December Newsletter : Ending 2020 , Era of light , and a Coupon

Hello my Friends

I hope this end of the year letter finds you well. And what a year it has been. How could we ever know how much growth and change and chaos in the wake would come. Yet how many insights and epiphanies and new connections and solutions of which will continue for times to come. In this letter you will find cosmic updates, energy information and validation as well as at the end a quick coupon code for discounted sessions (and the rules that apply to that). To wrap this year up will be a gift for sure, of course and one that will help us to understand a bit why there was such a strange and collective global connection through a simple...virus and its lessons. If we take fear out of the issue at hand we find the hidden qualities that 2020 brought to us of the power of acceptance, intuition, change and revelation. Hopefully many of you can understand how this year brought you to the seat of your desires and dreams though the ironic plodding through a dark and shitty time. Restrictions should ultimately bring about inner conflict which then brings about changes in directions and destinies that one would have not thought of before. In my sessions since the whole weird year kicked off I predicted that many of you would not recognize yourself or life in some manner by the end of the year. I have seen this to be true. Immense shifts for many, in the disguise of the universe conspiring with your unconscious to bring the conscious manifest for your true path. I have seen; New love, return to true love, letting go, divorces, job shifts, back to school, education rearrangement, darknesses revealed, addictions addressed, energy understood and more. Way more.

And what a time it was....

December is a huge time astrologically and we started with a full moon eclipse in Gemini on November 30th and are moving in a big Sagittarius energy, with the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius and soon Venus to follow on the 15th but most importantly a solar eclipse in Sagittarius on the 14th followed by the big news; Jupiter leaves Capricorn on the 18th bringing about shifts in heaviness and more in expansion of humanity and travel and collective optimism and growth, and then there is what we call the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Aquarius on the 21st of December the solstice.

This is at 0 degrees, Basically an epoch change heralding the age of Aquarius. Giant shifts for humanity, technology, society and more on the way as we move into 2021 and beyond. A different way, world and all that comes with that, I urge you to envision one of prosperity and joy for all not one. Let greed and the old guard let go and new solutions form. I would imagine there will be shifting even more in 2021 for many personally. This is the end of these two powerful planets meeting in earth signs for 200 years! Now it will only be in air signs for many many moons to come. This means mind, intuition, spirituality, community, society.

Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius and Saturn rules Capricorn. How do you spell change? 2020 and beyond, that's how.

How do we deal with change? With acceptance and questioning and letting go and meditating on solutions and new things, and letting both our drive and gut move us forward. We will leave personal things and drama behind. What do you want to carry forward into these exciting times?

How will you look to the heavens to help you? Trust. We are shifting and boy it’s going to be cool.

Well as I personally wrap up this year I focus on my work and teachings here and my art world and my personal wishes for true and real relationships. I, too, did some huge huge huge work this year. I lived in constant communion and connection with my spirit guides and will never stop. It got larger for me. I cried, I let go and now I am here. Ready for that Sagittarius ellipse to herald in the shift and joy and all that comes with that. It is at the exact degree of my Sun (meaning it's like carved out for me!) as my birthday is the 16th and this is on the 14th. Destiny awaits! Big time!!

So to celebrate my love for you all and my Hope and Faith in POSITIVE CHANGE! I am running a 3 day brief COUPON CODE FOR DISCOUNTED READINGS for the holidays and 2021.

READ CAREFULLY!!! I am booking INTO Feb and March at the moment and we do book and put people on the cancelation list but you will not likely get in asap so be patient and you can even save it for a rainy day out a bit. When you purchase it we will keep a file and you can email my assistant when you are ready for your session. You can use it for a GC for a friend as well, but let us know that .

For 72 Hours from receipt of this letter you can take $50.00 of either a full hour reading or a half hour. These will change in the new year.

ONEHOURDECEMBER click here to purchase

HALFHOURDECEMBER click here to purchase

Just put the code in at the time of checkout act now this is the last for the year.

January brings a new Zoom event and also classes. I also am holding open studio or private showings at my art studio so email me if you are interested in my paintings as well!

In closing, how do I see this turning? When we let go of fear and avarice and find ways to trust the path led before us.

You chose to be here right now and it is rich with the bounty of the evolutions of your soul's journey; ascension to an upgraded earth and its people and purpose. Pretty cool, right?

When in doubt look up at the stars and revel in the glory that there is a purpose to everything and within that there is Spirit beaming its energy back to you letting you are here. You are loved. you are not alone. You are One with It.

Blessed are we all to know that.
I am here with you,
I love you all.
Happy holidays to you all and may Light come to you to show you the way.


“Always look beyond what you can see”

To the extent to which your consciousness is limited or expanded, is the extent to which you experience being divided or divine.”

Erin Fal Haskell

Sarah Winslow
November Newsletter : Hold On Tight My Friends / Gift Certificates ; a Drawing

Hello All

I hope this finds you well and safe and sound in a world full of chaos and turmoil. Stay tuned to this letter for a Gift Certificate note that you won't want to miss at all.

I know that I am not alone in feeling the tensions and anxious energy of the US and the world with not only a presidential election going on but what seems like a never ending Davy and Goliath wrestling with the pandemic. To say we are being challenged would be an understatement. In this letter I will be discussing current astrology as well as channeled information on how to pace yourself with new feet in a new world as per instructions from a spiritual tilt. Grab a tea or your favorite beverage and read on.

