November Newsletter - The Big Eclipse and The Search

‘Autumn Kisses’, 38” x 38”, Sarah Winslow
Inquire For Price

Welcome to November ,

Next newsletter will have class links for 2023- and events links- stay tuned and more!

Hello my friends.

Stay with me here and hopefully this newsletter comes to you at a time that is needed. I will update you on the current HUGE energies, update you on my life and hopefully create a flow of miracles for us all. November is going to prove to be a wild card for many and the portal of fated change in many peoples lives. As we enter the month we are navigating Mars going retrograde in Gemini until January 12 2023. Be extremely mindful of your and others commentary, communication and passive aggression. It could be a time of learning how to communicate with out avarice and anger for more constructive ways of living. Then the big whammy. On November 8th (election day in US for midterms) we have a full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus. This eclipse is square Saturn conjunct Uranus. Think- changes in restriction/rebellion/needed shifts and unwanted shifts. Depending on your sun sign, or your destiny, this could and will shift things in your value, money, your work, your relationships, your path. this could happen abruptly, or over the next few months. Remember, this is a time of pretty radical moments in our collective and personal lives to create more destiny, more solutions and entries into what is meant to be for the betterment- of US, of YOU, of life.

I am already seeing this happen in many peoples lives around me. Life shifts, upheavals, choices, blowouts, karmic nodes of fate whispering to many of us.."what do you want? Are you ready?" A turn of the dial of life. In time we will look back in review and see what transpired around this time either to us or say, family, a partner, or a business. Its good to be reminded to not get into chaos the day of the Eclipse (Nov 8th) and be VERY mindful. I will spend that day in reflection and prayer and intention. Hopefully remaining in the zen zone of God’s love and will, and abundance.

Now.. hang in with me here. This brings me to this. Me. Sarah Winslow. Things are changing, have to change and must change and I need help getting there! My assistant will be leaving in December and after MUCH research, mediation and conversations I am deciding to reach out to you, my lovely clients and readers. I am going to be kind of renovating; how I book in, my events and the need to do so, my newsletter and more. Team SW. I am looking for more of an INTERN person, who wants to learn from me spiritually whilst helping renovate this business (which is ME!) to flow better, reach more, teach and change. This human will have to have a bit of spare time, be very tech savvy, be excited to help and open to my bizarre and constant intuitive channeling even while just texting about the day. To help with events and more. I will likely need to talk with anyone interested to express the vision I have and the help that would be needed. It would be on a few month trial until new actions were in place. After that , more will come. It could work for anyone with a little spare time weekly to begin.

This shift in vision for the future is a scary one for me. But necessary. I have been so used to being the SEER in the room, just cranking out the one on one readings (in addition to the events and classes) but a new vision is being added. I am walking holding Spirits hand. I love my work, I love my clients, students and fellow earth travelers.

It is a wild time to be here, I have been saying so for years as I saw this shift begin in 2012. This morning when I left the house a hawk flew over my head and I knew today was the day. Parked my car and next to me was a car with " Thank4U' and I put a prayer of gratitude for Spirits boundless abundance and love and for YOU; who is reading this.

Even I can not "predict" all this shifts incoming. But with the smell of autumn leaves and the wind, I smell change.

Be kind to each other. Be kind to the earth. Blow off the news. Get grounded in nature when you can.

"Follow your bliss. If you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on kind of a track that has been there all the while waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living. When you see that, you begin to meet people that are in your field of bliss, and they open doors for you.I say, follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be. " Joseph Campbell

I am here. You can email Ellen and I here if you have a lead on the above intern/or questions.

Stay in touch via the social media posts and by all means know that any and all storms are temporary .

I love you all, God bless

" Its never to late to be what you might've been" George Elliot

Reed Allen
October Newsletter

Hello My Friends,

"Everything you want is sitting on the other side of fear" - George Addair

I begin this newsletter with a hearty I love you, to all my lovely clients out there. For you all are the reason that eons ago I stepped out of my introverted wall to begin my work as a psychic medium, as it was shown to me that that was my chosen path, my abilities. It was a scary launch into an "odd" vocation that many can not understand. Yet here I am, years later, with thousands of clients, and I have conducted readings all over the globe. Some of my long standing clients that had small children, those children now come to me as adults! It's wild to think.

The reason I get into this letter with that opening, is that it is time for some more shifts. As this month moves forward, we finally have Mercury moving direct on the 2nd, followed by Pluto moving direct on the 8th and a full moon in fiery Aries on the 9th as the month is closing we will have Saturn moving direct as the Sun moves into Scorpio and a partial solar eclipse on the 25th which is conjunct Venus - then Mars will go retrograde till January : what does this all mean?

This will help things to change after a spring, summer and early fall of stuckness and delays, confusion and energetically if you have felt stress and chaos it could help things get moving. Eclipse seasons always bring about shifts and changes - relationships and jobs going through giant growth. Eclipses can help spur months or moments of changes sometimes by the force of fate/destiny/karma, unbeknownst to us until a bit of hindsight happens.

Mars in retrograde will be interesting for us, affecting conversations and communications around passion, action and aggression or the healing of such issues.

All of this and other things have had me focusing on allowing shifts and changes for myself ....

