Summer Solstice Newsletter : Purpose, Preparation, Fall Classes. Love.
Hello my friends
I hope this email finds you well. As we sail through mid June and the approaching summer solstice here in the northern hemisphere. Here in Maine things are picturesque and lush and bursting with an over abundant amount of pollen (aaaachooo!). I have been trying to get to this email, but I taught the last of the course of second development this past Saturday for one group and I am offering it again in the fall along with another class which will be listed below, so stay tuned and click on those links for more information these are popular classes and they do fill quickly as I keep them small it fills with sign up even a few months in advance, so get your spot early if you’re ready to further, your spiritual, awakening, and connection to source.
I woke up this morning knowing I had to get this newsletter out. After a vivacious start to June, the astrological weather is a bit intense for this week before the summer solstice, and the sun moving into the sign of Cancer ruling the moon and the nurturing and vibration of Mothering. Mars has moved into Taurus, and is squaring the planet Pluto in Aquarius. Venus squaring Neptune. Making us realize and work on things of about illusion and love, value in our personal systems, our money systems, and where our power is in our ability to choose.
To choose, who, and what we share our time with, to choose how, and when to activate new things in our life, to propel us to deeper meaning and purpose, all of these things are becoming more and more potent and powerful during a time, when the advancement of technology will increase at a rapid rate. And our need to understand illusion and reality and temporal choice with a deeper choice and deeper soul meaning. Both in our work, our culture, and our relationships.
I see this as a powerful and potent time of us, figuring out what we’re frustrated about and how we have the divine right to really be who we want to be in spite of our circumstances, despite culture, despite governing bodies. The zeitgeist is changing ! Pluto in Aquarius speaks to finding and rearranging your role with your own voice and weirdness in the world. While all the other energies of this week are also speaking to being authentic and honest in your word, and your ability to bring something to the table of life right now . Where responsibility, creativity, and love and abstraction meet across the table from each other.
I woke up this morning, after having a very strange stream of being in a big house, sort of connected to where I am now, but not really, with all these different variations of ghostly figures and unwelcome and creepy people or things. In the dream I had to try to remember very hard, the words specifically to dispel these strange and, mischievous forces. Very symbolic of our own deceit, or the deceit of things that are out of our control or that we perceive that are out of our control. As it turns out in the dream, I did end up, saying some words about the Holy Spirit and this is what dissipated the energy into puddles, which then had to be mopped up from the floor.
I remember waking from the dream , and working on what these energies were symbolic of both personally to me, but also collectively. And the information that seemed too, while I was flailing about feeling like I was messing up, ultimately I wasn’t. And inside of me, my ability to remember my own power helped to dispel the negative energy. All in a days work I guess lol trying to bring more light to dispel any kind of darkness that seems to be messing with us. ( all of this makes sense with Mars moving into Taurus and as a Gemini rising this would be in my 12th house of the unconscious and everything hidden and sabotage like. It is really good to know where transits are moving through the houses, astrologically ) I don’t always have dreams like that. Sometimes they are about kissing and other joyful things
It really is a time where, thinking, and thought are being challenged to open up as everyone really re-examines and reevaluates their living, their life and their choices.
More so than the old paradigm of the perfect world, in the perfect house, with the perfect structure. And then you add in the digitalization of things and the AI confusion. We really are in for a time of intuitive discernment, and connection to source being very important. For all ages, young and old..
It is good to remember that conflict and tension work well in our evolution personally and collectively. It helps with the structure of regenerating relationships and people. Tension and conflict can be good things when utilized correctly without radical base impulse.
It’s a good time to work on your own feelings of limitation and fears. And where are you struggle with wrestling with yourself as well.
Just think about these things also, as here in the northern hemisphere, we are going to enjoy our summer solstice June 20 at 4:50 PM Eastern time , and most everyone in the northern hemisphere, tries to eek out as much joy and connection with nature, and the visible results of new life emerged.
I always seen nature is highly symbolic of what we are, and who we are because we are made of source, energy and earth matter. All of this is what makes us whole. Take some time to enjoy the good weather when it’s around and meditate and disconnect from the news and technology and reconnect with conversation and hopeful human experiences within the framework of the natural world.
Well onto the classes for fall, I will be redoing my psychic development course for those who are interested and ready to dive into waking up their own intuition and their connection to the universe and its spirit guides and guardians and all things psychic development. This is a popular course of three classes, followed by the journey which I will be offering for anyone who’s taken the courses again following those classes. Or anyone who has a huge draw to these subjects.
Psychic 101
Saturday, September 14: 10AM- 2PM
Class description and sign up here
Psychic 102
Saturday, Oct 5: 10AM - 2PM
Class description and sign up here
Psychic 104 - The Souls Journey
Saturday, October 26: 10 AM to 2 PM
Class description and sign up here
I am working on some other delicious things as well as I work to restructure how to spread knowledge and light that I have for greater good and growth and my part of our journeys here in the place of all things.
I do have openings here and there at the summer for readings as I’ve had a few few people have to rearrange their schedules. So if you were looking to get in sooner than later for a read, please let us know here.
Again, thank you for taking the time to read and share this newsletter with love and an open heart and the vibration of knowledge, search for intimate meaning in life and love between each other
How shall a man judge what to do in such times?'
'As he ever has judged,' said Aragorn. 'Good and ill have not changed since yesteryear...It is a man's part to discern them, as much in the Golden Wood as in his own house.
J.R.R. Tolkien
I am truly grateful for you all, and for my place in the place of all things.
With love and gratitude