Early June Newsletter: Eclipses , Summer , Changes , Taking Hold


Hello My Friends

As I sit here getting ready to write you this newsletter the birds are singing and the sun is shining and the hum of late Spring early Summer feelings engulf me. Perfection in weather for sure. The astrological weather may think differently! Take a seat and take in this letter that has in it a bit of an astrology update, cosmic spiritual advice, news on my business and most hopefully enough love to let you bask in.

This letter is going out on a full moon eclipse (blood moon) in Sagittarius. This begins a super charged Summer of retrogrades, and eclipses. Our next eclipse is only two weeks after this one on the new moon in gemini on the 10th of June. Mercury goes retrograde on the 29th until June 22. Jupiter retrograde from June 20 to October 18. Whilst Saturn and Pluto are retrograde into Autumn. So suffice it to say, your words of the Summer are surrender, shift, listen, move it, let it go, call it in, and HOLY CRAP! Spirit will be moving storylines and characters and energy with this eclipse season and depending on what astrological house it affects, different people will have different things begin for them. Relationships, new love, endings, new work, old doors closing permanently for many. Think back to December Of 2020 and what you have seen, learned and accomplished since then. All this as we move out of the funk of the times of the last year into freedom and joy for most of us. What you make yourself available for and to will most certainly find you and scoop you up and bring you along for the ride. So I am guided to let you know to affirm your connection to SOURCE and to higher good and keep your hands on your own wheel of life, don't grab the shifter for others. AKA stay in your own lane, my friends. The Universe will get done what it needs to and your job is to open up that intuitive pulse inside of you so you know which way to go, or not go. This will be a Summer of deep discovery and uncovering of deep knowing as Sagittarius is ruled by the 9th house of learning, mysticism, optimism, intuition, and legal matters. This eclipse today will unlock much for many (especially us Sagittariuses, like me).

If you have been following me for many many many years you know how long I have been doing readings, teaching courses in psychic development, and doing larger stage events as methods of showing you all the deep and powerful connection we ALL have to the UNKNOWN or the forgotten part of us, Source. It is a blessing and I have been blessed with some pretty powerful thing that I love to share with you all. 20 years into coming out of the psychic closet (LOL) and doing professional psychic medium, spiritual teaching sessions. At the current moment (this does not include upcoming events and classes that will soon be announced!) I am booking close to 6 months out.

I still have a cancelation list and use it. It's all energy and this is why I am announcing that starting July 1 2021 my prices will be going up. Spirit has been urging me to do so for over a year and the time has come. A big shift of energy for many includes you! If you are being urged to do the same for your business or the like I say listen deeply and say yes to that. Trust those nudges my friends. The season of shift is upon us all and it will be a powerful time of personal redesign, with freedom in tow. As we move forward in this Aquarian age we will all be learning that all is just an exchange of energy; money and leadership included. Spirit has long been guiding my meditation time with this huge bit of guidance. You are the ones you've waited for and you are your governing body. These are the words.


My new rates will be active as of July 1, 2021. If you have already booked and paid for a scheduled reading, you are all set. If you have a reading scheduled and have not yet paid, you have until July 1st to pay through my website at my current rate, otherwise all readings scheduled after July 1, 2021 will be charged the new rate.

If you have a reading scheduled and have not yet paid, you will receive an email from Julia with more information and can ask any questions to her directly.

Notices, announcements on my large venue events coming out in a week or two with tickets links. So excited to get out there in humanity again and squeeze y’all!

I moved my home recently and luckily am in a quiet area close to the ions of the ocean and this will benefit all of you too! For when I sit in nature and quiet my mind the Guides that urged me to do this work and how to do it direct my pen to paper on new instruction for new things to give to you so this for real will be the Summer of new for me, and for you. Did someone say write that book Sarah?? If you have come to a reading with me, and have benefited from it, I urge you to share this letter with love with others.

A reminder from my blog of December 2020 ........

How do we deal with change? With acceptance and questioning and letting go and meditating on solutions and new things, and letting both our drive and gut move us forward. We will leave personal things and drama behind. What do you want to carry forward into these exciting times?

How will you look to the heavens to help you? Trust. We are shifting and boy it’s going to be cool.

And now I send you all my love and care, my heart of hearts that possesses a bandwidth of God for you to light your way.

Be Blessed, in deep gratitude,


I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. 

Walt Whitman 

Sarah Winslow