September Newsletter ; Progress in the Shift, Coupon, Salud!


Hello My Friends

Well we have wrapped up the summer here in the Northern Hemisphere. Even though we have lovely weather in September in Maine, the sun is lower in the sky and our days have begun to grow cooler. Its hard to see the days grow shorter as Autumn quickly approaches and asks us to learn to accept change and shifts. Good lesson in life for sure. This month we have many planets in Virgo (details, plans, focus and organize time). We also have Saturn going direct on the 18th and this is good for an ending to procrastination and stagnation around goals and dreams coming into the flow again. This happens right after the Pisces Full moon on the 14th which promises to move some serious energy in a big way. There is oppositional energy that will make us let go of thing no longer working - yet know that what is created and given prior to this time will also be regenerated if it needs to be as we end the month up with Libra sun and more balance and love in relationships that are meant to be. We are still learning from the lessons of the past and we are still clearing out toxic things and its worth it, my friends.

Best advice? Be here now. Simplify and find out who you are, what you desire, what you no longer need, what you love and whom you love as well. Act with the bravery of a vulnerable human knowing your other fellow earth dwellers are ALL going through big awakenings of sorts. I know this statistically with clients in all walks of life globally that are being faced to be strong, vulnerable version of themselves shedding with tears and some fear the old. Letting it go with honor and gratitude for the lessons and being brave enough to being open to new blessings being presented to them. The universe doesn't give unto those with clenched fists. It needs you to open up those hands, those arms and let it come. It can be a shift of thought, a closing to fear and overthinking or it can be a radical re-design of a whole life. We are nearing the end of this decade and posing ourselves for entrance into the "20s and that is no joke. Don't bring what is no longer love into the door of your new home of the self as you sail into the days to come. You, my beloved ones, are worth every hug, every new job, every moment of laughter, every kiss, every move to a new home, all of it. You are worth it. The Divine will show you that.....soon.

So I have a Group reading at SALUD in Portland on Casco Street coming up again! Sunday October 27th at 4 Pm-5:30 and this is a great venue for seeking healing and wellness. Group readings are a great way to see my style of reading and open up to the great messages that come through and have a great time laughing and opening up to greater clarity. Come meet me! Tickets and link here.

I have decided to run a September coupon again; and to clarify how this works. If you purchase one you can email after to schedule in however it does not mean you will get in right away. Lately I am booking ahead a bit and myself or my assistant will get back to you asap and get you on the schedule. You can also save for a later date too! For 48 hours ONLY (from your receipt of this mailing) you can get $50.00 off both full hour session or half hour session. When you are purchasing your reading, put the respective CODE written below into the ‘Discount Code’ form as you are purchasing at chekout and the discount will be applied.

SEASONSHIFTONE Click here to purchase
SEASONSHIFTHALF Click here to purchase

I have big things in the works and am planning my next rounds of classes soon. Also will be announcing This Rough Magic soon for the winter which is my spiritual talk/group reading and essentially very funny and awakening stage event. Its always hugely popular and I am humbled and so happy to create this way of bringing you out and getting you to see what a weird and beautiful thing it is to be a spiritual being having a human experience!

Advice for the coming days? Don't be a jerk. Listen with your heart. Don't project your fears onto others and work on knowing YOURSELF better. Be kind out here. We all need it.

I am loving you with all of me,


“I am larger, better than I thought; I did not know I held so much goodness.

All seems beautiful to me.
Whoever denies me, it shall not trouble me;
Whoever accepts me, he or she shall be blessed, and shall bless me.”
Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass

Sarah Winslow