November Newsletter: The Underneath of Times of Change

Druid in the City. Sarah Winslow. 36x48


Hello my Friends

Welcome all to the wrap up months of 2021. And what a year it was...and will be again as we turn that dial to 2022. The stages of our personal, global, societal and energetic worlds continue to alter and try to find a groove in a funky time to say the least. Each of us will have chrysalis and butterfly moments depending on each one of us and the collective's choice to unify and not divide; and our local lives and economies will be important. This month will be one of both inner truths and outer realizations and many of us will be aligning with a new way of thinking around occupational and personal shifts. These shifts can be both freeing and uncomfortable in the same breath. Good time to acknowledge any underlying shadow thinking and work to diminish its hold on your own ability to give your God given power to co-create a life of meaning and strength and beauty and prosperity.

The sun is in Scorpio and we will have a new moon in Scorpio on the 5th - that's a lot of Scorpio vibes. Try to keep it passionate and not secretive and not filled with retaining TOO much quietude and use that awareness of the darker Plutonian death/rebirth to see where your life is being REBORN. November begins the next eclipse season and you will see a wrap up of the changes and closures from the summer eclipse season. This time partial full moon eclipse in the sign of Taurus and then in December a total solar eclipse in Sagittarius and by then the sun will have entered Sagittarius. Venus will be in Capricorn then bringing new commitment to relations and money earning next month she goes retrograde… more on that later.

I have been given dreams lately. One that is very curious and telling of where we are and what we are doing as a collective. Basically it was a simulation world where we were in a simulation of a "gaming thing" and we were working on redesigning what the SIMS of our experience were. I was hitting buttons rearranging time-lines and structures of my own world. Part of it I was aware I was dreaming and part I did not. Right before I woke I asked "the voice" why I was seeing this and it told me to shift reality to a better picture if I did not like it. That I held the power...not the game. I woke in a start still seeing and feeling the powerful Divine presence of that last part. Larger voice that confusion or fear and a REALLY strong voice.

This is good and sage Spiritual advice for the upcoming personal and global shifts. If you are looking at a world that makes no sense and seems out of whack (and it is) it could be time to learn to mediate, experience energy healing and rearrange or UNDO that chaos string in your MIND and begin that rearrangement of thinking to see a better, more loving, more abundant, more communal, or uniting and happy world..


When you get clearer on this...serendipity and synchronicities increase in your life and lead you to roads that may have been covered prior to that unraveling, the let go and the TRUST in the force of Divine help and protection and guidance we all have circling around us at any given moment.

I repeat myself, intuition will be your best friend and you do not have to be a psychic or healer to utilize our great gift of gut feelings. No fear allowed as that creates disruption in intuitive responses. I teach this on the daily.

“Don't try to comprehend with your mind. Your minds are very limited. Use your intuition.”
Madeleine L'Engle

“Using a dash of ration with a heaping of intuition is a good recipe for now. Yummy... but remember this......... Watching television is like taking black spray paint to your third eye.”

Bill Hicks

Psychic 102 Class - Saturday, November 6th 10AM-2PM🎓🎓🎓
For those who have taken my 101 class (or similar) before, you're invited to take your intuitive growth to the next level in a fun and engaging environment! In this class, you will learn psychometry, intro to shamanic journey, and proper use of divination tools such as pendulums and dowsing rods, and much more! Seats are filling up, so enroll here today! 

Request for Testimonials ❤️❤️❤️
Team Sarah is looking for more testimonials to add to Sarah's website. Whether you've received a reading or attended a class or event, we'd love to hear your kind thoughts, loving words, and life-changing stories! Submit your ovation here.

Befriend your self and your heart in the coming days and don't be afraid of not doing what is "normative" and "perfect" to what society is used to, for that is more of where our eternal intrinsic DIVINE presence is and it is not cookie cutter; it is as REAL as our breath. The shift is upon many of us and many will be very uncomfortable, and that discomfort will make these big waves of change happen. Stop getting distracted with too much tiktok and start going within....

I am here to help you navigate and arrange and look to the unseen for the thread to the new world and we can stitch it up and hopefully keep laughing and loving and dancing our way ..

GOD is happiness and non-separate ...don’t forget that.

There may be a mid-month or second newsletter as more info is coming in hot. Please stay tuned for that !!

Loving you all with Grace


“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.”

Sarah Winslow
October Newsletter: Forward, Understanding, Relating Inner and Outer
Untitled. Sarah Winslow. 18x24

Untitled. Sarah Winslow. 18x24


Hello my Friends

Stay tuned to this letter after the channeling for my news and more and my closing statement:

Welcome October, the weather here in Maine is definitely cooling down and the leaves have begun to shift. A new season is upon us for sure. Seasons remind us of shifts and the constancy of nature being part of us and in control with its Creator. As we head into this month, there is much balance and relationship energy being shown to us in many ways. This time is about reviewing our own energy, our choices, our people, our tribe and our place in all of it in the world. In this month we have a new moon in Libra on the 6th , bringing thoughts of love and balance into new fresh starts in Love and relationships, soulmates, to self and others . The big planets that have been retrograde most all summer long are starting to move forward this month! That is big stuff. This time has been us in deep review of our trajectories and our paths and our peoples. There has been much strife around these shifts and we mustn't see it as hard but part of this process of Awakening as we shift through this coming Age of Aquarius. Pluto moves direct on the 6th, Saturn on the 11th, Jupiter on the 18th as well as Mercury. You may have noticed an exit of many things around you , and the expiration date shown on things outworn in a big way. Even old ways of seeing things, and old perceptions; hopefully bringing you to a new found sense of Heart and purpose and relating. No lie, these are the uncomfortable days that all of us Seer's have seen and predicted for years. The Great Shift. What it looks like if you are not turning off that TV and letting the machine of fear dictate your energy and your relationships is pretty rough. What it looks like if you are trusting your gut and your heart and your getting outside time and friend time and sitting still without distractions is interesting, eye opening and powerful in its ability to help heal and solve INNER trauma and thoughts to help one steer a possible new and exciting revolutionary course of life and relations . These times and the upcoming months speak to us about love and its ability to cut through anything; True , real, Godly, strong love of heart. Body, mind , Spirit stuff. the meat of our souls rather than of traditions and old ways of being. Don't be too surprised at how your life will and has shifted in ways in 2021. For it will continue in some way beyond this and next year for sure.

