September Newsletter: Storms of Energy, Horizons of Rebirth
Hello my friends ,
And Happy September 2024. Here we are post Labor Day and I must apologize for no newsletter in August. Living in the State Of Maine ,when summertime comes, everything speeds up. All around. I have to say there’s a part of me that is happy for the slight change and temperature, especially in the evenings, and the beautiful weather. Aaaah, September! With a more subdued and lovely routine of “back to school”. With the sun in Virgo, it really does help to create a nice organized new routine. I needed it!
The newsletter will touch on some astrology, and I have always touched on astrology, but I will be touching on more because it’s pretty vital that we understand what the karmic evolutionary spiritual cycles that astrology can truly help with. Strangely, I have come to learn that real astrology ( not newspaper, sun, assign horoscopes ) and Astrological cycles, can be really accurate. A metaphysical science of great helpfulness. I will touch on the current energy in the collective in our evolutionary cycle and also some advice from a higher place to help you understand how to pace yourself in these cycles, collectively, and personally.
Currently at the moment as I am writing this, I do not have a class scheduled as I have put my classes on hold for a couple months until we can get some momentum going with some other projects.
Just to get some admin stuff out-of-the-way; When you or someone you know, write to us for a reading, we are asking you to double check your spam or junk mail for our reply. Also, we get really busy in the inbox, it’s good to double check to make sure we have responded to you as sometimes they get lost and it’s best to respond as quickly as you can to get on the schedule. Pretty busy here! Thank you for understanding.
Now onto the spiritual astrological deep dive !
On September 1, Pluto, the Lord of the underworld, the identifier of our subterranean energies, entered Capricorn again, where it has been since 2008 for one last hurrah, ( and last spring, it entered into Aquarius for a little while to give us a taste of what’s to come ). It will stay in Capricorn, and retrograde until November 19 where it leaves and will never be back in our lifetime. At that point, it enters Aquarius where it will stay for close to 20 years! (Think generational)
Amongst this transit, we have squares to Jupiter the teacher and optimistic giver, and Saturn, The Lord of time and Making everything quite strong
A new moon in Virgo on 9/2 then the big outer planet Uranus went retrograde in the sign of Taurus. ( Uranus usually brings sudden shocks and surprises in earth energy, but also an information Highway )
Meanwhile, Mars, the planet of action, activity, and war energy entered, a pretty strange and uncomfortable place in the sign of Cancer where it will oddly stay for much longer than it usually does, close to seven months (only with a quick retrograde during the holiday season in fire sign, Leo).
Using as best way to explain this energetically, this is what this all means, drum roll ….
These are big planets, that big bring energy and they are mostly in review and also more highlighted meaning everything that they are here to teach us is more evident. More palpable. This will be happening during the election here in the United States!!!
What this means is like a last gasp, last breath of the energy of an oligarchy ( think toxic governing body ) trying to restrict and create rule while Uranus reminds us that it wants freedom and rebellion. And Mars in the sign of Cancer during this time frame feels uncomfortable in the emotional waters of the astrological sign of the moon : think highly emotional, in it’s best quality it will be more nurturant to Home and family, and it’s worst quality, It will be passive, aggressive and moody.
The churning Waters of our collective evolution wants something new and different while the old voices and the old guards fear the dissolving power. Certain power struggles are the norm.
We are on the edge of eclipse season, with the first one being on September 17 in the sign of Pisces. Intense watery energies.
What does this mean?
Change .
Like big time … like energies, expanding and contracting before certain shifts happen. The next two years are going to be very, very wild.
How does one handle this personally when it’s obviously affecting many people that are paying attention more outside of themselves and less to the energies inside of their hearts or their personal evolution? What will we work on being attached to or dis attaching from?
My work is with souls. That’s right, the effervescent, sparkling light of eternal energy that resides within each of our bodies. And then our bodies in the hereafter in my work as a medium. It is taught being many many things about magic, about belief, about faith, about understanding. About life, and death. About forgiveness and compassion. And about service and the continuity of being part of the greater healing in a healing person, family, home, and world.
