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Hello My Friends, 

Welcome to our new subscribers, and thank you so much for joining in this journey! Stay tuned to the bottom of the newsletter for updates, class tickets and also a link to a brief code for discounted readings with me. In June, I am pleased as punch to be teaming up with SALUD Portland to host a loving and connected group session in the later afternoon on Sunday June 23rd. This will be a great way to see what its like to receive guidance and to be in a joyful loving space to grow, and heal. In a group session not all will get a personal reading, but most do and it is wonderful to be a part of it and everyone will benefit. Space is limited sign up early!  For more info, and to sign up, click the link HERE.


June is beginning with a new moon in Gemini on the 3rd and, and is promising to be a summer of inner and outer healing. As we move through June, we approach not only Mercury Retrograde ( July 7-30 ), but also two eclipses in July. Eclipses; obscure light, make aware of hidden things and bring about something big; transformation. It is as I have said, a big summer and if one is doing the work to listen to the deeper intuitive urges one is guided to, it can bring about significant personal shifts and karmic endings and beginnings. If you feel the need to meditate more or look within by all means, find the time to do so. Cross those t"s and dot those i's in July. Be aware of projecting and projections from others, for Spirit is wanting human wound to heal and what you think about others will be shown to you either by positive mirrors or negative ones, it’s all a choice. Lessons are good for us, but we don't wish for repeats all the time do we? No. 

The Universe is trying to get us all to understand what true forgiveness and true love really means, but you got to let go of the crap to get there. That old worn out, didn’t work, can’t work, hurts to find it, gunk. We as a whole are capable of so much better than most of our stories hold. It’s like the matter inside your brain: when you learn to use the hidden other percentages of the mind, we are capable of great invention, creation, intuition, love and healing of the past. Meditate daily even for a few minutes to start the journey. I have a great prayer that I say with gusto and laughter that I will give to you to ponder as we move through this time and over this new moon into the summer of Intention:

" I love you God! Do you love me? SHOW ME YOUR LOVE!!! "   

It is a game of flirting with a huge, loving, vast thing and double-dog daring yourSELF to know your worth and abundance here on your life path. See what happens when you do so! 


If you have  taken my classes and are ready for NEW and wonderful spiritual seekers’ information, I have created a new class called Psychic 104 ! Held in September, it gathers on the information of the prior classes but delves more into quantum mechanics, and other topics like mind and body, dimensions and more!!


Well, this is a busy summer in the office. Sign up early for readings, my beautiful assistant Emma says its getting very busy! So with that, I will tell you I do have a June Coupon yet I am not sure about July. so get em while they are here!

For 48 HOURS ONLY from receipt of this newsletter we will offer a $50.00 discount for both one-hour sessions and half-hour sessions. You have to put the code words in at check out to get the discount . Code ends promptly at midnight after 48 hours. Please let us know if you have issues with the codes, but please respond within this 48-hour period for the discount to be honored.

JUNEONEHOUR  | click HERE to purchase 

JUNEHALFHOUR   | click HERE to purchase 


“ We do not heal the past by dwelling there; we heal the past by living fully in the present. ”
– Marianne Williamson

I am with you as we all move forward, with our great hearts guiding us all. 

Loving you One and All, 


Sarah Winslow
May Newsletter; Retrogrades, Rebirth, a coupon

Hello Friends

    It’s the beautiful month of May and I am here again to do your monthly update and help to bring you to new awareness of the energies that are surrounding us as a collective  at this time. We have a new moon in Taurus on May 4th ( May the 4th be with you! ) which brings us courage and trust and conviction to follow our dreams and plausibly create methods to bring things into fruition.  Take a dive into the beauty of what you know to be "yours" in this time frame.  We now have Jupiter retrograde , Saturn retrograde, and Pluto retrograde for basically the bulk of the summer months (for those in the northern hemisphere) reaching into our lives as they "slow down" to bring us to the next phase of our life. The universe creates times of energetic growth, challenges, endings and beginnings for us to become greater versions of ourselves and leave old karma behind and find methods to raise our knowledge of what is important. Of what is our TRUTH.  The basic mashup of the season energetically is this;  Spirit will let us get into introspection and mystical insights and dreaming big and hoping (Jupiter) ; Plumb to the deeper part of the toxic things and fears that hold us back (Pluto); and end karmic relationships and delve into responsibility and creation and deeper devotion to what we want to build (Saturn). This is how Spirit explains it to me. Put it this way, by Autumn so much will have been discovered, uncovered, learned and let go of and found again that big time growth and happiness CAN be on the horizon. I always like to remind my clients that the phrase I hand out is "do the work or God will do it for you." If you know you need to leave something, if your intuition and life has been banging you on the head, well, trust and leap. Doors always open where you fear there is none. For the Universe ALWAYS has our back and your truth and your TRUE path is always laying in wait for your bravery to do the work required and to show you how to shift things and re-do/re-learn/re-connect and re-frame your way of living, your loves, your dreams, your beliefs, your deep understanding. Don't let your ego get in the way of stopping what could be a powerfully great shift if you just jump in the river and move the bull crap out of the way. 