I am busy with my part of the plan doing these sessions and teaching and more. Have been for a while!! I have had many people ask me " Why does my ass feel kicked and why does everything suck?" LOL . Well, says Spirit, partly for you are letting it and partly the planets say because it must change to move away from negative historical patterns that keep us in divide and pain, or war and hate. Take a look inside you and see where the base of these negativities lie and really go in there. That is why many of us healer people are busy. People want to know WHY, and Spirit says......find ME, or find the ME inside of you; then look for it OUT THERE in the reflection of your world. Anything not showing that is not the Creator and there's the rub. Where and with whom do you feel good and loved and comforted and full? You don't need a church or anything like that to have a spiritual practice. Finding heaven in your favorite things ( yes, mashed potatoes ) and really being present in your connections can be your church. But I am a broken record in the repetition of learning to meditate and turn off your media as much as you can. The internet is a good way to keep in touch , but can be a tool of distraction and fear too. Be mindful .

I , too , have had to make many changes to keep up with this shift for sure. My whole business and how we book and the packages we offer has changed. Even I resist ! But I am learning to get in the flow of this shift because that is where my team of angels and guides want me; and I listen to them. For that is my soul's path. It is an exciting time to be alive for sure! New things on the horizon in my offerings and my Voice. Big time. As I even wrote this I am like " hey, what does that mean Guides?! " Hahaha, like I don't or am not allowed to see all the curves of change. But with my love and my joy in me, I am willing and able . With God all things are possible.

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.

~ Aristotle

Time to practice getting there for sure......


Team Sarah would like to trial a new addition to the monthly newsletter as an option for folks who would otherwise be unable to purchase an individual reading.

Starting this month, you can enter to win a 30-minute individual reading with Sarah by purchasing a raffle ticket. The 30-minute session that is being raffled off this month is for Thursday, January 13th from 1:00-1:30PM ET. Please only purchase a raffle ticket if you can make this time slot. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased here.

The winner will be contacted directly at the end of the month and will also be announced in next month's newsletter! 

Request for Testimonials ❤️❤️❤️
Team Sarah is looking for more testimonials to add to Sarah's website. Whether you've received a reading or attended a class or event, we'd love to hear your kind thoughts, loving words, and life-changing stories! Submit your ovation here.

Schedule a 2022 Group Reading with your Friends & Family and SAVE 10%!! 🎉🎉🎉
We wanted to remind everyone of Sarah's new 90-minute in-office reading offerings for groups of 3 to 6 people, and offer a 10% discount off any group reading if booked this month for any month in 2022, while slots last! Inquire here about securing an intimate group session for you and your tribe!

For groups of 7 or more, Sarah offers private home group readings within 30 miles (mainland only) of Red’s Dairy Freeze in South Portland. Reach out to Sarah's team for more information about this offering here. 10% discount will apply to these group offerings as well if booked this month for any month in 2022!

Group readings must be booked and purchased by October 31st at 11:59PM to receive the discount. 

Psychic 101 Class - Saturday, October 2nd 10AM-2PM 🎓🎓🎓
There are a couple last minute slots available for Psychic 101. If you've been thinking about taking this popular class to learn about your own intuitive body, now's your chance! Information and sign up is here.

Psychic 102 Class - Saturday, November 6th 10AM-2PM🎓🎓🎓
For those who have taken my 101 class (or similar) before, you're invited to take your intuitive growth to the next level in a fun and engaging environment! In this class, you will learn psychometry, intro to shamanic journey, and proper use of divination tools such as pendulums and dowsing rods, and much more! Seats are filling up, so enroll here today! 

Tribes are forming now to teach us how to LOVE again in times of darkness. Practice finding the light...ask to see it, pray for it.

For in prayer connection comes,

I am praying for all now, for love, for health and happiness, for JOY

Always and forever,


Sarah Winslow
September Newsletter: 21~Potent, Potentials, Portals plus news
“July on Casco Bay”. Sarah Winslow. 40x40

“July on Casco Bay”. Sarah Winslow. 40x40

Hello My Friends 

Please read down and stay tuned for news and class sign ups after the channel below : 

As I write this newsletter on the last day of August and the summer bugs sing loudly their songs around harvest and change, the world waits for us to all respond in part to shifts and cycles of change. The change of seasons that approaches us has in it a potential that is big for us to grasp the spiritual lessons that are being heralded to us from learning both from history and its teachings, and the interesting placement of choice in ability to rise to love once more in the framework of our energy, tribes, world. How many times will we be called to not divide but unite in love?

The commercialization of the industrial, technical world has taught us that love exists in the framework of MY ME MINE, however that is not the message of community and care, of forethought of LOVE not, instantaneous gratification and 30 second soundbites. Love is eternal and real and exists in our core from the Creator , Source energy and is what should drive us not from base but from heart. There are collective pains and traumas coming in that seem to an individual possibly in the moment, lonely and personal, subjective and disconnected, but that is not the case. Wounds and fears come up in the personal mirror of the collective, but play out in each of our stories. It takes quietude and self reflection and knowing oneself to work on the why, how, where of healing and HOPE; one of my favorite astrologers used this HALT - to stop when one is HUNGRY ( feed your body, feed your spirit,feed your cup) ANGRY ( talk it out, go for a walk, exercise, explain) LONELY ( find a friend, take a class , online course,tell someone) TIRED ( rest, take time off, ease up. sleep) . She used this as a way of explaining this first week of September and I see this too as we approach the Virgo New Moon on September 6th ( Labor day in the US)  We may be confused as the Neptune square opposes Mercury in jumbled wires of clashes yet when this occurs, it is to call us to stop and retreat into INNER KNOWING and Spirit is consistently leading us in the Divine plan that it has when we stop resisting the energy. There are other favorable aspects this month: astrologically working behind the scenes to sooth our energy when needed, bring us to soulmates, and clan and surprise us with shifts we may not have seen, or did not know that we may have signed up for. You see your soul, in your body, has a journey here, just as with your other human travelers here. As the month moves along, there are some potent days followed by the full moon in Pisces as the Sun moves into Libra on the 21st. Mercury goes retrograde on the 27th till October 18 so keep that in mind around tech and communication and travel plans. 

