have you here! And a profound and deep thank you for all of my long-standing subscribers who have been with me for a very long time. I’m sure you have noticed possible tonalities, and energies changing in my newsletters and that’s OK. I am adding a lot more astrology because my deep understanding of it being a template and almost mathematical map to understanding why things are going on spiritually and karmically with our lives.

I’m just very grateful for you standing with me, by me, and with yourself in your own spiritual journey of learning, openness and growth. For this, I know, it is profoundly needed with our evolutionary process right now.

I am writing this newsletter to you on the edge of a FULL MOON in Taurus, with a conjunction to Uranus. Uranus is the planet of change and disruption, and sometimes shocking reveal obviously when it is tied closely to a full moon EMOTIONS and energies are at an all-time high. I really feel this moon is accumulation and a crescendo and closing of doors internally and obviously externally of one pattern of being in one stage of life into another. Remember this in the coming days

The same day Saturn, which has been retrograde in the sign of Pisces goes direct. Signifying productivity and movement and structure around issues that have been stagnant and chaotic. Intuitive responses and follow through should be a bit easier, although Mercury, that lovely planet of communication, organization and travel, is preparing to go retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius from November 25th through December 15. A bit annoying for holiday shopping! Be patient and be aware that emails and orders and things of that nature could get a bit messed up here and there so best to be aware of that.

But the big news is on Tuesday, November 19, Pluto, the planet of the underworld, the unseen, the hidden the subconscious, revealing the unknown and the vital planet of transformation, will be leaving the sign of Capricorn, where it has been since 2008, for good in our lifetimes, and it won’t be back in Capricorn until 248 years from now. Now it is entering the sign of Aquarius, for TWENTY years!

Think, think hard about what you have learned in the last 16 years and what you have struggled with, both personally and spiritually, and outwardly in your world, and also reflect upon what has transpired in our country and in general over the last 16 years.

And now it enters Aquarius summoning the age of Aquarius.

Here It will stay for close to 20 years signaling, working on, and transforming an absolutely new era. It will feel very different than the times while it was in Capricorn as Aquarius naturally rules the future and technology, individuation and societal bonding, and community, however, it also rules independence and rebellion / the abstract, and everything Uranian. There’s a bit of duality that will go on around being an individual and finding one’s unique voice, and also being part of a community. It is the sign of the outliers, believe it or not it also rules astrology and future thinking ( all tech ) as well as AI. Everything you think about that’s different and new and advanced, but also a little bit wild and into outside the lines. 💫 So it’s a very different structure where Pluto will be hanging out rather than in one governing “thing” or systems of oligarchy or anything that’s about “old-school authority”. Think, sneaking a cigarette right outside the teacher’s door and not caring about it. 😂 that’s just a lighthearted view of the energy that will be around and just a simple take on it.

It’s much deeper than that.

This indeed is a bit of an example of why things are in the United States as they are. Right now there is rumbling and a shaking that has been quite frankly predestined for a long time.

The upcoming few months and into 2025 and 2026, there will be very intense, sometimes productive, sometimes intensely rebellious rearrangement going on.

The beauty of the Aquarian nature that is entering the planet, it speaks to us of community, which I have been speaking about for a long, long time - it speaks to us about trying to find out our singular process and purpose within ourselves as we search for individuality in the nature of the sea of humanity, and then take that purpose and process out to our most immediate circle, family, and friends and group and tribe. Discuss and figure out these things together and then regenerate our township from there. Obviously some of these things will take time and some of them have already begun. I’ve been seeing this very clearly in my client base.

Right now, many of us are ending strong cycles within the framework of our relationships. Our relationship to what we value, our boundaries, our inner child wound, and where are in addictive patterning, and where personal projections may be getting in the way of our life purpose, our soul relationship, our happiness, and who where our people are.

So we are in a restructuring, many of us through work, many of us through our spiritual self care, many of us through our systems, and even our habits, our dietary life, our partner relationships, and our creative flow. It is begging to be discovered where our truth is, and where our happiness is. And where it is not, well it is being shown WITH A GLARING LIGHT, and given a floodlight to be ended, restructured, reframed, and let go and eventually rebuilt new.

That could be the ending of one career into another, one phase of career into another, or a personal relationship ending.

New relationships forming, new connection to spirit and God or spiritual practice, and new ways of communicating with self and others. With systems and habits.

Honestly, it is endless how it can be restructuring each of our lives based on our own personal karmic pathway, our own personal astrology, birth chart, destiny and our own deepening desire for connection to something much greater than what we feel is the dumpster fire of planet earth right now.

The Earth is resilient and strong, and new babies are choosing to be born and we are not blowing up. We are just restructuring and it is really, really good.

Just think of how good it could get once we stop living in deep divisiveness and virtual rage warfare. But getting there is gonna take some time and a bit of chaos for sure. As we are seeing, it’s not really getting us anywhere - all the throwing poop at each other and the Aquarian age, as independent as the strong and future minded energy that it is, it really does want us to work together.

I’ve been reviewing my blogs for a little bit from the past, and apparently the guidance that is coming through has been about accepting change.

Little hints about the restructuring I suppose this was in my April blog, at the last eclipse cycle… and it holds even truer right now:

We're in a freefall into future. We don't know where we're going. Things are changing so fast, and always when you're going through a long tunnel, anxiety comes along. And all you have to do to transform your hell into a paradise, is to turn your fall into a voluntary act. It's a very interesting shift of perspective and that's all it is... joyful participation in the sorrows and everything changes.

- Joseph Campbell

This is an excerpt from my last blog of 2023 welcoming in 2024 and it serves as a great reminder:

As if it were a battle of dark and light, people are really reviewing addictions and mental challenges. This will continue to be a theme.

Anything you can do to regain clarity, and to untie yourself from the continuing wave of psychic, frantic, collective, fear, or fear, mongering, will be very helpful in the coming days and weeks and months, and years.

I recommend spiritual practice and community, understanding and sharing. The classics of positive group discourse, and spiritual practice, as well as Personal, solitude and reflective time.

In nature and positive personal habits.

Think, happy go-to discussions online and exterior physical and helpful work in the natural world. Building home and sharing in sport and dance and breaking bread together.