When I tune into the vibration of what is to come, and I asked spirit to show me. I hear this phrase “Know thy self.” It should be a time where one should be very careful not to get into strong projection and get pulled into the undertow of not only negative thinking but projecting negative thoughts into the field of consciousness that creates fear, separation, and hatred, even in small doses of passive aggressive projecting.
You see, what I am being shown that we are basically creating realities and we are also weaving, storylines into community help, and community love or strife and difficulty.
Many karmic cycles are ending and beginning. I’m sure you have noticed the energy feeling different recently and “thick” or “tiring“ or “stressful“. This is because of the collective energy and the astrology working to tap us on the shoulder and remind us the changes on the horizon. It can show up in multiple ways, in home changes, relationships ending. Relationships beginning, new circles, forming old circles, dissolving, epiphany, and awakenings, with urges to change geography, or even certain beliefs. Things will dissolve and reform themselves some with the power of our intent and some and many of them by fate and destiny.
Pay attention to serendipity and see what is falling away.
Per usual, I highly recommend journaling, being in nature as much as possible, grounding exercises, exercise, and eating nourishing vital foods. Meditation and laughter and community. All of these things are the best medicine you will ever find in times of change, grief, sorrow, or uniting with spirit.
Do the work friend. No more excuses.
I too, have been doing my own personal work for a long time now. Doing the deep dive into karmic cycles and trauma I’ve had within the framework of my parental units who are both in heaven, and the history of this time of the last 16 years for myself. I have paid very close attention to what I have learned so that I can, bid it thank you and goodbye for the lessons so I can assimilate the growth and then be a better service to myself and the world.
Freedom in the heart is one of the greatest gifts you can ever find for yourself. By being brave enough to forgive and let go. By being brave enough to love yourself enough to do good things for yourself in a way that creates energetic positive boundaries, allowing you the space to explore what you’re actually here to do on this planet.
We must not get caught up in pessimism and apocalyptic thought when the universe has given us an invisible roadmap, and all it is asking us to do is to trust it and follow.
I have repeated this since 2012 many times but “we are truly the ones we have been waiting for“ and that doesn’t mean necessarily outside of ourselves. It’s lighting your own pilot light up on your space and then starting with your close friends and family, and then outward to your local community. This is how it’s going to begin.
When Pluto enters Aquarius on November 19, it’s in that for a long time and it truly is going to begin the age of Aquarius, where community food, resources, living in community, Conversation, and social togetherness. It’s going to be a big thing all the wild while technology speeds up at a rate that will probably blow our minds. To understand where darkness lies around that and where goodness lies Will take discernment and understanding.
It reminds me of this;
One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two "wolves" inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith." The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?" The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
I have seen this in even just small ways when I have given readings over the last few years where suddenly someone’s behavior or things come out around dark behaviors, and the other person is wondering why it has become that way.
Humans are lovely, but we can be coerced when we haven’t healed our stuff. Through trauma therapy and through right action and self-love and compassion for others. And forgiveness. Boundaries. Healing addiction.
KNOW THY SELF - Socrates
Boy oh boy that is a statement I have loved ever since I was a child. I’ve always had the knowing that one has to really understand yourself and why you were here. And then do the work to connect to some thing greater filled with intense love for us. Creator and in an energy way beyond the shadow voices that keep us in the dark.
Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.
Mawlana Jalal-al-Din Rumi
This is where intuition is your best friend and something that’s imperative to work on.
The Voice of our souls are always there. Just waiting patiently for us to listen.
There are angels among us. Earth, angels, and celestial beings of light that are assisting us. I know this firsthand as a psychic and medium. I trust this understanding by knowing why we are here and why the human life is filled with this intensity and pain. Knowing from a higher perspective from a learning perspective, we will need the assistance of something much more filled with grace and light, then our primeval parts of ourselves .
Live into it; pray and trust. As above, so below
Let it be love, Let it be love
I am here, loving you in service to the light
( In the future, I will also be adding some storytelling in these newsletters, but remember to follow me on social media as it is a different format than these newsletters and I appreciate every single one of you that has been a subscriber for a long time. I am grateful. )