I have found a new focus on teaching and events, writing, creating and also shifting much of my focus in general. Over 20 years of readings and I am finally ready for another season of shifting tides. I have created a new class with a focus on teaching THE SOULS JOURNEY: Soul purpose, karma, soulmates and its meaning. This will be a one time three hour course, I may choose to offer it again in the future. Find it here.

Also, with my current amount of clients and how long it takes individuals to get in, I have decided to raise my prices, several times in small and reasonable increments, over the next year while I continue to work on a new model for readings and my business. My lovely assistant Ellen is pregnant and will be leaving this winter for maternity time and so things are changing all around here.

Please keep in touch with me through this newsletter and my social media as to the changes that will happen and links to my events and classes etc. I'm feeling the energy get in a more forward momentum to bring about these changes. One change that is coming down the line will be in the format of these newsletters; I will be shortening the general newsletter that goes out to focus on classes, events and relevant information for you all. I am eventually going to be adding a paid newsletter subscription for my followers that are looking for a deeper reading on planetary happenings, current astrological events and how they relate to us on Earth. This subscription will also eventually include a brief monthly video from me with lots of love and lessons to share with you all. These videos will change month to month and touch on different topics, lessons or messages I have channeled, as well as even deeper astrological knowledge and insights.

As I trust in the Universe first, I always have to take the time to listen carefully through meditation before I leap. I've always recommended that you all do the same. Once in a while, the leap has to happen, in a flash, knowing the difference is the gift. I hope you are all taking advantage of this time of change ahead of us, and making giant leaps forward while reaping all the benefits and blessings of the Universe.

"The cave that you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek" - Joseph Campbell

We are in for some shifts and breakdowns to create more, better, greater love, greater systems and more brilliant wisdom, all in good time. Be prepared for it, allow it, strive to let it flow, listen to your intuition and unravel from the past.

As always I am here, loving you and helping you right the ship, heal the heart, forgive, grow and thrive.

In deep gratitude and service to LOVE,


Reed Allen
September Newsletter

Artwork by Sarah Winslow | 2022 | “30 x 30” | Storm Break Up Montsweag Bay

Hello my friends,

I apologize for no letter in August but what a whirlwind month it was. My big event at Throttle and family visits, Summer’s deep dive, and travel. Lots of time swirling around us all. This newsletter will hold a lot of information on how to deal with the upcoming month and a half, some current astrology as a reminder, and links to my class and whatever spirit sees fit. Stay tuned through this newsletter and my social media for upcoming new event announcements and other announcements around change.

Can you feel the changing energy as the school year starts? My sons are no longer in school however the energy has shifted in our home as well. It's an acceptance of the winding down of the chaos of Summer into the welcoming of new routines happily during Virgo season. The sun is in Virgo until September 22 when it moves into Libra, and old pesky Mercury is stationing to go retrograde on September 10. A great time to review things and be creative for the next three weeks however not a great one necessarily for travel and signing contracts or making big purchases. We just passed the Virgo new moon in August 27, and the full moon shows up the same day Mercury goes retrograde on September 10 ( moon ) in the sign of Pisces. Intuitive and dreamy, however definitely be cautious about drama or flakiness. Jupiter, Saturn Neptune Pluto and Uranus are all retrograde right now and Mars will be joining soon. How do you spell life review? NOW. Any challenges or emotional turmoil that you have been going through for the last 6 to 8 weeks, I would reckon are here to help you involve yourself in evolving relationships and evolve your life path or career.

I have seen a pattern showing up for a while now, the facts of things that have been shown to me for years in meditation. The guides have shown me that each individual at various points, since 2012, 2016, 2020 will be given a gateway or a roadway, certain paths to choose from. Some physical, as in geography and space but mostly energetics. An example of this is behaviors and choices, reactiveness or responsiveness, compassion and understanding, or cowardice and avarice. How many of those behaviors show up are based on how we feel about our inner and outer world, how we were raised, how we handle the circumstances that are thrown at us continually over the last several years. Will we become the alchemist and turn darkness into gold? Or will we let our addictive patternings, our fears and our insecurities dominate walking backwards rather than forwards? I have noticed within certain people and relationships one of the other individual is doing one of the other above. And we are faced with a choice, do we hold hands and look forward or do we part ways. With increased technology, and busy schedules I advise people to be careful to do the opposite and work a lot with their hands and bodies. Use technology wisely and with care in a helpful way; then get grounded and connected but in nature and with tribe and community.

Just when the shit seems to hit the fan, you'll notice angels come your way if you drop to your knees metaphorically or not, and ask for help. You see there are beings of light upon this planet, in the form of humans and disguised angels they want to help us evolve away from the dark. Get to know them, get to know your intuition, get to know your spiritual service, find the right relationship. These things are helpful in the journey of this transformation and awakening we are going through as a collective. Be careful of the hidden face of judgment right now it hides in places one would not expect it.

Do you realize you could create a life that you love not only brings you great joy in the physical world, but your heart and your wallet. Energy in the form of exchange doing what you love is what God wants for you. It's time to seek out what works for you and stop fighting against the current. This is indeed happening to just about all of us.

Laughter and play are fantastic tools to keep your vibration high now.

Creativity, receptivity, self study, curiosity, and intuitive living are important.

Many of us will turn around at the end of the year and see how much our lives have radically changed since the beginning of 2022.

These are the times we are made for, these are the days that we signed up for, and this is the beauty of this gorgeous planet, our mother earth under the watchful eye of father God.