Think, finding new ways to celebrate beyond hiding through addiction, or addictive substance or doom scrolling and dopamine junkie activities.

It takes a lot to change habits and the first step is awareness.

To see, is to know.

Maybe we can take reflection and see whether we have made any progress around some of these things.

( blog - December 2023 )


One thing I know, as a psychic medium, a spiritual seer of future days, one must dis~attach from the mental breakdown and frenzy that is being spoon, fed to us through media platform to keep us in separation from each other, and also from source energy, because as Yoda said, fear is the path to the dark side.

Onto a few announcements! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I am teaching The Souls Journey, Saturday, February 1st, 10 AM to 2 PM. Venue to be determined (based on weather, etc..).

This class is a wonderful exploration for anyone interested in issues around near death experiences, the soul’s pathway, life before life and life after life and our karmic assignments on this planet and how we discover those through spiritual practice and meditation, psychic exploration intuitive response and signs and symbols, as well as astrology and birth charts.

A description and sign up is here. $200 for the class. Please sign up early as space is limited.


Some of you know, I am also an abstract artist as well! I am returning for a holiday sale to my old studio space in Portland, Maine, Friday, December 6, and Saturday, December 7. We are having a holiday art show and sale. I will put more of that on social media to give you guidance on how to get there and an invite to come.🥂🤗

I will likely have multiple sized pieces of art for a purchase there.

I really hope to see you there, and the joy of creative expression and holiday happiness! You can email me here with more questions on that.


Give the gift of spirit and healing through A GIFT CERTIFICATE with Sarah ❤️❤️💫💫🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

Giving the gift of a reading to a loved one who needs it who you may know need something different than an actual material present. Is a great gift. ✨ You can purchase gift certificates here in half an hour to full hour increments please email with questions here we can send you a digital version or a beautiful paper version in the regular mail for you to give us a gift

Here is the link for gift certificates. Please let us know that you have purchased an an email and we can clarify the rules and ways for your recipient to receive a rating.


How can I close out this newsletter for November 2024?

We are approaching Thanksgiving, a time of communal family table, and celebration of harvest of all that is good that God has given us on this amazing and fertile planet we live on. The possibilities are endless on how to nurture our bodies, nurture our families, nurture our schools and systems and each other.

How we sit at that holiday table and break bread in deep gratitude for our bodies and our living breath and each other must be looked at through a new lens right now through the heart of compassion and understanding and growth.

How many times must we learn that we are all suffering and we are all human and we all care and we all want the best? We all want ease in our lives.

We must come to that beautiful Thanksgiving table with reverence and gratitude for each other. For our very breath.

This I know, the only thing we take with us when we transition out of our bodies is LOVE To learn how to access that love we must understand both our shadow and darkness and our infinite and eternal light.

Love each other, hold fast to the grace of God.

Within that, there is all the answers.

I am here, loving you and helping light up those pilot lights

I’ll leave you with this:

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

Friedrich Nietzsche

People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.

Carl Jung,

I love you, my friend, fellow human, fellow soul.

From the grace of my heart to yours,


Reed Allen
October 2024; Sheddings leaves and old skins, Preparing for the future

“Waiting on the Perseids” © Sarah Winslow 2017

Hello my friends

I am sitting here, on the sixth day of October, with a warm sweater and a cup of tea. What is usually, a quiet and seemingly gentle time of year in the beginning stages of autumn, we have been dealing with some pretty intense energies.

Many of us are aware that we just passed two eclipses, the last one being on October 2 on the new moon in Libra, and it was a solar eclipse. Prior to that was the devastating and horrendous hurricane that passed through and annihilated many peoples homes and livelihoods, and took lives in the North Carolina area. We have seen, not necessarily on the regular news but definitely through social media that it is mostly the community that is coming to each other and not necessarily the government.

You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.

Harper Lee

It is no doubt that during these times of worldly collective, and earthly devastations, as well as renovations, we are being called to the table of our humanity and our grace. As Creator is asking us to prioritize what is truly important. Community.

Without each other, without our tribe, without the purpose and meaning of our most immediate tribe, and then outward to our communities and our towns, what are we really but just particles of a machine in a highly consumer based society. As we wrap up this last little of bit of Pluto in the sign of Capricorn for the last moments in all of our lifetimes (Pluto will leave Capricorn on November 19 for good, not returning for over 200 years, and that is when Pluto enters Aquarius until 2048), it is causing us to review what has been gained and lost, and what has been learned over the last 16 years while Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn .

We are trying to look to see who truly is our leader, and where the leader lies within each of us in our own personal storylines.

And we are all understanding it at different levels, and in different ways. Depending on our collective experiences, but also our own journeys through the traverses of grief, challenges, financial losses, and gains, and for many of us, our lives being shaken to the core. I have been bearing witness to this due to the length of time that I have done readings for multiple different types of people all over the globe and all sorts of situations and variables.

October is promising to be sort of an intense month astrologically as we moved towards November, which, of course we all know there is an election in early November in the United States and there are ultimately elections going on everywhere.

On October 9, Jupiter goes retrograde until December, forcing us all to look within to expand our horizons and renovate our plans on what we want to burst open in the year 2025. Happiness and understanding are definitely going to be an inward journey during the fall into the winter. Pluto will be moving direct in Capricorn for this last little stint until November 19 letting us all renovate and wrap up all the lessons. Pay very close attention to thoughts and ideas that come to you in a bit of review about your life and the recent years and all the way up to time since 2008.

On October 17, we have a vivacious and motivating full moon in Aries. Allowing all of this inner work to be motivational and for us to begin new cycles and start activating plans for the future.

And then on the 22nd, the sun will move from balancing and harmonizing libra to internal intense and passionate Scorpio. Just in time for us getting ready for all hallows Eve 🎃

Is definitely a time to pay attention to dreaming phases, and to the symbolism of how with in the northern hemisphere, the darkening days and the cooler weather and the inward cycle does help us process things internally, which is incredibly helpful for our spiritual journey and our creative process.

Without these times in our lives, however, they come in through grief or inward journey, through journaling through therapies however, we process it, it is integral to the process of spiritual awakening.

