Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024

Hello my friends

This is the wrap up end of 2023 newsletter. Print this out and sit quietly, or find a quiet time to read it online. I hope you stick with me as could be long, and, quite frankly, a little bit different. I intend, and pray that the whole experience is helpful to you in its entirety.

As we end 2023 and get ready to welcome 2024, the Sun is in Capricorn and we wrap up the current Mercury retrograde with Mercury going direct on New Year’s Day. That will be helpful to begin the new year. Our beneficial planet Jupiter finally goes direct on the 30th, allowing for a few short months, with no planets retrograde! A lovely way to begin clearing out as we pace ourselves into the coming year. Remember, the symbolism of retrograde is “review and redo”. Since the summertime, this has been the general theme. I definitely feel as though some projects won’t get off the ground until spring/summer or even autumn of 2024, yet there will be forward, momentum, and change happening for many of us.

In January, we have the planet Pluto, (I like to call it a generational planet because it’s slow move through every sign is long) signaling new generations pathways, and Dharma on the planet. Pluto moves away from Capricorn and into Aquarius on January 20. While it will retrograde for just a few months at the end of 2024 back into Capricorn essentially it will stay in Aquarius for the next 20 years! Heralding in definitely a new era. Aquarius rules revolution, as well as regeneration in technology, the Internet, astrology, human consciousness, so shifting and changing these areas will be abundant in waves through the coming years. I’m sure that reminds you of what could, what will, and all the variables happening with AI in the coming years. Something to think about for sure.

How will it help us? Will it hinder us? How will we remain connected through heart, and nature and spirit? Will we allow the Internet to disconnect us further or will we rise up to the opportunity to shift in consciousness to utilize advancements in technology to help us?

I definitely need to touch on 2023, for many of you need to hear why it was so challenging. Some of us had some triumphs for sure. Whether small or large they still exist in every time we are incarnate on this planet. As individuals, families, and the collective. And we also suffer, as a group, as individuals, as families, and the collective.

To be earthly human can be painful and feels so finite, as well as extreme, spiritually and profoundly beautiful in its ability for us to connect body, mind, heart and spirit. It really depends on the work you are doing inside, as well as how you perceive what’s going on around you.

To review things, through observation and forgiveness and acceptance, or to remain contrary, and divisive in your thinking. It really depends. Even on a given day!

2023 gave many of you opportunities to pray for others, to ponder how to place yourself in the mirror of compassion as other people either far away or nearby, dealt with suffering, illness, or loss.

And many of us experienced things of that nature in our own lives. I have seen a continuing and stronger pattern of people, pondering where their purpose is locally or otherwise. Where life’s meaning has become faster, and life becomes seemingly more chaotic. The wrapping up of our time with Pluto, the planet of transformation, detoxification, and destruction in Capricorn, which is authority, rule, regulation, structure and society. Well …. I am sure we’ve seen since 2020 shifts and of the battle between authority and rule in a dance with transformation and symbolic death a so called rebirth of society as we know it . Authority bashing with Sovereignty. As we move into the age of Aquarius, this theme of personal autonomy and spiritual serenity will continue to grow.

With Saturn currently in Pisces until 2026 the continual feeling of stamping down on our freedom to experience things in a compassionate and spiritual way will also be around. We definitely want so badly to understand why we are here and how to be more connected through spirit and heart, rather than Old outworn ways of thinking and doing things.

Both personally and collectively.

Onto the Personal;

2024, being a very changeable year, where things move into a different groove, from where they were last year for many of us. All the let go and let down and dissolution of people, places, and things will turn into the next stage and phase of many of our lives.

People, placeholders, professions, and personal habits are being rearranged left and right.

The frustrations that many of you are feeling are genuinely valid around, changing course, either through thinking, or habits, and the rearrangement of a personal belief system. Projection and judgments have no place when you were trying to find new footing in the world.

Reflection, and forgiveness and going back to the drawing board, well, these things are helpful

As if it were a battle of dark and light, people are really reviewing addictions and mental challenges. This will continue to be a theme.

