November Newsletter 2024; Pluto’s Journey Reflection’s For NOW


Hello my friends.

My newsletter schedule is a bit off, but that’s OK - lately I have been understanding Divine timing even more than I normally do. Please see closer to the end of this newsletter for a class announcement and a lovely holiday art sale that I will be in!

In this newsletter, I will touch on upcoming changes, spiritual information coming through, the cosmic ASTROLOGY of the end of November and a bit into December, one upcoming class in the beginning of the year, and hopefully to help you access your own inner tools for traversing and navigating the upcoming energies .

A quick note to my new subscribers: hello, I’m grateful to have you here! And a profound and deep thank you for all of my long-standing subscribers who have been with me for a very long time. I’m sure you have noticed possible tonalities, and energies changing in my newsletters and that’s OK. I am adding a lot more astrology because my deep understanding of it being a template and almost mathematical map to understanding why things are going on spiritually and karmically with our lives.

I’m just very grateful for you standing with me, by me, and with yourself in your own spiritual journey of learning, openness and growth. For this, I know, it is profoundly needed with our evolutionary process right now.

I am writing this newsletter to you on the edge of a FULL MOON in Taurus, with a conjunction to Uranus. Uranus is the planet of change and disruption, and sometimes shocking reveal obviously when it is tied closely to a full moon EMOTIONS and energies are at an all-time high. I really feel this moon is accumulation and a crescendo and closing of doors internally and obviously externally of one pattern of being in one stage of life into another. Remember this in the coming days

The same day Saturn, which has been retrograde in the sign of Pisces goes direct. Signifying productivity and movement and structure around issues that have been stagnant and chaotic. Intuitive responses and follow through should be a bit easier, although Mercury, that lovely planet of communication, organization and travel, is preparing to go retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius from November 25th through December 15. A bit annoying for holiday shopping! Be patient and be aware that emails and orders and things of that nature could get a bit messed up here and there so best to be aware of that.

But the big news is on Tuesday, November 19, Pluto, the planet of the underworld, the unseen, the hidden the subconscious, revealing the unknown and the vital planet of transformation, will be leaving the sign of Capricorn, where it has been since 2008, for good in our lifetimes, and it won’t be back in Capricorn until 248 years from now. Now it is entering the sign of Aquarius, for TWENTY years!

Think, think hard about what you have learned in the last 16 years and what you have struggled with, both personally and spiritually, and outwardly in your world, and also reflect upon what has transpired in our country and in general over the last 16 years.

And now it enters Aquarius summoning the age of Aquarius.

Here It will stay for close to 20 years signaling, working on, and transforming an absolutely new era. It will feel very different than the times while it was in Capricorn as Aquarius naturally rules the future and technology, individuation and societal bonding, and community, however, it also rules independence and rebellion / the abstract, and everything Uranian. There’s a bit of duality that will go on around being an individual and finding one’s unique voice, and also being part of a community. It is the sign of the outliers, believe it or not it also rules astrology and future thinking ( all tech ) as well as AI. Everything you think about that’s different and new and advanced, but also a little bit wild and into outside the lines. 💫 So it’s a very different structure where Pluto will be hanging out rather than in one governing “thing” or systems of oligarchy or anything that’s about “old-school authority”. Think, sneaking a cigarette right outside the teacher’s door and not caring about it. 😂 that’s just a lighthearted view of the energy that will be around and just a simple take on it.

It’s much deeper than that.

This indeed is a bit of an example of why things are in the United States as they are. Right now there is rumbling and a shaking that has been quite frankly predestined for a long time.

The upcoming few months and into 2025 and 2026, there will be very intense, sometimes productive, sometimes intensely rebellious rearrangement going on.

The beauty of the Aquarian nature that is entering the planet, it speaks to us of community, which I have been speaking about for a long, long time - it speaks to us about trying to find out our singular process and purpose within ourselves as we search for individuality in the nature of the sea of humanity, and then take that purpose and process out to our most immediate circle, family, and friends and group and tribe. Discuss and figure out these things together and then regenerate our township from there. Obviously some of these things will take time and some of them have already begun. I’ve been seeing this very clearly in my client base.

Right now, many of us are ending strong cycles within the framework of our relationships. Our relationship to what we value, our boundaries, our inner child wound, and where are in addictive patterning, and where personal projections may be getting in the way of our life purpose, our soul relationship, our happiness, and who where our people are.

So we are in a restructuring, many of us through work, many of us through our spiritual self care, many of us through our systems, and even our habits, our dietary life, our partner relationships, and our creative flow. It is begging to be discovered where our truth is, and where our happiness is. And where it is not, well it is being shown WITH A GLARING LIGHT, and given a floodlight to be ended, restructured, reframed, and let go and eventually rebuilt new.

That could be the ending of one career into another, one phase of career into another, or a personal relationship ending.

New relationships forming, new connection to spirit and God or spiritual practice, and new ways of communicating with self and others. With systems and habits.