Like it or not, the universe wants us to awaken and it usually does it through contrast. Through rejection and protection. Through belief and non-belief. I often say it is best to discuss things through an honest and vulnerable discourse than to blame and to shame, and to run away from the deep work.

People generally see what they look for, and hear what they listen for.

Harper Lee

You never know what someone is going through and you can never relate to them without understanding. This is a time to try our best to understand each other. It will be very important in the coming days, weeks, months and years.

I’ve been noticing patterns in the readings. I will have a whole week of clients with a similar subject matter, although they live in different parts of the country, and then it’ll be an entirely different thing the following week. It seems to me that people are coming into the understanding of trying to find more meaning in a life that seems to be disconnected through technology and the devices that seem to be dictating our schedules and our time.

As I enter a new phase of life and my circle broadens, I start learning new things.

Kapil Dev

I can prove through the law of averages that people are needing and wanting and desiring so much more deep meaning and better relationship, and most definitely a sense of purpose in their work, and trying to understand our relationship to value, personally, financially, and spiritually.

We’re not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy. I often say. Things are rearranging themselves and what we see now with how things are run, will be going through massive changes over the next couple years. Many of us seers have seen this. I have been writing this blog for eons, and I have often been gently reminded to gently remind you of these spiritual, and earthly changes even more so since the year 2012.

If you want it to come with love and beauty, I would envision that.

If you want it to come with abundance for all and happiness, envision that. Peace can come to us, but we must believe that it actually exists.

I tuned in to spirit and used my dowsing methods and have decided not to teach courses until the beginning of next year.

At which time I will be able to regenerate the classes in new ways, and in new areas.

It will give me a chance to rearrange and work on a new method of scheduling and other things that are coming up for me in my career , and the changes within and around that as well. It will be great .


With the holidays soon approaching and us wrapping up the year 2024, I’d like to remind you that we have in our shop page a way for you to purchase gift certificates, and we can either send you a digital printable version or even better a card copy in your regular mail For you to give as gifts for the holiday seasons 🌟❤️✨🌟❤️

It will be here before we know it and why not get a Head-start on something unique and powerful to give to a loved one as a gift you can purchase them here.

Do please Write us if you have questions.

Another reminder, if you write in for a reading, please check your spam folder to make sure after we have responded back to you check to see and try to get back to us in a prompt manner as the schedule often fills up very quickly, and we understand that the need for a reading might be something you would need sooner than later, so check those spam folders !! ❤️ it help us with our timing :)

So some final thoughts from spirit to you as I wrap up this newsletter, my goals throughout these years has been to assist you all in the most spiritual and honest and vulnerable way as any human being can that channels the light with the intent of your best and highest good, And I am going to remain as vulnerable and open as a teacher can be with as much God in my heart space for you all.

In the coming weeks, do your best to understand that we are birthing a new SELF and it can be a very vulnerable and uncomfortable process. To become fully aware of the shadow part of humanity, and moments of inevitable darkness, does not negate, nor does it diminish or deplete our lightness.

As matter of fact, where there is shadow and a light is given it’s not the absence of light, but the urging of that light to illuminate what has been hidden or what we think we are afraid of.

And we all know that the only thing to fear is fear itself.

So do your best to illuminate your days with joy and with care for yourself and others.

So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.

J.R.R Tolkien

There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without vulnerability; there can be no peace, and ultimately no life, without community.

M. Scott Peck

I am here,

Loving you always in deep gratitude and faith

Sarah ❤️

Reed Allen
September Newsletter: Storms of Energy, Horizons of Rebirth

Hello my friends , 

And Happy September 2024. Here we are post Labor Day and I must apologize for no newsletter in August. Living in the State Of Maine ,when summertime comes, everything speeds up. All around. I have to say there’s a part of me that is happy for the slight change and temperature, especially in the evenings, and the beautiful weather. Aaaah, September!  With a more subdued and lovely routine of “back to school”.  With the sun in Virgo, it really does help to create a nice organized new routine. I needed it! 

The newsletter will touch on some astrology, and I have always touched on astrology, but I will be touching on more because it’s pretty vital that we understand what the karmic evolutionary spiritual cycles that astrology can truly help with. Strangely, I have come to learn that real astrology ( not newspaper, sun, assign horoscopes ) and Astrological cycles, can be really accurate. A metaphysical science of great helpfulness.  I will touch on the current energy in the collective in our evolutionary cycle and also some advice from a higher place to help you understand how to pace yourself in these cycles, collectively, and personally. 

Currently at the moment as I am writing this, I do not have a class scheduled as I have put my classes on hold for a couple months until we can get some momentum going with some other projects. 

Just to get some admin stuff out-of-the-way; When you or someone you know, write to us for a reading, we are asking you to double check your spam or junk mail for our reply. Also, we get really busy in the inbox, it’s good to double check to make sure we have responded to you as sometimes they get lost and it’s best to respond as quickly as you can to get on the schedule. Pretty busy here! Thank you for understanding.

Now onto the spiritual astrological deep dive ! 

On September 1, Pluto, the Lord of the underworld, the identifier of our subterranean energies, entered Capricorn again, where it has been since 2008 for one last hurrah, ( and last spring, it entered into Aquarius for a little while to give us a taste of what’s to come ). It will stay in Capricorn, and retrograde until November 19 where it leaves and will never be back in our lifetime. At that point, it enters Aquarius where it will stay for close to 20 years! (Think generational) 

Amongst this transit, we have squares to Jupiter the teacher and optimistic giver, and Saturn, The Lord of time and Making everything quite strong 

A new moon in Virgo on 9/2 then the big outer planet Uranus went retrograde in the sign of Taurus. ( Uranus usually brings sudden shocks and surprises in earth energy, but also an information Highway ) 

Meanwhile, Mars, the planet of action, activity, and war energy entered, a pretty strange and uncomfortable place in the sign of Cancer where it will oddly stay for much longer than it usually does, close to seven months (only with a quick retrograde  during the holiday season in fire sign, Leo). 

Using as best way to explain this energetically, this is what this all means, drum roll …. 

These are big planets, that big bring energy and they are mostly in review and also more highlighted meaning everything that they are here to teach us is more evident. More palpable. This will be happening during the election here in the United States!!! 

