Welcome to November ,
Next newsletter will have class links for 2023- and events links- stay tuned and more!
Hello my friends.
Stay with me here and hopefully this newsletter comes to you at a time that is needed. I will update you on the current HUGE energies, update you on my life and hopefully create a flow of miracles for us all. November is going to prove to be a wild card for many and the portal of fated change in many peoples lives. As we enter the month we are navigating Mars going retrograde in Gemini until January 12 2023. Be extremely mindful of your and others commentary, communication and passive aggression. It could be a time of learning how to communicate with out avarice and anger for more constructive ways of living. Then the big whammy. On November 8th (election day in US for midterms) we have a full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus. This eclipse is square Saturn conjunct Uranus. Think- changes in restriction/rebellion/needed shifts and unwanted shifts. Depending on your sun sign, or your destiny, this could and will shift things in your value, money, your work, your relationships, your path. this could happen abruptly, or over the next few months. Remember, this is a time of pretty radical moments in our collective and personal lives to create more destiny, more solutions and entries into what is meant to be for the betterment- of US, of YOU, of life.
I am already seeing this happen in many peoples lives around me. Life shifts, upheavals, choices, blowouts, karmic nodes of fate whispering to many of us.."what do you want? Are you ready?" A turn of the dial of life. In time we will look back in review and see what transpired around this time either to us or say, family, a partner, or a business. Its good to be reminded to not get into chaos the day of the Eclipse (Nov 8th) and be VERY mindful. I will spend that day in reflection and prayer and intention. Hopefully remaining in the zen zone of God’s love and will, and abundance.
Now.. hang in with me here. This brings me to this. Me. Sarah Winslow. Things are changing, have to change and must change and I need help getting there! My assistant will be leaving in December and after MUCH research, mediation and conversations I am deciding to reach out to you, my lovely clients and readers. I am going to be kind of renovating Sarah-Winslow.com; how I book in, my events and the need to do so, my newsletter and more. Team SW. I am looking for more of an INTERN person, who wants to learn from me spiritually whilst helping renovate this business (which is ME!) to flow better, reach more, teach and change. This human will have to have a bit of spare time, be very tech savvy, be excited to help and open to my bizarre and constant intuitive channeling even while just texting about the day. To help with events and more. I will likely need to talk with anyone interested to express the vision I have and the help that would be needed. It would be on a few month trial until new actions were in place. After that , more will come. It could work for anyone with a little spare time weekly to begin.
This shift in vision for the future is a scary one for me. But necessary. I have been so used to being the SEER in the room, just cranking out the one on one readings (in addition to the events and classes) but a new vision is being added. I am walking holding Spirits hand. I love my work, I love my clients, students and fellow earth travelers.
It is a wild time to be here, I have been saying so for years as I saw this shift begin in 2012. This morning when I left the house a hawk flew over my head and I knew today was the day. Parked my car and next to me was a car with " Thank4U' and I put a prayer of gratitude for Spirits boundless abundance and love and for YOU; who is reading this.
Even I can not "predict" all this shifts incoming. But with the smell of autumn leaves and the wind, I smell change.
Be kind to each other. Be kind to the earth. Blow off the news. Get grounded in nature when you can.
"Follow your bliss. If you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on kind of a track that has been there all the while waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living. When you see that, you begin to meet people that are in your field of bliss, and they open doors for you.I say, follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be. " Joseph Campbell
I am here. You can email Ellen and I here if you have a lead on the above intern/or questions.
Stay in touch via the social media posts and by all means know that any and all storms are temporary .
I love you all, God bless
" Its never to late to be what you might've been" George Elliot