We are in the end part of a very challenging Mercury retrograde and it is ending on (of all days) Tuesday the 3rd, election day. Be prepared for an un-real and strange election day to extend itself in ways we may not have seen yet. With Mars, still retrograde we are challenged to take aggression by the hand and maneuver hopefully into assertion, the better way to achieve personal and energetic boundaries. Mars will move forward on the 13th. We just had on Halloween a blue moon full moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus so the energy of sudden changes are at the doorstep of the coming days. Endings, beginnings, shifts and changes and the urge for understanding beckons us to shift things. The Divine is peppering us with ways to grasp that we must acknowledge that things are no longer going to work and clinging to an old paradigm is proving to be futile as we march toward the upcoming end of 2020 and the arrival of 2021. We eeek out of the month with a lunar eclipse On the 30th in the sign of Gemini and a solar eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14th just prior to the winter solstice on the 21st. These eclipses are in mutable signs and portend and will create shifts for us all (especially Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces). Either way, we are in for more bumpy and specifically life shifting energies and we will need to pace ourselves as old karmic cycles continue to wrap up and new things and cycles arrive on our doorsteps.

WE must go forth into this new world (during these shadowy, strange and odd days) remembering our spiritual autonomy and with caution against being too far into a wormhole of social media distortion that we don't lose our Divinity and our body of nature and the desire to grow individually. The temptation to distort truths and rely on the aggressive pit of divisiveness is rampant. This is the nature of the shadow human and not one aligned with Love and understanding. WE can grow into more potent and reliable people by seeing the deeper meaning in the times we are in and the danger of losing not only heart but most

We mustn't lose hope of goodness and grace in any human but when all we see is a 2D conversation on the TV or tablet or phone of opposition and the like, we are in danger of getting sucked right in. Best to look the other way and remember that nothing has ever come from the argument of folly. I recommend doing habits and hobbies that align with your other dreams, you know the ones you may have had eons ago and get back to the drawing board of your own life so as to assure you that good new footing as things shift in the coming days and years. Drop that bad habit of looking at your FB or phone right away in the morning and meditate first, exercise, drink water, clean the kitchen, walk in nature....anything but what drives you to energetic ruin for the day. We are a collective and the more fear and anxiety we throw at the communal psychic pathways the further we are to solutions for our healing, our supply and our prosperous wellbeing we will be. Think again about thinking there is not a way through or out.

We are releasing an old world and are smack dab in the middle awakening to this epoch of 2020 and beyond.

You are being challenged to understand your psychic place in the birth canal of our rebirth. What has come to your attention personally this trying and challenging year? Have you begun to eradicate a lifetime of trauma in your emotional body? Lots of the yuk that we are in is actually a great way to let go of generational stuck-ness in your life and thoughts. Radical life changes and decisions may be happening to you now or soon. New people, old people returning, connection to your loved ones across the veil in dreams or signs. All of this is big energy around us currently.

What matters is that YOU are your governing body, nothing outside of yourself can shift things for you unless you let it. Be sovereign in your decisions and don't forget your Divine right to heal and move into the world with a sense of connection, not ruled by others or outworn worlds.

The models of media never have a foothold in the creation of your dreams, or the removal of your dreams, so try to remember this in the coming days.


“Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.”
J.R.R. Tolkien,

And remember this intuition is key, without it we have less power to know. And not all is as it seems to the naked social media soaked eye.

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.”

We are marching toward the Aquarian age and we need love and a whole lot of light to lead us.

And how am I, you ask? Well in a nutshell, going though the same rebirth that you are. Much is shifting in my personal world as well and I welcome it with loving and open arms. It has been challenging to not be able to do my large stage events and in person classes but smaller group family sessions are pouring in and love doing them so that is good. And soon I will announce online learning; trying to get it all put together and really looking forward to this new class and more. It can be tiring to have this wiring in a largely fearful and dark time just due to the energy however my God whisper inside of me fills me up and leads me to these words and the words that come to me in the meditation time I give myself and in my dreams as well as my readings with you all. I am far away from any mongering of fear and I trust in the angels that I know to lead the way out of the dark to a world with LIGHT in it. I bask in the spiritual advice that is handed to me daily and I am humbled and grateful to share with you any and all incoming wisdom from the other side. In the words that came to me from my deceased mom recently I will hand them to you.

"Hold your value high, my dear and let your boundaries not come from anger or rage but deep self love that is based on timelessness, and let go of the past, the new horizon is better than you think...."

I like that!

A gift from me to you!!!!!! from now till Thursday the 5th if you purchase a holiday gift certificate, your name will be on the list for a drawing on December 1st for TWO LUCKY PEOPLE THAT WILL BE GIVEN A FULL HOUR READING FOR FREE!! That's right. The Gift Card you purchase, may get yourself a full hour reading (in the future) with me. The drawing will be held On December 1st and my lovely assistant Julia will notify you via email if you have won the drawing. This is my way of thanking you for being so special to me and letting you know how I am so grateful to my epic clients all over the world . When you purchase you can notify us via email if you want a printable GC or a paper snail mail one sent to you. No time like the present for Spiritual gifts of healing for those we love as we enter into 2021.

Act now as this offer for this chance ends on the 5h, just 4 days; You can purchase the Certificate here:

If you didn't know I started a YOUTUBE channel where I do updates and this will be how I announce and link to future video courses.

Find me here!

Ok I'll leave you with this prayer for the days we are in :
May you and all you know be filled with the light and love of God
keeping you safe and healthy, prosperous and well
May the times of challenges be brought to a close and '
the Grace of a new vibrant world beckon your greatest times
May the lessons we learn create new and perfect healing in all the world
and may peace prevail .

And so it is.

I love you all.

to better days to come xoxo


Sarah Winslow
October Newsletter; A Time of Great Power Ahead / And Coupon Code

Loving Greetings, my friends,

Read below my channeled messages and stay tuned under this to a code and the rules around the code and one announcement : and if you are new to my newsletter, welcome!! 

I hope and pray this finds you well and surfing through the times we are in with grace and poise. A challenge to say the least in this most challenging of years. Nonetheless we should be looking into finding ways to achieve that goal of not letting the dark waves of the murky night get us or take us down. So to speak. You see, the planets are in a configuration of amplifying our inner trauma and rage and sorrow and if you don't look inward during these times you project outward. We need to be powerful and graceful stewards of this giant SHIFT or be the gas on the fire of chaos.  The only thing you can truly do is look to yourself for your needs and your thoughts. Sovereign and true to the core; letting go of the old words that keep you in fear and shame, issues of abandonment and uncertainty or instability. Be aware of the way projection plays into things. These wounds run deep in us and affect our personal and collective , social , political stages. The guides gave me the word STAGE for a reason.

All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players; Shakespeare

We have a role to play in the shift into trust and recreating a world post 2020 that makes more sense to the common good of all with less separation and division.  Division is the opposite of our truth which is love and love and truth cannot exist separately for it is the voice of God. Lies, deceit, coercion and toxic cycles and addiction of all sorts are the blunder of man at his lowest energy of healing and happiness.  Beware of false masks within yourself and others and look away from what does not serve your highest good. Even if it is confusing and daunting to do so. The only way out of a fire is to push with all your might and just do it. 

Thursday October 1 is the full moon in aries and the first of two in one month and we have mercury slowing down for its 3 week retrograde from October 13 to November 3 ( yup, you heard that right ) With saturn now direct and Pluto still retrograde we have time to weigh doing the right thing, with how to do so without the blunders of the past haunting us to total stagnancy. There will be challenges for diplomacy in communication ( as it has been ) so keep in mind the challenge is do the opposite. Sometimes a quieter conversation will heal more in time than the rage of opinion that truly comes from collective trauma. 

What will the next few months look like? Wild and confusing as we begin to see that we are our real governing bodies and that we are creating our realities for better or worse. Period. YOU are the reason as the WE so go within in meditation and healing as much as you can and find a way out of the catacombs of despair. This past week/ several days are and have been riddled with deep inner sorrow and depression as we maneuver through this psychic goop. It hurts and it hurts bigtime and if you haven't had your turn in the muck, you will in the near future. Fear NOT!!! It only means a better you wants to grow out of the cocoon of pain.  Time for a huge leveling up and it is happening. Between now and the end of the year and personal and life alterations will be a part of that. 

I liken this to having your nerves on the outside of our bodies running through something. It may be time to truly know what you need and desire or can allow yourself to receive finally. What do you want? For home? Work? Life calling? A partnership? Your body? Your happiness? Noting outside of us can truly validate ultimately our worth and joy than you to yourself. Everything else is the cherry on top. Psychic healing is here my friends and it is BIG stuff. We are all working on something greater than we can truly comprehend for the illusion of the things that we PERCEIVE as controlling us are truly that; illusion. YOU are the ONE that will shift your life. Being brave, by being the loving human you need to be and letting go of the egoic stance of collective hubris. 

"Not today,  darkness!!" says the we of us :) 

OK onto news! Excited to mention that in my next newsletter  (before the end of the month for this one) I will be putting a link up for video classes and a way to purchase packages of subjects with me teaching and talking on many subjects and we are designing them for you to do at your own leisure and time virtually with watching the classes when its convenient to you! Intuition, Relationship, Psychic Energy and Trauma and many more! So excited to do this for the ease of scheduling for you all and to have a new forum to get the Spiritual lessons out there! Stay tuned! 


I am offering a coupon code for $50.00 off both one hour and half hour sessions but ONLY FOR 48 HOURS  from receipt of this message. So purchase quickly in that time frame.   I am currently booking now in JANUARY 2021 SO you can not expect a session right way ;

Another wonderful option ! It is never too early to buy a Gift Certificate for loved ones and family for the holidays and they are good for one year ! Using the discount could be a great way to help others. If you want to do this, say so in your receipt or email my assistant Julia, she can even send you a printable gift card or paper one in the mail. 

When using the code below just type it in upon your Paypal checkout; let Julia know via email and or she will get a hold of you; Give a day or two for response , kindly. We always appreciate your loving and kind words and we always send them back ten fold! xo

OCTOBERONE click here to purchase 
OCTOBERHALF  click here to purchase 

I know it is frustrating the time of Covid and how to get in to see me but understand all readings really do happen in a Divine and magic way. Destiny is real and so is our connection to Source. Trust it, my beloveds 

I am in humble gratitude and love for you and all you are, and   I am 
In Faith, 
Sarah ~~~~~~

Each man's life represents a road toward himself, an attempt at such a road, the intimation of a path... But each of us - experiments of the depths - strives toward his own destiny. We can understand one another; but each of us is able to interpret himself to himself alone.”― Herman Hesse  

1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

2. Don't Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.

3. Don't Make Assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

4. Always Do Your Best
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.”
― Don Miguel Ruiz  

Sarah Winslow
September Newsletter : Mars, Magic, Moons and a Coupon!

Hello my friends 

I hope this newsletter finds you well. As we begin to close out our summer in the northern hemisphere (say it ain’t so!) we are quickly approaching both autumn and a huge shift and rearrangement .  At the beginning of this year , I wrote to you speaking of the big astrology of 2020 and I feel now you may all have a better sense of what that means ! The way I can explain it to you is that as with the tides , which the moon effects , so to are we effected by shifting planets . This time we have a grand trine of ALL the earth planets , ( think security and abundance and dedication , work ) and in the 2nd of September a full moon in Pisces , conjunction in Neptune . That’s big intuition and deep inner vision time . This will bode well for meditation mixed with action . 

On the 9th of September all the way to the 13th of November however we have Mars , the planet of action, war, sex and aggression going retrograde . Deep inner thinking’s will be apparent in these cycles for some and also it could trigger an already wounded and angry society . As you know , we’ve been being challenged here for a while to balance out the temptation of being pulled into the shadow sides of ourselves. The lower workings of our trauma bodies filled with fear and separation. What we really need is to remember that in our Divine and True nature we are at one with our fellow humans and at One with our Creator and even our planet. Its all energy . We need to remember this as we flow into the autumn months for I feel that the next few months will be loaded with change and the challenge to step up our game into recreating goals of compassion and positive action. 