What this means is like a last gasp, last breath of the energy of an oligarchy ( think toxic governing body ) trying to restrict and create rule while Uranus reminds us that it wants freedom and rebellion. And Mars in the sign of Cancer during this time frame feels uncomfortable in the emotional waters of the astrological sign of the moon : think highly emotional,  in it’s best quality it will be more nurturant to Home and family, and it’s worst quality, It will be passive, aggressive and moody.  

The churning Waters of our collective evolution wants something new and different while the old voices and the old guards fear the dissolving power. Certain power struggles are the norm.

We are on the edge of eclipse season, with the first one being on September 17 in the sign of Pisces. Intense watery energies.

What does this mean? 

Change . 

Like big time … like energies, expanding and contracting before certain shifts happen. The next two years are going to be very, very wild. 

How does one handle this personally when it’s obviously affecting many people that are paying attention more outside of themselves and less to the energies inside of their hearts or their personal evolution? What will we work on being attached to or dis attaching from? 

My work is with souls. That’s right, the effervescent, sparkling light of eternal energy that resides within each of our bodies. And then our bodies in the hereafter in my work as a medium. It is taught being many many things about magic, about belief, about faith, about understanding. About life, and death. About forgiveness and compassion. And about service and the continuity of being part of the greater healing in a healing person, family, home, and world.

When I tune into the vibration of what is to come, and I asked spirit to show me. I hear this phrase “Know thy self.”  It should be a time where one should be very careful not to get into strong projection and get pulled into the undertow of not only negative thinking but projecting negative thoughts into the field of consciousness that creates fear, separation, and hatred, even in small doses of passive aggressive projecting. 

You see, what I am being shown that we are basically creating realities and we are also weaving, storylines into community help, and community love or strife and difficulty. 

Many karmic cycles are ending and beginning. I’m sure you have noticed the energy feeling different recently and “thick” or “tiring“ or “stressful“. This is because of the collective energy and the astrology working to tap us on the shoulder and remind us the changes on the horizon. It can show up in multiple ways, in home changes, relationships ending. Relationships beginning, new circles, forming old circles, dissolving, epiphany, and awakenings, with urges to change geography, or even certain beliefs. Things will dissolve and reform themselves some with the power of our intent and some and many of them by fate and destiny.  

Pay attention to serendipity and see what is falling away. 

Per usual, I highly recommend journaling, being in nature as much as possible, grounding exercises, exercise, and eating nourishing vital foods. Meditation and laughter and community. All of these things are the best medicine you will ever find in times of change, grief, sorrow, or uniting with spirit. 

Do the work friend. No more excuses. 

I too, have been doing my own personal work for a long time now. Doing the deep dive into karmic cycles and trauma I’ve had within the framework of my parental units who are both in heaven, and the history of this time of the last 16 years for myself. I have paid very close attention to what I have learned so that I can, bid it thank you and goodbye for the lessons so I can assimilate the growth and then be a better service to myself and the world.  

Freedom in the heart is one of the greatest gifts you can ever find for yourself. By being brave enough to forgive and let go. By being brave enough to love yourself enough to do good things for yourself in a way that creates energetic positive boundaries, allowing you the space to explore what you’re actually here to do on this planet.

We must not get caught up in pessimism and apocalyptic thought when the universe has given us an invisible roadmap, and all it is asking us to do is to trust it and follow. 

I have repeated this since 2012 many times but “we are truly the ones we have been waiting for“ and that doesn’t mean necessarily outside of ourselves. It’s lighting your own pilot light up on your space and then starting with your close friends and family, and then outward to your local community. This is how it’s going to begin. 

When Pluto enters Aquarius on November 19, it’s in that for a long time and it truly is going to begin the age of Aquarius, where community food, resources, living in community, Conversation, and social togetherness. It’s going to be a big thing all the wild while technology speeds up at a rate that will probably blow our minds.  To understand where darkness lies around that and where goodness lies Will take discernment and understanding. 

It reminds me of this; 

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two "wolves" inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith." The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?" The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

I have seen this in even just small ways when I have given readings over the last few years where suddenly someone’s behavior or things come out around dark behaviors, and the other person is wondering why it has become that way.

Humans are lovely, but we can be coerced when we haven’t healed our stuff. Through trauma therapy and through right action and self-love and compassion for others. And forgiveness. Boundaries. Healing addiction.

KNOW THY SELF - Socrates

Boy oh boy that is a statement I have loved ever since I was a child. I’ve always had the knowing that one has to really understand yourself and why you were here. And then do the work to connect to some thing greater filled with intense love for us. Creator and in an energy way beyond the shadow voices that keep us in the dark.

  Everything  in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.

Mawlana Jalal-al-Din Rumi

This is where intuition is your best friend and something that’s imperative to work on.

The Voice of our souls are always there. Just waiting patiently for us to listen. 

There are angels among us. Earth, angels, and celestial beings of light that are assisting us. I know this firsthand as a psychic and medium. I trust this understanding by knowing why we are here and why the human life is filled with this intensity and pain. Knowing from a higher perspective from a learning perspective, we will need the assistance of something much more filled with grace and light, then our primeval parts of ourselves . 

Live into it; pray and trust. As above, so below 
Let it be love, Let it be love 

I am here, loving you in service to the light  


( In the future, I will also be adding some storytelling in these newsletters, but remember to follow me on social media as it is a different format than these newsletters and I appreciate every single one of you that has been a subscriber for a long time. I am grateful. ) 

Reed Allen
Summer Solstice Newsletter : Purpose, Preparation, Fall Classes. Love.

Hello my friends

I hope this email finds you well. As we sail through mid June and the approaching summer solstice here in the northern hemisphere. Here in Maine things are picturesque and lush and bursting with an over abundant amount of pollen (aaaachooo!). I have been trying to get to this email, but I taught the last of the course of second development this past Saturday for one group and I am offering it again in the fall along with another class which will be listed below, so stay tuned and click on those links for more information these are popular classes and they do  fill quickly as I keep them small it fills with sign up even a few months in advance, so get your spot early if you’re ready to further, your spiritual, awakening, and connection to source. 