I feel seismic and large shifts for many and beautiful blossoming businesses and methods of earning income and also great powerful soul love coming to so many. It’s your heart and your willingness to do that inner looking that will help you find these things. Meditate! Ground! Find time to play and create as well and build on those dreams . These next moths will make many become way more awake to things in the world and around them . Illusions will drift away. That is helpful for a more spiritually and physically happy life. You deserve it . We all do . You came onto the earth to find your part here, to find your passion, your joys and your gifts. Now is the time to get it. GET IT. If you don't feel special well stop right now and look in the mirror and  KNOW you are -  

I celebrate myself, and sing myself,

And what I assume you shall assume,

For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.

Walt Whitman 

No classes at the moment - we just got done with an EPIC 101 and I am working on 102/ Mediumship and also for autumn 104! That one will be BIG and very NEW; I am working on this with the Guides and Angels over the summer months. Many new things in the works. 

So now is a good time for getting healing work as well and also starting activities that support your dreams - but NOT a good time to let fear be the only voice running the show in your mind. Be careful what you feed as they say. Find good people to speak with and share time with. All of that helps. 

In celebration of the greening of the trees I have a may coupon for you to use but as usual it is only good for 48 hours from receipt of this newsletter. 

You can purchase a one hour reading for $50.00 off (making it $200.00 ) or half hour for the same off (making is $125.00 ) 

Click here and put the code in AT the time of purchase; there will be a spot to do so in the Paypal link: 

Remember - only good for 48 hours, get it soon, summer gets mighty busy  

You are capable of change, of beautiful things, of great abundance. You just have to know when to say yes, when do say no and who to believe in;


Lord knows I do! And so does Spirit. 

I’m here to heap with grief, understanding , power, forgiveness, choices , karma  and occasionally the best place for a margarita : )  

May you be loved, 


Sarah Winslow
April Newsletter; Beginnings, Spring Coupons
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Hello My Friends

Its finally Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere. We here in New England always get giddy even though it is still chilly and muddy. It is a very symbolic awakening of being closed in for so long and so inward. We always feel a great rebirth. It is appropriate and rightly timed as of late, for there is a huge shift taking place lately within the collective. Coming to the end of Mercury Retrograde ( the 28th of March) after the Supermoon we rest in knowing that the shifts that are taking place are truly Divinely guided and sourced. Bringing many of us to close doors to the past and to places, behaviors, people, relationships that don't resonate with the most important energy we have; LOVE. For our self and for the mirror of that - in the OTHER. To come to the bold and deep knowing that things are shifting out of old paradigms into new ones, waiting, so that we can do things differently and run our commerce, income, dreams, and relationships differently than we ever truly have. Its new territory. If during the last several months you have had to face fears bearing their dark teeth and tempting you to go backwards, you are not alone. For the test is to come to the braver, truer, more vulnerable yet hopeful YOU. The resurrection of change is here on your doorstep and if you have not said YES to it yet, it could be time soon as we move into April. On the 10th Jupiter goes Retrograde in Sagittarius bringing us to an inner journey to great spiritual insight and  expansion of the journey to achieving dreams though self discovery and mystical searching  and optimism of your inner goals, which will be worked on through this entire year.  Goals will come to those who are working the magic that is at foot. Work with it all, not against it and good things will come.

Do you ever wonder why negative things happen? In part in this school of life our Source challenges us to find our self through this dark time of self discovery and how we play it out in the collective. We are connected through the mind and until we understand both that a bit more and of our part in the play we are asked to shift until we see better in the whole world. The cosmos have a plan for you and to tap into more positive, prosperous, loving energy you must KNOW YOUR SELF first. The world says take your oxygen first then give it to thine neighbor. This time is here and love is your guidepost to understanding where you stand the the whole.

