April Newsletter; Healing Ideas, Astrology, Classes
Hello Friends,
Yet again I sit here on the cusp of the full moon preparing this letter. Seems as though that moon tickles me into submission to task to channel for you all and remind you why energy is all we are! The libra full moon falls on the 6th of the month and reminds us to close doors and open them, metaphorically and cyclically. The Aries sun reminds of tasks to begin and projects to dream of. On the 11th a beautiful sun conjunct Jupiter day a rare and benevolent day to enjoy luck and love and passions. Then as we move thorough the month that pesky mercury will turn retrograde On April 21st until the 14th of May. I already feel that shadow with techno problems arising and fumbles in communication. Triple check those emails during this time as mishaps can occur. On the 20th of the month we have a new moon in Aries that is a solar eclipse! Eclipses herald the energy shifts and life changes that we either know we need or don't and then in the months following, The Universe and serendipity begin to make that happen. Its like that expression what you seek is seeking you. Yet often we don't know what we want or how to get it. Eclipse energy does help with that.
I asked what was most important for me to relay at the current time and energy. In between dreams and surrender is the below message I was given:
If you have ever had a period of time that you feel stuck as chuck and unmotivated and unclear, you know how life can appear for a time, very unhappy and very lonely. I know this feeling too. It’s as if you and your soul are at odds on what way to find a way though and which direction to go for you seem for a bit to have "lost your way". Remember that in ones lifetime, we all go though things like this. Its the "grey" space of unknowing before the burst of desire, insight or motivation begins. We must remember to practice self love and care during such times as truly what we are doing is unraveling from trauma or karma or shadow to clear out the closet of our body and soul for REALIGNING with what our ACTUAL souls journey is here for/has to do/begin/participate in or experience. It’s real and you are here for a reason. The journey IS the reason! All the key players and people and lessons help you acquire the wisdom you need to level up in some way- relationships-work-or work/life balance-emotions and health are all the vibrations that go through shifts so we can BE ourSelves and grow. To love is the key to buffering the shifting tides of life and compassion for self and other is key. We all grieve. We all fear. We all get lost. Somehow....but that is why we strive to pray and meditate on change. That is the recipe to begin to SEE the way out or though. Ask of yourself; what am I DONE feeling? What am I LONGING for? What is MISSING? It could lead to new love, new work, new location .......new purpose!! Eclipse season will bring this for many.
Death and living. The human experience is a challenging one but also oh so beautiful. In this era of big technology the HUMAN experience if going to have to be one that you chose and find and keep. Nature, the cosmos, the energy of human touch and love. All imperative to our spiritual journey and happiness. Healing to-boot! Dare to make that change your thinking and walk THROUGH fear as much as you can. Yes, dear reader I am talking to YOU! Your ancestors and your guides are around you always and give you signs to let you know. This is why I guide people to pray, meditate, and OBSERVE. This is how they are helping.
It’s helpful to understand intuitive nudges and the different feeling that is holds other than pure desire. Tricky but possible for anyone.
That is why I am going to teach my Psychic 101 again! This class is NOT just for those learning about their psychic gifts it is for anyone curious about intuition, mediation, energy, symbols and messages, guidance and life path help. The link to sign up and description is here - sign up fast as space is limited in this fun, hands on class. MAY 20th, 10 AM- 2 PM, South Portland.
Later this month we will announce next Sarah event and Soul’s Journey class so stay in touch here and on social media.
For now I leave you with this thought:
What risk must you take internally, externally or within your life to have the joy and abundance you want and what reward will come from the TRUST that you know the Universe has your back always. Faith is absolutely the bird that sings in the dark fore dawn.
I am here, loving you
Rock on,