March Newsletter: Era Shift, Discipline and Passion


Hello Friends

This newsletter will possibly and most hopefully help you understand better either in "food for thought" energy, or "vision in the rear view mirror" energy.  I write you this on the 6th of March. Tomorrow we have a full moon in Virgo while the sun currently remains in Pisces. A pivotal day to take stock and in time later on remember as the Lord of Time and Karma , Restriction and Responsibility changes from his stint in Aquarius (Since March of 2020!) to Pisces until February 2026! How this effects us as individuals does depend a bit on our natal birth charts but in general the " vibe " will change again (as you recall that it DID as we entered into "lock down" in 2020 as it entered into Aquarius).

Pisces is a naturally intuitive and feeling natured dreamy sign. Big daddy Saturn will have a weird time here as it is rigid and structured energy and Pisces dissolves boundaries as a highly mutable sign, but the two of them together may help us all FEEL our way into life purpose and passion and drive though gut feelings and dream time. As we approach the spring equinox (in the northern hemisphere) the sun will move into fiery Aries and begin to motivate those pesky to do lists. Then on March 23rd the planet Pluto lord of Death and resurrection and deep dive growth and inner worlds enters into Aquarius where it will stay till June then retrograde back into Capricorn till the end of the year but then REENTER Aquarius until 2043! That is a long time. Life era time, transforming the next 20 years. 

WE are in for a shift as we always do throughout historical marking points. The gateway to the "age of Aquarius". How will our worlds shift? How will this epochal energy transform YOU? I ask you to ponder what you WANT to be doing with what your WIRED to be doing whilst allowing yourself to be dispatched to the old ways and feelings of days long gone by and relations that have outworn their karmic learning phase. Be VERY mind full of the addictive escapism of the online temptress of dopamine rush. It will not help you to navigate your shift into LISTENING to the lists of goals and ideas you may have as solutions. What works for one may not work for your life so it's time to get to know what you are made for.  I will give you an idea how astrology works, keeping in mind our gift of Free Will and choice as well.

While Pluto was touring Capricorn, (since 2008) think stature and responsibility, as the death and rebirth planet toured my 2nd house of money and values (all value including self) I met my ex, got married, moved many times, my career grew and grew and I went tough a painful financially draining divorce right after my mothers passing and I am wrapping it up with my fathers passing. A huge time of Lessons and growth and transformations that ultimately truly carved me even further into the human here that helps YOU understand things as well. The University of earth and its valuable school of knowledge. Spiritual understanding and practices are VITAL for growth and shifts. Think of what you learned or went tough since 2008, and also since 2020. Can you pluck the good out of it? It takes a lot of POOP to make a nourishing garden, I say. Don't play a victim; Ask of God, "where am I best used to help?" "What are my dreams?” ?Why am I not taking those chances?” “What has been blocking me or restraining me?” “What micro steps can I make to grow?” Any effort will be "rewarded" in some manner that you can reflect on later.

As a teacher of the energy of consciousness and ultimately the VOID, I say the only way out is through. I, myself, being a creative hope to shift further into ALL my gifts in the coming years. Why not? This big blue ball is a blast to be on when you turn off the feed of the news and the pain; there is MORE to us humans than that. I see it daily. WE as a community of souls need to help each other rise up to full power and potential away from only greed and consumerism. As someone who has assisted countless though grief I can safely say...We do not take our "things" with us and in a flash of light our souls are no longer tethered to the trappings that we broke our backs, hearts and bodies for. Love and its cousins joy and fellowship are of most important. Think of that as the full moon pulls at the waters of earth over the next days. We are made of electric energy and we have WAY more mojo than we have been fooled. Use it wisely friends!

There is still a bit more room for The Souls Journey class so information and sign up is here : fast as it is on March 25 11-2 PM.

Shifts to team Sarah are on the horizon, as are ways of accessing my updates and words.  We will have new events for the Spring! And a few "new" newsletters will be in our inbox soon.

I really wanted to get this out near that full moon, so I hope those reminders are falling on grateful ears and eyes. I am so grateful for all of you who take the chance on coming in and getting walloped with love and awakenings for your OWN spiritual and physical journey

Be ready for the shift. I make a bet EVERYONE in your circle is in it, feeling it, needing it, or going though something.

Bless you all, may you prosper in all things,

As your heart knows the way,

" As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live" Goethe

Reed Allen