You see, we have a chance right now to work on ourselves, our communities, where lies the connections to each other and the practice of bringing bread on the table with your friends and well, supposed enemies. Where love and boundaries meet in the middle and things are  learned and unlearned. To not take this opportunity to grow spiritually, that would be unfortunate. For even in the reflection of let's say, what we learn of our own behaviors and faults, to the others in interpersonal familial relations ( or spousal or other romantic attachments). 

As a medium, I have learned for the plus 20 years that death is but a transition to another place, that the teachings of the passed on, speak many times over of forgives, regret and then the cleanse to knowing. We can impart this knowledge here and now through knowing that the divide is not Godly at all and anything that wishes for that is likely the opposite of that. The time to be the eagle in the tree of the Great Living is here. Get there through self love and healing practices, nature and laughter, joy and shared communion. I wrote this in February: You see, we are constantly being guided by forces unknown to the eye and our job is to understand why. Our lives need helpers unseen and seen as well for we are but only truly ONE community of consciousness and our hands are for building and holding and hugging and for raising up to the heavens in gratitude for such love and help. As we are truly sovereign Divine beings with "meat suits" and we have the power and freedom to create and recreate. Just like the energy of the earth and stars.

I am guided to add this from November of last year: Endings, beginnings, shifts and changes and the urge for understanding beckons us to shift things. The Divine is peppering us with ways to grasp that we must acknowledge that things are no longer going to work and clinging to an old paradigm is proving to be futile as we march toward the upcoming end of 2020 and the arrival of 2021.

and into 2022 as well my beloved....

Fear not and stay away from the mainstream (media) for it could be helpful in clearing your head for the way to see your pathway, your relations, your career, your truth and your SELF.

ONTO FUN NEWS!!!!!!!!!

We, here at team Sarah have a new assistant and when you write in she will address your scheduling needs, questions and the like as we rewire this business over time and all these years it is now apparent that the demand and energies have shifted.

A new reading package is added to our shop (please write Tara with questions about this).

90-minute group reading for 3-6 at the office - read description here.

There is still space for Psychic 101 on October 2nd 10-2 PM. This popular class is a big help in these times and in any person's journey to learn about our own intuitive body. Info and sign up is here. Class sign up is limited , do so soon!

and for Psychic 102 if you need a refresher and have taken my class before or have some experience - so popular and class size is limited sign up here soon. November 6th 10-2 PM

I know personally, that it has taken the dark days of life for me to find my own pilot light resting in my chest to keep me moving forward, to keep hoping for the dim light to summon me forward, and it always does. And I have also learned that my own shadow boxing has made that darkness larger than what I feared it was.

Faith is a fine friend now, as is TRUST.  We are the Ones we have waited for,

I am here for loving , and in guiding you Home....

In Grace ,


and this. ox..........

“Remain calm, serene, always in command of yourself. You will then find out how easy it is to get along.”

Paramahansa Yogananda 

Read a little. Meditate more. Think of God all the time.”

Paramahansa Yogananda 

If you permit your thoughts to dwell on evil you yourself will become ugly. Look only for the good in everything so you absorb the quality of beauty.”

Paramahansa Yogananda  

Sarah Winslow
August Newsletter ; The Summer of Thought / Classes! News from Sarah
‘Baby Blue’, Sarah Winslow, 36” x 24”

‘Baby Blue’, Sarah Winslow, 36” x 24”

Hello My Friends

I hope this newsletter finds you well and happy. This summer is deep now here in the northeast, and we here in Maine are trying to suck the marrow out of it after a very rainy July. Since the spring months, and my move to a new home, things have begun to shift in a big way. Spirit had told me that after my move, things would shift and they are for sure. Some slowly, some more rapidly. Accepting change and waiting on results can be a tricky dance of frustrations and confusion, while truly spiritually directional and heart evolving. Acceptance and thoughtfulness are key players in life upgrades. Bravery being the lead lamp post during the process. All of us are in this shift whether we are aware of it or not as Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron, Eris and soon Uranus all in retrograde till October to around December of this year. LIFE REVIEW TIME.

I've been guided to say that this is a time for reflecting on the self in placement of the world and how or where we are projecting our stuff on others or if we are doing the best we can to stay centered in our own stories rather than projecting on others our fears or judgments.

It is a messy world out here with spiritually empty soundbites of 30 seconds or less tempting the best of us to disengage from what we really are, which are powerful manifesters of energy and thought in our own lives as well as others. That's what those tablets, phones, apps and TVs are designed to do. Get us addicted to the non-essential distractifying tunnel of fear and projections and separation. At our CORE, each of us are Spirit connected and connected to all but we forget that and put our traumas out in the world through this illusion of what's important. Our devices are good tools and should be kept in the tool box and out of the love connections, the procrastinations and the search for meaning in relationships. The good tools in your devices should be used well with learning and guiding, sharing and loving but one must use caution where fear and darkness seems to be guised as "newsworthy''. I, as a medium, have learned much about life, death and truly living. The TRULY LIVING part in big letters. What would your life look like with you letting go of outworn methods of fear and inner strife? Lately I can't keep enough tissues in front of my clients. Tears of release in all sexes, ages, and types. I am pleased at the healing that seems to be going on in the collective energy right now. After the rain comes the sunlight of hope and faith, though vulnerable seeking of meaning and connection. It is what matters most. The search is on for sure, I know so as I am the busiest I have ever been and 20 some odd years into this full time, well..... Spirit has upgraded myself as well and is guiding me forward into vast new horizons, spiritually, personally, and in my work. I have hired a new assistant and you will hear from her when you write in for anything that you need and she and my new team are formatting the Fall and next year in a bit of a new way and next month you will be hearing more. My beloved assistant Julia is slowly edging out to her own career and remains steadfast at my side in love and soul tribe. She has been the greatest gift to my work and my heart and for her I am eternally grateful. Change. One must accept it and move forward in co-creation mode with God at all times. "All is flux, nothing stays still" Heraclitus~~

If you have had a session with me recently you may have noticed that the messages seem more powerful and the energy of my soul's purpose is bursting from my body and mouth to you all, it is a job that requires much energy and this is why things are shifting. I am happy to do this. It fills me with joy to teach and lead around Spirit, the afterlife, astrology, the soul, and energy, thought and the illusion of fear. To heal.