I woke up this morning knowing I had to get this newsletter out. After a vivacious start to June, the astrological weather is a bit intense for this week before the summer solstice, and the sun moving into the sign of Cancer ruling the moon and the nurturing and vibration of Mothering. Mars has moved into Taurus, and is squaring the planet Pluto in Aquarius. Venus squaring Neptune. Making us realize and work on things of about illusion and love, value in our personal systems, our money systems, and where our power is in our ability to choose.

To choose, who, and what we share our time with, to choose how, and when to activate new things in our life, to propel us to deeper meaning and purpose, all of these things are becoming more and more potent and powerful during a time, when the advancement of technology will increase at a rapid rate. And our need to understand illusion and reality and temporal choice with a deeper choice and deeper soul meaning. Both in our work, our culture, and our relationships. 

I see this as a powerful and potent time of us, figuring out what we’re frustrated about and how we have the divine right to really be who we want to be in spite of our circumstances, despite culture, despite governing bodies. The zeitgeist is changing ! Pluto in Aquarius speaks to finding and rearranging your role  with your own voice and weirdness in the world.  While all the other energies of this week are also speaking to being authentic and honest in your word, and your ability to bring something to the table of life right now . Where responsibility, creativity, and love and abstraction meet across the table from each other.

I woke up this morning, after having a very strange stream of being in a big house, sort of connected to where I am now, but not really, with all these different variations of ghostly figures and  unwelcome and creepy people or things. In the dream I had to try to remember very hard, the words specifically to dispel these strange and, mischievous forces. Very symbolic of our own deceit, or the deceit of things that are out of our control or that we perceive that are out of our control.  As it turns out in the dream, I did end up, saying some words about the Holy Spirit and this is what dissipated the energy into puddles, which then had to be mopped up from the floor. 

I remember waking  from the dream , and working on what these energies were symbolic of both personally to me, but also collectively. And the information that seemed too, while I was flailing about feeling like I was messing up, ultimately I wasn’t. And inside of me, my ability to remember my own power helped to dispel the negative energy. All in a days work I guess lol trying to bring more light to dispel  any kind of darkness that seems to be messing with us. ( all of this makes sense with Mars moving into Taurus and as a Gemini rising this would be in my 12th house of the unconscious and everything hidden and sabotage like. It is really good to know where transits are moving through the houses, astrologically ) I don’t always have dreams like that. Sometimes they are about kissing and other joyful things

It really is a time where, thinking, and thought are being challenged to open up as everyone really re-examines and reevaluates their living, their life and their choices.

More so than the old paradigm of the perfect world, in the perfect house, with the perfect structure. And then you add in the digitalization of things and the AI confusion. We really are in for a time of intuitive discernment, and connection to source being very important.  For all ages, young and old..

It is good to remember that conflict and tension work well in our evolution personally and collectively. It helps with the structure of regenerating relationships and people. Tension and conflict can be good things when utilized correctly without radical base impulse. 

It’s a good time to work on your own feelings of limitation and fears. And where are you struggle with wrestling with yourself as well.

Just think about these things also, as here in the northern hemisphere, we are going to enjoy our summer solstice June 20 at 4:50 PM Eastern time , and most everyone in the northern hemisphere, tries to eek out as much joy and connection with nature, and the visible results of new life emerged.

I always seen nature is highly symbolic of what we are, and who we are because we are made of source, energy and earth matter. All of this is what makes us whole. Take some time to enjoy the good weather when it’s around and meditate and disconnect from the news and technology and reconnect with conversation and hopeful human experiences within the framework of the natural world.

Well onto the classes for fall, I will be redoing my psychic development course for those who are interested and ready to dive into waking up their own intuition and their connection to the universe and its spirit guides and guardians and all things psychic development. This is a popular course of three classes, followed by the journey which I will be offering for anyone who’s taken the courses again following those classes. Or anyone who has a huge draw to these subjects.

Psychic 101
Saturday, September 14: 10AM- 2PM 
Class description and sign up here

Psychic 102
Saturday, Oct 5: 10AM - 2PM 
Class description and sign up here

Psychic 104 - The Souls Journey
Saturday, October 26: 10 AM to 2 PM
Class description and sign up here

I am working on some other delicious things as well as I work to restructure how to spread knowledge and light that I have for greater good and growth and my part of our journeys here in the place of all things.

I do have openings here and there at the summer for readings as I’ve had a few few people have to rearrange their schedules. So if you were looking to get in sooner than later for a read, please let us know here.

Again, thank you for taking the time to read and share this newsletter with love and an open heart and the vibration of knowledge, search for intimate meaning in life and love between each other 

How shall a man judge what to do in such times?'
'As he ever has judged,' said Aragorn. 'Good and ill have not changed since yesteryear...It is a man's part to discern them, as much in the Golden Wood as in his own house.

J.R.R. Tolkien

I am truly grateful for you all, and for my place in the place of all things.

With love and gratitude


Reed Allen
Mid May Newsletter; Increasing Waves of Light

Hello my friends

I am sorry this newsletter has taken so long to get to you. I think it goes without saying that many of us have been swimming through some really big energy out there right now. Those recent solar flares we had which brought about the northern lights, and the subsequent flares of yesterday (May 14) have really frizzed some of our mental/personal/physical bodies.

I myself, have had essentially weeks and weeks of disturbed sleep patterns. And as anyone knows when that happens, it is all hands on deck with just getting through the day and getting to the things that need to get done, and in my case, making sure I am grounded and spiritually clear so that I can keep doing my scheduled readings

So not only do we have cosmic space weather, but we also have astrological weather, and literal weather.

We don’t know “whether” we’re coming or going lol !

It’s an interesting time for sure. With the sun still in Taurus as well as the upcoming Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on May 18 ; we have a lot of expansion and radical insight on changes coming to us. Weather or not we are available to act on them or not depends on our personal circumstances and, our personal birth chart.

These times are asking us what we really want. You can see this in the outer culture if anyone has noticed the backlash and sort of stirrings about not only the price of things, but the ridiculousness of a surface based society of “the haves” living lives, that seem to be in stark contradiction to not only the lower class, but even middle-class structure.

