Mid May Newsletter; Increasing Waves of Light
Hello my friends
I am sorry this newsletter has taken so long to get to you. I think it goes without saying that many of us have been swimming through some really big energy out there right now. Those recent solar flares we had which brought about the northern lights, and the subsequent flares of yesterday (May 14) have really frizzed some of our mental/personal/physical bodies.
I myself, have had essentially weeks and weeks of disturbed sleep patterns. And as anyone knows when that happens, it is all hands on deck with just getting through the day and getting to the things that need to get done, and in my case, making sure I am grounded and spiritually clear so that I can keep doing my scheduled readings
So not only do we have cosmic space weather, but we also have astrological weather, and literal weather.
We don’t know “whether” we’re coming or going lol !
It’s an interesting time for sure. With the sun still in Taurus as well as the upcoming Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on May 18 ; we have a lot of expansion and radical insight on changes coming to us. Weather or not we are available to act on them or not depends on our personal circumstances and, our personal birth chart.
These times are asking us what we really want. You can see this in the outer culture if anyone has noticed the backlash and sort of stirrings about not only the price of things, but the ridiculousness of a surface based society of “the haves” living lives, that seem to be in stark contradiction to not only the lower class, but even middle-class structure.
There is a backlash among young people pushing against this (and the continued wars/unrest). This is exactly what we have been predicting around the revolutionary vibration of the youth and others, pushing back against a very very very outworn system. That is clearly not working well for the common good for all.
And we will keep seeing more of this. And popular culture, and amongst the reverberations of the strong, plutonium/Uranian energy, especially noticeable around what we value, why we have valued it. And the lack of where those values are.
I have been dealing with countless clients that are seemingly on the edge of, a diving board not knowing exactly how far the water is below. But nonetheless feeling that is necessary to at least walk out to the edge of the diving board and ponder, where safety and security is and where risk is, and which is the benefit spiritually, of the jump.
Those gentle nudges, those repeated moments of insight and sweet urges for something new. This is where many of you are/we are.
Some people have started new projects recently, and some people aren’t quite yet ready. That is OK. I say divine timing knows what it’s doing and, it is necessary to pick up where our own personal fears and traumas are before we understand how to make effective change, but the key is in noticing.
I cannot tell you how many times I have reminded people to pay close attention, and to let go of outworn personal models of approaching things, or even dreaming things up
The universe is rich, and ample and ready and waiting for your response, prayer, or request.
But it is also necessary to dis attach from this ridiculous noise, and the seeming circus of distractions that are heavy-handed in our pocket computers lately.
I was thinking of one of my favorite childhood books recently, “ The Search for Delicious ” by Natalie Babbitt
It is a lovely fairytale, fantasy and one that struck me at such an early age of such a poignant story of significant symbolism. So appropriate for right now. In the story, the Prime Minister is creating a dictionary, and wants to send out his assistant to find a new word for the word “delicious“ and everyone has a different theory on it and everyone has arguments about it. Then the bad guy then creates disturbances, and he then creates disturbances and creates a dam so there is a drought, and everyone becomes angry with the kingdom. Ultimately the word for delicious is definitely water. We are in search for new definitions. We are in search for new meaning.
What is real? What is fake?
We are knee-deep in the need for spiritual waters to rain down upon us, as the temptation of separation rattles at the shadow cages, and what we really need, is not only community, but the most effective and powerful Love and Feeling of being united as a whole. Of being REAL.
Love . Positive and proactive spiritual strategies to change , this here wobbly world into one of peace, and prosperity for all, not just a few. As above, so below .
Either way, it is a powerful time of choice, and one for Personal autonomy, and a sense of purpose for us all .
We are all entering new cycles. The recent eclipses have ended, and our next full moon on May 23 is a Sagittarius full moon, asking us to search for deeper meaning in the mystical adventure of justice and spiritual and personal evolution. Think big, big ideas, and an optimistic outlook on change and growth and ethical clarity .
A good time to shoot your arrow at something positive, and good, and start the steps to create that.
Pluto has recently gone retrograde and will get us to go deeper into the underworld of ourselves. Continually as we work on finding out truly what the heck we are here for .
I see a lot of arrangements and rearrangements and letting go and bravery happening in peoples personal relationships.
How will you take whatever is being shaken out of your life, possibly for good, and bless it all with gratitude and thanks for the lessons and move forward? With faith. With faith in the bigger plan.
How are you be a part of your immediate world creating a plan. Sometimes getting out there and being creative and being playful and being present in the current moment is the most helpful way to regenerate the body mind spirit connection.
The next thing I have on my schedule is:
My teaching for Mediumship / Psychic 103.
This is the last class in the series that I have been teaching and anyone who has taken the classes before is welcome and/or if you have been studying spirituality or meditation and energy fields or you have some knowledge of this, you are welcome to join in this class
A powerful class on the lessons and spiritual law around, connecting with those on the other side, and symbolism and messages that we receive on the daily. How to understand the fail between the living, and the passed . A great class to bring those big questions to.
Saturday, June 8 from 10 AM to 2 PM South Portland Maine
And lastly, if anyone out there is looking for a fabulous teacher/wildly, funny, spiritual, counselor/psychic/medium for a stage event or group experience. Please let me know I am looking for new venues for my one and a half hour lecture talk/group reading.
Putting feelers out for the right person/venue and if this pops into your inbox and into your consciousness, please contact us here through email.
And now I leave you with this gentle reminder.
Nature abhors a vacuum we are in a powerful time of change. Personally, socially, politically, economically. Technically……….SPIRITUALLY
There is a divine reason for all of this seeming madness.
The heart of the creator is inside of you and the best way to navigate is to go in and find the light that is waiting to be lit up inside of you.
You, my friend, are truly not alone
You are SEEN
I am here, with my star map and my heart as your guide
Loving you,