Next up, I am happy to announce my classes. Below you will find a description of my Psychic 101 class and Psychic 102 which we have scheduled and your link to sign up is below. They are VERY popular and fill up rapidly and I urge you to follow your gut if you are guided to take it!! The soul always knows.

The summer of thought is here and you must stay clear of the mass of psychic "ectoplasms" so to speak, as to funk up your own energy and your own ability to make decisions on your course of action, your truth in love, your body and your path way to that TRULY LIVING we were speaking of. Take time for you, take time for relationships, take time for creation, take time for joy and body care, take time to learn NEW things. Make an effort where you are guided to let go of the past and ask deeper questions of yourself around truth, purpose, meaning and energy. We are all just students here trying to remember why we chose to come in and who will be there for us here, and yet again on the other side of our living; for we are truly eternal star bodies just bumping around trying to get it right. The school of hard knocks so to speak. Best knock on the door of loving, it won't steer you wrong in its ability to do right.

I have more big news coming next month, including another BIG ticketed event you DON'T want to miss!! In the meantime, you can follow me on instagram to read my dailies and weeklies about energy updates and the cosmos. Stay in touch on social, here in the blog, and through our HEART.

I am here as an agent of Love, and a guide of change spiritually and hopefully to make you laugh along the way to buffer those bumpy times.


The first class in Sarah's three-part Psychic development series, Psychic 101 is scheduled for October 2nd, 2021! In this popular class, Sarah will lead you on a journey to understand energy and how it is conducted in our bodies and minds, how to communicate with Higher Spirit Guides and translate your intuition. You will learn about auric energy systems, navigating psychic 'nudges,' and connect with your higher Self in a fun and engaging class setting. The class will end with an opportunity to read for another student in the class. Psychic 101 is a prerequisite for the 102 class, but is wonderful on its own.

The price to attend this class is $325. Once you reserve your spot in the class, you will receive information on where the class will be held, what to bring with you, and what to expect. Email Sarah team with questions at

Click here to reserve your spot:


This is the second class in my Psychic development series. Prerequisite for this class is Psychic 101 with me (any year in the past as well), or a similar type of class with a different teacher. Take your intuitive growth to the next level in a fun and engaging environment! In this class, you will learn psychometry, intro to shamanic journey, and proper use of divination tools such as pendulums and dowsing rods, and much more!

The price to attend this class is $325. Once you reserve your spot in the class, you will receive information on where the class will be held, what to bring with you, and what to expect. Email Sarah team with questions at

Click here to reserve your spot:

In love we come from, in love we go to and in both places and between is Spirit.
I am here, loving you ....


“Prayer is a way of asking for something. It is the medium of miracles. But the only meaningful prayer is for forgiveness, because those who have been forgiven have everything.”
Foundation for Inner Peace, A Course in Miracles,

“Rest does not come from sleeping but from waking.”
“Simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies,
you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world.”
Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

Sarah Winslow
Event Newsletter - Art Show & Live Event!
“rise“, 48 x 48, Sarah  Winslow

“rise“, 48 x 48, Sarah  Winslow

This is a newsletter specifically to announce some fabulous events coming up this summer! (and more to come later!)

As many of you know, when I’m not doing readings and being a Mom, I am also a painter. My studio is hosting an Art Show for the public - come say hi, have a drink, be in our creative space, and possibly treat yourself to some beautiful artwork for your home/office/space. Myself and fellow artists that create out of the studio will be there displaying work. Info is below!

Art Show

  • Saturday, June 19th

  • 1:00-5:00 pm

  • Studio is located at 82 Parris St, Portland ME

The next announcement is a fun one because I am back to doing live events!!!!! This is one of my favorite parts of the spiritual/healing work I do and something I haven’t been able to do for the past year so I'm thrilled to announce my next event! This will be a fabulous in-person, live event hosted by Leigh Kellis at The Stoodio in East Bayside (right next to Levitt & Sons). The first half hour of this event is a wine & mingle with cash bar, followed by my speaking portion which includes a talk about my spiritual journey and then a reading for audience members. Event info is listed below. Seating is limited so please purchase tickets promptly to reserve your spot.


  • Friday, July 9th 6:30 - 8:30 pm

  • Wine, Snacks & Mingle: 6:30-7:00

  • The Stoodio: 200 Kennebec St Portland Maine 04101

  • $75 per ticket


Join locally-based, Internationally-beloved Psychic-Medium and Spiritual Counselor Sarah Winslow on a wild, joy filled ride of healing and love, and connect to your loved ones from across the veil, Spirit and the Universe. Experience Sarah’s unique and engaging healing energy, stories of her spiritual journey, and receive insight and guidance from Spirit, and our loved ones who have passed on.

The first half hour of this event will give audience members time to enjoy the wine & mingle with snacks and a cash bar. Sarah’s speaking portion will begin at 7:00 pm so please arrive on time.

**PLEASE NOTE that not everyone is guaranteed a reading. Spirit chooses those who need to be read the most, and the messages shared through Sarah often translate to a wider scope of transformation for all who attend. Come and hold the intent that the event will open your eyes and heart to the infinite love of Spirit, and hold space for the awakening of all who attend!

Space for this event is limited - please purchase tickets promptly if interested in attending.

“August Migration”, 36x40, Sarah Winslow

“August Migration”, 36x40, Sarah Winslow

Sarah Winslow
Early June Newsletter: Eclipses , Summer , Changes , Taking Hold

Hello My Friends

As I sit here getting ready to write you this newsletter the birds are singing and the sun is shining and the hum of late Spring early Summer feelings engulf me. Perfection in weather for sure. The astrological weather may think differently! Take a seat and take in this letter that has in it a bit of an astrology update, cosmic spiritual advice, news on my business and most hopefully enough love to let you bask in.