Tell me what it is that you plan to do with this one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver

This is your question for April , my beloveds...

So  I am doing my wonderful Psychic 101 again!!! On April 27th Saturday in Portland. This class is the starter for anyone on the journey to awaken your still and silent gift of intuition and learning more about dreams, Spirit guides, intuition and ego and spiritual law and energy. It is a very beautiful and very fun class for both beginners and for people who know some things but want to go a bit deeper. Popular class fill up FAST! Space is limited so sign up fast. 10 -2 PM location TBD and announced via email when you sign up. $250.00 for the class and snacks are provided.  Sign up here

A spring coupon here! But this time I have a gift for you! If you purchase a coupon, you will be signed up for a drawing for a full hour Gift Certificate to be used at a later date or you can give it as a gift if you win it in the drawing! that is a $250.00 value and the gift that keeps giving.

One hour is $50.00 off as well as half hour but ONLY For 48 HOURS from receipt of this email .  Please put the code in at purchase to receive the discount.



Ok this is my last blog in this here old website we will launch my new lovely website on April 1 ( no Joke! ) So I for one am so excited for the NEW!

I am here for you

I love you

I am ONE with you

and so is Spirit.

In Grace and Love.


“I have not always chosen the safest path. I've made my mistakes, plenty of them. I sometimes jump too soon and fail to appreciate the consequences. But I've learned something important along the way: I've learned to heed the call of my heart. I've learned that the safest path is not always the best path and I've learned that the voice of fear is not always to be trusted.”
― Steve Goodier

Sarah Winslow
March News; Vulnerable pull to the Light, coupons!

Hello All,

Stay tuned to the last half of this newsletter for a coupon code for discounted sessions and announcements. Welcome to my March newsletter and blog. This will be the last blog on my old website as I am launching a new one very soon! How exciting to rebuild on a dream, rebuild on what you know is working and let go of things  that are all done, don't you think? Nature abhors a vacuum and that means that change and shifts have to come in at times  when we may not feel ready for them. The reason I am bringing that up is that there are magnetic forces beyond our understanding that at times, push our free will to the side a bit to make us aware that things are or about to shift. This is happening for many of you out there. In ways that are very positive however they may look daunting or challenging to begin with. The purpose of these changes is that it forces a crack in places where  light or love or compassion or self awareness has to enter in. We must not act or REact the same way we would in events or situations that we might have done in the past. Mercury the planet of communication is about to go retrograde from the 5th to the 28th of March, giving us time to reassess and realign with renovating our thoughts and our lives. Be careful and gentle with your communications and contracts that you are in during this time. We have some big movement that has happened since the eclipses of the summer and highlighted by the recent full super moon in Virgo in February. This means clearing house. Divine likes to shake things up because we humans like to be zombies avoiding our true life path and we Netflix and chill almost too much;) We need to be conscious co creators of our path to true happiness and also bring that love back out into the world once we have found it.. or at least begin it. We must face the knowledge that we have to be vulnerable, or have deeply vulnerable moments, to access the core of what our soul needs; love and understanding. Not just by another human but by our selves. To know yourself is to find yourself, and that is the gift that is a game changer in life.

I have seen many clients with big moments unraveling their lives in ways that are making them bow down in the grace of asking for help and for the first time, knowing that it is something very different that they truly need, rather than what they "thought" they needed. The heart does that thinking for us, in the moments of vulnerable clarity. How precious and shaky we are in the moments of clear open heartedness. It will often disguise as breakups, job shifts, injuries that come in suddenly, losing a loved one, battling addiction, and also falling deeply in love. What hides it is pride, shame, anger, depression, and things that seem like normal human daily things. Its the epiphany of the heart that leads you to the life you dream of, the life of your soul awakening to greater connection and understanding which then is a game changer for all sorts of your hopes and happinesses. Vulnerability is the doorway to bravery and that leads to victory. I say this for we are moving to many shifts and it will be helpful knowing its all going to be .........alright; That   you are loved loved loved by a force and a bandwidth of angelic protection that has a Divine plan in order at all times. I speak of this as a channel and a human being that knows first hand. I see every day miracles and I am a vessel that helps to Guide  others here; because I have lived that pain as well. Heal thy self=healthy self. Healthy self worth brings those dreams to you. Trust me my loves.

