December Newsletter; Lessons, Freedom, Change. Mediumship/Gift certificates
Hello My Dearest Friends,
“Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.”
- Rabindranath Tagore
Bear with me as this will be a long one, and Spirit will provide me with the words to help you navigate as best as we can, and I will channel the words in hopes that they benefit you . Stay tuned to the later part for regular Sarah news / Mediumship class date and link and gift certificate links....and December 3 Open Studio time (art).
Welcome to December, a big spiritual month of great importance for us. We are ending another year, and one that we see is challenging us to grow and see the world through different lenses, possibly new for the first time in your current human life. We Are getting ready to head into a new year and we are at differing levels of understanding on what we need to take with us into the coming year and what we need to leave in the past. There is a greater need to ground and secure ways of holding a sense of sacred quiet or reflection as the winds of a great awakening show up on this globe. As we approach the Winter solstice on December 21, ( or the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere ) the energy will amplify on earth. A solar eclipse in Sagittarius on the new moon on December 4th wraps up this past years lessons of mystical learning and personal freedoms, to herald in eclipses in Taurus ( money, pleasure, stability, security in fiscal, education ) and Scorpio ( sex, death, and rebirth cycles, deeper meaning ) through 2022.
Venus moves retrograde on the 19th of December in the sign of Capricorn letting us review and renovate our relationships, our money, our work decisions, shifting our value and letting us bring about new relationships or changes in love. This is all around the holidays, no less, in a world that many see is a bit to deal with currently. The quiet of the winter months ( here ) will let us reflect a bit on what we see is our own evolution or what we feel is the lesson on how we perceive the world around us, or the world we look at through the template of a "virtual" reality on our laptops, TVs, phones... It is, as we see, being shown that something, let's call it The Universe, is reminding us that we are the gatekeepers of creating our reality through love, connection and prayer, or through the lens of fear, separation or judgement and avarice, coercion. This is a tempting place to stay, for many who do not know that they are projecting this image outward, because strangely, it's comfortable, ironically to stay in this state of what we feel is safety in control. When what the truth is, is that we never "are“, for the real reality is that we are always free to choose as God has granted us free will and Divine will all in one breath.
This beautiful gift is at our beck and call now. I see the need to use this blessing wisely in the coming years. To relearn how to tap into the Divine presence that so loves us and gives us the power to create our reality with both thought and kismet. With love and soul connection, With spiritual adventure and community and second, third, fourth chances to get it all "right". We are evolving, Through this story playing out we are shedding outworn models that must die away into new ways of Being on this blue ball we call our temporary home. This Is why the healers are busy, this is why you might be feeling strange and odd with new feelings and experiences that are just " showing up" out of nowhere. Any human soul that has had hard, abusive, challenging, cold experiences, or relations knows this feeling of awakening that comes from assimilating the lessons, moving forward and coming to a sense of LOVE and personal sovereignty to choose a life of happiness after letting go, of forgiving..release. I see these times as a similar vibration. For many. Some are there, some will arrive there later, some will be too scared to let go of the security of pain...addicted to cycles of separation , not union with the higher self.
You see, we are all ONE and WE are creating this, with the Divine watching over us to see how we do this. In doing so we can and will alter this challenging time we are in by shifting our sight to love, not fear. We all leave this plane (and often come back again) and as a medium and psychic it is my job to teach you all to " remind " you of our truth, We are souls, playing here. Let's play together to meditate and dream up happiness, health and togetherness and freedom to choose that reality as ONE. We are all linked and our guides are linked to us and our angels and our loved ones. We are being watched over and aided, even if we cant see that. It is going to be a journey, so start by meditation, TURN OFF the news, get back to a spiritual practice, ponder those job changes and relationships. Dance, walk, pray, laugh. Remember or find a way of calling in new ideas of what loving looks like, what peace could feel like.
I have the blessing of talking to so many of you through the readings and I see and know that a shift is upon us. I have been doing this job SO long and was told at the age of 5 on a warm summer night, in the quiet of the stars what my role was. Of course it took me longer to live my life and re-remember my place in the place of all things, but I did; for even in times of pain and sorrow of which I have had PLENTY, I never felt far from the pilot light of my soul, my connection to God in my heart. Like magic with each release of fear, it grew and grew. Take my lessons as your template for the new year. As the Hopi prophecy states " do not look outside yourself for a leader... these are good times....we are the Ones we have waited for" .
As a few of you may know I have a NEW assistant Ellen who will be helping you with bookings and questions and helping me get all the new things in order for the new year. I am yes, in high demand yet I am here to help along the journey .
You can inquire about Gift Cards for readings as they are a wonderful way of helping another find healing in these darker days or the progression of things in others lives that may be hard or challenging or the like Find the link for Gift Certificates here;
Mediumship class date is February 19th Saturday 10-2 pm South Portland. If you have taken my 101, and 102 feel free to join in the journey in learning the ins and outs of the other side in this epic Mediumship class. Sign up here for that :
Lastly we are having an open studio at our studio for First Friday this Friday December 3 82 Parris St Portland ( right by Batson River Brewing ) come support your local artists. 4-7 pm Come say hi and have a beverage and enjoy come ART!
Also from 5-8 Open studio at The Stoodio 200 Kennebec st right around the corner - where I am in a Women in Art show goodies and wine there and more art.
2022 will be MUCH in the way of teaching for me so stay tuned for that. Rolling out new methods to communicate with you all virtually as well in the coming year.
In closing...
I give you this prayer
May God bless you with light in your soul
with miraculous healing gifts
with prosperity and joy in waves you've never known yet
with soul family and love so powerful is transforms your world
and from me to you a powerful thanks for being here with me on this journey
May love lead us all
Happy Holidays beloveds
Love and magnificent light,
“The measure of a man is what he does with power.”
― Plato
“Spirituality is not to be learned by flight from the world, or by running away from things, or by turning solitary and going apart from the world. Rather, we must learn an inner solitude wherever or with whomsoever we may be. We must learn to penetrate things and find God there.”
― Meister Eckhart