This letter is going out on a full moon eclipse (blood moon) in Sagittarius. This begins a super charged Summer of retrogrades, and eclipses. Our next eclipse is only two weeks after this one on the new moon in gemini on the 10th of June. Mercury goes retrograde on the 29th until June 22. Jupiter retrograde from June 20 to October 18. Whilst Saturn and Pluto are retrograde into Autumn. So suffice it to say, your words of the Summer are surrender, shift, listen, move it, let it go, call it in, and HOLY CRAP! Spirit will be moving storylines and characters and energy with this eclipse season and depending on what astrological house it affects, different people will have different things begin for them. Relationships, new love, endings, new work, old doors closing permanently for many. Think back to December Of 2020 and what you have seen, learned and accomplished since then. All this as we move out of the funk of the times of the last year into freedom and joy for most of us. What you make yourself available for and to will most certainly find you and scoop you up and bring you along for the ride. So I am guided to let you know to affirm your connection to SOURCE and to higher good and keep your hands on your own wheel of life, don't grab the shifter for others. AKA stay in your own lane, my friends. The Universe will get done what it needs to and your job is to open up that intuitive pulse inside of you so you know which way to go, or not go. This will be a Summer of deep discovery and uncovering of deep knowing as Sagittarius is ruled by the 9th house of learning, mysticism, optimism, intuition, and legal matters. This eclipse today will unlock much for many (especially us Sagittariuses, like me).

If you have been following me for many many many years you know how long I have been doing readings, teaching courses in psychic development, and doing larger stage events as methods of showing you all the deep and powerful connection we ALL have to the UNKNOWN or the forgotten part of us, Source. It is a blessing and I have been blessed with some pretty powerful thing that I love to share with you all. 20 years into coming out of the psychic closet (LOL) and doing professional psychic medium, spiritual teaching sessions. At the current moment (this does not include upcoming events and classes that will soon be announced!) I am booking close to 6 months out.

I still have a cancelation list and use it. It's all energy and this is why I am announcing that starting July 1 2021 my prices will be going up. Spirit has been urging me to do so for over a year and the time has come. A big shift of energy for many includes you! If you are being urged to do the same for your business or the like I say listen deeply and say yes to that. Trust those nudges my friends. The season of shift is upon us all and it will be a powerful time of personal redesign, with freedom in tow. As we move forward in this Aquarian age we will all be learning that all is just an exchange of energy; money and leadership included. Spirit has long been guiding my meditation time with this huge bit of guidance. You are the ones you've waited for and you are your governing body. These are the words.


My new rates will be active as of July 1, 2021. If you have already booked and paid for a scheduled reading, you are all set. If you have a reading scheduled and have not yet paid, you have until July 1st to pay through my website at my current rate, otherwise all readings scheduled after July 1, 2021 will be charged the new rate.

If you have a reading scheduled and have not yet paid, you will receive an email from Julia with more information and can ask any questions to her directly.

Notices, announcements on my large venue events coming out in a week or two with tickets links. So excited to get out there in humanity again and squeeze y’all!

I moved my home recently and luckily am in a quiet area close to the ions of the ocean and this will benefit all of you too! For when I sit in nature and quiet my mind the Guides that urged me to do this work and how to do it direct my pen to paper on new instruction for new things to give to you so this for real will be the Summer of new for me, and for you. Did someone say write that book Sarah?? If you have come to a reading with me, and have benefited from it, I urge you to share this letter with love with others.

A reminder from my blog of December 2020 ........

How do we deal with change? With acceptance and questioning and letting go and meditating on solutions and new things, and letting both our drive and gut move us forward. We will leave personal things and drama behind. What do you want to carry forward into these exciting times?

How will you look to the heavens to help you? Trust. We are shifting and boy it’s going to be cool.

And now I send you all my love and care, my heart of hearts that possesses a bandwidth of God for you to light your way.

Be Blessed, in deep gratitude,


I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. 

Walt Whitman 

Sarah Winslow
End of April / May Newsletter - Catching Up and Synchronicity Talks, New Life
“rise” 48x48 by Sarah Winslow

“rise” 48x48 by Sarah Winslow

Hello My Friends

April was a whirlwind for me and I knew it was going to be when the year started. Actually in 2020, early, when I began my prayer and intentions to move homes I had heard "April" in a meditation and although it was over a year to find my new place (or my place finding me I should say) it was correct and I moved mid month in a whirlwind of divine and physical orchestration. It was wild! This may be a long but loaded newsletter so pour a cup and listen to the words I will give you and the spiritual advice I can and will give you with all my love.

Firstly I will update you on the current astrology. As you know we just had a big Supermoon and wasn't it spectacular? Loaded dreams and lack of sleep were the norm for the 3 days around it. Now we have Pluto going retrograde until October 2021. Issues of structure (Saturn/form) will be going through "detoxes'' as they meet Uranus (unform/change/innovate). We will review over the summer as we have a whole lot of planets in Taurus right now and Mercury joins in the retrograde on May 29th to June 22. There will be a New Moon in Taurus on May 11 bringing love and pleasure to relationships and new prospects in career and stability and a Full Moon (blood moon) in Sagittarius on the 26th giving us excitement to the new cycles beginning in our spiritual happiness and our love and lure to adventure. This is a potent one as it is an eclipse and will shift us, and things and level us up, ready or not! Saturn (structure/society/rules) goes retrograde on the 23rd just after the Sun moves into Gemini. Jupiter enters Pisces for the first time in 12 years also. It's a big month and will usher in the summer (in the northern hemisphere) in a big way! What I see in this and what I am shown is that we must get used to revisiting and rising up into understanding what we can change, and what The Universe changes for us.

Structure/rebellion/security/freedom/fear and faith..these things will continue to teach us valuable soul and body lessons over the next months and years actually. This is what I see. Best to get deep inside yourself to navigate it well and with as much grace and ease as you can.