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there.  -----Rumi 

Our vision can be used to create a streamlined version of seeing this time of challenges going away to give rise to new ways of doing things and healing our bodies and societies and being Spiritually proactive in the support of that new energy. Both individually and collectively for an old guard of our lives are ending. I truly believe that on the other side of this very odd and challenging year we have good things waiting for us. Fighting and letting yourself get pulled down the news and media rabbit hole will trigger that shadow self and quite frankly coat your energy with fear. And as Yoda says and I know this to be very true. " fear is the path to the dark side" . Not all is as it seems in that world so being still, meditating, learning new things, nature and human connection is key to keeping that lamp light of Grace and Faith lit and warmed.  I know people are waking up and wanting to understand things because I am busy!!!! 

Which brings me to NEWS:

Unfortunately my big event at Frog and Turtle has had to be postponed again until the size and space regulations due to covid are better. I am sure we can all understand that this event ( and ALL my large capacity events) will happen in right and Divine timing. Stay tuned for that. 

My classes are in high demand which is why we split the already big class of Psychic 101 into two days - September 12th and 19th. Which opened up TWO SPOTS FOR THE 19TH SATURDAY - if you are interested in signing up please email Julia ASAP to sign up for that class ---- information is found here pertaining to that


I am running a September discount of $50.00 off both full or half hour sessions - this runs for 48 hours only from the publishing of this newsletter and I have not run a discount in a bit so Grab it while you have it!!  BUT PLEASE UNDERSTAND;  I am currently booking in November and you will not get in right away but we also have a cancelation list.  You are welcome to save your purchase for later as well. All readings I have found truly happen in Divine and right timing. I have not been running these discounts lately so do scoop that up for savings now!!!  

To purchase just put the code below in your checkout online 

SEPTONEHOUR    please click here to purchase

SEPTHALFHOUR   please click here to purchase 

I will close this email with this excerpt from January 2020 newsletter which , at the beginning of this wild and intense ride into this existential year, seems good to reshare. Please read and share this newsletter with your family and friends. 

I won't lie. Its going to be uncomfortable for some. Beautiful and miraculous for others. Confusing and busy for some. Busy and prosperous for others. Healing and hopeful for some. It sort of all depends on how you use the slipstream of energy to find your way, your new path, your new persons, your new home, your new work; or the betterment of all the aforementioned things. What are you willing now to fully let go of. Would you create a world from cowardice and hate and rage and judgment or from love and discipline focused intention and abundant faith and surrender to your JOY and purpose? What are you here for? Let me ask you again. WHAT ARE WE HERE FOR?  Have you needed to understand this? You will need to go within more and ask better questions of your inner self and better questions of the world. Throwing your daggers will not get you anywhere but more of the reflection of your own war inside you. Blaming others will also no longer work; working to heal the paradigms that just are not working well WILL help. Innovation in tech and commerce are on the way but will you let it all happen? 

“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.”― Hafiz of Shiraz  

I for one am wishing for us all great health, prosperity and human touch. We are our governing body, I love you all


“The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can't be any large-scale revolution until there's a personal revolution, on an individual level. It's got to happen inside first.”

Sarah Winslow
July Newsletter; Beginnings, Endings, The great Awakening
Untitled © Sarah Winslow

Untitled © Sarah Winslow

Hello My dearest Ones.

If you signed up for this email letter, you know that I will update you all with channeled information and current energies followed by news, classes and any and all announcements below. So keep reading on for all of that! I trust and hope you are staying as grounded as you can as we shift and twist and turn through what is shaping up to be a most challenging of years, this year. 

The energy is truly a mind bender in the basic fact that this time has come to brazenly and haphazardly shake us open and hopefully get us to begin finally to ask big questions of our inner and outer authority roles , and our ability to adapt and cope with change .  That might be the greatest spiritual challenge for most . Not in the fact that our time with the virus out there has tested us, but in how we adapt to the conversations we have about it all .  How we treat others , how we take a challenge and either rise or retract . And on any given day , it could be one or the other .

If you’ve ever seen the strange act of a snake molting it’s skin, well that’s about the size of it . New systems within education and work forces have had to take this challenge to new levels . How to not lose ones connection to touch, oxygen, community and creativity is very important in serving us to trust in a shift coming . A world without the communal energy of shared space , invention , touch and care is not a spiritually healthy one . While health is also physical we must not lose hope in the health of our shared collective soul well being . It’s integral to seeing through to the other side . We need each other , not to divide but to convene at the table of love , shared solutions and respect . The planets have been wholloping us pretty hard with karmic cycles abruptly and strongly shifting as we learn personal lessons and have sizable epiphanies , the purpose is to grace us with new , bold , needed changes . Reactions and projections are not a healthy way to try to lock into a new way of seeing things and will only serve to keep you pulled to a heavy dark negative drama cycle . I recommend logging out of social media often and or not engaging in the non ending , spiritually defeating , old old story of this vs that . It’s a well too deep to fill . Only Spirit can fill that up and our eternal Light : it’s where we come from and where we go to and in between , we have each other and the remedy to all , love . 

Stay grounded and clear and keep your mind available to be opened up . I recommend Using healing frequency  music something like 528 Hz. And get outside in nature often. 

Seeing that it is one of the most awkward and strange intense years, I would say why not, why not change up your routine and be open to trying something new. 

Many people will be finding new and different employment, I’m coming into a stronger sense of strength of self . Where chaos lives so does growth and the soul inside you knows that.

My intuition classes are popping as I’ve had statistically more people want to tune in and quiet down this coo coo ride we are on . 

I’m excited to announce I will be making a video series that will be teaching videos in separate or bulk classes on subjects like intuition , energy , psychic trauma release , soul relationships and more ! We are planning on sending out a separate letter to you all with that information . Stay tuned soon !! 

I’ve decided to run a coupon code for $50.00 off either one hour or half hour readings . The code is good for four days from receipt of this mailing / blog. After that it ends . 

It is imperative That you understand that I am already pre-booked. At this point in my career I am usually booked about two months out sometimes more sometimes less depending we do have a waiting list /  a cancellation list. If you purchase a coupon you can email my assistant Julia to get on the schedule. And it’s always that you understand that I am already pre-booked. At this point in my career I am usually booked about a month to two And it’s always Strangely the most divine time when you get your appointment. Once in a while I do email emergency readings, but if you want a session, It’s best to just wait till your scheduled appointment.  And yes we put everyone on a cancellation list if they’re wanting to get in sooner.

It’s worth the wait at times . Spirit knows exactly the best day :) 

Ok When you are purchasing your coupon please put the coupon code below when checking out:

ONEHOURJULY ($50 Off One Hour Reading) Click here 
HALFHOURJULY ($50 Off Half Hour Reading) Click here  

And remember we all , ALL need compassion and the ability to understand and have empathy for others . There is more change coming and the road is paved with hot spots of anger and confusion and bereavement . 

Be kind . 

We need it . And be kind to yourself as you are the friend you may need . 

I am loving you all And doing my best to show you how Gods Grace is pouring through us in any given moment to blast you with faith in the magic of our time here .

It’s that time In gratitude and love 


I’d love to have you come see my art ( the other part of my world ! ) At my second outdoor art show at our studio space in West Bayside Portland on Sunday, July 26 from 2 to 5 PM. Outdoor art sale with beverages, food and music and lots of incredible art. would love to have you stop by! 82 Parris St. Portland, ME.

Sarah Winslow
End of May/June Newsletter; Aurum Lux ; Golden Light and Classes, Coupon

Hello My Dear Ones

  I am writing this note to you on a beautiful May day, with the scent of lilacs pouring in my window. Heavenly. I hope this note finds you well despite the seismic shifts and turmoil we have managed to live through of the last few months. I know, based on statistical reasoning with all my sessions that I have during this time, that many of you are being called to new ideas, new work flow, and your true feelings of possible dormant thoughts that have risen up from this time. As if things were laying in wait, for this time strangely to arrive so that you could pull out your life blueprints and redesign and concentrate on what you want, or value in your life. For the future. I am grateful that I have the ability to help maneuver through hidden valleys of heart and mind and dimensions to create the flow into that new world and creations with you all.  

June is on our doorstep and the reopening of the world, albeit with a dribble of chaos here and there still as we maneuver into the hope of a new day and our commerce lives being rebuilt. I would recommend understanding what is going on with our planets currently as we have not one but several planets retrograde and today, on the new moon in Gemini we place ourselves facing several eclipses on the horizon. What this means is that we are in review, renovate, rearrange, recommune, reflect, rebuild on many levels and I know that SPIRITUALITY  is one of the top ones. What will come in to awaken you out of your slumber will be shown to you throughout the next months of summer into October and a bit beyond that  time. 2020 is no joke, yes? It's a kick in the pants. The virus, that came in, which my guides have said has receded and I trust that, has created a gateway for us to choose how we want to reflect our value and world and you will see that remaining out of the strife of duality and anger can be helpful in your own guidance being clearer for your life, personally. What can you do to help others and go deep into internal renovations will be required of you. I am seeing waves of light circling many of us guiding us to stay centered in love and trust so that we do not create from discord or disharmony. The neutral mind will be your best friend now. I am always guided to say these words" you are your governing body" and I know in that the message is YOU are your freedom and light, your choice maker and your true boss and only when you discover or more likely, UNCOVER your reasons for your choices you will find a way to a sense of spiritual connection and intuition. I was seeing a huge gateway beginning this summer for a big change and you are part of it. We all are. You might not see it at the moment but you will come to, when you are ready for your part in the shifts and big changes. Time and open eyes always reveal to us what God really wants for us, we always find our way back to the yellow brick road. I am a living testament to that miracle and synchronicity. 

This is a summer of redo, renew, and a changing of the tides. Stay out of fear and judgement,  for the shifts I see coming from this are positive if one does not let the virus of fear infect your heart and body. A calm mind and a centered heart knows what to do, how to stay in vitality and also knows what it's calling is. I, too, am renovating my life. I titled this letter with the latin words for GOLDEN LIGHT, of which is surrounding anyone calling it in to them to keep your mojo filled with love and grace and trust and safety. It is as simple as saying yes to the shift and no to persuasion into fear snares, as if angels are among us circling us on our walks, family gatherings, errands and happy reunitings. I am being called to teach more. To teach YOU to do this work as if you know your higher self like your best pal. I love doing so. I also help in the readings with the questions that I mentioned that are dormant and yet screaming at you to listen. This is my reason for this work is to open you up. It's a blessing for me. 

So that being said, the announcement  part of the letter now. I am, and have rescheduled a few events and have a new one to announce and stay tuned after that below there will be a detailed explanation for a coupon for June for discounted readings. 

I am excited to announce the teaching of Mediumship. It is essentially the third part in my psychic development series and open to anyone who has taken 101, and 102 or has learned a few pointers on energy and intuition in other arenas. Most of the folks that have come to know that my specialty in readings are two fold. Psychic clarity and Medium reading accuracy and all that comes with that.  This course is designed to teach the details of what and how to access communication with parted loved ones and is a great way to understand the process of the "other side".  This class is Saturday July 18th and is held from 10-2 PM location TBD either at my location or another client's larger place. 

Also we have rescheduled Psychic 101 to Saturday September 12th from 10-2 Pm and it now has a few more openings for sign up. Get it fast as this is my most popular class. Location TBD 

To sign up for Psychic 101 click here. 