I will be announcing a new type of class soon so stay tuned, in the meantime we still have space for Psychic 101 !!! This is my famous first of four course class that gets you started on energy, intuition, symbols and signs, spirit guides, meditation, psychic understanding, and receptivity. It's a fun class, we have a wonderful time together, you learn a lot and bond deeply with the people present. Beginners welcome also intermediate and anyone who wants to take a review. Space is limited so sign up immediately below; Saturday, September 24 from 10 to 2 PM South Portland Maine. For more information go to our Psychic 101 page.

I myself have been playing music, and enjoying the last beautiful stronger rays of the sun. I tend to hold them inside of me so that I can be your beacon on any and all days that come.

Big bright love, from here to forever


Reed Allen
June ‘22 : Spiritual Growth and Events

Hello my dear friends , 

I hope this finds you well . Stay tuned below for announcements and links to my next big event, August 6th ! And my first psychic development class of the season.

I am writing this on June 21 , The summer solstice in the northern hemisphere . The lush days of summers arrival . The sun has moved into the sign of cancer until 22nd of June when it moves until Leo.  The astrology of the month is both active and inward. We are entering into Jupiter going retrograde on 28 July through November 23, a powerful time of self realization, self actualization, and intuitive expression can be found . 

You will be asked to understand where you need more potent growth, and whether you are ready to receive it’s blessings. A spiritual practice is highly recommended. Meditation, connection and nature journaling, as well as receiving love and connection through our friendships and our tribes. 

The universe has been working hard and diligently over the last few years, to reconnect our intuitive nature to the sensory human experience. What we do with it is based on free will and or divine will . Avoiding it through distractions like too much technology, too much time wasted on the phone it’s just a diversion tactic for any kind of shadowy energy to keep you from diving into your true spiritual glory here. Which is your birthright. Abundance, connection, creativity, community.. 

The changes in our societal areas, and the reverberations of our economy, are nothing short of big; however, we have the power to imbue a sense of empowerment and creative solutions that no government could ever dictate. 

For many months now I have seen a lot of people feeling somewhat blocked and lost. I’d like to call this the gray space before awakening. Feeling as if  something else has to shift and not knowing how to get there. 

Time to ponder what relationships need to be shifted and changed. Where personal and spiritual boundaries lie. Ask yourself what is my purpose here, where is More meaning in my work life. Is this the time that is showing me what is worn out and no longer working? What relationship or decision is  stretching out too long?

Where are your own inner fears blocking you from manifesting proper avenues to positive happiness and personal change.

Fear has no place in the temple of your heart.

None of us came here to be controlled or manipulated, to be coerced into feeling road blocked in either our love relationships or personal communities nor our work. Our time here on earth is OURS to master 

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. - Rumi 

Boundaries are perfect and beautiful. But walls are not. There is a huge difference. A boundary is a loving and gentle reminder to yourself of your worth and value both and in every direction in your life. 

Love and inclusiveness of heart are a divine make up. Understanding and compassion are available to us at every corner both for self and other . 

As we move through this summer into the next few months you will find that you will need: new resources in new ways of affecting change. Your tribe will be the only true petrol and gasoline that you need . Stay away from the machine of fear on the devices . 

A great time of awakening is upon us now, and you will want to put your hands up to the stars and gather all that beautiful energy available. Angels among us . 

Captivate, and create, deeper sense of belonging and you will find what new road to go on. Whether it be in love, and self discovery, and work life entrepreneurial ship, and service to community. Seek healers, and healing when needed.

I for one, know that the very large energetic shifts are here.

And I am happy and joyful to be part of your journey as well.

I am sending you all my love from the greatest part of me, my heart.

In light , 


Classes ! Just announced ! 

Psychic 101 Saturday September 24 20-2 pm south Portland Maine 

Come join in on Sarah's most popular course. This is an in person, experiential deep dive into the beginnings of learning about intuition, and the energy around translating our own intuition. We do a meditation, we play games, we learn about our energy centers, psychic protection, and much more. More information is found here and the link to sign up - $325 per person . Space is limited so sign up early !

A Night with Sarah ! New Venue! Come see Sarah at Throttle Car Club. Scarborough, Maine Saturday August 6 5:00 to 7:30 PM 

Please join renowned psychic medium and spiritual counselor Sarah Winslow for a night of fun, beauty and spiritual clarity. We are excited for another passionate night filled with messages of loving guidance from beyond. This will be an audience style, group reading with free appetizers available before the reading begins. There will also be a full cash bar available, as well as a small, pub style restaurant to order from.

Get your tickets fast, our space is limited and we are so excited to see you there! Ticket price is $125.00 for the evening. Extensive parking is available on site.

For more information and to purchase tickets, click here.

Reed Allen
May Newsletter

Hello dear friends, 

This newsletter could be a tad long. There is very important info in it. After my channeling and spiritual update, you can scroll down for any admin information and tickets to my event this month. Please stay tuned !!! 

Finally here in Maine we reach May. It is breathtakingly beautiful. A welcome relief after the long winter, and somewhat gray April. The first few months of 2022 could’ve been quite challenging, but much of the astrology is changing currently and the wind is changing directions swiftly. 

As I write this newsletter, it is May 11 and mercury is retrograde until June 3. We are marching steady to a full Moon total lunar eclipse on May 16th. This is a POWERFUL time. Jupiter has just entered Aries for close to a year, Pluto is currently retrograde as well. I will do my best to explain quickly what this all means for us. 

