September Newsletter : Mars, Magic, Moons and a Coupon!
Hello my friends
I hope this newsletter finds you well. As we begin to close out our summer in the northern hemisphere (say it ain’t so!) we are quickly approaching both autumn and a huge shift and rearrangement . At the beginning of this year , I wrote to you speaking of the big astrology of 2020 and I feel now you may all have a better sense of what that means ! The way I can explain it to you is that as with the tides , which the moon effects , so to are we effected by shifting planets . This time we have a grand trine of ALL the earth planets , ( think security and abundance and dedication , work ) and in the 2nd of September a full moon in Pisces , conjunction in Neptune . That’s big intuition and deep inner vision time . This will bode well for meditation mixed with action .
On the 9th of September all the way to the 13th of November however we have Mars , the planet of action, war, sex and aggression going retrograde . Deep inner thinking’s will be apparent in these cycles for some and also it could trigger an already wounded and angry society . As you know , we’ve been being challenged here for a while to balance out the temptation of being pulled into the shadow sides of ourselves. The lower workings of our trauma bodies filled with fear and separation. What we really need is to remember that in our Divine and True nature we are at one with our fellow humans and at One with our Creator and even our planet. Its all energy . We need to remember this as we flow into the autumn months for I feel that the next few months will be loaded with change and the challenge to step up our game into recreating goals of compassion and positive action.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there. -----Rumi
Our vision can be used to create a streamlined version of seeing this time of challenges going away to give rise to new ways of doing things and healing our bodies and societies and being Spiritually proactive in the support of that new energy. Both individually and collectively for an old guard of our lives are ending. I truly believe that on the other side of this very odd and challenging year we have good things waiting for us. Fighting and letting yourself get pulled down the news and media rabbit hole will trigger that shadow self and quite frankly coat your energy with fear. And as Yoda says and I know this to be very true. " fear is the path to the dark side" . Not all is as it seems in that world so being still, meditating, learning new things, nature and human connection is key to keeping that lamp light of Grace and Faith lit and warmed. I know people are waking up and wanting to understand things because I am busy!!!!
Which brings me to NEWS:
Unfortunately my big event at Frog and Turtle has had to be postponed again until the size and space regulations due to covid are better. I am sure we can all understand that this event ( and ALL my large capacity events) will happen in right and Divine timing. Stay tuned for that.
My classes are in high demand which is why we split the already big class of Psychic 101 into two days - September 12th and 19th. Which opened up TWO SPOTS FOR THE 19TH SATURDAY - if you are interested in signing up please email Julia ASAP to sign up for that class ---- information is found here pertaining to that .
I am running a September discount of $50.00 off both full or half hour sessions - this runs for 48 hours only from the publishing of this newsletter and I have not run a discount in a bit so Grab it while you have it!! BUT PLEASE UNDERSTAND; I am currently booking in November and you will not get in right away but we also have a cancelation list. You are welcome to save your purchase for later as well. All readings I have found truly happen in Divine and right timing. I have not been running these discounts lately so do scoop that up for savings now!!!
To purchase just put the code below in your checkout online
SEPTONEHOUR please click here to purchase
SEPTHALFHOUR please click here to purchase
I will close this email with this excerpt from January 2020 newsletter which , at the beginning of this wild and intense ride into this existential year, seems good to reshare. Please read and share this newsletter with your family and friends.
I won't lie. Its going to be uncomfortable for some. Beautiful and miraculous for others. Confusing and busy for some. Busy and prosperous for others. Healing and hopeful for some. It sort of all depends on how you use the slipstream of energy to find your way, your new path, your new persons, your new home, your new work; or the betterment of all the aforementioned things. What are you willing now to fully let go of. Would you create a world from cowardice and hate and rage and judgment or from love and discipline focused intention and abundant faith and surrender to your JOY and purpose? What are you here for? Let me ask you again. WHAT ARE WE HERE FOR? Have you needed to understand this? You will need to go within more and ask better questions of your inner self and better questions of the world. Throwing your daggers will not get you anywhere but more of the reflection of your own war inside you. Blaming others will also no longer work; working to heal the paradigms that just are not working well WILL help. Innovation in tech and commerce are on the way but will you let it all happen?
“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.”― Hafiz of Shiraz
I for one am wishing for us all great health, prosperity and human touch. We are our governing body, I love you all
“The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can't be any large-scale revolution until there's a personal revolution, on an individual level. It's got to happen inside first.”