February Newsletter; Express train of Energy begins Inbox x


Hello My Friends

     So we are just a bit into the new year and what a start it has been. I am sure you would agree that it's been an intense and "thick" with pressure and shocking events time that we have begun. With global, social, political, environmental events being pushed, challenged, changed. All with grief and confusion abounding. It's not quite February as I am writing this to you and it seems like a lot for only just beginning this decade. If you follow my blogs and social media, you will know that I have been bringing up this reminder of the  adjustments we will be in for a while now. 

Things sometimes need to fall apart to be rebuilt. Even our inner landscapes of our dreams have to be rebuilt to match the shifts that we need as we age and grow. So too, does society and culture. The part we all play in it is what the Universe wants us to observe and be mindful of. Fear is a fire that is faster than faith so be very careful with what you pay attention to and where you hand is on the match.  I advise many of my clients and my own children to really ask what you wish to see, not what you see. Question the deeper part of you first and work there, then work out from there. Meditate of the place you would like to be in the world and see what needs to shift in you first, not outward first. Blame and judgment and disjointed avarice only comes from looking to what others are doing; not looking at ONES-self .True happiness lies in the community of caring and coming to the place of knowing you are truly your own governing body. How you live and love, whom you help on the journey of life and how you can work on you is becoming very important now . Take time to learn to meditate and see how it helps you to place your thoughts on what's best for all and for YOU, and you will benefit greatly. 

When the world shifts, the planets "bend" to help us get there. Usually I feel this or am guided to look at this prior to it happening. Being wired as I am to "see" beyond the  scope of this plane, I am often in awe of the power of the human spirit that I know lies beyond fear and cowardice. We all have it, in the task of the vulnerable, daunting question of purpose and the JOURNEY beyond that fear. It is so worth the risk, love and the shift in to self love. For here within lies that connection to everything, everyone, living or passed and that is the beginning of that FAITH we need. Those who have passed on remind me daily in my work that we are not alone and energy and help is just a thought, a prayer away. When you need help, I recommend asking for it. Let go of shame and just do it. It will come. It will come. Just as a new day dawns and change is inevitable, so is your will to let the Divine take the wheel for a while. 

Well I am happy to announce that a book that is 15 or so years in the making will be being published soon. Mary Ann Bohrer is an author who interviewed 33 gifted intuitives and psychics and mediums across the globe for years and with a title of " The Gift  Within; Intuition, Spirituality and the Power of our own inner Voice". It will be published I believe in March and will be available or order soon. I am in that book and would be so happy if you found a copy!  I will let you know when you can order it.  I am also mentioned in a book that is coming out soon by a very special leader and will hopefully have that link soon. 

Ok its Valentines month and I want to give and receive love in a big way; So for this month I will do a BRIEF 48 hour coupon code for readings. For only 48 hours from receipt of this newsletter you can purchase a one hour or half hour session for $50.00 off normal price.  ** we can not offer this beyond this time frame/no exceptions/ *** all reading are still subject to the current schedule and availability and may have a wait time 

To purchase online please enter the code below at your checkout.

ILOVEYOUONEHOUR  for $50 Off 1 Hour Reading
ILOVEYOUHALFHOUR  for $50 Off 1/2 Hour Reading

Be gentle with yourself, you deserve a great big hug. We all do. May your days and nights be filled with the mirror of who you are. 

With all my blessing and abundant gratitude, 


Sarah Winslow