November Newsletter : Hold On Tight My Friends / Gift Certificates ; a Drawing
Hello All
I hope this finds you well and safe and sound in a world full of chaos and turmoil. Stay tuned to this letter for a Gift Certificate note that you won't want to miss at all.
I know that I am not alone in feeling the tensions and anxious energy of the US and the world with not only a presidential election going on but what seems like a never ending Davy and Goliath wrestling with the pandemic. To say we are being challenged would be an understatement. In this letter I will be discussing current astrology as well as channeled information on how to pace yourself with new feet in a new world as per instructions from a spiritual tilt. Grab a tea or your favorite beverage and read on.
We are in the end part of a very challenging Mercury retrograde and it is ending on (of all days) Tuesday the 3rd, election day. Be prepared for an un-real and strange election day to extend itself in ways we may not have seen yet. With Mars, still retrograde we are challenged to take aggression by the hand and maneuver hopefully into assertion, the better way to achieve personal and energetic boundaries. Mars will move forward on the 13th. We just had on Halloween a blue moon full moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus so the energy of sudden changes are at the doorstep of the coming days. Endings, beginnings, shifts and changes and the urge for understanding beckons us to shift things. The Divine is peppering us with ways to grasp that we must acknowledge that things are no longer going to work and clinging to an old paradigm is proving to be futile as we march toward the upcoming end of 2020 and the arrival of 2021. We eeek out of the month with a lunar eclipse On the 30th in the sign of Gemini and a solar eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14th just prior to the winter solstice on the 21st. These eclipses are in mutable signs and portend and will create shifts for us all (especially Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces). Either way, we are in for more bumpy and specifically life shifting energies and we will need to pace ourselves as old karmic cycles continue to wrap up and new things and cycles arrive on our doorsteps.
WE must go forth into this new world (during these shadowy, strange and odd days) remembering our spiritual autonomy and with caution against being too far into a wormhole of social media distortion that we don't lose our Divinity and our body of nature and the desire to grow individually. The temptation to distort truths and rely on the aggressive pit of divisiveness is rampant. This is the nature of the shadow human and not one aligned with Love and understanding. WE can grow into more potent and reliable people by seeing the deeper meaning in the times we are in and the danger of losing not only heart but most
We mustn't lose hope of goodness and grace in any human but when all we see is a 2D conversation on the TV or tablet or phone of opposition and the like, we are in danger of getting sucked right in. Best to look the other way and remember that nothing has ever come from the argument of folly. I recommend doing habits and hobbies that align with your other dreams, you know the ones you may have had eons ago and get back to the drawing board of your own life so as to assure you that good new footing as things shift in the coming days and years. Drop that bad habit of looking at your FB or phone right away in the morning and meditate first, exercise, drink water, clean the kitchen, walk in nature....anything but what drives you to energetic ruin for the day. We are a collective and the more fear and anxiety we throw at the communal psychic pathways the further we are to solutions for our healing, our supply and our prosperous wellbeing we will be. Think again about thinking there is not a way through or out.
We are releasing an old world and are smack dab in the middle awakening to this epoch of 2020 and beyond.
You are being challenged to understand your psychic place in the birth canal of our rebirth. What has come to your attention personally this trying and challenging year? Have you begun to eradicate a lifetime of trauma in your emotional body? Lots of the yuk that we are in is actually a great way to let go of generational stuck-ness in your life and thoughts. Radical life changes and decisions may be happening to you now or soon. New people, old people returning, connection to your loved ones across the veil in dreams or signs. All of this is big energy around us currently.
What matters is that YOU are your governing body, nothing outside of yourself can shift things for you unless you let it. Be sovereign in your decisions and don't forget your Divine right to heal and move into the world with a sense of connection, not ruled by others or outworn worlds.
The models of media never have a foothold in the creation of your dreams, or the removal of your dreams, so try to remember this in the coming days.
“Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien,
And remember this intuition is key, without it we have less power to know. And not all is as it seems to the naked social media soaked eye.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.”
― Rumi
We are marching toward the Aquarian age and we need love and a whole lot of light to lead us.
And how am I, you ask? Well in a nutshell, going though the same rebirth that you are. Much is shifting in my personal world as well and I welcome it with loving and open arms. It has been challenging to not be able to do my large stage events and in person classes but smaller group family sessions are pouring in and love doing them so that is good. And soon I will announce online learning; trying to get it all put together and really looking forward to this new class and more. It can be tiring to have this wiring in a largely fearful and dark time just due to the energy however my God whisper inside of me fills me up and leads me to these words and the words that come to me in the meditation time I give myself and in my dreams as well as my readings with you all. I am far away from any mongering of fear and I trust in the angels that I know to lead the way out of the dark to a world with LIGHT in it. I bask in the spiritual advice that is handed to me daily and I am humbled and grateful to share with you any and all incoming wisdom from the other side. In the words that came to me from my deceased mom recently I will hand them to you.
"Hold your value high, my dear and let your boundaries not come from anger or rage but deep self love that is based on timelessness, and let go of the past, the new horizon is better than you think...."
I like that!
A gift from me to you!!!!!! from now till Thursday the 5th if you purchase a holiday gift certificate, your name will be on the list for a drawing on December 1st for TWO LUCKY PEOPLE THAT WILL BE GIVEN A FULL HOUR READING FOR FREE!! That's right. The Gift Card you purchase, may get yourself a full hour reading (in the future) with me. The drawing will be held On December 1st and my lovely assistant Julia will notify you via email if you have won the drawing. This is my way of thanking you for being so special to me and letting you know how I am so grateful to my epic clients all over the world . When you purchase you can notify us via email if you want a printable GC or a paper snail mail one sent to you. No time like the present for Spiritual gifts of healing for those we love as we enter into 2021.
Act now as this offer for this chance ends on the 5h, just 4 days; You can purchase the Certificate here:
If you didn't know I started a YOUTUBE channel where I do updates and this will be how I announce and link to future video courses.
Ok I'll leave you with this prayer for the days we are in :
May you and all you know be filled with the light and love of God
keeping you safe and healthy, prosperous and well
May the times of challenges be brought to a close and '
the Grace of a new vibrant world beckon your greatest times
May the lessons we learn create new and perfect healing in all the world
and may peace prevail .
And so it is.
I love you all.
to better days to come xoxo