September Newsletter: 21~Potent, Potentials, Portals plus news
“July on Casco Bay”. Sarah Winslow. 40x40
Hello My Friends
Please read down and stay tuned for news and class sign ups after the channel below :
As I write this newsletter on the last day of August and the summer bugs sing loudly their songs around harvest and change, the world waits for us to all respond in part to shifts and cycles of change. The change of seasons that approaches us has in it a potential that is big for us to grasp the spiritual lessons that are being heralded to us from learning both from history and its teachings, and the interesting placement of choice in ability to rise to love once more in the framework of our energy, tribes, world. How many times will we be called to not divide but unite in love?
The commercialization of the industrial, technical world has taught us that love exists in the framework of MY ME MINE, however that is not the message of community and care, of forethought of LOVE not, instantaneous gratification and 30 second soundbites. Love is eternal and real and exists in our core from the Creator , Source energy and is what should drive us not from base but from heart. There are collective pains and traumas coming in that seem to an individual possibly in the moment, lonely and personal, subjective and disconnected, but that is not the case. Wounds and fears come up in the personal mirror of the collective, but play out in each of our stories. It takes quietude and self reflection and knowing oneself to work on the why, how, where of healing and HOPE; one of my favorite astrologers used this HALT - to stop when one is HUNGRY ( feed your body, feed your spirit,feed your cup) ANGRY ( talk it out, go for a walk, exercise, explain) LONELY ( find a friend, take a class , online course,tell someone) TIRED ( rest, take time off, ease up. sleep) . She used this as a way of explaining this first week of September and I see this too as we approach the Virgo New Moon on September 6th ( Labor day in the US) We may be confused as the Neptune square opposes Mercury in jumbled wires of clashes yet when this occurs, it is to call us to stop and retreat into INNER KNOWING and Spirit is consistently leading us in the Divine plan that it has when we stop resisting the energy. There are other favorable aspects this month: astrologically working behind the scenes to sooth our energy when needed, bring us to soulmates, and clan and surprise us with shifts we may not have seen, or did not know that we may have signed up for. You see your soul, in your body, has a journey here, just as with your other human travelers here. As the month moves along, there are some potent days followed by the full moon in Pisces as the Sun moves into Libra on the 21st. Mercury goes retrograde on the 27th till October 18 so keep that in mind around tech and communication and travel plans.
You see, we have a chance right now to work on ourselves, our communities, where lies the connections to each other and the practice of bringing bread on the table with your friends and well, supposed enemies. Where love and boundaries meet in the middle and things are learned and unlearned. To not take this opportunity to grow spiritually, that would be unfortunate. For even in the reflection of let's say, what we learn of our own behaviors and faults, to the others in interpersonal familial relations ( or spousal or other romantic attachments).
As a medium, I have learned for the plus 20 years that death is but a transition to another place, that the teachings of the passed on, speak many times over of forgives, regret and then the cleanse to knowing. We can impart this knowledge here and now through knowing that the divide is not Godly at all and anything that wishes for that is likely the opposite of that. The time to be the eagle in the tree of the Great Living is here. Get there through self love and healing practices, nature and laughter, joy and shared communion. I wrote this in February: You see, we are constantly being guided by forces unknown to the eye and our job is to understand why. Our lives need helpers unseen and seen as well for we are but only truly ONE community of consciousness and our hands are for building and holding and hugging and for raising up to the heavens in gratitude for such love and help. As we are truly sovereign Divine beings with "meat suits" and we have the power and freedom to create and recreate. Just like the energy of the earth and stars.
I am guided to add this from November of last year: Endings, beginnings, shifts and changes and the urge for understanding beckons us to shift things. The Divine is peppering us with ways to grasp that we must acknowledge that things are no longer going to work and clinging to an old paradigm is proving to be futile as we march toward the upcoming end of 2020 and the arrival of 2021.
and into 2022 as well my beloved....
Fear not and stay away from the mainstream (media) for it could be helpful in clearing your head for the way to see your pathway, your relations, your career, your truth and your SELF.
ONTO FUN NEWS!!!!!!!!!
We, here at team Sarah have a new assistant and when you write in she will address your scheduling needs, questions and the like as we rewire this business over time and all these years it is now apparent that the demand and energies have shifted.
A new reading package is added to our shop (please write Tara with questions about this).
90-minute group reading for 3-6 at the office - read description here.
There is still space for Psychic 101 on October 2nd 10-2 PM. This popular class is a big help in these times and in any person's journey to learn about our own intuitive body. Info and sign up is here. Class sign up is limited , do so soon!
and for Psychic 102 if you need a refresher and have taken my class before or have some experience - so popular and class size is limited sign up here soon. November 6th 10-2 PM
I know personally, that it has taken the dark days of life for me to find my own pilot light resting in my chest to keep me moving forward, to keep hoping for the dim light to summon me forward, and it always does. And I have also learned that my own shadow boxing has made that darkness larger than what I feared it was.
Faith is a fine friend now, as is TRUST. We are the Ones we have waited for,
I am here for loving , and in guiding you Home....
In Grace ,
and this. ox..........
“Remain calm, serene, always in command of yourself. You will then find out how easy it is to get along.”
― Paramahansa Yogananda
Read a little. Meditate more. Think of God all the time.”
― Paramahansa Yogananda
If you permit your thoughts to dwell on evil you yourself will become ugly. Look only for the good in everything so you absorb the quality of beauty.”
― Paramahansa Yogananda