Mid Month Check In; Unite and Sovereign LIGHT
Hello My Friends, Clients, and Loves!
It looks like time for me to get a new letter out to you with announcements, updates, a channeling, and office/ events. Please read down through the energy update and look for the "house cleaning" and events and link to a a sign up for a new online class announcement and sign up link below;
Please read this newsletter slowly and carefully !
With I am sure, a significant flow of both anxiety, fear and sorrow, we are in a time of layered information, crossed wires, ineffective communication and strange awakenings. This newsletter is or has been brewing in me for many years. I was first shown this energy in 2005 in a dream. Panic, facemasks, fear. I meditated on it at the time and Spirit said to me "No FEAR Sarah." Then again in 2011/12 I was shown a wave of a shift on the planet; The vision was shown to me as such. Two ships arrive. There is a walkway between the two. People walked with what they wanted along the walkway, deciding which ship to get on. The shift to my left as I was observing this was a ship of fear and darkness, not on the outside but inside it. The ship on the right of my vision was loaded with light and the mood of hope. People walked down the pathway and chose, taking their time and feeling the feelings and going with what they wanted. I watched this vision and asked the Guides what does this mean. They told me in meditation that there will be a choice soon on how to be and who to ride with and it is up to us. They told me how to become a neutral and loving Guide. They showed me how to FEEL into the Light and how to Co Create from a place of peace and love. I know now what this means. This vision was presented to me again in 2016 and also in December of 2019. They were reminding me of what was coming. We are there. You can use this symbolic message to adhere to the here and now. When we are fearful and cut off from love and community, our fight or flight and our root needs of survival activate the organs of fight or flight and it dulls what we know of good dopamine and oxytocin. Which dulls our intuition. Stress is very bad for the immune system. So here we are. What do we do? In my recent sessions with clients ( globally ) the good thing is I am seeing a curiosity and pull to each of our own personal dharmas ( life calling, differing from our "jobby jobs" or the like ) being pulled from the soul out to the body of all sorts of people.
I am going to tell you a story of intuition and fear in one breath. I hope this helps you understand that you are always being watched out for, guided and solutions are always there, right within YOUR grasp - WHEN YOU GO WITHIN NOT OUTWARD - and listen and trust. One year a long bit ago it was post snow storm. My sons and their then step father took sleds into the pathways of our woods. My youngest little one stayed out back playing. I told him to not follow them as they had already left and were well into the woods. He said ok. I went inside to do dishes. In about 10 minutes I checked and he was not there. I went outside and yelled for him. Nothing. I saw his footprints going to the woods. I panicked. Yelling his name I went into the woods. Silence. Nothing. I keep going further in ( keep in mind there was no real pathway) I screamed for him. No response. A very LOUD interior voice said "Sarah remain calm in 3 minutes you will find him around the bend in the forest". I panicked again and yelled my fear was big. My baby! The voice repeated itself again. I yelled again. I kept walking and turned a corner in the woods and he was right there. 3 minutes after that voice said that. He was just sitting there way inside the woods eating snow. I outwardly said I was sorry that I was afraid and thanked whatever loud voice that was trying very hard to calm me and keep my voice of reason intact. This is just a small ( and one of many !) story. I have many that are similar. That is why I do readings. Because I have a knack for listening and my job is to transfer that information and also teach others to do the same.
How will we now deal with what is in front of us? Fear will not only block true answers from coming but dull your natural God given intuition on what to do; who to call; what to trust ; how to cope; where to love; creative ideas or solutions. It is time to let go of the grip so we can all come together as one uniting force of good and also be sovereign enough to govern ourselves and our ideas well.
We need a shift that out sizes what caused the virus or this time at all. A MUCH larger shift. Not being united or having our teams and friends and people around us isn't helping much. We need love. We need to not be scared - we can be pragmatic too - but ideas are born in the light of quiet time so let's go to work so we can get out SOONER than later from this time/and space. Everything.....EVERYTHING is energy. Energy goes where attention flows, my friends. If you want to get back to work ( and I stress the words back to work meaning in the flow of a good life, not just a life that has no LIFE FORCE behind it) then we must trust the deeper truths to begin to be revealed and how to move about the world now.
So with that I will inform you of a few things on my side - YES I am working (virtually) and still very much in the mojo of my calling. I have decided to a offer class on Intuition for the Current Time via Zoom on April 23rd at 6 PM Eastern Time and this class does have a space limit of 20 people so if you want to join in, you can make payment Here; upon receiving your payment Julia send you the private zoom invite log in.
Here is the info; a one and a half hour class on how to access more openness and trust in your own self and your guides whilst in a collectively strange and scary time. I will be teaching and offering you some ideas and techniques - we will send those who sign up information about the suggestions for this class and our Zoom rules. Again that will be April 23rd at 6 PM - 7:30 EST via Zoom sign up. Price is $75.00 for the class.
I am still booking sessions for the months coming; email with questions on that here.
Now information on my already scheduled event; The Frog and Turtle event. We are in touch with the owners of the restaurant and they really want to keep the event open to rescheduling when they get the go ahead to reopen. This feels right to us as well and I am feeling it will be in September and it will be the best Divine time. We will honor your tickets at that date and I am sure the timing will work. This was supposed to happen on May 7th.
As you must imagine, and I am sure with some of you out there too, it is a trying time financially for us all and one where we must try our best to be compassionate, trusting and open to discussion as we navigate through all this confusing and frustrating time.
As I write this newsletter on the 15th I am sensing a growing anger and rage building up, after the shock wears off. Be aware where or whom you direct this at and not to those aligned to help. Be patient with your trust in your own Divine plan and work with others. But pull back from strange and divisive energy see my channeled LONG TERM Divine message in the story above!)
You might want to pick up this book - I was originally interviewed for this book back in 2005 and it took this long to have her get it published. The basic premise is that intuition and all the similar spiritual reasons of our purpose here are a genuine and real form of guidance, healing and spirituality or quantamly true path.
(if that is a word, ha ha !) I am one of the "gifted intuitives" in the book (last chapter, its in alphabetical order) It might give you more insight and the auspicious timing of the books just now release.
So remember this - YOU are a child of the Universe / God and you were not meant to be imprisoned in fear or cowardice. You are a reflection of the mirror of what you want......or don't want. Getting to know just who the heck you really are is goooooooooood homework right now. Release the past. Push through that old story and go onward to the future......with all of us.
I love you all with all of my soul and being, in all directions of time and space and in all dimensions.
and that ain't no woo woo talk.
That is the truth.
“According to Vedanta, there are only two symptoms of enlightenment, just two indications that a transformation is taking place within you toward a higher consciousness. The first symptom is that you stop worrying. Things don't bother you anymore. You become light-hearted and full of joy. The second symptom is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more synchronicities. And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous. )”
― Deepak Chopra, Synchrodestiny: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence to Create Miracles