So as we move forward to March I have my wonderful event where I will talk more about cool stuff like this and make you giggle and do group session called " This Rough Magic " and you can read here what it is. WE will be taking this on the road if you have interest in hosting or promoting let me know.  March 11

On March 30th I am teaching my Psychic 102 class the second in my spiritual intuition development class series. If you have taken my 101 or something similar do please sign up - it is so much fun and deeply connected to learning how to connect to your guides, divination tools and learning more about energy and the rest- info and sign up are here.

Lastly - I love you all and want to extend a brief coupon for discounted readings for March and that means for only 48 hours you can purchase a one hour reading for $200. ($50. off) or a half hour reading for $125.00 ($50. off) act fast as this is the last one for a bit. Remember that I am a busy in demand lady and it may take a wee bit to get on the schedule with me. If you purchase one please email us that you have and we will answer in order of purchase.

enter the code at checkout to receive the discount

MARCHONEHOUR  click here to purchase

MARCHHALFHOUR  click here to purchase

More events coming up!

Lastly - you  are a shining star. We are all in this together and all the hopes you have , we all do. Your trust in the power of your prayer and hopes is the trust of not one but many. Miracles happen when we shift our perceptions. Remember this.

“What happens when people open their hearts?"
"They get better.”
― Haruki Murakami,

Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.”
― Brene Brown


I love you my fellow beautiful searchers,


Sarah Winslow
January End/February Begin; Spiritual Love, Coupon!
'Untitled' © Sarah Winslow, Acrylic on Canvas

'Untitled' © Sarah Winslow, Acrylic on Canvas

Hello All

I hope your January is flowing well after the wild blood moon and eclipse of the 21st. I am sure it helped some of you move through the depths of things or began the catalyst that needed to happen to propel you forward to new life and the life your soul is or has signed up for. Remember that I often say the Universe knows us better than we know ourselves so the journey to healing sometimes brings big bumps and emotional bruises that we have to endure. The purpose of this is to rid your life of possible roadblocks that are not letting you understand a few things; What LOVE truly is, both inward and outward and what our path might be if we took a new road to better or more spiritually "right" kind of jobs, places, relationships, or family lessons. To trust your own deepest heart where your intuition lies and your soul seeded path would be the advice of Spirit. To try to mentally rescue things that are either not working or needing to be released will not help your soul become attuned to the true atonement of a greater sense of joy or understanding. As in;" what is the true purpose of my path here on earth?" Atonement= At-ONE-Ment. At one with the right path, with soul purpose, with love, with Spirit Itself. With LOVE. In a month with a big commercialized holiday celebrating love, we must ask ourselves if we know what REAL LOVE FEELS LIKE. It is more connected through not what looks right but what feels like it has Gods signature and stamp on it. A pull that transcends understanding at times. This is the love of Spirit inside if you that when you find it for yourself, is shows you that YOU are the love and the path way to all that you have or with to  have in the future. It is always inside of you.

I have seen many people shifting recently and noticing signs that are leading them into deeper connections with either new partners or with themselves or their purpose. Relationships are the icing of a good life but finding your own truth is the base of that good life. What people try to do is mold things that might not be serving them at all under the guise that it is; Yet Spirit shows us the vibration of following our deepest heart, the one that lives under all the debris of so much hurt and trauma that we can access once we let go of what is deemed part of our lesson and we follow that pulse to new. I have had many clients noticing number sequences signaling from our angels and guides that change is on the horizon and if your ears are ringing, well you must trust and follow that urge that your soul is nudging you.  Massive shifts are coming in for many of you humans and much of it is Spirit guided so trust the flow and the shifts and be brave to find a way to speak your truth to yourself first, outwardly second. I am seeing much in the alignment of beginnings/endings/radical new belief systems/study/ and dream awakenings. Pay attention to those dreams at night, and by all means take care of YOU. That is a perfect valentines day gift to yourself. You hold the key.

For my Valentines day gift to you; a February Coupon Code!

For only 48 HOURS, you can purchase a Full Hour reading at a $50.00 discount and a half hour reading as well for $50.00 off.

Click here to purchase a 1 Hour Reading and use coupon code ILOVEYOUONEHOUR at checkout for $50 Off.

Click here to purchase a 1/2 Hour Reading and use coupon code ILOVEYOUHALFHOUR at checkout for $50 Off.