To sign up for Mediumship click here. 

We have rescheduled the Evening with Sarah Winslow at the Frog and Turtle to September 3 info can be found here; 

Lastly but not leastly, I am doing one more coupon offer for $50.00 off either full hour or half hour sessions. 

This coupon is good for ONLY FOUR DAYS FROM RECEIPT OF THIS EMAIL, and will not be available after that so grab it while you can.  Please note; I am already booking out a month or so in advance so you will not likely be able to get in (unless a spot opens with the waitlist, which it does at times) but you can also save it for later when needed. No refunds and new policies stated here; 

This is a good way of letting the beautiful Divine decide on the most auspicious time for a session:) 

For the code just punch in the below code in the box upon your Paypal check out; it is quick and easy. 

JUNEONEHOUR    click here 
JUNEHALFHOUR  click here  

will get you $50.00 off the regular price of either reading. 

Ok, it's Memorial day weekend and it's a beauty here in Maine. I hope you and yours find time to share in a lovely place with good food and so much love and fond openings to reunion and re-entry.  May Love be the reason and the reality.  The bliss of nature and love are the bestest immune boosters . 

I am here, Loving you with prayer and humble gratitude, 

Aurum, Lux, Amor, 


“When the Sun of compassion arises darkness evaporates and the singing birds come from nowhere.”
― Amit Ray,  

“I should not make any promises right now,
But I know if you
Pray Somewhere in this world -
Something good will happen.”
― Hafiz  

Sarah Winslow
May Newsletter; Brief Update and link to a 3 day coupon code

Hello Friends

   This is a late April update, only brief as I had written just a bit ago and most of all the guidance that has come through stands- also I have been writing  on my Facebook and Instagram as well updating and speaking of all the ways to stay grounded and clear during this transitioning times. I would even recommend looking on my blog and maybe reading back into some archived posts and seeing what you gather from those as well. I am sure that you would find things that are pertinent to the journey in there as well. The current big astrology news is Pluto going retrograde and Venus then on the 13th of May- until June 25. Expect much review and the like on love, relationship and money, nature and self love as well. Pluto will be retrograde until October 4th. So all summer we are in for a transition and review of the depths of ourselves and of systems. Makes sense doesn't it? Pluto is a tiny planet that packs a wallop, it'll snake out the darkness like a big plumbing drill. Expect that also in leadership or the public eye. Advice is to meditate and clear out , be self loving and as kind as you can to you and let go where needed.  Lots of traumas coming up.  

Well with that, I am here ... although I am still booked out a ways, I am being called to offer a coupon even though I had said I was not going to. A few rules for that. It runs only for 3 days or 72 hours. And if you purchase it, it’ll be like a GC as you will likely not be able to get in right away but getting on the list is good! Plus you could save it for a rainy day later in time. Or get it for a friend in need. I have a sense of being busy as we go through these shifts and stuff; so this will help me organize to assist in my calling, my life's work. 

Ok; so it is a $50.00 off discount for a one hour or half hour session. The pricing for Zoom GROUP sessions is priced by me as an estimate (email Julia if you are interested in that)

FAITHONEHOUR click here for One Hour Reading Discount 

FAITHHALFHOUR click here for Half Hour Reading Discount

Questions ? Email us here

Also if you are new or just want to review our policies you can read the updated website here. 

In closing, I want to remind you lovely people that sometimes things must be chaotic in order to change. Change is needed, maybe in our own personal lives even more than we were comfortable admitting. 

We need to be kind to each other as we navigate our own lives and the brew ha ha of the shift. Let us not forget our Divine makeup and our Sovereign paths to find our own callings, our joys and our prosperity. It is our Divinity that gives us our breath. Do not forget that. And love will be more important than ever. 

I am loving you with all the Grace and Light I can muster 

Hope to hug you soon 


“Each man's life represents a road toward himself, an attempt at such a road, the intimation of a path... But each of us - experiments of the depths - strives toward his own destiny. We can understand one another; but each of us is able to interpret himself to himself alone.”
― Herman Hesse

“There are things about ourselves that we need to get rid of; there are things we need to change. But at the same time, we do not need to be too desperate, too ruthless, too combative. Along the way to usefulness and happiness, many of those things will change themselves, and the others can be worked on as we go. The first thing we need to do is recognize and trust our own Inner Nature, and not lose sight of it.”
― Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh  

Sarah Winslow
Mid Month Check In; Unite and Sovereign LIGHT

Hello My  Friends, Clients, and Loves! 

   It looks like time for me to get a new letter out to you with announcements, updates, a channeling, and office/ events. Please read down through the energy update and look for the "house cleaning" and events and link to a a sign up for a  new online class announcement and sign up link below; 

Please read this newsletter slowly and carefully ! 

With I am sure, a significant flow of both anxiety, fear and sorrow, we are in a time of layered information, crossed wires, ineffective communication and strange awakenings. This newsletter is or has been brewing in me for many years. I was first shown this energy in 2005 in a dream. Panic, facemasks, fear. I meditated on it at the time and Spirit said to me "No FEAR Sarah." Then again in 2011/12 I was shown a wave of a shift on the planet; The vision was shown to me as such. Two ships arrive. There is a walkway between the two. People walked with what they wanted along the walkway, deciding which ship to get on. The shift to my left as I was observing this was a ship of fear and darkness, not on the outside but inside it. The ship on the right of my vision was loaded with light and the mood of hope. People walked down the pathway and chose, taking their time and feeling the feelings and going with what they wanted. I watched this vision and asked the Guides what does this mean. They told me in meditation that there will be a choice soon on how to be and who to ride with and it is up to us. They told me how to become a neutral and loving Guide. They showed me how to FEEL into the Light and how to Co Create from a place of peace and love. I know now what this means. This vision was presented to me again in 2016 and also in December of 2019. They were reminding me of what was coming. We are there. You can use this symbolic message to adhere to the here and now. When we are fearful and cut off from love and community, our fight or flight and our root needs of survival activate the organs of fight or flight and it dulls what we know of good dopamine and oxytocin. Which dulls our intuition. Stress is very bad for the immune system. So here we are. What do we do? In my recent sessions with clients ( globally ) the good thing is I am seeing a curiosity and pull to each of our own personal dharmas ( life calling, differing from our "jobby jobs" or the like ) being pulled from the soul out to the body of all sorts of people. 