There is a backlash among young people pushing against this (and the continued wars/unrest). This is exactly what we have been predicting around the revolutionary vibration of the youth and others, pushing back against a very very very outworn system. That is clearly not working well for the common good for all.

And we will keep seeing more of this. And popular culture, and amongst the reverberations of the strong, plutonium/Uranian energy, especially noticeable around what we value, why we have valued it. And the lack of where those values are.

I have been dealing with countless clients that are seemingly on the edge of, a diving board not knowing exactly how far the water is below. But nonetheless feeling that is necessary to at least walk out to the edge of the diving board and ponder, where safety and security is and where risk is, and which is the benefit spiritually, of the jump.

Those gentle nudges, those repeated moments of insight and sweet urges for something new. This is where many of you are/we are.

Some people have started new projects recently, and some people aren’t quite yet ready. That is OK. I say divine timing knows what it’s doing and, it is necessary to pick up where our own personal fears and traumas are before we understand how to make effective change, but the key is in noticing.

I cannot tell you how many times I have reminded people to pay close attention, and to let go of outworn personal models of approaching things, or even dreaming things up

The universe is rich, and ample and ready and waiting for your response, prayer, or request.

But it is also necessary to dis attach from this ridiculous noise, and the seeming circus of distractions that are heavy-handed in our pocket computers lately.

I was thinking of one of my favorite childhood books recently, “ The Search for Delicious ” by Natalie Babbitt

It is a lovely fairytale, fantasy and one that struck me at such an early age of such a poignant story of significant symbolism. So appropriate for right now. In the story, the Prime Minister is creating a dictionary, and wants to send out his assistant to find a new word for the word “delicious“ and everyone has a different theory on it and everyone has arguments about it. Then the bad guy then creates disturbances, and he then creates disturbances and creates a dam so there is a drought, and everyone becomes angry with the kingdom. Ultimately the word for delicious is definitely water. We are in search for new definitions. We are in search for new meaning.

What is real? What is fake?

We are knee-deep in the need for spiritual waters to rain down upon us, as the temptation of separation rattles at the shadow cages, and what we really need, is not only community, but the most effective and powerful Love and Feeling of being united as a whole. Of being REAL.

Love . Positive and proactive spiritual strategies to change , this here wobbly world into one of peace, and prosperity for all, not just a few. As above, so below .

Either way, it is a powerful time of choice, and one for Personal autonomy, and a sense of purpose for us all .

We are all entering new cycles. The recent eclipses have ended, and our next full moon on May 23 is a Sagittarius full moon, asking us to search for deeper meaning in the mystical adventure of justice and spiritual and personal evolution. Think big, big ideas, and an optimistic outlook on change and growth and ethical clarity .

A good time to shoot your arrow at something positive, and good, and start the steps to create that.

Pluto has recently gone retrograde and will get us to go deeper into the underworld of ourselves. Continually as we work on finding out truly what the heck we are here for .

I see a lot of arrangements and rearrangements and letting go and bravery happening in peoples personal relationships.

How will you take whatever is being shaken out of your life, possibly for good, and bless it all with gratitude and thanks for the lessons and move forward? With faith. With faith in the bigger plan.

How are you be a part of your immediate world creating a plan. Sometimes getting out there and being creative and being playful and being present in the current moment is the most helpful way to regenerate the body mind spirit connection.

The next thing I have on my schedule is:

My teaching for Mediumship / Psychic 103.

This is the last class in the series that I have been teaching and anyone who has taken the classes before is welcome and/or if you have been studying spirituality or meditation and energy fields or you have some knowledge of this, you are welcome to join in this class

A powerful class on the lessons and spiritual law around, connecting with those on the other side, and symbolism and messages that we receive on the daily. How to understand the fail between the living, and the passed . A great class to bring those big questions to.

Saturday, June 8 from 10 AM to 2 PM South Portland Maine

Information and sign up here;

And lastly, if anyone out there is looking for a fabulous teacher/wildly, funny, spiritual, counselor/psychic/medium for a stage event or group experience. Please let me know I am looking for new venues for my one and a half hour lecture talk/group reading.

Putting feelers out for the right person/venue and if this pops into your inbox and into your consciousness, please contact us here through email.

And now I leave you with this gentle reminder.

Nature abhors a vacuum we are in a powerful time of change. Personally, socially, politically, economically. Technically……….SPIRITUALLY

There is a divine reason for all of this seeming madness.

The heart of the creator is inside of you and the best way to navigate is to go in and find the light that is waiting to be lit up inside of you.

You, my friend, are truly not alone

You are SEEN

I am here, with my star map and my heart as your guide

Loving you,


Reed Allen
Mid April 2024; Gateways of Courage, and a Class

Hello my friends,

If you are just settling in to read this newsletter, I have a seat and enjoy. I am going to keep it as it is as it was started seven days ago and, I am finally wrapping it up. Enjoy, share … take it in 

I am starting this newsletter on April 4. We are in the middle of a nor’easter / blizzard. It reminds me of the Prince song “sometimes it snows in April.” A beautiful song about grief, and inevitability, and the patience of living a human life. I’m not entirely sure when this newsletter will get to your phone/desktop/tablet due to the storm and the pesky friend we all have in the current mercury retrograde (retrograde until April 25). But nonetheless, I am feeling urge to begin it now, so that it is received at the exact divine right time for you.

I really feel strongly that I wanted to speak to you before our big total solar eclipse on the new moon in Aries on April 8, 2024 (Nonetheless, I did not get it out).

It is clear that we all know about it. When I talk about astrology, which I do, because astrology and our cosmic body, mind spirit, well, these things are all linked together, and it takes time and research to understand why it makes sense. It’s not the kind of thing you just read a newspaper and a horoscope or in a quick 30 second TikTok or meme around sun sign personalities or simple things. But there is a much, much larger energetic reasoning of these things happening. Eclipses have been powerful events in our history for many years.

I myself felt as though at least energetically, I was like a bird, for the eclipse, a quieting down and taking shelter, while the moon covers what is seen, cloaking what is known. It was a radically highly Electric/magnetic time.