Honestly, it is endless how it can be restructuring each of our lives based on our own personal karmic pathway, our own personal astrology, birth chart, destiny and our own deepening desire for connection to something much greater than what we feel is the dumpster fire of planet earth right now.

The Earth is resilient and strong, and new babies are choosing to be born and we are not blowing up. We are just restructuring and it is really, really good.

Just think of how good it could get once we stop living in deep divisiveness and virtual rage warfare. But getting there is gonna take some time and a bit of chaos for sure. As we are seeing, it’s not really getting us anywhere - all the throwing poop at each other and the Aquarian age, as independent as the strong and future minded energy that it is, it really does want us to work together.

I’ve been reviewing my blogs for a little bit from the past, and apparently the guidance that is coming through has been about accepting change.

Little hints about the restructuring I suppose this was in my April blog, at the last eclipse cycle… and it holds even truer right now:

We're in a freefall into future. We don't know where we're going. Things are changing so fast, and always when you're going through a long tunnel, anxiety comes along. And all you have to do to transform your hell into a paradise, is to turn your fall into a voluntary act. It's a very interesting shift of perspective and that's all it is... joyful participation in the sorrows and everything changes.

- Joseph Campbell

This is an excerpt from my last blog of 2023 welcoming in 2024 and it serves as a great reminder:

As if it were a battle of dark and light, people are really reviewing addictions and mental challenges. This will continue to be a theme.

Anything you can do to regain clarity, and to untie yourself from the continuing wave of psychic, frantic, collective, fear, or fear, mongering, will be very helpful in the coming days and weeks and months, and years.

I recommend spiritual practice and community, understanding and sharing. The classics of positive group discourse, and spiritual practice, as well as Personal, solitude and reflective time.

In nature and positive personal habits.

Think, happy go-to discussions online and exterior physical and helpful work in the natural world. Building home and sharing in sport and dance and breaking bread together.

Think, finding new ways to celebrate beyond hiding through addiction, or addictive substance or doom scrolling and dopamine junkie activities.

It takes a lot to change habits and the first step is awareness.

To see, is to know.

Maybe we can take reflection and see whether we have made any progress around some of these things.

( blog - December 2023 )


One thing I know, as a psychic medium, a spiritual seer of future days, one must dis~attach from the mental breakdown and frenzy that is being spoon, fed to us through media platform to keep us in separation from each other, and also from source energy, because as Yoda said, fear is the path to the dark side.

Onto a few announcements! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I am teaching The Souls Journey, Saturday, February 1st, 10 AM to 2 PM. Venue to be determined (based on weather, etc..).

This class is a wonderful exploration for anyone interested in issues around near death experiences, the soul’s pathway, life before life and life after life and our karmic assignments on this planet and how we discover those through spiritual practice and meditation, psychic exploration intuitive response and signs and symbols, as well as astrology and birth charts.

A description and sign up is here. $200 for the class. Please sign up early as space is limited.


Some of you know, I am also an abstract artist as well! I am returning for a holiday sale to my old studio space in Portland, Maine, Friday, December 6, and Saturday, December 7. We are having a holiday art show and sale. I will put more of that on social media to give you guidance on how to get there and an invite to come.🥂🤗

I will likely have multiple sized pieces of art for a purchase there.

I really hope to see you there, and the joy of creative expression and holiday happiness! You can email me here with more questions on that.


Give the gift of spirit and healing through A GIFT CERTIFICATE with Sarah ❤️❤️💫💫🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

Giving the gift of a reading to a loved one who needs it who you may know need something different than an actual material present. Is a great gift. ✨ You can purchase gift certificates here in half an hour to full hour increments please email with questions here we can send you a digital version or a beautiful paper version in the regular mail for you to give us a gift

Here is the link for gift certificates. Please let us know that you have purchased an an email and we can clarify the rules and ways for your recipient to receive a rating.


How can I close out this newsletter for November 2024?

We are approaching Thanksgiving, a time of communal family table, and celebration of harvest of all that is good that God has given us on this amazing and fertile planet we live on. The possibilities are endless on how to nurture our bodies, nurture our families, nurture our schools and systems and each other.

How we sit at that holiday table and break bread in deep gratitude for our bodies and our living breath and each other must be looked at through a new lens right now through the heart of compassion and understanding and growth.

How many times must we learn that we are all suffering and we are all human and we all care and we all want the best? We all want ease in our lives.

We must come to that beautiful Thanksgiving table with reverence and gratitude for each other. For our very breath.

This I know, the only thing we take with us when we transition out of our bodies is LOVE To learn how to access that love we must understand both our shadow and darkness and our infinite and eternal light.

Love each other, hold fast to the grace of God.

Within that, there is all the answers.

I am here, loving you and helping light up those pilot lights

I’ll leave you with this:

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

Friedrich Nietzsche

People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.

Carl Jung,

I love you, my friend, fellow human, fellow soul.

From the grace of my heart to yours,


Reed Allen