As for my teaching, well I will start here in this newsletter! The story of my house move has a bit of magic in it, in times that are in dire need of magic around the housing market. As we all know here, the market is insane right now. Finding a home or even rental is tough and competitive. Very coo coo out there. I was going to check in on my preapproval for a mortgage but I was told a while ago by my trusty soul and guides that I should wait...but I needed to move very badly for multiple reasons and I know I needed it asap. I was sure that one of my clients would help me find it and I was sure that it was in an area that I had been being pulled to all last summer - literally I would drive the streets and I just could feel it. But logic proved to be a bitch, ha ha. The market got hotter and hotter and what I needed was "not out there". I was told to meditate on it one more time and then let go. Not two weeks after that, a client contacted me and told me that there was a property that landed in his care and to look at it as they had not listed it yet. I drove by it and called back immediately and asked to look at it. The next day we did and on the way there I was driving behind a car that said "HAUS4U'. When I got there I had to wait for them and a single crow sat in the tree above me chattering at me. Crows are my omen of change. I have powerful stories of them. (By the way when I was diving with a friend a bit prior to this, a murder of crowns flew over our vehicle when I said to her "things are about to change in my world for real". )

So I applied and got it in two days and because I was mostly prepared as I knew that this was happening, I moved fully in, in less than three weeks time. Exhausting and overwhelming a bit for sure but I did it all. The day I got it I went for a tasty celebration beverage with my friend and I was laughing at her reminding me that I always remind people of Divine timing, intuitive knowing, trust, serendipity, and soul paths. I looked up and laughed and the guy near us had a T-shirt that said “Keepers Of The Faith". Ha ha! I do, and I am that. And even though the words from others "or its a bad time to move/ or how will you do that" etc I know that something MUCH grander and larger always has a plan for us and that is how the flow of living is.

These are the samplings of things that come up in my big events that I miss doing but it looks like they are coming back SOON! I will announce them here and on social media when we book them in! Also classes will probably be coming up. I am just adjusting my life here in the new place and focusing on my son's last few weeks of high school! As a single mom, my heart is always on the best I can do and be for them as well as all you lovely human beings. : ) My business model is going through a shift but any and all changes that occur will be announced though this forum and on my website and social media. (Facebook/Instagram).

I realize I am booking out very far now but things do shift and people do cancel and move their times so our cancelation list does get utilized so no worries there. I may be announcing a shift to help accommodate emergency or urgent time-limed readings. Stay tuned for that.

I will be on a Podcast with local former DJ Mike Rovin, a great guy with his new Podcast on his platforms and YouTube . When that is up for listening and watching on demand I let You know and share on my social platforms. Be on the lookout for that!

AAAND... have you seen my cool new Apparel and Merchandise? Palms Creative and I created these with the intent on good feelings and spiritual fortitude and intentional living. I am in love with them and they are great quality and we are excited and encourage you to shower yourself with my invisible arms around you in the apparel and merchandise. Get them here and let us know how they look with a pic !!

Lastly, If you are an art lover, or a lover of my abstract paintings we are doing "First Friday" On May 7th from 5-7 PM at my lovely studio space with four other fabulous artists that share the space. I would love to see you there and if you have someone interested in supporting local artists do stop by in the up and coming great neighborhood of West Bayside, Portland Me. 82 Parris St. May 7 5-7 PM. (No reading questions at my studio please, you can email here for question on that )

And for you......

I send the reminder that judgment, coercion and all forms of prejudice are Un Holy and we live as a community of souls that ultimately should Thrive on this planet together. It is good to know we are all one even though we think we are not. WE come from Earth and go to Earth and we come from Spirit and we go to Spirit and that is an absolute, spiritually. Let's be kind out there and listen with some heart and intuition. That trusty gut vibe is real, but fear is a blinder to that. Best to step away from fear and avarice. Plus its good for your skin, hair and nails (only kidding, well, not really, ha ha)

It's a brand new day.. listen to your heart and follow that

I am here, LOVING YOU.


“Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution.”
Kahlil Gibran

“So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.”
― Mitch Albom,

Sarah Winslow
March Newsletter 2021; Dreamy Beginnings, A Coupon, and Merchandise

Hello My friends

Please stay tuned to the bottom of this newsletter for coupon code AND the link to find new fun merchandise that myself and the guides and my lovely creative designer are offering to keep your head in the game of intuition and thriving!! It's a new thing for me to offer, and it pulls on the creative part of me and I am very excited about it .

Writing this on the last day of February. I would imagine that many of you would like to push February out the door with a "thanks for the crappy vibes," haha. It was a powerful month of many big moments. This month has a very different feeling. Dreamy and intuitive with many favorable aspects for love and connection and for creative pursuits. We currently have no planets retrograde so we are now able to begin new things. Love, relationships, projects, ideas, conversations and the like. A pisces new moon on the 13th ushers in deep and meaningful offerings and insights. Then on the 20th the vernal equinox arrives ushering in spring in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern. Aries season begins and we are all fired up for sure. We have been needing this shift of energy to support the times of awakened life. Frustrations on restriction may abound but things begin to shift quickly then.

Formulating a new way of creating this world we live in should be a unified thing, yet we still see separation and judgement. You can not do anything to shift anyone for we all have free will and are here to learn as we move along in life. Being rude to others in their ways only keeps the judger in the energy of hate and cowardice and invites a dark and harmful way of thinking. How would one like to live year and upon year being angry at others and feeling crappy all day long? I would imagine upon leaving this planet one day , it would be sad to look back and say " well, I was angry and mad all the time...what a waste! " That kind of energy actually comes from fear of living and lack of trust. We are here to work with energy and clean ours up as much as we can and hold space to grow alongside our world and communities and to love and learn to teach each other respect and integrity to the best of our abilities. These times are rife with the opportunity to stay in your own lane and find our tribes and build upon that. To find out who we are individually too. I am a broken record in reminding you to turn off that TV as much as you can, get outside, meditate and find ways to laugh and be as excited in your life as you can. It speeds up the trajectory energetically to let you find NEW ways of moving forward, not backwards in life ..or worse, staying stuck in this way/paradigm. It helps to "lubricate" the unseen future so to speak. March will be a good month to begin to open up the intuitive eye and pray for Divine assistance in helping to heal and move forward.