I myself actually felt physically unwell off and on throughout the day and a half around it. The magnitude of what happens during the quiet of energetic phenomena may have reverberations. Like ripples later. However, physically, or electrically, it can be felt right away. 

We just got through a lunar libra eclipse on March 25. This time brings about fated rearrangement of ones personal and spiritual life in ways that makes sense for some and not for others. I know many of you out there have been struggling with intense emotions and feelings, either in yourself, or around you, as things fall apart and break away, either in a literal sense, in a relationship sense, or quite frankly, in a psychic sense. In mental health and mental fragility. Anxiety, sufferers and people that are sensitive that have not dealt with those psychic accumulation of taking self-care and radical self affirmation, well, they may be experiencing a bit of a breakdown right now.

It is necessary during this time frame in April, as it is a powerful month, to practice, not only self-care, but freedom of choice, contemplation of one’s aspirations and hopes, even if it is not entirely seen; grounding in nature, or with creativity and strong discernment of one’s own intuitive response to others around you. “Where do I end and you begin“ and vice versa energy.

When I teach my psychic development classes, I often have the joy of seeing the response of people understanding how powerful their own psychic body is. And how the reflection of the world around us is much to our surprise a strong mirror to our well-being. This is why as the world speeds up With technological advances, we are becoming more fragmented energetically, and mentally than we used to.

We need love and tender care more than ever. We need the practice of contemplation and groundedness. Benevolence and care towards our neighbor, and boundaries and discernment, with darker forces, that seem to be rattling at the cages of our good souls.

We are collectively working on our trauma in ways that we may not fully understand. Until a little bit of space is taken from other people, places, and things that may have habitually clouded our judgment. And then in the light of awareness that comes there is an up leveling of our spiritual course. It’s happening all around us.

If ever, there was a time to ask of yourself. What am I here for and what is the illusion of what I’m trying to prove to the world, or an old world around me that seems to be dying away, that IS dying away…… what NOW is the task that I am seeking to be the hero in my own journey.

Well, this is the time. April is ripe for giant epiphany of awareness. That will probably take affect over the next 3 to 6 to 12 months for just about everybody in some manner.

For some, it will be relationships, romantic, and otherwise. For others. It will be around career, vocation. Then for some, it will be around working with the shadow, and releasing years and years and years of spiritual/psychic trauma, and for some, it will be around a higher education and learning, and possibly one’s physical health (Or the health of those around us).

With Jupiter and Uranus, making a very rare and powerful conjunction on April 20. It proves to bring about sudden if not, inevitable, ripple, effect of solutions and broader answers to the forefront. In our hands. 

I’m sure some of you have noticed strange things happening in the “big people, big money, Hollywood type stuff “that is falling and breaking and cracking open. This is par for the course for our years of Pluto in Aquarius

There is a powerful sense of rebellion brewing. If you have ever heard the expression “the meek shall inherit the Earth”  well, this is just the first inkling of that energy .

So beyond that, how does it affect us all? Well, I’ve always said this. Everything always begins within you. Your heart is the electro of magnetic field that connects the mind with body. Your heart is your intuitive center that reminds you where your true north is.

This is a fantastic time to start dwelling on the things that you want to rearrange for yourself, even if it starts with taking notes about it. Talking to a good friend about it, starting the therapy, going to the gym. Restocking that refrigerator, getting out the old paints, Really working on where those fear blockers are that are stopping up the flow of energy that everyone needs.

Everyone is in for something of a rearrangement. Some are more aware of it. Some are aware of it happening now. And some have more to come in the future.

What a time to be alive. What a time to be here. I for one I’m really grateful. If we didn’t have a world of people, feeling wobbly and uncertain, where would we even begin with the questions of How did we even get here? The first step to anything whether it’s about a relationship or a career or health or anything of a matter is how did I get here? What brought me to this moment? 

There are many new themes developing in the reflection of what I see with my clients, and what I see is my path and my voice. I too, and rearranging as well. So grateful to be part of that. 

I had a memory the other day, as I was putting bird food out in my bird feeders as this time of year always gets me excited to see the awakening of the world and hear their  song really early in the morning. When I was a child, my mother was diligent and adamant at feeding the birds, my father as well, I thought about both of them in heaven, as I filled up the birdfeeders and pondered the times I have felt them nearby and in their presence, since they have left the physical and moved beyond the great World of spirit. 

I’m sure many of you have moments like this, and I know you do.. 

In that moment, I remembered both my mother and I feeding the birds when I was eight or nine during the cold winter months, and having them flock near a big bay window I would sit at. We lived near the most gorgeous, wooded area, and I could’ve watched them for hours.  

I also remembered her assuring me that it was going to be OK whenever I saw a dead bird or anything that troubled me to extreme ways as I was a broken animal saver has a child. 

All these memories kept flooding into me about my connection to feeding the birds and the aspect of the word “mothering”. 

That’s all we are supposed to do is be the version of the best version of whomever we have had relationships with, and filter carefully and with grace what we’ve learned from the darker, more traumatic moments, the challenging and scary times. 

Without the urge to bypass them, and not run away from them,  yet to actually integrate them into Acceptance. 

You see the beauty of it is is someday many of us will mostly be reflecting on relationships we’ve had whether they are with someone who has passed, or with someone who has parted from our life. They will be gone. But never gone. 

The greatest gift you can give is  to love and love truly. Both inwardly to all of our inner selves, and to our tribe, our community, our fellow humans. Love Is a necessary and vital ingredient in the storm of life. 

These times of having a computer in our hand that can keep us separate or together. It is definitely around choice.

It’s with gratitude and grace and beauty and reverence that I hope many of you can weave into your daily doings AND your larger story.

We are all worth it!

If you’re interested in learning more, I have openings in my mediumship class which is scheduled now for June 8th. You can read about it here and sign up as well. I would love to see you there with all your beautiful questions about our loved  ones on the other side, and how to access teaching yourself about everything that is Respect and gratitude for the process of the people that have been in our lives. To Meditate to connect. Sign symbols and messages. 

So I leave you with this thought on courage and new beginnings:

So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.

- Mitch Albom

All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time.

