October 2024; Sheddings leaves and old skins, Preparing for the future
“Waiting on the Perseids” © Sarah Winslow 2017
Hello my friends
I am sitting here, on the sixth day of October, with a warm sweater and a cup of tea. What is usually, a quiet and seemingly gentle time of year in the beginning stages of autumn, we have been dealing with some pretty intense energies.
Many of us are aware that we just passed two eclipses, the last one being on October 2 on the new moon in Libra, and it was a solar eclipse. Prior to that was the devastating and horrendous hurricane that passed through and annihilated many peoples homes and livelihoods, and took lives in the North Carolina area. We have seen, not necessarily on the regular news but definitely through social media that it is mostly the community that is coming to each other and not necessarily the government.
You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.
Harper Lee
It is no doubt that during these times of worldly collective, and earthly devastations, as well as renovations, we are being called to the table of our humanity and our grace. As Creator is asking us to prioritize what is truly important. Community.
Without each other, without our tribe, without the purpose and meaning of our most immediate tribe, and then outward to our communities and our towns, what are we really but just particles of a machine in a highly consumer based society. As we wrap up this last little of bit of Pluto in the sign of Capricorn for the last moments in all of our lifetimes (Pluto will leave Capricorn on November 19 for good, not returning for over 200 years, and that is when Pluto enters Aquarius until 2048), it is causing us to review what has been gained and lost, and what has been learned over the last 16 years while Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn .
We are trying to look to see who truly is our leader, and where the leader lies within each of us in our own personal storylines.
And we are all understanding it at different levels, and in different ways. Depending on our collective experiences, but also our own journeys through the traverses of grief, challenges, financial losses, and gains, and for many of us, our lives being shaken to the core. I have been bearing witness to this due to the length of time that I have done readings for multiple different types of people all over the globe and all sorts of situations and variables.
October is promising to be sort of an intense month astrologically as we moved towards November, which, of course we all know there is an election in early November in the United States and there are ultimately elections going on everywhere.
On October 9, Jupiter goes retrograde until December, forcing us all to look within to expand our horizons and renovate our plans on what we want to burst open in the year 2025. Happiness and understanding are definitely going to be an inward journey during the fall into the winter. Pluto will be moving direct in Capricorn for this last little stint until November 19 letting us all renovate and wrap up all the lessons. Pay very close attention to thoughts and ideas that come to you in a bit of review about your life and the recent years and all the way up to time since 2008.
On October 17, we have a vivacious and motivating full moon in Aries. Allowing all of this inner work to be motivational and for us to begin new cycles and start activating plans for the future.
And then on the 22nd, the sun will move from balancing and harmonizing libra to internal intense and passionate Scorpio. Just in time for us getting ready for all hallows Eve 🎃
Is definitely a time to pay attention to dreaming phases, and to the symbolism of how with in the northern hemisphere, the darkening days and the cooler weather and the inward cycle does help us process things internally, which is incredibly helpful for our spiritual journey and our creative process.
Without these times in our lives, however, they come in through grief or inward journey, through journaling through therapies however, we process it, it is integral to the process of spiritual awakening.
Like it or not, the universe wants us to awaken and it usually does it through contrast. Through rejection and protection. Through belief and non-belief. I often say it is best to discuss things through an honest and vulnerable discourse than to blame and to shame, and to run away from the deep work.
People generally see what they look for, and hear what they listen for.
Harper Lee
You never know what someone is going through and you can never relate to them without understanding. This is a time to try our best to understand each other. It will be very important in the coming days, weeks, months and years.
I’ve been noticing patterns in the readings. I will have a whole week of clients with a similar subject matter, although they live in different parts of the country, and then it’ll be an entirely different thing the following week. It seems to me that people are coming into the understanding of trying to find more meaning in a life that seems to be disconnected through technology and the devices that seem to be dictating our schedules and our time.
As I enter a new phase of life and my circle broadens, I start learning new things.
Kapil Dev
I can prove through the law of averages that people are needing and wanting and desiring so much more deep meaning and better relationship, and most definitely a sense of purpose in their work, and trying to understand our relationship to value, personally, financially, and spiritually.
We’re not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy. I often say. Things are rearranging themselves and what we see now with how things are run, will be going through massive changes over the next couple years. Many of us seers have seen this. I have been writing this blog for eons, and I have often been gently reminded to gently remind you of these spiritual, and earthly changes even more so since the year 2012.
If you want it to come with love and beauty, I would envision that.
If you want it to come with abundance for all and happiness, envision that. Peace can come to us, but we must believe that it actually exists.
I tuned in to spirit and used my dowsing methods and have decided not to teach courses until the beginning of next year.
At which time I will be able to regenerate the classes in new ways, and in new areas.
It will give me a chance to rearrange and work on a new method of scheduling and other things that are coming up for me in my career , and the changes within and around that as well. It will be great .
With the holidays soon approaching and us wrapping up the year 2024, I’d like to remind you that we have in our shop page a way for you to purchase gift certificates, and we can either send you a digital printable version or even better a card copy in your regular mail For you to give as gifts for the holiday seasons 🌟❤️✨🌟❤️
It will be here before we know it and why not get a Head-start on something unique and powerful to give to a loved one as a gift you can purchase them here.
Do please Write us if you have questions.
Another reminder, if you write in for a reading, please check your spam folder to make sure after we have responded back to you check to see and try to get back to us in a prompt manner as the schedule often fills up very quickly, and we understand that the need for a reading might be something you would need sooner than later, so check those spam folders !! ❤️ it help us with our timing :)
So some final thoughts from spirit to you as I wrap up this newsletter, my goals throughout these years has been to assist you all in the most spiritual and honest and vulnerable way as any human being can that channels the light with the intent of your best and highest good, And I am going to remain as vulnerable and open as a teacher can be with as much God in my heart space for you all.
In the coming weeks, do your best to understand that we are birthing a new SELF and it can be a very vulnerable and uncomfortable process. To become fully aware of the shadow part of humanity, and moments of inevitable darkness, does not negate, nor does it diminish or deplete our lightness.
As matter of fact, where there is shadow and a light is given it’s not the absence of light, but the urging of that light to illuminate what has been hidden or what we think we are afraid of.
And we all know that the only thing to fear is fear itself.
So do your best to illuminate your days with joy and with care for yourself and others.
So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
J.R.R Tolkien
There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without vulnerability; there can be no peace, and ultimately no life, without community.
M. Scott Peck
I am here,
Loving you always in deep gratitude and faith
Sarah ❤️