We are powerful Co-Creators with the Divine and it is asking us to be open to something we may not understand but feel, and normalcy may not be the way to get it. Be as brave as you can to dislodge fear and avarice because it is the pathway to lack mind and lack of clear insight or foresight. The gut vibe so to speak The Universe is always sending us messages that keep us aware of the flow of miracles and goodness that are always around us and we only have to notice them and the synchronicities . One example (of the thousands) that I have is one time upon leaving from teaching class with my friend who took it , she was in the car with me and she was marveling at how good she felt and sort of floating in a magic feeling of joy and energy. I told her that when you learn to connect deeply with intuition and energy that is ceaseless it feels " powerful and full of Spirit like real jubilation ." Right then a car pulled up in front of us and the license plate said " MA TOVU '' and I knew it was Hebrew and it roughly translates to " oh how good, or oh how Godly" It is a song in praise of praising God in a setting of worship. Pretty cool, right ? PAY ATTENTION to magic!

I am working on getting my in person classes aligned again and am so looking forward to teaching psychic development again. I am a fun teacher!!

A few announcements!!!!

I am offering a VERY BRIEF 48 HOUR COUPON CODE FOR DISCOUNTED SESSIONS; but keep in mind I am now booking four months out so that is June at this writing but we do keep a cancelation list and use it often. Divine timing is always at work in those things as I know.

From receipt of this newsletter to 48 hours after you can receive $50 off either full hour or half hour readings. Act fast we can not honor the code after 2 days.

Paste the below code in your cart at check out

ONEHOURSPRING click here to purchase

HALFHOURSPRING click here to purchase

Ok now for the FUN and exciting News! I have created merchandise in the form of Tee shirts and Hoodies to order and purchase here that are created with the fun and inspiring intention for you to keep those " vibes high" while wearing them out and about in your world. Really fantastic designs created by Palms Creative, my beloved long time friend and designer/ developer with the words that were given to me from spirit to hold that above mentioned intention. They are pretty rad for sure! Wear them with love for they were created in love and passion and truth.

Check out the shop to view and order one today!! Or click each image below to take you to its product page. Please allow 7-14 business days to ship.

Wooo hoooo!

I want to thank you all for all the love and support and for doing the work. I am forever grateful for my clients new and old and for my tribe and for the beautiful connection to this place and this life.

I leave you with this :

“For Equilibrium, a Blessing:

Like the joy of the sea coming home to shore,
May the relief of laughter rinse through your soul.

As the wind loves to call things to dance,
May your gravity by lightened by grace.

Like the dignity of moonlight restoring the earth,
May your thoughts incline with reverence and respect.

As water takes whatever shape it is in,
So free may you be about who you become.

As silence smiles on the other side of what's said,
May your sense of irony bring perspective.

As time remains free of all that it frames,
May your mind stay clear of all it names.

May your prayer of listening deepen enough
to hear in the depths the laughter of god.”
John O'Donohue



Sarah Winslow
February 2021 Newsletter; More Shifts, Love, and a 72 Hour Coupon!

Hello My friends

We made it into the second month of the year..and here it seems as if winter is only beginning weather wise. I am sure that you have been feeling a bit weary and weirded out at certain times. The energy of the times are very fraught with two things: authority and discipline (saturn) and the opposite, rebellion and innovation and change (uranus). This month is a month loaded with Aquarian energy (eccentric, innovation, sudden shifts, community, ideas and shifts) with eventually 6 planets in the sign of Aquarius. Many of us will find a sassy "can do" attitude brewing after feeling lost and stuck for a bit. The harmonious Venus moves into Aquarius on the first for the month and promises to keep love lives interesting to say the least; think unorthodox, may-december romance, committed but not living together, harmonious but funky love. This month could also be a make or break for some. The new moon in Aquarius will be a fun place for the Valentines approach allowing for conversations to be dynamic around love and very friendly and social. A good time for sparks to fly mid month big time.

It will be intense for sure. This rebellious vibration has been brewing for some time now and under the authoritative times we seem to be in there is a world of newness and change is brewing for humanity and earth. I feel there will be sudden and surprising news popping up (think the gamestop thing-rebellion). I always advise people to stay nice and grounded with good conversations that spur positive new directives and ideas rather than sitting stewing in the poop of negativity and conflict. Our tribes will become mighty important for us to utilize for support and help and continued success amidst the shifts. Be careful who you throw stones at or maybe just build a rock garden for a friend rather than throw anything :) I feel a wave of change and sudden movement for many. Methods to start this shift will come during this month and then more as March begins.

How I know that change is happening (or me in my life) is the message of the crow. I will see them in odd times or spaces and or find a random crow feather foretelling of a shift on the way, and I have had this happening a lot lately. I have wild stories of how crows have gently or loudly told me a big change is coming. That and songs and repeating numbers. 555 is a change reminder as well. I love teaching through storytelling in my classes and events and sessions. I will be doing much of that this year digitally and in person. Some of that will be announced and brought to you in my next newsletter where I will link to new classes and merchandise! I am very excited about my new ventures and I am so excited to share them all with you in this big year of innovation and community.

You see, we are constantly being guided by forces unknown to the eye and our job is to understand why. Our lives need helpers unseen and seen as well for we are but only truly ONE community of consciousness and our hands are for building and holding and hugging and for raising up to the heavens in gratitude for such love and help. As we are truly sovereign Divine beings with "meat suits" and we have the power and freedom to create and recreate. Just like the energy of the earth and stars.

To show you my love on this Valentines day I am offering a brief and rare 72 hour coupon. (Please read details carefully on info on discount and usage)

From release of this newsletter to 72 hours, you can purchase either One Hour or Half Hour coupon for $50.00 off either.

*********** Keep in mind I am already booking out a few months and you must be patient but we do have a cancelation list and any and all readings scheduled will be in accordance to the nature of timing and my schedule - contacting Julia with questions on how to book in can be done at time of purchase.

Get them fast as this may be the last for a while as we begin to restructure the business.

To purchase please put the code in the box at your checkout time

LOVEONEHOUR to purchase one hour with discount click here.
LOVEHALFHOUR to purchase half hour with discount click here.

eep in mind you can use as birthday gift for a loved one or Valentines day gift or for later use for yourself as well .

