April Newsletter; Beginnings, Spring Coupons

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Hello My Friends

Its finally Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere. We here in New England always get giddy even though it is still chilly and muddy. It is a very symbolic awakening of being closed in for so long and so inward. We always feel a great rebirth. It is appropriate and rightly timed as of late, for there is a huge shift taking place lately within the collective. Coming to the end of Mercury Retrograde ( the 28th of March) after the Supermoon we rest in knowing that the shifts that are taking place are truly Divinely guided and sourced. Bringing many of us to close doors to the past and to places, behaviors, people, relationships that don't resonate with the most important energy we have; LOVE. For our self and for the mirror of that - in the OTHER. To come to the bold and deep knowing that things are shifting out of old paradigms into new ones, waiting, so that we can do things differently and run our commerce, income, dreams, and relationships differently than we ever truly have. Its new territory. If during the last several months you have had to face fears bearing their dark teeth and tempting you to go backwards, you are not alone. For the test is to come to the braver, truer, more vulnerable yet hopeful YOU. The resurrection of change is here on your doorstep and if you have not said YES to it yet, it could be time soon as we move into April. On the 10th Jupiter goes Retrograde in Sagittarius bringing us to an inner journey to great spiritual insight and  expansion of the journey to achieving dreams though self discovery and mystical searching  and optimism of your inner goals, which will be worked on through this entire year.  Goals will come to those who are working the magic that is at foot. Work with it all, not against it and good things will come.

Do you ever wonder why negative things happen? In part in this school of life our Source challenges us to find our self through this dark time of self discovery and how we play it out in the collective. We are connected through the mind and until we understand both that a bit more and of our part in the play we are asked to shift until we see better in the whole world. The cosmos have a plan for you and to tap into more positive, prosperous, loving energy you must KNOW YOUR SELF first. The world says take your oxygen first then give it to thine neighbor. This time is here and love is your guidepost to understanding where you stand the the whole.

Tell me what it is that you plan to do with this one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver

This is your question for April , my beloveds...

So  I am doing my wonderful Psychic 101 again!!! On April 27th Saturday in Portland. This class is the starter for anyone on the journey to awaken your still and silent gift of intuition and learning more about dreams, Spirit guides, intuition and ego and spiritual law and energy. It is a very beautiful and very fun class for both beginners and for people who know some things but want to go a bit deeper. Popular class fill up FAST! Space is limited so sign up fast. 10 -2 PM location TBD and announced via email when you sign up. $250.00 for the class and snacks are provided.  Sign up here

A spring coupon here! But this time I have a gift for you! If you purchase a coupon, you will be signed up for a drawing for a full hour Gift Certificate to be used at a later date or you can give it as a gift if you win it in the drawing! that is a $250.00 value and the gift that keeps giving.

One hour is $50.00 off as well as half hour but ONLY For 48 HOURS from receipt of this email .  Please put the code in at purchase to receive the discount.



Ok this is my last blog in this here old website we will launch my new lovely website on April 1 ( no Joke! ) So I for one am so excited for the NEW!

I am here for you

I love you

I am ONE with you

and so is Spirit.

In Grace and Love.


“I have not always chosen the safest path. I've made my mistakes, plenty of them. I sometimes jump too soon and fail to appreciate the consequences. But I've learned something important along the way: I've learned to heed the call of my heart. I've learned that the safest path is not always the best path and I've learned that the voice of fear is not always to be trusted.”
― Steve Goodier

Sarah Winslow