March Newsletter 2021; Dreamy Beginnings, A Coupon, and Merchandise
Hello My friends
Please stay tuned to the bottom of this newsletter for coupon code AND the link to find new fun merchandise that myself and the guides and my lovely creative designer are offering to keep your head in the game of intuition and thriving!! It's a new thing for me to offer, and it pulls on the creative part of me and I am very excited about it .
Writing this on the last day of February. I would imagine that many of you would like to push February out the door with a "thanks for the crappy vibes," haha. It was a powerful month of many big moments. This month has a very different feeling. Dreamy and intuitive with many favorable aspects for love and connection and for creative pursuits. We currently have no planets retrograde so we are now able to begin new things. Love, relationships, projects, ideas, conversations and the like. A pisces new moon on the 13th ushers in deep and meaningful offerings and insights. Then on the 20th the vernal equinox arrives ushering in spring in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern. Aries season begins and we are all fired up for sure. We have been needing this shift of energy to support the times of awakened life. Frustrations on restriction may abound but things begin to shift quickly then.
Formulating a new way of creating this world we live in should be a unified thing, yet we still see separation and judgement. You can not do anything to shift anyone for we all have free will and are here to learn as we move along in life. Being rude to others in their ways only keeps the judger in the energy of hate and cowardice and invites a dark and harmful way of thinking. How would one like to live year and upon year being angry at others and feeling crappy all day long? I would imagine upon leaving this planet one day , it would be sad to look back and say " well, I was angry and mad all the time...what a waste! " That kind of energy actually comes from fear of living and lack of trust. We are here to work with energy and clean ours up as much as we can and hold space to grow alongside our world and communities and to love and learn to teach each other respect and integrity to the best of our abilities. These times are rife with the opportunity to stay in your own lane and find our tribes and build upon that. To find out who we are individually too. I am a broken record in reminding you to turn off that TV as much as you can, get outside, meditate and find ways to laugh and be as excited in your life as you can. It speeds up the trajectory energetically to let you find NEW ways of moving forward, not backwards in life ..or worse, staying stuck in this way/paradigm. It helps to "lubricate" the unseen future so to speak. March will be a good month to begin to open up the intuitive eye and pray for Divine assistance in helping to heal and move forward.
We are powerful Co-Creators with the Divine and it is asking us to be open to something we may not understand but feel, and normalcy may not be the way to get it. Be as brave as you can to dislodge fear and avarice because it is the pathway to lack mind and lack of clear insight or foresight. The gut vibe so to speak The Universe is always sending us messages that keep us aware of the flow of miracles and goodness that are always around us and we only have to notice them and the synchronicities . One example (of the thousands) that I have is one time upon leaving from teaching class with my friend who took it , she was in the car with me and she was marveling at how good she felt and sort of floating in a magic feeling of joy and energy. I told her that when you learn to connect deeply with intuition and energy that is ceaseless it feels " powerful and full of Spirit like real jubilation ." Right then a car pulled up in front of us and the license plate said " MA TOVU '' and I knew it was Hebrew and it roughly translates to " oh how good, or oh how Godly" It is a song in praise of praising God in a setting of worship. Pretty cool, right ? PAY ATTENTION to magic!
I am working on getting my in person classes aligned again and am so looking forward to teaching psychic development again. I am a fun teacher!!
A few announcements!!!!
I am offering a VERY BRIEF 48 HOUR COUPON CODE FOR DISCOUNTED SESSIONS; but keep in mind I am now booking four months out so that is June at this writing but we do keep a cancelation list and use it often. Divine timing is always at work in those things as I know.
From receipt of this newsletter to 48 hours after you can receive $50 off either full hour or half hour readings. Act fast we can not honor the code after 2 days.
Paste the below code in your cart at check out
ONEHOURSPRING click here to purchase
HALFHOURSPRING click here to purchase
Ok now for the FUN and exciting News! I have created merchandise in the form of Tee shirts and Hoodies to order and purchase here that are created with the fun and inspiring intention for you to keep those " vibes high" while wearing them out and about in your world. Really fantastic designs created by Palms Creative, my beloved long time friend and designer/ developer with the words that were given to me from spirit to hold that above mentioned intention. They are pretty rad for sure! Wear them with love for they were created in love and passion and truth.
Check out the shop to view and order one today!! Or click each image below to take you to its product page. Please allow 7-14 business days to ship.
Wooo hoooo!
I want to thank you all for all the love and support and for doing the work. I am forever grateful for my clients new and old and for my tribe and for the beautiful connection to this place and this life.
I leave you with this :
“For Equilibrium, a Blessing:
Like the joy of the sea coming home to shore,
May the relief of laughter rinse through your soul.
As the wind loves to call things to dance,
May your gravity by lightened by grace.
Like the dignity of moonlight restoring the earth,
May your thoughts incline with reverence and respect.
As water takes whatever shape it is in,
So free may you be about who you become.
As silence smiles on the other side of what's said,
May your sense of irony bring perspective.
As time remains free of all that it frames,
May your mind stay clear of all it names.
May your prayer of listening deepen enough
to hear in the depths the laughter of god.”
― John O'Donohue