Remember these are only for 48 hours and then it is done.

Also I am happy to announce we are putting on a new event again of THIS ROUGH MAGIC; An Evening with Sarah Winslow

You can find the tickets and date here; This time it will be at The Riverside Grill at the Riverside Golf Club in Portland, Maine on March 11th. Please come it promises to be a wonderful night filled with laughter, healing, and spiritual messages. Click here for tickets and information;


Remember this as you move along the pathway of life;

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.” ― Anais Nin

and this;

“With everything that has happened to you, you can feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.”  Wayne Dyer


I am loving you and I am here to assist you,

God bless,


Sarah Winslow
January 2019; New, Manifest, Clearing

Hello Friends, and Happy New Year!

This is a channeled message as well as an announcement of events and specials so stay tuned after the message for that information. You will want to read to the end!

So 2019 begins with a bang with the first of 2 eclipses ( this one on the weekend of the 5th ) and Uranus moving out of retrograde giving a push and a boost to momentum from the last summer's previous eclipses. This is flow of energy that brings about clarity from things and moments that we saw in the later summer and early fall. Things are getting cooking so to speak. The energy of January is to illuminate and percolate your deepest wish that your soul has for PROGRESS. To some you will know what that means and to others the great reveal with sudden news and sudden shifts or surprises being brought about with a turn on a dime. I always say "do the work, or God will do it for you." What you TRULY need to happen will and sometimes in ways you don't expect and sometimes you will be given the green light to light up your pathway all by yourself.

Giving birth to a brand new life sometimes feels painful for we have to push push push until what was gestating can breathe and see the light of day. For many of you, that time is at your doorstep. Your souls are craving a real shift and your mind and body are catching up now. And so too will your relationship and your jobs and your locations and finances. What is it you TRULY ARE DESIRING? Are you not living your best spiritual life? Are you still living in argument and strife? Do you think that is a productive life in this time that you are incarnate? Are you unhappy with where you are at? Do you want something to shift? Well, shift it will, with proper prayer and the force of your will and the Divine's will.  If you think that you were born to work, go home, pay bills, worry, numb your feelings with computers and other drugs, you should think again. You, my dear reader, need love and affection. You need magic and synchronicity, you need prosperity and vitality. You need community and happiness. You need purpose and joy. Do you know why you need that? For you are one with all of creation and from the infinite force of Love you came and to that you return and finding MEANING IN THE LIFE YOU ARE IN IS THE KEY TO SEEING THAT LOVE..ALWAYS. It looks different to all of us but it is similar in tone what that means to us and this year, the 3 creative Universal year (in numerology) is a year  to create and manifest your desires. It is the year of the Earth Pig in Chinese astrology- a year of joy and togetherness and community and yumminess and pleasure as well as making your life your own thing in a pleasurable way. It can lead to excess on the other spectrum but after the last two years, we all need it. This year is a year of leaps, of creation, of listening, of radical self awareness- the opposite would be exclusion and non forgiveness and repression and non expression so look to see what is matching the vibration of beginning. Some things will end to let you begin but if you ask your soul truly if you know that it wasn't working (that job, last few months, work environment, housing, building, relationship, communication etc etc) then you know its time to move forward. Let go and let God and pray for help and help will come.

With this new year things with me are changing BIG TIME. I have a few new offerings for readings. I am building a new YouTube for uploads of weekly vibe reports. I am doing my Rough Magic series of spiritual talks and readings and will be uploading products on my website. Stay tuned into my Facebook, Instagram, and online for all of that and do sign up for those events and classes as well.  I will be interviewed and will post links to online and radio shows coming up.

Big shifts and keep up, I am running fast! ;-)

New Readings:

Remember I have my super awakening POPULAR series class starting in January on the 12th with my Psychic 101 and you can see info here and sign up for that.  Size is limited but open to all interested and I still have space at the moment but let me know if it is open by emailing here;

Stay in touch!

The energy is shifting and we all must go with it. No regrets, no shame, for fear - ONLY LOVE.

“A spiritual reinterpretation of events gives us miraculous authority to command the winds, to part the waters, and to break all chains that bind us.”
― Marianne Williamson, T

I am loving you with humble gratitude.