I am going to tell you a story of intuition and fear in one breath. I hope this helps you understand that you are always being watched out for, guided and solutions are always there, right within YOUR  grasp - WHEN YOU GO WITHIN NOT OUTWARD - and listen and trust. One year a long bit ago it was post snow storm. My sons and their then step father took sleds into the pathways of our woods. My youngest little one stayed out back playing. I told him to not follow them as they had already left and were well into the woods. He said ok. I went inside to do dishes. In about 10 minutes I checked and he was not there. I went outside and yelled for him. Nothing. I saw his footprints going to the woods. I panicked. Yelling his name I went into the woods. Silence. Nothing. I keep going further in ( keep in mind there was no real pathway) I screamed for him. No response. A very LOUD interior voice said "Sarah remain calm in 3 minutes you will find him around the bend in the forest". I panicked again and yelled my fear was big. My baby! The voice repeated itself again. I yelled again. I kept walking and turned a corner in the woods and he was right there. 3 minutes after that voice said that. He was just sitting there way inside the woods eating snow. I outwardly said I was sorry that I was afraid and thanked whatever loud voice that was trying very hard to calm me and keep my voice of reason intact. This is just a small ( and one of many !) story.  I have many that are similar. That is why I do readings. Because I have a knack for listening and my job is to transfer that information and also teach others to do the same. 

How will we now deal with what is in front of us? Fear will not only block true answers from coming but dull your natural God given intuition on what to do; who to call; what to trust ; how to cope; where to love; creative ideas or solutions. It is time to let go of the grip so we can all come together as one uniting force of good and also be sovereign enough to govern ourselves and our ideas well. 

We need a shift that out sizes what caused the virus or this time at all. A MUCH larger shift. Not being united or having our teams and friends and people around us isn't helping much. We need love. We need to not be scared - we can be pragmatic too - but ideas are born in the light of quiet time so let's go to work so we can get out SOONER than later from this time/and space. Everything.....EVERYTHING is energy. Energy goes where attention flows, my friends. If you want to get back to work ( and  I stress the words back to work meaning in the flow of a good life, not just a life that has no LIFE FORCE behind it) then we must trust the deeper truths to begin to be revealed and how to move about the world now. 

So with that I will inform you of a few things on my side - YES I am working (virtually) and still very much in the mojo of my calling. I have decided to a offer class on Intuition for the Current Time via Zoom on April 23rd at 6 PM Eastern Time and this class does have a space limit of 20 people so if you want to join in, you can make payment Here; upon receiving your payment Julia send you the private zoom invite log in. 

Here is the info; a one and a half hour class on how to access more openness and trust in your own self and your guides whilst in a collectively strange and scary time. I will be teaching and offering you some ideas and techniques - we will send those who sign up information about the suggestions for this class and our Zoom rules. Again that will be April 23rd at 6 PM - 7:30 EST via Zoom sign up. Price is $75.00 for the class. 

If you and your close loves ones want to do a Zoom family group reading, email us here with questions and pricing; 

I am still booking sessions for the months coming; email with questions on that here. 

Now information on my already scheduled event; The Frog and Turtle event. We are in touch with the owners of the restaurant and they really want to keep the event open to rescheduling when they get the go ahead to reopen. This feels right to us as well and I am feeling it will be in September and it will be the best Divine time. We will honor your tickets at that date and I am sure the timing will work. This was supposed to happen on May 7th. 

As you must imagine, and I am sure  with some of you out there  too, it is a trying time financially for us all and one where we must try our  best to be compassionate, trusting and open to discussion as we navigate through all this confusing and frustrating time.

As I write this newsletter on the 15th I am sensing a growing anger and rage building up, after the shock wears off. Be aware where or whom you direct this at and not to those aligned to help. Be patient with your trust in your own Divine plan and work with others. But pull back from strange and divisive energy see my channeled LONG TERM Divine message in the story above!)  

You might want to pick up this book - I was originally interviewed for this book back in 2005 and it took this long to have her get it published. The basic premise is that intuition and all the similar spiritual reasons of our purpose here are a genuine and real form of guidance, healing and spirituality or quantamly true path.

(if that is a word, ha ha !)  I am one of the "gifted intuitives" in the book (last chapter, its in alphabetical order) It might give you more insight and the auspicious timing of the books just now release. 

So remember this - YOU are a child of the Universe / God and you were not meant to be imprisoned in fear or cowardice. You are a reflection of the mirror of what you want......or don't want. Getting to know just who the heck you really are is goooooooooood homework right now. Release the past. Push through that old story and go onward to the future......with all of us. 

I love you all with all of my soul and being, in all directions of time and space and in all dimensions. 

and that ain't no woo woo talk. 

That is the truth. 



