March News; Vulnerable pull to the Light, coupons!
Hello All,
Stay tuned to the last half of this newsletter for a coupon code for discounted sessions and announcements. Welcome to my March newsletter and blog. This will be the last blog on my old website as I am launching a new one very soon! How exciting to rebuild on a dream, rebuild on what you know is working and let go of things that are all done, don't you think? Nature abhors a vacuum and that means that change and shifts have to come in at times when we may not feel ready for them. The reason I am bringing that up is that there are magnetic forces beyond our understanding that at times, push our free will to the side a bit to make us aware that things are or about to shift. This is happening for many of you out there. In ways that are very positive however they may look daunting or challenging to begin with. The purpose of these changes is that it forces a crack in places where light or love or compassion or self awareness has to enter in. We must not act or REact the same way we would in events or situations that we might have done in the past. Mercury the planet of communication is about to go retrograde from the 5th to the 28th of March, giving us time to reassess and realign with renovating our thoughts and our lives. Be careful and gentle with your communications and contracts that you are in during this time. We have some big movement that has happened since the eclipses of the summer and highlighted by the recent full super moon in Virgo in February. This means clearing house. Divine likes to shake things up because we humans like to be zombies avoiding our true life path and we Netflix and chill almost too much;) We need to be conscious co creators of our path to true happiness and also bring that love back out into the world once we have found it.. or at least begin it. We must face the knowledge that we have to be vulnerable, or have deeply vulnerable moments, to access the core of what our soul needs; love and understanding. Not just by another human but by our selves. To know yourself is to find yourself, and that is the gift that is a game changer in life.
I have seen many clients with big moments unraveling their lives in ways that are making them bow down in the grace of asking for help and for the first time, knowing that it is something very different that they truly need, rather than what they "thought" they needed. The heart does that thinking for us, in the moments of vulnerable clarity. How precious and shaky we are in the moments of clear open heartedness. It will often disguise as breakups, job shifts, injuries that come in suddenly, losing a loved one, battling addiction, and also falling deeply in love. What hides it is pride, shame, anger, depression, and things that seem like normal human daily things. Its the epiphany of the heart that leads you to the life you dream of, the life of your soul awakening to greater connection and understanding which then is a game changer for all sorts of your hopes and happinesses. Vulnerability is the doorway to bravery and that leads to victory. I say this for we are moving to many shifts and it will be helpful knowing its all going to be .........alright; That you are loved loved loved by a force and a bandwidth of angelic protection that has a Divine plan in order at all times. I speak of this as a channel and a human being that knows first hand. I see every day miracles and I am a vessel that helps to Guide others here; because I have lived that pain as well. Heal thy self=healthy self. Healthy self worth brings those dreams to you. Trust me my loves.
So as we move forward to March I have my wonderful event where I will talk more about cool stuff like this and make you giggle and do group session called " This Rough Magic " and you can read here what it is. WE will be taking this on the road if you have interest in hosting or promoting let me know. March 11
On March 30th I am teaching my Psychic 102 class the second in my spiritual intuition development class series. If you have taken my 101 or something similar do please sign up - it is so much fun and deeply connected to learning how to connect to your guides, divination tools and learning more about energy and the rest- info and sign up are here.
Lastly - I love you all and want to extend a brief coupon for discounted readings for March and that means for only 48 hours you can purchase a one hour reading for $200. ($50. off) or a half hour reading for $125.00 ($50. off) act fast as this is the last one for a bit. Remember that I am a busy in demand lady and it may take a wee bit to get on the schedule with me. If you purchase one please email us that you have and we will answer in order of purchase.
enter the code at checkout to receive the discount
MARCHONEHOUR click here to purchase
MARCHHALFHOUR click here to purchase
More events coming up!
Lastly - you are a shining star. We are all in this together and all the hopes you have , we all do. Your trust in the power of your prayer and hopes is the trust of not one but many. Miracles happen when we shift our perceptions. Remember this.
“What happens when people open their hearts?"
"They get better.”
― Haruki Murakami,
Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.”
― Brene Brown
I love you my fellow beautiful searchers,