“Let your heart sing from those wounded places.
When you sing your song with everything you've got,
it will not only heal you, but it will heal all of us through you.”
― Gemma B. Benton

Sarah Winslow
December News Classes, Awakening, a light within

Happy December Friends

If you are receiving this letter you know it is the tail end of November and we are soon onto the last month of 2018, Sagittarius season and the wild and busy holiday season. Stay tuned at the bottom of this letter and you will find a link for DISCOUNTED holiday Gift certificates, announcements for new classes in the new year and one last push for my event on Saturday the 1st. Welcoming the shift in a loving and fun way.

Mercury is still retrograde and moves forward on the 6th right before the new moon in Sagittarius, while we still have Sagittarius sun and Jupiter in the sign as well. To put it lightly that is a whole lot of Jupiter expanding and growing the hope and faith of justice and vision and mystical big energy. Its a shoot for the stars, baby, kind of season. Its a good time to begin those goals that you want to see bloom in the coming year and use your vision wisely to create and create big, big dreams. The coming year will Light up the pathway to show us how to deal with the murky waters we may see that slow down our conscious awakening. What I mean by that is, put a light on your ways of doing and close the doorway to the fears that 2018 may have brought up to you and your world so that SOLUTIONS AND UNDERSTANDINGS can be brought forth. There is not coming into a shift without the  shakeup of the fear and dust of outworn times and relationships. There will be no seeing what and where the LOVE is without its opposite being illuminated. Remember that it is whatever wolf you wish to feed but you know there is better; You must believe in better always for light and regrowth can happen even after fire, rain, destruction. A cell is once a thought and anything can be manifest that is why the Universe is kindly asking us humans.....how do you want to do this? With corruption and cowardice or the vulnerable and brave act of standing in light and detachment from drama and also martyrdom. What we need to do is find that balance of compassion and empathy for our world while we strive to find happiness and fulfillment in new relationships, work, and service. To do that you must know yourself before you can know others, otherwise everything is projection and mirrored fear reflection. That stuff slows your awakening- Awakening is only within first and then outward like a cell of a plant, curled up and dormant in its seed before it grows to a flower, tree, vegetable or the like. Stars are born everyday and die everyday but nothing is ended or dead. All is rebirth and awakening. As are you. As are we being asked to do together.

I had a client message me to help her find her lost keys yesterday. I told her I saw a south facing wall, shoes or boots and the key was probably there, more like garage or basement area.  She had been looking for it for 2 months! Several hours later she messaged me that she had found the key in a box of shoes , near a south facing wall in the basement. :) ! I was telling my son the story and he and I had a great talk about how I could see that. I explained to him that everything and all is always already there. The future, our thoughts, the past, our feelings, like moving parts to stories and history and that is how I could see the keys falling into the area of the shoes, even though it was a long bit ago. I explained to him that is why I help people learn about the unseen, the feelings never spoken of, the other areas of our brilliant universe, for it always is there.

My point to you, dear reader, is that the solution to what you see as wrong, painful, scary, daunting, unsolvable, exists somewhere inside your consciousness, OUR consciousness so looking within in quiet reflection helps it all. So does being brave to seek help and speak truth for always there is a solution. ALWAYS; for our Creator derives its constant Love from aiding, giving, healing, helping your soul grow and grow more. With LOVE and from LOVE. Fear is not love, it is shadow. So be brave and stop seeing nothing but pain and pain will begin to dissipate and power of goodness will shine more brightly.

Its my Birthday month with my birthday falling on the 16th and to celebrate I am doing a 4 day offer for discounted readings. From receipt of this letter to 96 hours later you can purchase GiftReadingCodes for $50.00 off normal price for both half hour and full hour sessions. Remember that it does take a bit to get on the schedule at times as my schedule can get very full but Divine timing works always. You can use them for Gifts as well; please note so in your purchase with me.

Purchase a One Hour Reading and use Coupon Code GIFTCARDREADINGFULL at check out for $50 Off

Purchase a Half Hour Reading and use Coupon Code GIFTCARDREADINGHALF at check out for $50 Off

Also YAY! I am doing my Psychic 101 again in January on the 12th Saturday from 10 -2 at my location in Portland and you can sign up here for this extremely hands on, popular class on intuition, energy, translation and psychic connection. $250.00 for the class and you can email me here with questions;

And then on the 26th I am doing the last part for the prior students of my 101 series from 2018 which is Mediumship and if you have taken my classes in the past you can sign up for that here.

email your questions about that here;

Lastly, my event "THIS ROUGH MAGIC" is this Saturday and you can still purchase tickets here for that. Happy hour at 6 PM. Event begins at 7 pm, get there early!