- Mitch Albom

We're in a freefall into future. We don't know where we're going. Things are changing so fast, and always when you're going through a long tunnel, anxiety comes along. And all you have to do to transform your hell into a paradise is to turn your fall into a voluntary act. It's a very interesting shift of perspective and that's all it is... joyful participation in the sorrows and everything changes.

- Joseph Campbell

Well. I will be sending out a newsletter sooner than later once this pesky mercury retrograde goes away.

There are shifts and turns for me as well.

And may The spark of light that I carry with me, help to ignite yours.  

In loving gratitude,


Reed Allen
Late February News; Psychic Development Courses Announced

Hello my friends

I hope this message finds you well. And enjoying the increasing daylight of every day at this end of winter. I realize I have not gotten a February newsletter out. I do post here and there on social media as a way of bringing you up-to-date on the current energies or other things. Pardon me, as I go through what most everyone is going through, which is a slow regeneration and reconfiguration of life and business 

I am sure you will notice that February has seemed a bit intense for many people. Beyond the regular things that we are shown in our outward reality, or our outward projected reality, we seem to be on a tight rope walking between two worlds of fear, through initiation and projection, or excitement and curiosity and a warm, beckoning to new things in the future. It feels as though we can feel something different on horizon, but we don’t know how to get there and breaking the old world apart is intense and definitely uncomfortable at times.

I know many people are dealing with that right now. It’s breaking habits. There’s always a definite time where life feels discombobulated, uncomfortable, and full of confusion or sorrow as we are presented with new ways of doing things 

I am noticing a powerful message of choice right now. So powerful is this message that a few realities have been being presented to us on our path ahead and it’s like being on a game show not knowing exactly which is the best one to choose, but we feel in our hearts we must.  This is the significance of where divine providence and divine intention speaks to us through our voice  in our inward selves, while the outer world or the old reality does it best to grab us by the anchor and pull us backwards. In and out. Up and down.

Sometimes it takes a hermitage, the myth of going within the cave to find this and strangely sometimes it takes action being in the world and pushing through the discomfort open any door, just to show the universe that we are using our will in a way to assist with some change and some personal evolution, at all ….. rather than none. 

It can be both at the same time.

What is being asked of you, of your life,  of your body and of your belief, to pause, and reflect? There’s a lot going on that is disrupting our physical frame 

Not all of these changes have to be negative or violent, or quite frankly scary. They can be brought about through evolution, invention, communion with community, and the divine proactive and altruism. For one’s own life as well. 

I’ve been saying this for years and it really does make sense. If we are the ones we are waiting for then WHY are we thinking that anyone else will save us? 

And where is the illusion of those that say that they can but never do help? 

If you look to the loving and kind beneficial people in your world, you will notice that this is where the true magic is. That and in YOU

You don’t necessarily have to be naïve to be pragmatically incredibly optimistic. But it takes spiritual guts to do so. In a world that thrives on poking at our fears and insecurities, our addictions, and our base impulses. 

I am writing this newsletter on the Virgo full moon, we still have some time before mercury goes retrograde on April 1 to put those seeds in the ground metaphorically of that intuitive reminder that we seem to be getting on what truly is next? 

Which brings me to this. I am back to teaching and I’m really excited and I am really looking forward to it. I have scheduled three classes in my psychic development course. 

You can take one, ( But most people must start with the first ) or go for all three. 

They are each four hours long and are in person intensive. This is based on the syllabus I’ve been working with for 20 years with some amendment for the quickening of our spiritual and psychic evolution as a collective. 

You will find all the links to sign up below.

If you have taken this course before, but would like to take one again, as a way to practice and polish up the intuitive body, you can do so at a discounted rate of $100 off per class. Please contact us here with any questions.  

Saturday, March 16 from 10 AM to 2 PM 

This is the primary first course and one that I highly recommend people take to dip their toes in no matter what your level of expertise around energy, and meditation and knowledge of spirit guides. I often like a combination of people that know a little and people that know not much in the class as we all assist each other, and I am your loving and humorous coach to bring out of fear and guide you to clarity around intuitive thought. 

This class is a hands-on course where we learn about energy and  psychic protection, the chakra centers and meditation to access truth, as well as how to translate, intuitive messages. Separating fear from knowing : to frequent our highest selves and  a whole lot in between! A fun And powerful magical experience. So here this class always fills  Very fast. Sign up here.

Saturday, April 13 from 10 AM to 2 PM 

Is the same as the first with the addition of learning about nature and messages about our body and the dowsing system for energy and information. 

We learn about dream interpretation, as well as connect again with our spirit council, and keep clarifying and honing on interpret and releasing ego to receive clear and accurate answers in life and in meditation, and in symbolism: a.k.a. messaging. Sign up here.

PSYCHIC 103 (Intro to Mediumship)
Saturday, May 18 from 10 AM to 2 PM 

This class designed to clarify, mostly, and intently the connection between us, and those on the other side, loved ones and people that have parted through death. Discussions of all things around near death and the other side. 

This course is designed for anybody that wants to access their own gifts and own messages that they are, and have been feeling maybe recently or most definitely for many years. Sign up here *** 

You can ask any question of any course to us here and we will get back to you 

Please contact us right away if you would like to get in these courses . They are kept smaller and fill up very fast !!!!! 

To be held in South Portland or TBD

We hope you will join us on the journey of you yourself, getting to know your way of shifting through the bull, to have a clear, intuitive body, which is something we will be needing immensely as we face the progress, spiritually that is required of living on earth during the Time of AI ; To assist in living in a peaceful and joyful and productive, abundant manner. Sign up here.

In closing 

We must remember that patience and understanding is required. When people are going through awakenings and shifting. Grief and loss and sorrow and pockets of trauma come up when we agree to further our spiritual journey while in human bodies. Be kind and loving to each other, be supportive and forgiving as much as you can. Boundaries and discernment are your best friends right now. 

According to Vedanta, there are only two symptoms of enlightenment, just two indications that a transformation is taking place within you toward a higher consciousness. The first symptom is that you stop worrying. Things don't bother you anymore. You become light-hearted and full of joy. The second symptom is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more synchronicities. And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous.

Deepak Chopra,

In-service, in light, and in deep love and gratitude , 


Reed Allen