On April 30 we had a solar eclipse and Taurus, this is what we call eclipse season. Eclipses are like new and full moons but with way more spiritual significance and way more potent energy and way more immediate karmic changes. 

These changes don’t necessarily show up on the exact date but usually within 3 to 6 months of the time. Many of us will look back in a few months time and see what has come in, with divine intervention to change things. Examples are if you are unhappy with your job suddenly you could get an offer out of the blue for a different position, which changes the entire course of your life. Sometimes these changes are uncomfortable but you have to understand they are necessary for our soul's growth. Some of it could be about health, some of it could be about relationships ending and or beginning. There is a lot about destiny and karmic cycles. These Taurus/Scorpio eclipses happened under the Pluto influence around May 2003 for about 18 months. You can think back to what kind of changes and events came about during that time. This time Venus and Mars are strongly influenced, as well as Uranus. 

It was easy for me to review where I was at that time. Leaving a marriage and my career beginning to truly soar. My spirituality was greatly enhanced. 

Huge karmic life changes.  

If you were reading this newsletter, there is a reason why. 

One must remember that our souls are only here to learn as if we are in school. I think we must remember that the interior view of life, meaning the soul's journey here and the connection to the mystical experience of knowing oneself is key to understanding how to traverse the rocky roads that life often throws us. Life is not meant to remain the same because our souls won’t learn what we’re supposed to learn as we progress through life before we leave the physical plane and return to the mystical oneness of the Source . 

The precursor to this time over the last few years is not meant to make us live in fear and trust only gurus and government, but learn discernment of our connection to all things and to the self.  You can’t really just meme your way into happiness.  Sorry not sorry my beloveds . 

The temptation to get lost in the abyss of the addictive world of the Internet probably is not the best avenue. Asking yourself what you want, where you want to be where you think your best needed, where you could be loved most is a good question for the next few days. Maybe make a list of goals and dreams and ponder it, during mercury retrograde it’s not a time to act yet during this eclipse season mostly spirit will do a lot of the acting for us much action will happen mid June and beyond. 

What am I learning as I churn like butter in this wild , intense energy ?  Good questions to ask . 

If you follow me on social media or you know me as a client, you may know the way I deliver things which seems to be changing as well. I too am going through a massive transition. 

All these energies are very strong as you know I am extremely turned into it all. 

After losing a good friend earlier in April, I had to rearrange my schedule a bit to work on my connection to him, my souls understanding of at the time that I knew him, and the things that I were to garner from the lessons that I was learning. However the pain of rearranging my schedule when I am in such high demand has been a true challenge. Some thing that my assistant and I are working on and I am working on alone with God. I have other personal matters to attend to, and one must remember I too, am human and have a family. My job is to tend to the garden of your souls, as well as mine, and my community and tribe . As I write this, a small group of crows just sat in the tree next to me and started talking. This is my signal for change. 

Why do I speak of this? Well to back up your lives as well. For I can wager that many of you are going through challenging situations, big emotions, and immense amount of souls confusion. My job is to remind you that there is a soul inside your body, and that soul is here to accomplish certain lessons, some painful, some magnificent, and all for the sake of your ascension.

We are autonomous on our journeys as well as linked. It is all so stunningly beautiful . We are . You are . 

“As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Just understand that this is a very powerful time and it is very beautiful at the same time. Depending on where these eclipses fall in your natal birth chart some things will be rearranged soon. It will look back in a year or so and see it very clearly if you can’t see it now. And that is completely fine. Just pray for God’s help, ask for assistance in guidance, trust your intuition. Call it all in. 

Remember God does answer our prayers, and sometimes God will answer our prayers by not giving us what we requested. It may be that the journey is for you to figure out your worth, your value, and your gifts. Understanding patience and self love a good Keys on the journey. As well as laughter.

As that old expression says, remember to stop and smell the roses. That too is also important right now.

May News and Offerings

There are still a few spots left to join me for A Night With Sarah at the Stoodio ! Come for some drinks and apps and stay for a lively and engaging , moving and powerful group reading with me at The Stoodio on 200 Kennebec Street in Portland on Saturday, May 21st from 5:30 - 7:30. 

Come and join Sarah Winslow for another beautiful, fun and powerful evening. This will be an audience style group reading and gathering, with free food and drinks beforehand. Sarah delivers her unique and powerful gifts through this audience style reading with fantastic humor and tons of love.

In this style of reading, not everyone is guaranteed to receive a message, however, the experience is still powerful and largely moving for everyone involved.

This event is not appropriate for children.

Get your tickets fast, space is limited and it will sell out fast.

Ticket price is $100.00 for the evening. 

Also did you know that we welcome group readings at my home office for smaller groups, they can be wonderful and a great way to bond with friends in a powerful way inquire here :

I don’t teach classes during the summer because everyone is so busy but we will be offering them again in the fall and will be announcing them over the summer with sign ups. 

Stay in touch with me via social media here: 

My prayer for you is that you have a wonderful beautiful month of May, and that the joy that you feel in your communities inspires you . 

I am always loving you, in grace , 

Sarah Winslow

Reed Allen

Hello Friends, 

This is just a quick announcement for my next big event.
The details are below - hope to see you there!