OH that was mouthful. But its my birthday season and I have so much in store for the new year for you all that is new so I am so excited I could burst. I really could, and little shards of light would rain down like confetti! Its going to get big and full of LOVE.

I love you all with the faith in the new world beginning in JOY,

Blessed Holidays to you all,

in Grace,


Sarah Winslow
November News; Angel story, Coupon,Events

Hello All

Happy Halloween time and Scorpio season. We are thick in the deep recesses of Venus retrograde and marching though many "conjunction/square" moments in the skies that are moving us to review life and its connections and shift us to make changes that we as we wrap up 2018 we can reflect on our awakening progress and our ability to withstand and adapt well to the changes that are brought to us. How to address the climate of our landscape we see in front of us? Improve yourself, your own life, your own relationships and your own connection to something greater that the illusion of the fight you may think you are in. As we move into the beginning of the month remember this ;

“Not being able to govern events, I govern myself”
― Michel de Montaigne

I was walking in 2017 down a lovely street in my city, after a great meal with friends to my car. A couple that was walking stopped and looked at a Hindu statue in a store window. The man said " what is that about ? " , to his wife. I was walking, without stopping and a very attractive. well dressed man was walking in the opposite direction. Neither he or I stopped our stride, but all in what seemed like 10 minutes but was only a moment, he mentioned ( without looking at them or me but just staring ahead) "That is Ganesh, the remover of obstacles" . I knew that already, but the couple did not, I smiled at the gentleman, he turned on his heel and moved to go the the curb and get into a nice car, he said (without stopping, mind you and speaking a tad louder as he moved a bit further away, never once looking at me ) " Remember about Shiva who breaks things about to only built them up again; and that life is rebuilt to always be better when things fall apart. Life, is a blessing. "  I was still walking but turned around with a huge smile on my face, a rush of energy through my body. I said " I know. " I laughed out loud and looked up to the sky and said" that was one hot angel! " I know beyond a knowing that it was an earth angel or what we call a a channeled message embodied in a human for one to receive a clear bit of advice. This message came to me as my life was torn up at the time and I had been in deep sorrow after a loss. I reflect on this now as Spirit has guided me to tell you to apply what my sexy angel said and apply it to your life. How do you see this message for you in your world, or our world right now? Life has a way of bringing us just the right message at the right time when we need it.  Right now our message is to look for this kind of magic. For we need it in our "times of breaking down to be reborn". We must focus our mind power on what we want in LOVE and HEALING rather than what we see in the shadow under neath the light. Energy goes where attention flows. Pay attention to the LOVE.

How I show you my love is offering a November coupon for discounted readings (but only for the next 48 hours) so its $50 off both a full hour or half hour session if purchased in the next 48 hours. A full hour is normally $250.00 now only $200.00 and half hour is normally 175.00 and is now $125.00.

ONEHOURNOVEMBERLOVE can be purchased here

HALFHOURNOVEMBERLOVE can be purchased here

And wont you grab your friends and loved ones and join me at my new group event and spiritual talk;

This Rough Magic on December 1 2018 in Old Orchard Beach Maine at the Dunegrass Golf Club from 6 PM-9 PM

Description of this lively and greatly healing talk and group reading is here and you can prepurchase your tickets now, sign up and be automatically in a drawing for a private one on one hour long session with me! This is a great opportunity to grow, to laugh, to seek, to heal.

Get your tickets here.

So as we move to the next month we work on letting our hearts do the right thing; We get ready for Jupiter to enter Sagittarius and for Mercury to go retrograde in Sagittarius and we move in to Sagittarius sun at the end of the month. Lots of growth on the horizon. Big time.

“With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.”
― Wayne Dyer


I am humbly at service to you and the Light,

all my love


“According to Vedanta, there are only two symptoms of enlightenment, just two indications that a transformation is taking place within you toward a higher consciousness. The first symptom is that you stop worrying. Things don't bother you anymore. You become light-hearted and full of joy. The second symptom is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more synchronicities. And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous. (quoted by Carol Lynn Pearson in Consider the Butterfly)”
― Deepak Chopra, Synchrodestiny: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence to Create Miracles


Sarah Winslow