Anything you can do to regain clarity, and to untie yourself from the continuing wave of psychic, frantic, collective, fear, or fear, mongering, will be very helpful in the coming days and weeks and months, and years.

I recommend spiritual practice and community, understanding and sharing. The classics of positive group discourse, and spiritual practice, as well as Personal, solitude and reflective time.

In nature and positive personal habits.

Think, happy go-to discussions online and exterior physical and helpful work in the natural world. Building home and sharing in sport and dance and breaking bread together.

Think, finding new ways to celebrate beyond hiding through addiction, or addictive substance or doom scrolling and dopamine junkie activities.

It takes a lot to change habits and the first step is awareness.

To see, is to know.

What does love look like to you? What does Joy look like to you? These things are going through changes. It sounds odd to think that but it is true. What used to hold importance may not anymore. It’s like the awareness of running through the rat race for so long that it makes no sense anymore, and a spiritual tug, in the heart first through anxiety and depression, then knocks at the door of awareness that starts to scream; “Something has to change!“

Many of you are hearing it.

I know this both as a seer, and as someone who can statistically say that as doing readings for as long as I have over 25 years, I have really seen the shift.

I have taken stock on witnessing this.

What relationship looks like to people.

What projection and judgment has done to people. The pain of separation.

What the beguiling 30 second soundbite of the virtual world has done to the collective.

It’s been wild to observe! And be a part of……

I think the expression is; what a time to be alive!

We are all here for a reason, and I believe we will start to understand more and more what that means in the next year.

I’m going to wrap up this newsletter with a quick and brief, loving personal explanation.

Let me preface this by saying no need to email in or DM me on social media, commenting about loss or grief around my own personal story.

While I appreciate and understand, your need to give me that love, there is no need to do so as the beauty of Sarah being Sarah is the reflection of her ability to see things from such a grand perspective, so ultimately benefit others in her own life review.

2023 saw the loss of my last living parent and many other many small, personal deaths inside of my life. I teach something in my sessions around pre-grieving when you know things are going to shift well before they happen. It says if you understand how to work through things prior to them actually happening, so when they actually happen, you’re more in a deep reflection, time, and essentially a human life review, rather than, a CHRONIC bereavement or grief mentality or victim mentality.

With both of my parents in heaven, and an energetic, rather than literal connection with them, I have now essentially been given instructions on maneuvering my life. I am grateful for these shifts in consciousness, and in action. Not all the action has happened yet, but it will come, as I have learned to be ultimately quite patient over the last years.

To live in gratitude for everything that the good the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, the sublime takes a lot of practice. I highly recommend trying.

Sometimes it takes a lot of quiet time and solitude. Something I have been taking much of lately. Prayer helps.

Reverence to good friends and to tiny moments of compassion these things are definitely helpful. Gratitude and reflection to what has been “lost” is also very helpful as well.

Curiosity as to what the future has to hold, all the while not knowing exactly what it looks like, is very natural. So natural that it feels often daunting, and a bit scary. But nonetheless, the future comes through a whole pile of tiny moments in the present.

Staying Present, for what IS entirely important in the journey of the human experience.

How to do it right ??? Thats the conundrum!

I like to ask my clients this question and I asked this of myself.

What am I here for? What am I missing? What have I not experienced? Is there something I can release through my thinking or habits that will help to make space for what’s coming? Am I stuck ?

What can I change even in tiny little bits or fragments to become unstuck?

I know it sounds simple, but these questions are huge in the grand scheme of shifting things. Into the new sector of your life or calling, and your space here in the collective evolution.

How do you wrap up this year with gratitude even through all the pain and sorrow we have experienced?

To love.

To love so truly and so honestly, each other is the most powerful and advanced weapon against darkness. It is free it costs nothing and it is within us deep inside the core of our being the eternal flame from where we come from and of which we return to at the end of physical life.

We must remember this.

The antidote

Is Love .

So I wrap up this year with you. I send a prayer for healing to your battered and bruised hearts for any and all losses, confusion, or grief.

I send a prayer for forgiveness to your anger, your rage or resentment

I send you understanding and compassion for feelings, abandonment, or self punishment.

I know this. There are angels among us. They are everywhere. Look for them in every corner. And thank them when you become aware.

2024 will bring change, and I will let you know here, and other ways my part in that. Stay tuned.

From my heart to yours, Happy New Year ! ✨💫🌟❤️

May God bless us, and keep us, everyone


“The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.”

J.R.R. Tolkien,

Reed Allen
November 2023: Gratitude, Tools for Darkness, Change

Hello dearest friends,

I must apologize for the late delivery of my newsletters as of late. To my long-standing and loyal subscribers, I apologize. To my new followers and subscribers, all of you are a part of a new era.

It’s been taking me a long time to get to the keyboard for multiple reasons. I am without an assistant right now. Things just take a little bit longer. I also, as I’m sure you are, meditating on the state of the world and the state of energy as of late. We are indeed, as a collective energy going through a potent time of regeneration, fighting regurgitations of old histories, and relinquishing our history as we try to create positive new futures and boundaries, both personally and collectively. To say we are going through an awakening, would be an understatement.

After a summer, full of astrological, purging and backpedaling, little by little as the autumn and winter come about, the big outer planets are now moving forward one by one. Allowing the lessons and awarenesses of the last 4 to 6 months come to the forefront, creating karmic endings and karmic new beginnings. I am absolutely positive in some manner or effect that each one of you reading this has felt this or experienced this in some manner. Whether it be through work, relationships, family, health and body, addictions, and dramas, and or epiphanies and spiritual awareness‘s, that are bubbling up into the forefront all the while swimming through murky waters and foggy space. Everyone has been there.

No one necessarily has been immune to the energy that is happening right now. As most of you know, Maine went through a tragedy in the month of October. And as the days got darker, so did the deeper meaning of what we see as where we are all at in our mental and spiritual health. This is the beauty of the darkness of Scorpio season. There is also a lot of Uranus ( sudden change in revelations ) energy right now, creating sudden and spontaneous changes, whether it be inner awareness and habits, or someone in the outside of your world, creating crosshairs, with a divine intent of you beginning some thing that’s needed to change for a very long time.

Is this all sounding familiar? I’m sure it is. I mean I can back this up with my clients ( the trials and tribulations you all have been going through ) and my community, as well as myself.

You see I am in my second Saturn return. Creating the need to go inward and assess where I have been, where I am at, and where I am heading. Right now I am in deep meditation and rearranging my personal health habits. It is definitely working, because when you tend to your self in all manners and create a space for healing and happiness. No doubt the universe is going to work behind the scenes, creating the next wave of work, relationship, geography and happiness on the horizon.

I have been through much in my life and a ton in the last several years, including losing both of my parents. All the while keeping the door way to my heart space open for all of my clients. Life is, indeed, a perpetual turnstile of either repeating paradigms, or new spiritual experiences, carving us into diamonds out of coal; should we accept it and allow it.

And by the way, no one is immune To change, to loss, to sorrow, to disillusionment, confusion, addiction, and the beautiful search for more meaning in life. The latter being the most important thing to do no matter what is going on. Especially now in this age of technology and illusion around the lack of nature and the impending temptation of losing privacy and AI technology; definitely things to think about in the coming years.

I have been doing this job, a very long time, and the purpose of my readings have been the same, but also altered throughout the years. I’ve gone from being definitely a medium and psychic and spiritual counselor to all of the above but I would say truly a spiritual teacher. The amount of stories and energies that I have seen over the years, I have compiled in my consciousness as a beautiful blueprint to help others navigate all the things I have mentioned in this newsletter so far.

I have a dear dear friend. Who had said to me that what he sees in me, is mostly a modern mystic. A gifted quantum seer. I would say he’s correct.

Why do I say all this? Well, I am here to do this job and I am also open to all the changes on the horizon that will be created throughout my personal and spiritual transits. I am going through.

I welcome in the creative and happy changes. I welcome in all the personal and private happiness and regeneration I have going on in my life.

In the future, I will shift both this newsletter and a couple other forms to spiritual storytelling, as well as avenues for lectures and events that help people transfer and understand, navigating tools to create light in times of darkness and confusion. Whether in relationships, or in work, or in life, purpose, and meaning.