Saturday, May 21st
Drinks and Appetizers at 5:30 PM
Group Reading from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
The Stoodio: 200 Kennebec St Portland Maine 04101

Come and join Sarah Winslow for another beautiful, fun and powerful evening. This will be an audience style group reading and gathering, with free food and drinks beforehand. Sarah delivers her unique and powerful gifts through this audience style reading with fantastic humor and tons of love.

In this style of reading, not everyone is guaranteed to receive a message, however, the experience is still powerful and largely moving for everyone involved.

This event is not appropriate for children.

Get your tickets fast space is limited and it will sell out fast.

Ticket price is $100.00 for the evening.

Click here to reserve your spots now!

Reed Allen
April News : Love in hard times, Acts of courage

Hello my friends ,

It’s April now , I am sitting down finally to do this newsletter . I am a month behind . My assistant was out for surgery and we are now in the flow again . I am in the flow . It’s been tricky to find words for people’s upset, sad, fearful energy . Nonetheless I have them now . As in all my sessions / events / classes my job is to teach love , understanding , connection and how to handle grief and death . It is our jobs as a whole and collective to bring as much love and compassion to the table of life that we can muster . ESPECIALLY in times of chaos and pain . The is the guidance a d energy that puts battle to end times of pain .

When I am doing a session for clients that are grieving from a loved one’s loss, after a bit of time a common response is to feel guilty when one starts to feel happy at times and laughter and joy . Although sometimes common, I am guided to navigate them back into gratitude for allowing themselves to experience joy on this planet again . To be here now . In the moment . To be ok with being alive and well . It is the best way to honor the person that has moved to the great beyond by showing them energetically that there’s still love inside your heart.

It never ever ever goes away. Sometimes it feels like it takes a long dark vacation. But there is a permanent pilot light inside of us.

The past years have been a challenging time for many of us. Although statistically speaking I can vouch for my massive client base, that this has been a powerfully spiritually evolving and evocative time. The great and confusion has been actually ultimately, and strangely healthy for many people that I have done sessions for. I, myself , Felt and honored peacefully all the transitions that have happened. All the growth.

We are all in this together however we each have our own autonomy, and our own sovereign path to our personal and spiritual evolution.

Observing how you can be loving to yourself, and altruistic in your own community right near you is one of the greatest ways to tend to pain . To love is to heal .

That is why i’ve always been guided to love stronger, bigger, and brighter during hard times. That is also why I make art.

To pull down the energy of the heavens onto a canvas, with paint and creativity creates a sense of communion on beauty that needs to be in our lives no matter what.

As well as creating music, creating and sharing meals with each other, doing loving acts of service, and even dancing.

This shakes loose the dust of darkness that tries to find cracks in the natural love of heart, and bring you down.

You have the divine right to call in more grace and love at any given moment. Through meditation, prayer, walking in nature and holding each other tight . What is your birthright to love. It is a choice to forgive. Yet, at times a difficult one, but necessary.

We must remember that. Always .

A large active faith is loving stronger and more boldly during times of fear or darkness. Ultimately energetically and literally that will untie these dark ties that bind us to the past which is an old and dead paradigm.

Personal and collective evolution is at hand. And that is why we go through the things we are going through.

And so it is, that both the devil and the angelic spirits present us with objects of desire to awaken our power of choice. - Rumi

I, always go the path of love . Sometimes that means letting go and moving on, sometimes that means finding a way or person that needs honest integrity and open heartedness. And lending them a hand somehow. Letting love back in . Being open to the shift . Praying , healing , hoping .

I recommend pondering these words quietly.

They are great shifts upon us. And on April 12, we have a powerful Jupiter Neptune conjunction that hasn’t happened since the 1800s. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, to embrace this powerful incredible energy that is here to create a more creative sense of self an immense amount of spiritual growth, and a giant leap into interconnectedness. An extremely powerful shift. This will be followed by The first of four eclipses, on April 30 we have a solar eclipse and Taurus, followed by May 16 a full lunar eclipse and a sign of Scorpio.

Eclipses are guaranteed to bring significant changes to us depending on the area of the life that it affects, and the astrological house . Pretty much guarantees shifts.


On Saturday, April 9 I am teaching my Life After Life class; description is linked here there’s still a few more spots if interested.

And then starting on Wednesday, April 27 for three Wednesdays in a row I will do just a Spiritual Talk on Zoom that you can get a link to when you sign up for it just to listen it’s a one hour lecture. Spirit hasn’t given me all the details yet but I’m sure it will come! The link is here. Six to seven p.m.

In the meantime, I am praising all of you that are doing the heavy lifting and a hard work to evolve and shift away from fear consciousness. It’s a tough job but it’s necessary for your evolution.

If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.’ – Lord of the Rings 

The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.’ – Lord of the Rings 

I am here . Standing in front of you, staring all the starlight back into your heart that I can muster. I will do it through Joy I will do it through laughter I will do it through heart and I will do it through God.

Forever ,

Big , bright love


Reed Allen
Mid-February Newsletter/Big Shifts, Pluto, Unity

Hello My Friends ,

Please stay tuned and read through the first channel part, those of new things below at the end of this letter.

Welcome to mid February . Here we are at the full snow moon in Leo . We are chugging our way out and through winter here , and a cold one at that . Many of you have come to me wearied, worn, down, and lost . The side effects of an energetic , somewhat unseen spiritual war . Personal lives have been challenged from the effects of the “ feeling of the in between “ . What was , what is , what is yet to come . The outer collective is worn the heck out .