“According to Vedanta, there are only two symptoms of enlightenment, just two indications that a transformation is taking place within you toward a higher consciousness. The first symptom is that you stop worrying. Things don't bother you anymore. You become light-hearted and full of joy. The second symptom is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more synchronicities. And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous. )”
― Deepak Chopra, Synchrodestiny: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence to Create Miracles  

Sarah Winslow
Special News; Zoom Spiritinar and Schedules

Hello My Loves,

      I am sitting here after dinner at home, I made a great soup that was very satisfying and warming as the cold rain/snow mix is coming down. Oh how we are longing for so much. Warmer days, prospects, good news, touch, togetherness. Well: we have the togetherness down; yet it is mostly virtual; we humans are wired for social community. We can hit that mark in so many ways now in the strange and shifted times we are in, yet it will not fit the bill for too long. Hand to hand we need to meet. Our energies need help right now. Our planet needs help right now. We need each other. We've done this in ways before but not really like the now. We will have to find ways to do our work; school; connection, differently at this juncture. Calmness is key at this point. There is so much to say. It is a cleansing and a reboot that is probably years in the making.

I've said since 2012 changes are upon us and this is apparent now. Fear not. We have ideas, solutions, invention and community coming to create new models. This is not "positive new age words" but pragmatic and real; as you will see soon. This is the now age. 

So as you can imagine; my work, as well is shifting and taking a turn. Those of you who already are on the books; you have cancelled, moved, not known what to do; I see you; and I see that. Oh how we are all just moving through the murky ness of claiming our own authority after a period of fear and confusion. Wow, these are unprecedented times. My assistant has mailed most of you till the end of April with instructions for shifting to online format. As we move through this time; we all have questions; we all need to be kind and patient with each other.  Either way, my job is to keep you in the LIGHT of truth and in the LIGHT of hope and the passageway of navigating it all; and I am here !!!  For the time being all my sessions moving to Skype, Facetime, Phone, or Zoom - you will have to let us know your preference and we will configure. I have been doing virtual readings for all my clients globally for a long time now. Nothing new to me; many of you prefer in person. The readings are the same; you just don’t get the hug in person after :) 

It's all too much to write about. So we have decided to create our first Zoom sign up donation only chat this Thursday the 26th at 7 PM Eastern time for you to join in and details are below. It’s an hour long and you can find details below; We decided to ask for donations as you are all in different arenas, predicaments and realties with this connected truth that we all are living in currently.  Donations will help in helping my new digital format and the things it takes to keep me helping you in this way in others, you can give what you can or wish to or just hold space and enjoy this time. I love you and I am grateful for you, and the energy always. 

Joining the Zoom Meeting:

  1. Create a free Zoom account here: and download the software.

  2. At the time of the meeting, Thursday, March 26th at 7 pm EST join the meeting via this Zoom link:

  3. We ask that participants keep their audio and video camera turned off during the webinar to avoid distractions. However, we encourage participants to use the chat feature and ask questions to Sarah! 

Making an Optional Donation via PayPal:

  1. Click the "send & request money" button at the top of your paypal page.

  2. For the email, enter and then enter donation amount

  3. Enter payment method

Making an Optional Donation via Venmo:

I leave you with this; MY name is Sarah. I have vowed since I came here to help. I also am navigating this shift and I know we can do it. If you have followed me for YEARS now; think to my blogs of the past. This is the shift we are wired for. Let's do this. 

Be safe 
Keep Clean
Fear NOT
Be calm 
Write in and navigate with me....

We are the ones we are waiting for, 
I love you,
Sarah xoxox

Wild Geese

You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting—
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.

from Dream Work ;               by Mary Oliver

Sarah Winslow
Special Newsletter for the Current Time

Hello Clients and fellow lovely humans, 

I am writing this special letter in response to our situation and the current energies. As you know we are in a bit of a crisis and it is one that we can all truly help with by doing the most calm and reasonable thing we are feeling to do. Panic doesn't solve things but pragmatic, truthful action does. For me this means moving my appointments that are already scheduled in person to virtual means (phone, Skype, Facetime) and I am sure you understand the reasonings of lessening our physical time and gathering when needed virtually. This way the client gets the guidance and my business keeps flowing. It affords me the space to fill the computer and phone with faith and trust as well, rather than fear.  Julia will be sending emails out to give information on how to just do that to those that were in person sessions. Obviously those that are already online or phone are all set. I do readings like this all over the globe and have for 20 years now. They are the same in information and energy and a great resource for all my lovely global clients. Skype and Facetime even gets to see my silly face! 

That being said I also wanted to mention why I sense this is happening; Firstly our mother earth needs a bit of a break from as much global travel and impact. Secondly we need new ways to deal with crisis and this is a huge test of our systems and set ups. I see this as a reboot of how to deal with the matrix of fear and reaffirm sensibility and learn how to care for our beautiful bodies. Also Spirit is showing me that a great test of understanding and solutions AS A GROUP is being asked of us all. How to do this and deal with COMMUNICATION streams is also being tested. How will we fare? With great compassion and pragmatic action we can do it. This will get better. Trust. But do the right thing and let some "air” if you will into the energy of this. Go within, tune in, meditate and by all means pray for The Creator to help us all heal and be a part as ONE to end this and rearrange ourselves with light. With the Light of our true "kingliness" and being co creators of our reality; Find ways to support others financially and emotionally. Be a friend and text others to see how they are doing. Pray in virtual chat rooms. We don't need to touch to do it but your home and heart need you there. Soon we will touch again (hey that sounds kinda fun, wink wink!) The MIND is so powerful heed to thinking and knowing this is a shift into some form of higher consciousness and trust that. Fear not. Really work on that while truly being pragmatic and real. Send light to the heart of the virus itself in your mind and thank it for teaching us so it can go away. 

I am not moving my May event for the time being, yet my class this Saturday was cancelled and will be rescheduled soon enough. I am planning on a possible evening Google meet class - offering soon and will announce that here. Spirit is really on me how this is good for new methods of reaching you all with the teachings and guidance! My press event for the book I am in which was in April in NYC is moving to the fall of 2020. 

I will plan on keeping you all posted with Facebook and Instagram and hopefully keep a good sense of humor when needed. 

This will get better. We are the ones we have been waiting for and you are your governing body. 

I love you all and send energy of Light and Health to you 


Sarah Winslow