January 2021 Newsletter; Wake to the True Path of Us
Hello My Friends,
If you want to fully take in this newsletter you should find a seat and a quiet moment and read this carefully and fully, as this one will be a bit longer and fully full of much advice and tender love and care. My news will follow this channeled writing so read to the end.
We are in the times and vibration of a new wave of consciousness doing its best to be born within us as a species and within and upon our planet. We are in a year of 5, the number of change and change is upon us. The age of Aquarius means community, gathering of solutions as a group and not just a one person, one big boss, one big money ruled world. This is why it feels so bad right now. The old ways are being shredded up and in the interim of the coming better days, there are mad mad frustrated humans out there. I liken it to being mad at a partner and confused and belittling before marital therapy and an eventual parting. It's that upsetting. If you look at the "big guys'' as your only hope you will be farting in the sahara. You need to look within YOU and your place here on the earth; your work, your friends, your community, your calling here on the planet. I have been being told for a long long while (and if you come to my sessions or events or follow me on social media or this letter) that this one expression holds true - YOU ARE YOUR GOVERNING BODY and letting the energy of that ick fill your every move with fear and more fear is the spiritual and literal opposite of how to flow well in these times. Germ or no germs, politics or none. It is the WE that is creating what will become the land of plenty or the land of oppression and rage. Love thy neighbor holds more true now and the divisiveness that has been here waayyyyyyyy prior to the year 2020 is why the beings of light are being called on more than ever to assist us out of the darkness of our own being and upwards to the more connected, heart centered ways of living here. Together. The darkness preys on the weak and available, much like an addiction can wear down the best of humans...so too the darkness wants a host. BE the light! YOU be it. In your ability to shift your focus and trust with all your might in goodness and True Spirit to show up for you, for us. Yes, anxiety is huge. Confusion, anger and loss. It seems a weird bit of advice but trusting in this massive shift is imperative to intuitive FLOW and knowing what to do, and how to call in and co create it, spiritually and literally. Change is tough.... " everything i've ever let go of has claw marks on it "~ David Foster Wallace. I liken it to being a salmon swimming upstream but it's wearing heavy weights by choice and not letting those weights fall off. When you make a world fearful, God has no room to come and give you the gift of Divine providence and abundance, correct? Not all is what it seems and your natural intuitive body should be telling you so. We all have it. It takes exercising it with meditation, stillness and deep listening and unraveling from the slip stream of shit in the media. Turn it off. Go to YOUTUBE or Spotify and listen to 528 Hz music as much as you can. Take a walk in nature with your headphones cranking it. LET GO OF the old ways. Be open and get therapeutic healing and counseling when needed.
Back in 2012 I was given a vision (actually in 2005 I was given the vision of the virus and masks and when I inquired to Spirit on what to do these two words were given to me - NO FEAR....NO FEAR , SARAH.) that showed me two giant ships "landing, docking in" and a path between them. People lined up and walked quietly trying to figure which ship to get on. One ship was filled with rage and fear and quiet grey angry alone lonely people who willingly made the choice to get on it and the other was filled with laughter and color and love and games and music and joy. I asked what it meant and was told a time will come to know how to create which world and all will be given a choice. It goes back to the prophecies of the age of Aquarius. We are here, the astrology alone can guide us and teach us how to handle ourselves rightly (like when mars moves into challenging positions or like being prepped for mercury retrograde so we handle it better).
There are no "sides" there is only "dark" and "light" and we all carry that within us to assimilate and work with as we learn to grow and ascend beyond our pride and ego and our find out true nature as all connected in spirit. Proof of this is the collective anxiety and fear - it spreads for we all connected in other dimensions beyond our spiritual amnesia. That's how you can explain things like signs from loved ones who have passed, and synchronicity and soul bonds through eye contact and hugs. We are together so we must BE together.
Before sitting down to write this as my coffee went cold from me meditating too long, my guides said "you were made for these times" and by that I knew what they meant. The greatest gift you can give yourself is what I give you through my work. INTUITION. Y’all have it too. Sure mine and others like me, it's BIG but even a push of your sixth sense button is helpful. My job is to remind you of where we come from and where we go. Someone close to me lost a friend yesterday of cancer and quite young. I met his man last month and got a chance to talk with him, and he said to me ..." I wish I had time... time to repair things, a really negative breakup...I wished it had gone differently ....I wish....." as now he is graced with leaving the physical world to the non physical he will now be at one with God and send energy to those who loved him as a thank you for his time here. For love. It never goes away. I remind you of this as your greatest asset.
The Divine needs you to find it in you; in your posse, in your loves, in you local economy and areas. Find it and hold it close ; it’s right there in your heart.
Ok ...now me :) I am here doing sessions....waiting to do my live big events soon and building a new platform. Soon video classes and more. I am however looking to move...I must move out of this current neighborhood to a single family home - the market is hot and I still believe in manifesting rent or buy with Divinely orchestrating communication is on the table. In Portland or South Portland if anyone knows of somewhere I can lay my hat and keep my feet on the earth to keep doing this work I do.....it is my life mission here. That and dance and laugh and love and be a great mom, relative, friend, lover, and teacher. So I am wide open for the help !!!
I must go for now to do my sessions and will be sending you another newsletter very soon with more and more announcements.
Follow me on social media (Instagram • Facebook) for more and stay out of the shadows...
I’ll leave you with this, in the wise words of Ozzy Osbourne, “Crazy, but that’s how it goes, millions of people living as fools...”
We are the Ones we've waited for
I love you all
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.”
― Rumi