February 2021 Newsletter; More Shifts, Love, and a 72 Hour Coupon!
Hello My friends
We made it into the second month of the year..and here it seems as if winter is only beginning weather wise. I am sure that you have been feeling a bit weary and weirded out at certain times. The energy of the times are very fraught with two things: authority and discipline (saturn) and the opposite, rebellion and innovation and change (uranus). This month is a month loaded with Aquarian energy (eccentric, innovation, sudden shifts, community, ideas and shifts) with eventually 6 planets in the sign of Aquarius. Many of us will find a sassy "can do" attitude brewing after feeling lost and stuck for a bit. The harmonious Venus moves into Aquarius on the first for the month and promises to keep love lives interesting to say the least; think unorthodox, may-december romance, committed but not living together, harmonious but funky love. This month could also be a make or break for some. The new moon in Aquarius will be a fun place for the Valentines approach allowing for conversations to be dynamic around love and very friendly and social. A good time for sparks to fly mid month big time.
It will be intense for sure. This rebellious vibration has been brewing for some time now and under the authoritative times we seem to be in there is a world of newness and change is brewing for humanity and earth. I feel there will be sudden and surprising news popping up (think the gamestop thing-rebellion). I always advise people to stay nice and grounded with good conversations that spur positive new directives and ideas rather than sitting stewing in the poop of negativity and conflict. Our tribes will become mighty important for us to utilize for support and help and continued success amidst the shifts. Be careful who you throw stones at or maybe just build a rock garden for a friend rather than throw anything :) I feel a wave of change and sudden movement for many. Methods to start this shift will come during this month and then more as March begins.
How I know that change is happening (or me in my life) is the message of the crow. I will see them in odd times or spaces and or find a random crow feather foretelling of a shift on the way, and I have had this happening a lot lately. I have wild stories of how crows have gently or loudly told me a big change is coming. That and songs and repeating numbers. 555 is a change reminder as well. I love teaching through storytelling in my classes and events and sessions. I will be doing much of that this year digitally and in person. Some of that will be announced and brought to you in my next newsletter where I will link to new classes and merchandise! I am very excited about my new ventures and I am so excited to share them all with you in this big year of innovation and community.
You see, we are constantly being guided by forces unknown to the eye and our job is to understand why. Our lives need helpers unseen and seen as well for we are but only truly ONE community of consciousness and our hands are for building and holding and hugging and for raising up to the heavens in gratitude for such love and help. As we are truly sovereign Divine beings with "meat suits" and we have the power and freedom to create and recreate. Just like the energy of the earth and stars.
To show you my love on this Valentines day I am offering a brief and rare 72 hour coupon. (Please read details carefully on info on discount and usage)
From release of this newsletter to 72 hours, you can purchase either One Hour or Half Hour coupon for $50.00 off either.
*********** Keep in mind I am already booking out a few months and you must be patient but we do have a cancelation list and any and all readings scheduled will be in accordance to the nature of timing and my schedule - contacting Julia with questions on how to book in can be done at time of purchase.
Get them fast as this may be the last for a while as we begin to restructure the business.
To purchase please put the code in the box at your checkout time
LOVEONEHOUR to purchase one hour with discount click here.
LOVEHALFHOUR to purchase half hour with discount click here.
Keep in mind you can use as birthday gift for a loved one or Valentines day gift or for later use for yourself as well .
I leave you with this :
For a long time we have not gotten this game of love down right in many ways. Spirit is present now here in these changing and rearranging days to get us to unscrew our heads from out worn models of love and relating . We have been kept in paradigms that have hurt many and we have opportunities now to really amplify how we love and assist one another . These times can birth much passion and reenergize JOY and integrity in all our relationships. For love is and will be the one thing that opens our eyes truly.
Use that intuition, notice things, be YOU and turn away from the world of deceit.
I am loving you always
From breath to breath......
I should not make any promises right now,
But I know if you
Somewhere in this world -
Something good will happen.”
― Hafiz
“This is the kind of Friend
You are -
Without making me realize
My soul's anguished history,
You slip into my house at night,
And while I am sleeping,
You silently carry off
All my suffering and sordid past
In Your beautiful