Revolution is brewing inwardly , which explains the restlessness . But it is also brewing outwardly . The effect of the last few years is now in a new stage . Many are experiencing a deep need to change life , course direction more fully now . As the light at the end of the tunnel beckons us . Yet some forces keep pulling at us to stay in the shadow . The denial of personal power, the anchoring to the old . The astrology begs to differ and through the course of this year, it backs up that shift I see. Commerce , commodity, and community is all going to shift . On February 19/20th the United States is going through what we call a Pluto Return . First time since ......1776! When this country was founded , the Declaration of Independence; So we are here again ... but times are VERY different . Things hidden to reveal true intent will come to light and the US will begin its inevitable rebirth for a year or more . We can see the writing on the wall . What does this mean ? Well ; know yourself , know your tribe , know your body , know your passion , your path . It will help as a collective to energetically rewrite the story . The narrative , the energy . The sun will move into dreamy intuitive Pisces at the same time and knowing how to use it will be key . Stop dulling it , drowning it , scrolling it away . We are all part of the God that made us and we are given more than we know, use or have allowed ourselves to attain a better way / world . We ALL have this gift and these times over the last few years have wobbled us out of our lazy boys of comfort . Or at least it SHOULD have . That is what our souls want . For if we don’t ... we DEvolve , not EVolve . Remember the word LOVE is in that word . We need to rush to that unity , not that separation . In all our living , healing , connection , building , tending . Love .

Thankfully we still have no planets retrograde until the end of April making us a powerful and positive time personal processes, brand new beginnings testing the waters of new projects going for the things that we want. It’s going to be a real BIG spring .

As the sun moves through Pisces we will have a lovely period of healing, it’s a great time to process the lessons of the harsh December January as well as the last few years. So much to love , so much to let go , so much to pray and hope for . I went back over my blog posts from a few years ago and throughout the years from 2012 through I’ve often closed out with a statement that the Guides gave me saying “ you are your governing body. “

I would say that applies right now and means much more . We've learned so much about who we are and who we are not.

And I like to remind people that there is a soul inside that beautiful meat suit .... each and everyone of you has one . Call to it . Let it be what leads you . As above , so below .

I sense change for me and I’m building change as well . Staying in touch with these changes here on the website , through the newsletter , Instagram or the others will be a good thing.

With that I’m announcing a few things below ; a new class , a virtual spiritual talk on three Wednesdays and more room in my Psychic 101 . All ways of doing exactly what I was speaking of and getting deeper in touch with your own soul . Learning , listening , growing evolving

Descriptions and links below for sign up!

Some Spring Announcements:

There are still a couple of spaces left in Psychic 101 on Saturday, March 26th, from 10 - 2 EST

Psychic 101 is a beginner's class for anyone that has an interest in gaining a new understanding of energy, psychic connections and communication. This class can help you connect with your own divine intuition and better communicate with your own Spirit Guides. This extremely popular informative and hands-on class has been Sarah‘s most requested for over 16 years. Sign up here.

This Spring, Sarah will also be offering Psychic 104: Life After Life

When: Saturday, April 9th from 10-2 EST

Life After Life is a class available for anyone that has previously taken Sarah's classes, anyone on their spiritual journey, and anyone left with questions about what happens after we pass on. This class is deeply informative, shaped by Sarah's many years of divine interaction and knowledge. Sarah guides her students into new realms as we discuss and learn about astral projection, quantum mechanics, manifestation, mind clearing, telepathy, deja vu, and DNA, and how it all pertains to psychic pathways and the human life journey. This is a class to bring ALL of your unanswered questions to! Please come with an open heart and open mind, ready to have a deeper understanding of life and existence.
Sign up here.

SPIRITUALITY ON EARTH: Lessons from a Healer

Have you always found yourself interested in spirituality? Do you wonder about the bigger picture, do you want to learn more?

Sarah Winslow is an internationally known lifelong healer, empath and psychic medium. Sarah will be hosting a once monthly virtual ZOOM seminar, available for three Wednesdays, spread over three weeks. These classes will allow Sarah to share the knowledge and wisdom gained through her years of communication with the divine. Sarah will be imparting personal experiences and first hand knowledge that she has spent a lifetime learning.

Topics will include such things as perception, personal trauma and judgment, intuition and spiritual guides, angels and spiritual phenomena, miracles, and faith. If this sounds interesting to you, please stay tuned for more!

This class will be held on April 27th, May 4th and May 11th from 6:00 - 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.

Sign up here.

For now I leave you with this ,

Be not afraid anymore
Be at One with your gut feelings
God is your guide and always leads to the answers
Solutions are heavens way of showing up when you least expect it

Saying “ I AM, and I Love You “

And I do too

In the light of Spirit

Reed Allen
January Newsletter; Shifts, Courage, Vitality and Classes and More

Hello Friends ,

To start, please excuse the brevity of this newsletter as I am recovering from a funk of foul funkness (as some clients knew that we had to cancel, and today I am much better but still on low reserves. No foe can win over the mind of the strong:) Stay tuned to the end of the letter for class announcements.