I leave you with this :

For a long time we have not gotten this game of love down right in many ways. Spirit is present now here in these changing and rearranging days to get us to unscrew our heads from out worn models of love and relating . We have been kept in paradigms that have hurt many and we have opportunities now to really amplify how we love and assist one another . These times can birth much passion and reenergize JOY and integrity in all our relationships. For love is and will be the one thing that opens our eyes truly.

Use that intuition, notice things, be YOU and turn away from the world of deceit.

I am loving you always
From breath to breath......


I should not make any promises right now,
But I know if you
Somewhere in this world -
Something good will happen.”

“This is the kind of Friend
You are -
Without making me realize
My soul's anguished history,
You slip into my house at night,
And while I am sleeping,
You silently carry off
All my suffering and sordid past
In Your beautiful


Sarah Winslow
January 2021 Newsletter; Wake to the True Path of Us

Hello My Friends,

If you want to fully take in this newsletter you should find a seat and a quiet moment and read this carefully and fully, as this one will be a bit longer and fully full of much advice and tender love and care. My news will follow this channeled writing so read to the end.

We are in the times and vibration of a new wave of consciousness doing its best to be born within us as a species and within and upon our planet. We are in a year of 5, the number of change and change is upon us. The age of Aquarius means community, gathering of solutions as a group and not just a one person, one big boss, one big money ruled world. This is why it feels so bad right now. The old ways are being shredded up and in the interim of the coming better days, there are mad mad frustrated humans out there. I liken it to being mad at a partner and confused and belittling before marital therapy and an eventual parting. It's that upsetting. If you look at the "big guys'' as your only hope you will be farting in the sahara. You need to look within YOU and your place here on the earth; your work, your friends, your community, your calling here on the planet. I have been being told for a long long while (and if you come to my sessions or events or follow me on social media or this letter) that this one expression holds true - YOU ARE YOUR GOVERNING BODY and letting the energy of that ick fill your every move with fear and more fear is the spiritual and literal opposite of how to flow well in these times. Germ or no germs, politics or none. It is the WE that is creating what will become the land of plenty or the land of oppression and rage. Love thy neighbor holds more true now and the divisiveness that has been here waayyyyyyyy prior to the year 2020 is why the beings of light are being called on more than ever to assist us out of the darkness of our own being and upwards to the more connected, heart centered ways of living here. Together. The darkness preys on the weak and available, much like an addiction can wear down the best of too the darkness wants a host. BE the light! YOU be it. In your ability to shift your focus and trust with all your might in goodness and True Spirit to show up for you, for us. Yes, anxiety is huge. Confusion, anger and loss. It seems a weird bit of advice but trusting in this massive shift is imperative to intuitive FLOW and knowing what to do, and how to call in and co create it, spiritually and literally. Change is tough.... " everything i've ever let go of has claw marks on it "~ David Foster Wallace. I liken it to being a salmon swimming upstream but it's wearing heavy weights by choice and not letting those weights fall off. When you make a world fearful, God has no room to come and give you the gift of Divine providence and abundance, correct? Not all is what it seems and your natural intuitive body should be telling you so. We all have it. It takes exercising it with meditation, stillness and deep listening and unraveling from the slip stream of shit in the media. Turn it off. Go to YOUTUBE or Spotify and listen to 528 Hz music as much as you can. Take a walk in nature with your headphones cranking it. LET GO OF the old ways. Be open and get therapeutic healing and counseling when needed.

Back in 2012 I was given a vision (actually in 2005 I was given the vision of the virus and masks and when I inquired to Spirit on what to do these two words were given to me - NO FEAR....NO FEAR , SARAH.) that showed me two giant ships "landing, docking in" and a path between them. People lined up and walked quietly trying to figure which ship to get on. One ship was filled with rage and fear and quiet grey angry alone lonely people who willingly made the choice to get on it and the other was filled with laughter and color and love and games and music and joy. I asked what it meant and was told a time will come to know how to create which world and all will be given a choice. It goes back to the prophecies of the age of Aquarius. We are here, the astrology alone can guide us and teach us how to handle ourselves rightly (like when mars moves into challenging positions or like being prepped for mercury retrograde so we handle it better).

There are no "sides" there is only "dark" and "light" and we all carry that within us to assimilate and work with as we learn to grow and ascend beyond our pride and ego and our find out true nature as all connected in spirit. Proof of this is the collective anxiety and fear - it spreads for we all connected in other dimensions beyond our spiritual amnesia. That's how you can explain things like signs from loved ones who have passed, and synchronicity and soul bonds through eye contact and hugs. We are together so we must BE together.

Before sitting down to write this as my coffee went cold from me meditating too long, my guides said "you were made for these times" and by that I knew what they meant. The greatest gift you can give yourself is what I give you through my work. INTUITION. Y’all have it too. Sure mine and others like me, it's BIG but even a push of your sixth sense button is helpful. My job is to remind you of where we come from and where we go. Someone close to me lost a friend yesterday of cancer and quite young. I met his man last month and got a chance to talk with him, and he said to me ..." I wish I had time... time to repair things, a really negative breakup...I wished it had gone differently ....I wish....." as now he is graced with leaving the physical world to the non physical he will now be at one with God and send energy to those who loved him as a thank you for his time here. For love. It never goes away. I remind you of this as your greatest asset.

The Divine needs you to find it in you; in your posse, in your loves, in you local economy and areas. Find it and hold it close ; it’s right there in your heart.

Ok me :) I am here doing sessions....waiting to do my live big events soon and building a new platform. Soon video classes and more. I am however looking to move...I must move out of this current neighborhood to a single family home - the market is hot and I still believe in manifesting rent or buy with Divinely orchestrating communication is on the table. In Portland or South Portland if anyone knows of somewhere I can lay my hat and keep my feet on the earth to keep doing this work I is my life mission here. That and dance and laugh and love and be a great mom, relative, friend, lover, and teacher. So I am wide open for the help !!!

I must go for now to do my sessions and will be sending you another newsletter very soon with more and more announcements.

Follow me on social media (InstagramFacebook) for more and stay out of the shadows...

I’ll leave you with this, in the wise words of Ozzy Osbourne, “Crazy, but that’s how it goes, millions of people living as fools...”

We are the Ones we've waited for
I love you all

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.”

Sarah Winslow