August Newsletter ; The Summer of Thought / Classes! News from Sarah
‘Baby Blue’, Sarah Winslow, 36” x 24”
Hello My Friends
I hope this newsletter finds you well and happy. This summer is deep now here in the northeast, and we here in Maine are trying to suck the marrow out of it after a very rainy July. Since the spring months, and my move to a new home, things have begun to shift in a big way. Spirit had told me that after my move, things would shift and they are for sure. Some slowly, some more rapidly. Accepting change and waiting on results can be a tricky dance of frustrations and confusion, while truly spiritually directional and heart evolving. Acceptance and thoughtfulness are key players in life upgrades. Bravery being the lead lamp post during the process. All of us are in this shift whether we are aware of it or not as Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron, Eris and soon Uranus all in retrograde till October to around December of this year. LIFE REVIEW TIME.
I've been guided to say that this is a time for reflecting on the self in placement of the world and how or where we are projecting our stuff on others or if we are doing the best we can to stay centered in our own stories rather than projecting on others our fears or judgments.
It is a messy world out here with spiritually empty soundbites of 30 seconds or less tempting the best of us to disengage from what we really are, which are powerful manifesters of energy and thought in our own lives as well as others. That's what those tablets, phones, apps and TVs are designed to do. Get us addicted to the non-essential distractifying tunnel of fear and projections and separation. At our CORE, each of us are Spirit connected and connected to all but we forget that and put our traumas out in the world through this illusion of what's important. Our devices are good tools and should be kept in the tool box and out of the love connections, the procrastinations and the search for meaning in relationships. The good tools in your devices should be used well with learning and guiding, sharing and loving but one must use caution where fear and darkness seems to be guised as "newsworthy''. I, as a medium, have learned much about life, death and truly living. The TRULY LIVING part in big letters. What would your life look like with you letting go of outworn methods of fear and inner strife? Lately I can't keep enough tissues in front of my clients. Tears of release in all sexes, ages, and types. I am pleased at the healing that seems to be going on in the collective energy right now. After the rain comes the sunlight of hope and faith, though vulnerable seeking of meaning and connection. It is what matters most. The search is on for sure, I know so as I am the busiest I have ever been and 20 some odd years into this full time, well..... Spirit has upgraded myself as well and is guiding me forward into vast new horizons, spiritually, personally, and in my work. I have hired a new assistant and you will hear from her when you write in for anything that you need and she and my new team are formatting the Fall and next year in a bit of a new way and next month you will be hearing more. My beloved assistant Julia is slowly edging out to her own career and remains steadfast at my side in love and soul tribe. She has been the greatest gift to my work and my heart and for her I am eternally grateful. Change. One must accept it and move forward in co-creation mode with God at all times. "All is flux, nothing stays still" Heraclitus~~
If you have had a session with me recently you may have noticed that the messages seem more powerful and the energy of my soul's purpose is bursting from my body and mouth to you all, it is a job that requires much energy and this is why things are shifting. I am happy to do this. It fills me with joy to teach and lead around Spirit, the afterlife, astrology, the soul, and energy, thought and the illusion of fear. To heal.
Next up, I am happy to announce my classes. Below you will find a description of my Psychic 101 class and Psychic 102 which we have scheduled and your link to sign up is below. They are VERY popular and fill up rapidly and I urge you to follow your gut if you are guided to take it!! The soul always knows.
The summer of thought is here and you must stay clear of the mass of psychic "ectoplasms" so to speak, as to funk up your own energy and your own ability to make decisions on your course of action, your truth in love, your body and your path way to that TRULY LIVING we were speaking of. Take time for you, take time for relationships, take time for creation, take time for joy and body care, take time to learn NEW things. Make an effort where you are guided to let go of the past and ask deeper questions of yourself around truth, purpose, meaning and energy. We are all just students here trying to remember why we chose to come in and who will be there for us here, and yet again on the other side of our living; for we are truly eternal star bodies just bumping around trying to get it right. The school of hard knocks so to speak. Best knock on the door of loving, it won't steer you wrong in its ability to do right.
I have more big news coming next month, including another BIG ticketed event you DON'T want to miss!! In the meantime, you can follow me on instagram to read my dailies and weeklies about energy updates and the cosmos. Stay in touch on social, here in the blog, and through our HEART.
I am here as an agent of Love, and a guide of change spiritually and hopefully to make you laugh along the way to buffer those bumpy times.
The first class in Sarah's three-part Psychic development series, Psychic 101 is scheduled for October 2nd, 2021! In this popular class, Sarah will lead you on a journey to understand energy and how it is conducted in our bodies and minds, how to communicate with Higher Spirit Guides and translate your intuition. You will learn about auric energy systems, navigating psychic 'nudges,' and connect with your higher Self in a fun and engaging class setting. The class will end with an opportunity to read for another student in the class. Psychic 101 is a prerequisite for the 102 class, but is wonderful on its own.
The price to attend this class is $325. Once you reserve your spot in the class, you will receive information on where the class will be held, what to bring with you, and what to expect. Email Sarah team with questions at
Click here to reserve your spot:
This is the second class in my Psychic development series. Prerequisite for this class is Psychic 101 with me (any year in the past as well), or a similar type of class with a different teacher. Take your intuitive growth to the next level in a fun and engaging environment! In this class, you will learn psychometry, intro to shamanic journey, and proper use of divination tools such as pendulums and dowsing rods, and much more!
The price to attend this class is $325. Once you reserve your spot in the class, you will receive information on where the class will be held, what to bring with you, and what to expect. Email Sarah team with questions at
Click here to reserve your spot:
In love we come from, in love we go to and in both places and between is Spirit.
I am here, loving you ....
“Prayer is a way of asking for something. It is the medium of miracles. But the only meaningful prayer is for forgiveness, because those who have been forgiven have everything.”
― Foundation for Inner Peace, A Course in Miracles,
“Rest does not come from sleeping but from waking.”
“Simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies,
you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world.”
― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching