January Newsletter; New Year, Welcoming the Shift
Hello My friends,
I hope you are well at the start of this new year. Apologies for the late arrival of this letter. It was a rough start for me as I ended last year and began this one very sick and got quite behind. This is in the rear view now and I am walking steadily into the new year. It has been a bit of a muddy start to the year for many of us as Mercury is still retrograde and things have been slow an muddied. Mars which has been retrograde for 3 months is preparing to go direct on the 12th and will help with that motivation/action factor. Many of us are snail walking into this month but that will lift soon with Mercury going direct on the 18th and followed by Uranus going direct after the New Moon on the 22nd. This means there are NO planets retrograde all the way until April and this cosmic help from the Universe frees up some energy and gathers us a but of pep in our step around goals, ideas, actions, renovation, and awareness. Progress.
Progress. That is an interesting word. Many of us left `22 with a feeling as if things needed to change in our worlds. I mean, it was palpable for many. Collective energy around a desire for shift, for reciprocity, for purpose, for freedom, for love, for passion and NEW. This is the wind in the air coming. In the months ahead we will have a significant epochal change as Saturn moves into Pisces for 3 years (it has been in Aquarius since the 2020 lock down), Pluto moves into Aquarius (it will move a bit around Capricorn and will totally enter Aquarius in `24 and will stay there until 2044!!), and Jupiter enters Taurus in May for a full year. What this means is CHANGE. Think of the last (crappy) (wild) (interesting) (restrictive) (awakening) 3 years! These upcoming shifts will make it feel very different than it was.
Things will and should feel different this year. You can already see that. I have a new assistant and the goal for me is to shift this platform and my life in HUGE ways but will do so in mini steps. It has to happen. I was reflecting when I was sick and how long I have done this work.. I estimate over 10,000 readings or more. Over 20 years...24... I have talked countless humans and held them in light as they process loss, fear and confusion, search, and pain. I have travelled into the dark of the ethers to find and help them in the search for love and healing for many. I have channeled years and years. It is time for the next phase and I am excited for this shift. I am sure many of you who have been coming to me for that time or any length of time or to your referrals too, understand.
It all started when I was a child, and in reflection recently I was in recall of being this human in other scopes where I would tell almost strangers or friends at pubs or at an event, things that I was guided to pull out of the pain inside or the Universal God mind. More than once many times the response was "who ARE you? Where have you been all this time?" All BEFORE beginning this work which I was fighting tooth and nail with God NOT to do but I ended up saying...."I bow to you....I get it.......Ok......."
..." show me your love, God." Love IS that way and that word, and that Grace that keeps this heart moving forward.
This is my purpose but there is more and I am being called. Stay tuned here for more on all of this. We will be doing more live stage events and I will be teaching.
Speaking of teaching I have a few classes up and you can find more and sign up here:
PSYCHIC 102 - is a continuation for any former students or other people on the search for deeper learning of INTUITION and deeper connection to your guides; Read more here and to sign up. FEBRUARY 11TH. 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. $325. SOUTH PORTLAND ME.
Back by popular demand - THE SOULS JOURNEY; (HEALING LESSONS ON KARMA, LIFE PATH AND SOULS). A powerful class that I give from my years of mediumship and learning the reasons, lessons and karma of why we are, WHO we are, and how to go deeper to HEAL and find PURPOSE. March 25th, 11:00 AM- 2:00 PM. Location: TBD. $250.00. Sign up and more info here.
And in that I go for now and ask you all to ponder what you want the upcoming year to Bring to you... this wild and precious life.
May it be healthy
May it be loved
May it have meaning
May it have magic
May it prosper
I am here, loving YOU