Welcome to 2022. A universal 6 year; the number of creativity, relationships and balance and at its utmost best energy its harmonious and loving to self and community - a welcome change from the 5 year of swift swooping hard angled change maker last year. How many of you had sudden shifts that we did not expect? This is the year of the tiger; confident, brave and strong. These can be good combos when mixed well. Or combative if we let the shadow do the lead. A year of newness for sure. At least that is what The Creator wants for us! How we all handle our time here is very much up to us . That free will thing.

January has us held tight in its wintery grasp here in the northern hemisphere. I like to remind people that it is quite normal for folks to be "unwell" this time of year and we are finding that most are healing and moving along from the goop that is out there. Like nature. Like life. Like living. How we look at things takes a bit of coloring more outside the box of what we think we are used to doing, or possibly believing. This is our time of big learning and BIG learning we are doing. Venus in retrograde still till the 29th and Mercury joining in the backwards movement on the 14th until February 3rd. January is a big review month, not the best for those full on total resolutions. Self love and love to others should be the only real one we should focus on. Jupiter has entered into one of its home signs, Pisces and it is happy to be there to open our eyes to consciousness and abundance and intuition and dreams and creative inspiration. The flow, so to speak and thank God. Maybe it will help us all right now to be more fluid to the flow and "let it roll'' and "this too shall pass" and let's groove forward, rather than blast us like a steam valve of random unconscious and invasive cray cray thoughts. This is a good place to start the year.. for now.

I have spent much of the holiday break having the most profound dreams. Telling visions of a shifting landscape for me too. Visions of leaving the past behind permanently where it needs to be. Facing the doors of the new hallways showing up and not knowing quite how or when to turn the knob but knowing deeply, that turning the knob will be advised by Spirit when it’s time and how.

I wonder if the stars shine The life that is to be mine And would they let their light shine Enough for me to follow ......... Enya

I have had deep conversations with friends and colleagues, other healing teachers, psychics and myself about the shifts not only I face but many of us and how to navigate that loving and beautiful sovereign, communal, quest for betterment, for joy and prosperity and creativity. I know for sure it does not lie in the hands of a larger governing body but within all of us. In many ways. As one, as I, as a free thinking, creative mass of wildly brilliant souls that all chose to land here at this time........together. How miraculous is that. Each of my clients, my students, my sons, my siblings, my friends, my unknown and future love ( wink wink God :) ) are all here at this time. We must have wanted to be here, to love and to grow, so grow we must. Spirit has shown this to me for many, many years and I have blogged about this for a long time, the shift and we are in it and I feel that I see many of you all noticing and seeing this now, more clearly than before. In the midst of this seeming chaos there is the structure of a blueprint kind of peeking out through the shadows and we are wanting that more and more to be shown to us. It's an innate thing. One that the intuition knows of, not necessarily the thinking brain. The MIND. You see, I have had to push wheelbarrows of courage up what felt to be insurmountable mountains and quests of personal triumph that no other medallion other than the moment of awareness of what what left, what was seemingly lost, what was delightfully gained and how to give that whole light out to others. Again and again and again. My heart still beating strongly to the tune of God's love and Grace and beauty; it is my job to remind all of you this Love. In all ways, through the healing words and the realization of the illusions of time and in teaching of your own power to see, feel and know. Your way. God's way. Not only an optimist but a true believer in good prevailing over evil. And all that goop that tries to hold us from happiness. Being this person has not been easy for me. But I took this role and I plan on going even more into what I am and who I am and hopefully that benefits you all as I seek to shift this role more in the coming year. Why do I speak of me so much? Cause it's going to be how this shifts more into the next phase of life and this life in my work. MORE teaching. Speaking of teaching ! A few classes to be announced !

If you have taken my classes before and are interested in MEDIUMSHIP it is on February 19th from 10-2 PM. There are still a few spaces left and you can sign up here; questions on this class can be asked here.

BACK again! The starter on my Psychic development learning platform - PSYCHIC 101 from 10-2 PM March 26th; the course is $325. It is a very popular and fun hands-on journey into intuition and clarity/energy/spirit guides; we have fun and learn very much on that day. Description and sign up here; questions inquire here. Space is limited and it fills up fast so get in now!

More soon on more!

So for now I leave you with this to turn in your hands: Stone, meditation bead, yoga mat, rock by the ocean. Knowing it is not a great time for launching but for dreaming up and creating, so that is where I hope you are with me and we hold hands and know we are on this journey together! Let's do this time and life now. No worries when we know we are not alone at all.

I With LOVE,

“A bit of advice
Given to a young Native American
At the time of his initiation:
As you go the way of life,
You will see a great chasm. Jump.
It is not as wide as you think.”
Joseph Campbell

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”
Joseph Campbell

Reed Allen
December Newsletter; Lessons, Freedom, Change. Mediumship/Gift certificates

Hello My Dearest Friends,

Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.”
Rabindranath Tagore

Bear with me as this will be a long one, and Spirit will provide me with the words to help you navigate as best as we can, and I will channel the words in hopes that they benefit you . Stay tuned to the later part for regular Sarah news / Mediumship class date and link and gift certificate links....and December 3 Open Studio time (art).

Welcome to December, a big spiritual month of great importance for us. We are ending another year, and one that we see is challenging us to grow and see the world through different lenses, possibly new for the first time in your current human life. We Are getting ready to head into a new year and we are at differing levels of understanding on what we need to take with us into the coming year and what we need to leave in the past. There is a greater need to ground and secure ways of holding a sense of sacred quiet or reflection as the winds of a great awakening show up on this globe. As we approach the Winter solstice on December 21, ( or the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere ) the energy will amplify on earth. A solar eclipse in Sagittarius on the new moon on December 4th wraps up this past years lessons of mystical learning and personal freedoms, to herald in eclipses in Taurus ( money, pleasure, stability, security in fiscal, education ) and Scorpio ( sex, death, and rebirth cycles, deeper meaning ) through 2022.

Venus moves retrograde on the 19th of December in the sign of Capricorn letting us review and renovate our relationships, our money, our work decisions, shifting our value and letting us bring about new relationships or changes in love. This is all around the holidays, no less, in a world that many see is a bit to deal with currently. The quiet of the winter months ( here ) will let us reflect a bit on what we see is our own evolution or what we feel is the lesson on how we perceive the world around us, or the world we look at through the template of a "virtual" reality on our laptops, TVs, phones... It is, as we see, being shown that something, let's call it The Universe, is reminding us that we are the gatekeepers of creating our reality through love, connection and prayer, or through the lens of fear, separation or judgement and avarice, coercion. This is a tempting place to stay, for many who do not know that they are projecting this image outward, because strangely, it's comfortable, ironically to stay in this state of what we feel is safety in control. When what the truth is, is that we never "are“, for the real reality is that we are always free to choose as God has granted us free will and Divine will all in one breath.

This beautiful gift is at our beck and call now. I see the need to use this blessing wisely in the coming years. To relearn how to tap into the Divine presence that so loves us and gives us the power to create our reality with both thought and kismet. With love and soul connection, With spiritual adventure and community and second, third, fourth chances to get it all "right". We are evolving, Through this story playing out we are shedding outworn models that must die away into new ways of Being on this blue ball we call our temporary home. This Is why the healers are busy, this is why you might be feeling strange and odd with new feelings and experiences that are just " showing up" out of nowhere. Any human soul that has had hard, abusive, challenging, cold experiences, or relations knows this feeling of awakening that comes from assimilating the lessons, moving forward and coming to a sense of LOVE and personal sovereignty to choose a life of happiness after letting go, of forgiving..release. I see these times as a similar vibration. For many. Some are there, some will arrive there later, some will be too scared to let go of the security of pain...addicted to cycles of separation , not union with the higher self.

You see, we are all ONE and WE are creating this, with the Divine watching over us to see how we do this. In doing so we can and will alter this challenging time we are in by shifting our sight to love, not fear. We all leave this plane (and often come back again) and as a medium and psychic it is my job to teach you all to " remind " you of our truth, We are souls, playing here. Let's play together to meditate and dream up happiness, health and togetherness and freedom to choose that reality as ONE. We are all linked and our guides are linked to us and our angels and our loved ones. We are being watched over and aided, even if we cant see that. It is going to be a journey, so start by meditation, TURN OFF the news, get back to a spiritual practice, ponder those job changes and relationships. Dance, walk, pray, laugh. Remember or find a way of calling in new ideas of what loving looks like, what peace could feel like.

I have the blessing of talking to so many of you through the readings and I see and know that a shift is upon us. I have been doing this job SO long and was told at the age of 5 on a warm summer night, in the quiet of the stars what my role was. Of course it took me longer to live my life and re-remember my place in the place of all things, but I did; for even in times of pain and sorrow of which I have had PLENTY, I never felt far from the pilot light of my soul, my connection to God in my heart. Like magic with each release of fear, it grew and grew. Take my lessons as your template for the new year. As the Hopi prophecy states " do not look outside yourself for a leader... these are good times....we are the Ones we have waited for" .

As a few of you may know I have a NEW assistant Ellen who will be helping you with bookings and questions and helping me get all the new things in order for the new year. I am yes, in high demand yet I am here to help along the journey .

You can inquire about Gift Cards for readings as they are a wonderful way of helping another find healing in these darker days or the progression of things in others lives that may be hard or challenging or the like Find the link for Gift Certificates here;

Mediumship class date is February 19th Saturday 10-2 pm South Portland. If you have taken my 101, and 102 feel free to join in the journey in learning the ins and outs of the other side in this epic Mediumship class. Sign up here for that :

Lastly we are having an open studio at our studio for First Friday this Friday December 3 82 Parris St Portland ( right by Batson River Brewing ) come support your local artists. 4-7 pm Come say hi and have a beverage and enjoy come ART!

Also from 5-8 Open studio at The Stoodio 200 Kennebec st right around the corner - where I am in a Women in Art show goodies and wine there and more art.

2022 will be MUCH in the way of teaching for me so stay tuned for that. Rolling out new methods to communicate with you all virtually as well in the coming year.

In closing...

I give you this prayer

May God bless you with light in your soul
with miraculous healing gifts
with prosperity and joy in waves you've never known yet
with soul family and love so powerful is transforms your world

and from me to you a powerful thanks for being here with me on this journey
May love lead us all

Happy Holidays beloveds

Love and magnificent light,


“The measure of a man is what he does with power.”

“Spirituality is not to be learned by flight from the world, or by running away from things, or by turning solitary and going apart from the world. Rather, we must learn an inner solitude wherever or with whomsoever we may be. We must learn to penetrate things and find God there.”
Meister Eckhart

Sarah Winslow