Special Newsletter for the Current Time


Hello Clients and fellow lovely humans, 

I am writing this special letter in response to our situation and the current energies. As you know we are in a bit of a crisis and it is one that we can all truly help with by doing the most calm and reasonable thing we are feeling to do. Panic doesn't solve things but pragmatic, truthful action does. For me this means moving my appointments that are already scheduled in person to virtual means (phone, Skype, Facetime) and I am sure you understand the reasonings of lessening our physical time and gathering when needed virtually. This way the client gets the guidance and my business keeps flowing. It affords me the space to fill the computer and phone with faith and trust as well, rather than fear.  Julia will be sending emails out to give information on how to just do that to those that were in person sessions. Obviously those that are already online or phone are all set. I do readings like this all over the globe and have for 20 years now. They are the same in information and energy and a great resource for all my lovely global clients. Skype and Facetime even gets to see my silly face! 

That being said I also wanted to mention why I sense this is happening; Firstly our mother earth needs a bit of a break from as much global travel and impact. Secondly we need new ways to deal with crisis and this is a huge test of our systems and set ups. I see this as a reboot of how to deal with the matrix of fear and reaffirm sensibility and learn how to care for our beautiful bodies. Also Spirit is showing me that a great test of understanding and solutions AS A GROUP is being asked of us all. How to do this and deal with COMMUNICATION streams is also being tested. How will we fare? With great compassion and pragmatic action we can do it. This will get better. Trust. But do the right thing and let some "air” if you will into the energy of this. Go within, tune in, meditate and by all means pray for The Creator to help us all heal and be a part as ONE to end this and rearrange ourselves with light. With the Light of our true "kingliness" and being co creators of our reality; Find ways to support others financially and emotionally. Be a friend and text others to see how they are doing. Pray in virtual chat rooms. We don't need to touch to do it but your home and heart need you there. Soon we will touch again (hey that sounds kinda fun, wink wink!) The MIND is so powerful heed to thinking and knowing this is a shift into some form of higher consciousness and trust that. Fear not. Really work on that while truly being pragmatic and real. Send light to the heart of the virus itself in your mind and thank it for teaching us so it can go away. 

I am not moving my May event for the time being, yet my class this Saturday was cancelled and will be rescheduled soon enough. I am planning on a possible evening Google meet class - offering soon and will announce that here. Spirit is really on me how this is good for new methods of reaching you all with the teachings and guidance! My press event for the book I am in which was in April in NYC is moving to the fall of 2020. 

I will plan on keeping you all posted with Facebook and Instagram and hopefully keep a good sense of humor when needed. 

This will get better. We are the ones we have been waiting for and you are your governing body. 

I love you all and send energy of Light and Health to you 


Sarah Winslow