Hello Friends
It’s the beautiful month of May and I am here again to do your monthly update and help to bring you to new awareness of the energies that are surrounding us as a collective at this time. We have a new moon in Taurus on May 4th ( May the 4th be with you! ) which brings us courage and trust and conviction to follow our dreams and plausibly create methods to bring things into fruition. Take a dive into the beauty of what you know to be "yours" in this time frame. We now have Jupiter retrograde , Saturn retrograde, and Pluto retrograde for basically the bulk of the summer months (for those in the northern hemisphere) reaching into our lives as they "slow down" to bring us to the next phase of our life. The universe creates times of energetic growth, challenges, endings and beginnings for us to become greater versions of ourselves and leave old karma behind and find methods to raise our knowledge of what is important. Of what is our TRUTH. The basic mashup of the season energetically is this; Spirit will let us get into introspection and mystical insights and dreaming big and hoping (Jupiter) ; Plumb to the deeper part of the toxic things and fears that hold us back (Pluto); and end karmic relationships and delve into responsibility and creation and deeper devotion to what we want to build (Saturn). This is how Spirit explains it to me. Put it this way, by Autumn so much will have been discovered, uncovered, learned and let go of and found again that big time growth and happiness CAN be on the horizon. I always like to remind my clients that the phrase I hand out is "do the work or God will do it for you." If you know you need to leave something, if your intuition and life has been banging you on the head, well, trust and leap. Doors always open where you fear there is none. For the Universe ALWAYS has our back and your truth and your TRUE path is always laying in wait for your bravery to do the work required and to show you how to shift things and re-do/re-learn/re-connect and re-frame your way of living, your loves, your dreams, your beliefs, your deep understanding. Don't let your ego get in the way of stopping what could be a powerfully great shift if you just jump in the river and move the bull crap out of the way.
I feel seismic and large shifts for many and beautiful blossoming businesses and methods of earning income and also great powerful soul love coming to so many. It’s your heart and your willingness to do that inner looking that will help you find these things. Meditate! Ground! Find time to play and create as well and build on those dreams . These next moths will make many become way more awake to things in the world and around them . Illusions will drift away. That is helpful for a more spiritually and physically happy life. You deserve it . We all do . You came onto the earth to find your part here, to find your passion, your joys and your gifts. Now is the time to get it. GET IT. If you don't feel special well stop right now and look in the mirror and KNOW you are -
I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
Walt Whitman
No classes at the moment - we just got done with an EPIC 101 and I am working on 102/ Mediumship and also for autumn 104! That one will be BIG and very NEW; I am working on this with the Guides and Angels over the summer months. Many new things in the works.
So now is a good time for getting healing work as well and also starting activities that support your dreams - but NOT a good time to let fear be the only voice running the show in your mind. Be careful what you feed as they say. Find good people to speak with and share time with. All of that helps.
In celebration of the greening of the trees I have a may coupon for you to use but as usual it is only good for 48 hours from receipt of this newsletter.
You can purchase a one hour reading for $50.00 off (making it $200.00 ) or half hour for the same off (making is $125.00 )
Click here and put the code in AT the time of purchase; there will be a spot to do so in the Paypal link:
Remember - only good for 48 hours, get it soon, summer gets mighty busy
You are capable of change, of beautiful things, of great abundance. You just have to know when to say yes, when do say no and who to believe in;
Lord knows I do! And so does Spirit.
I’m here to heap with grief, understanding , power, forgiveness, choices , karma and occasionally the best place for a margarita : )
May you be loved,