Hello My friends
This letter to you is later than normal for all the normal reasons; winter, schedules, life and waiting for instructions and right timing. Such a cold and wildly snowy winter here in Maine. We really got pummeled. Winter can be draining and hard no matter what, and this one has been exceptional. It probably does not take a psychic, or astrologer truly to tell you have wild or weird the energy has been lately, but it helps! :) I have been inundated with clients and friends with deep issues lurking about of either stickiness or stuck-ness in much of life. There has been a funk of fog and fear permeating the vibrations of much of the collective and also a HUGE sense of impending shifts or life rearranging. The energy is one of endings and shifting of old feelings, thought forms, spaces and places and letting it happen is necessary and part of how we will begin new cycles as the next few months happen.
In Cosmos we Trust - the current astrology:
We are now in Pisces season, the last sign before the zodiacal year beings on the spring Equinox and Aries season on March 20. On the 23rd of February, Mars the planet of action finally went direct in the sign of Cancer (although its an odd feeling in emotional and stoic Cancer for Mars to be). It will help that stuck and out of gear feeling improve now. However, Venus the planet of love, value, and money will go retrograde March 1-April 12 and Mercury will retrograde as well on March 15-April 17th SO……things will still need review and reworking in communication, tech, travel, and all matters of the heart. March is a humdinger. We end February on the 28th with a new moon in Pisces on Thursday the 27th. Massive intuitive vibration out there so pay attention to your intuitive nudges all this week and around that time. The angels are speaking to us through our inner knowing. Then the whammy Eclipse season begins with a full moon total lunar eclipse in the sign of Virgo on March 14th - expect the season to be about events and situations that spur and manifest endings, beginnings, and the fated events in life. Followed with a partial solar eclipse on the new moon in Aries on March 29. Turing the tides for the next 18 months of our collective and individual lives.
There is a lot of transition going on. Actually, seismic wild huge transition. People are having a really tough time of it. Collective anxiety and fears. Anger and frustration at peak levels.
If you are feeling off or unguided in life and like the mist of doubt surrounds you (in your view of life or the world or work or relationships), you are not alone. You are likely feeling that collective. Illusions are crumbling, discomfort becoming a bedfellow, and emotional tides demanding us a deeper look at life - this means shifts are incoming. There is much to benefit from this discomfort and the greatest benefit is a more spiritual less material look at our lives or LIFE as it has been. A surge of prayer for answers, convening angels in our midst subtly or brightly lighting up the pilot lights inside our weary, blinded hearts.
The unraveling has begun and now living with times of uncertain measure and hopeful actions and the norm. This is where I say, what a time to be alive and be called to our spaces, places, callings, soul tribe, soul geography and work life balance of a grander spiritual nature. And one of personal soul awakening. One must let the path gently reveal and untighten one's angry grip to find the TRUEST lesson and call forward when Divine shows us the way. Trust me when I say that WAYS will be shown. One must try now to stay away from fist a cuffs for the wrong immediate reaction and take heed and TIME to FEEL the answers and solutions bust forth soon enough.
You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.
Maya Angelou
Trust in the call to meditate, to heal, to journal, to be pulled to care of the self and care of the soul. If you are guided to a new spiritual practice or an experience that pulls you out of your zones of disassociated comfort, follow that…. it can lead you through, out and beyond to healing and healthy life in general.
I have been reviewing my poetry from the last 30 some odd years and it is one way I review my life and call in awareness of my own path and prayers and my next instructions. There are so many ways to review (with love) trauma and emotional responses to create SPACE for God to give new ways of seeing life. WE are being asked to see a new way. Don’t be surprised if you feel and need something new and different in your life but also your call to create new thinking, new belief, new understanding, new methods of dealing with said above, anxieties, or inner fear blockages.
I myself am in the throws of my second Saturn return and with it, fated, changes and shift for this stage of my blessed human life. It’s a wild ride and one we all sign up for. Eclipses and shifts like this create the NEXT of everything in life and this year in general is no exception for MANY of us on life’s path.
Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.
Terence McKenna
Try hard to let your algorithms LITERALLY (and metaphorically) spur the love and unity and creativity in your life; not the worst parts. Catch yourself before you fall into those pits because there is the yuck, the dark, and the OPPOSITE of light, my darlings.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” – John 1:5
Well onto the only quick announcement and it is just a reminder I still have *** LAST MINUTE *** space in my Psychic 101 Class THIS SATURDAY MARCH 1st from 10 AM - 2 PM in South Portland.
If you are curious how to really learn method of diving that intuition and leaning to translate it all this is a primer course and VERY fun and VERY mind expanding and soul affirming. Few more spots left !!!! SIGN UP HERE.
I leave you briefly with this;
This is a big year. One can tell, feel, see and know that, welp... Dorothy we aren’t in Kansas anymore and this will be a year for you to be required energetically to breathe, and pace one self.
I am here in my flow of this part of the river of life, simply, truly Loving YOU.