End of May/June Newsletter; Aurum Lux ; Golden Light and Classes, Coupon


Hello My Dear Ones

  I am writing this note to you on a beautiful May day, with the scent of lilacs pouring in my window. Heavenly. I hope this note finds you well despite the seismic shifts and turmoil we have managed to live through of the last few months. I know, based on statistical reasoning with all my sessions that I have during this time, that many of you are being called to new ideas, new work flow, and your true feelings of possible dormant thoughts that have risen up from this time. As if things were laying in wait, for this time strangely to arrive so that you could pull out your life blueprints and redesign and concentrate on what you want, or value in your life. For the future. I am grateful that I have the ability to help maneuver through hidden valleys of heart and mind and dimensions to create the flow into that new world and creations with you all.  

June is on our doorstep and the reopening of the world, albeit with a dribble of chaos here and there still as we maneuver into the hope of a new day and our commerce lives being rebuilt. I would recommend understanding what is going on with our planets currently as we have not one but several planets retrograde and today, on the new moon in Gemini we place ourselves facing several eclipses on the horizon. What this means is that we are in review, renovate, rearrange, recommune, reflect, rebuild on many levels and I know that SPIRITUALITY  is one of the top ones. What will come in to awaken you out of your slumber will be shown to you throughout the next months of summer into October and a bit beyond that  time. 2020 is no joke, yes? It's a kick in the pants. The virus, that came in, which my guides have said has receded and I trust that, has created a gateway for us to choose how we want to reflect our value and world and you will see that remaining out of the strife of duality and anger can be helpful in your own guidance being clearer for your life, personally. What can you do to help others and go deep into internal renovations will be required of you. I am seeing waves of light circling many of us guiding us to stay centered in love and trust so that we do not create from discord or disharmony. The neutral mind will be your best friend now. I am always guided to say these words" you are your governing body" and I know in that the message is YOU are your freedom and light, your choice maker and your true boss and only when you discover or more likely, UNCOVER your reasons for your choices you will find a way to a sense of spiritual connection and intuition. I was seeing a huge gateway beginning this summer for a big change and you are part of it. We all are. You might not see it at the moment but you will come to, when you are ready for your part in the shifts and big changes. Time and open eyes always reveal to us what God really wants for us, we always find our way back to the yellow brick road. I am a living testament to that miracle and synchronicity. 

This is a summer of redo, renew, and a changing of the tides. Stay out of fear and judgement,  for the shifts I see coming from this are positive if one does not let the virus of fear infect your heart and body. A calm mind and a centered heart knows what to do, how to stay in vitality and also knows what it's calling is. I, too, am renovating my life. I titled this letter with the latin words for GOLDEN LIGHT, of which is surrounding anyone calling it in to them to keep your mojo filled with love and grace and trust and safety. It is as simple as saying yes to the shift and no to persuasion into fear snares, as if angels are among us circling us on our walks, family gatherings, errands and happy reunitings. I am being called to teach more. To teach YOU to do this work as if you know your higher self like your best pal. I love doing so. I also help in the readings with the questions that I mentioned that are dormant and yet screaming at you to listen. This is my reason for this work is to open you up. It's a blessing for me. 

So that being said, the announcement  part of the letter now. I am, and have rescheduled a few events and have a new one to announce and stay tuned after that below there will be a detailed explanation for a coupon for June for discounted readings. 

I am excited to announce the teaching of Mediumship. It is essentially the third part in my psychic development series and open to anyone who has taken 101, and 102 or has learned a few pointers on energy and intuition in other arenas. Most of the folks that have come to know that my specialty in readings are two fold. Psychic clarity and Medium reading accuracy and all that comes with that.  This course is designed to teach the details of what and how to access communication with parted loved ones and is a great way to understand the process of the "other side".  This class is Saturday July 18th and is held from 10-2 PM location TBD either at my location or another client's larger place. 

Also we have rescheduled Psychic 101 to Saturday September 12th from 10-2 Pm and it now has a few more openings for sign up. Get it fast as this is my most popular class. Location TBD 

To sign up for Psychic 101 click here. 

To sign up for Mediumship click here. 

We have rescheduled the Evening with Sarah Winslow at the Frog and Turtle to September 3 info can be found here; 

Lastly but not leastly, I am doing one more coupon offer for $50.00 off either full hour or half hour sessions. 

This coupon is good for ONLY FOUR DAYS FROM RECEIPT OF THIS EMAIL, and will not be available after that so grab it while you can.  Please note; I am already booking out a month or so in advance so you will not likely be able to get in (unless a spot opens with the waitlist, which it does at times) but you can also save it for later when needed. No refunds and new policies stated here; 

This is a good way of letting the beautiful Divine decide on the most auspicious time for a session:) 

For the code just punch in the below code in the box upon your Paypal check out; it is quick and easy. 

JUNEONEHOUR    click here 
JUNEHALFHOUR  click here  

will get you $50.00 off the regular price of either reading. 

Ok, it's Memorial day weekend and it's a beauty here in Maine. I hope you and yours find time to share in a lovely place with good food and so much love and fond openings to reunion and re-entry.  May Love be the reason and the reality.  The bliss of nature and love are the bestest immune boosters . 

I am here, Loving you with prayer and humble gratitude, 

Aurum, Lux, Amor, 


“When the Sun of compassion arises darkness evaporates and the singing birds come from nowhere.”
― Amit Ray,  

“I should not make any promises right now,
But I know if you
Pray Somewhere in this world -
Something good will happen.”
― Hafiz  

Sarah Winslow