That being said, I am hoping to generate more opportunities for the aforementioned events, yet I need someone to help me do so. Right now, I am a one woman show, and I am open to speaking with anyone out there that is aligned with finding/marketing/producing ideas for future events. I have not done a big event in a very long time and I’m hoping to do so in 2024.

As the big daddy, planet Saturn finally went direct after six months on November 4, we will find ourselves climbing out of stagnancy, and in the beginning of December finally Neptune goes direct as well. Followed by Jupiter. All of these planets have been retrograde making us do life reviews, leave habits and karmic, patterning and karmic relationship that we needed to end, stop or be healed. Although mercury goes retrograde on December 13 for three weeks, it’s of little importance in the grand scheme to the big outer planets that have been making us do the work over the last 4 to 6 months. HUGE work. Even if it hasn’t seemed like that. In hindsight, you will understand.

With the last Taurus eclipse full moon on October 28, we put to rest the ending of the Scorpio / Taurus cycle of death and rebirth. Next year we will have eclipses in Libra and Aries. I highly recommend either getting an astrology reading from a reputable astrologer, and or following astrologers on YouTube to understand where and how these placements and these changes affect your life. We are in a cycle that is similar to what happened to us personally, and the years 2004 to 2006. Think back and wonder what it’s changed or what you were going through then. It won’t be exact, but it could be similar.

It is incredibly important to not only have a spiritual practice right now, but to tend to, and care for the people around us, that hold our vulnerabilities with care and dignity, because judgment and projection are a trip backwards in time and very much a part of the old paradigm which we are trying to alter.

Who do you have in your world that accepts your vulnerabilities and gives you space to not only care for yourself but speak of them with tenderness and understanding? Even if it’s only one or two people or a revered counselor or helper. These things are important right now as we close out this year.

How can you find your magic right now.? How can you care for yourself while setting up boundaries? How can you change tradition that does not work anymore? How can you call in purpose, to truly Create with God and the universe a feeling of more genuine purpose meaning of value to yourself? These are some of the templates that are working with us right now.

I hope to be able to help you all in the now and in the future.

Which brings me to this!

My group sessions of smaller amounts of people somewhere between three and 10 people. These are not only affordable if you share the cost between each other, but incredibly bonding as a spiritual experience as anybody knows who has had a group reading with me they are not only loving and powerful, but extremely funny and create waves of laughter and spiritual bonding. In ways that are quite unique. You can inquire about group sessions in my office, through emailing us, and or signing up here.

Also. Welcome to the holidays! Already this year is gone by!

To purchase a gift certificate which can be sent digitally or in a card through regular US mail, click here to purchase. It makes a very unique and timeless and special holiday gift for friends and family and loved ones.

For now I leave you with these thoughts to ponder.

Everybody changes. Everything changes. Nature abhors a vacuum. We are in that time. To those of you have stuck with me and honored me and love me just the way I am. I salute you. To those of you who are open to all the beauty in the coming years that we have to share with each other. I salute you. to those of you who have tried very hard to do some of the powerful work that we have spoken of. I salute you. I see LIGHT in ALL of you.

At this time of Thanksgiving, I give powerful and deep things for every single one of you. For all that you have shown me, and all that you have given me, and all that I have been able to mirror back to you. I love you and I see you. As does God.

I am profoundly excited for the future, and what it brings. Both personally and collectively. Let’s work on making it a loving world. Full of compassion and Joy, and beauty, art and music and dancing. Life is indeed very short. It’s a good time to start living.

……In the end, though, maybe we must all give up trying to pay back the people in this world who sustain our lives. In the end, maybe it's wiser to surrender before the miraculous scope of human generosity and to just keep saying thank you, forever and sincerely, for as long as we have voices.

Elizabeth Gilbert,

I am here, loving you.


Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place. It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow. Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart, far better things will take their place.


Reed Allen
Late September Newsletter; I’m Back : Metamorphosis Times

Hello dear friends and subscribers,

It’s so good to get back to work, and to this format of speaking, and teaching, and sharing love and energy. As most of you know, I took the bulk of August off from doing sessions or writing a newsletter to work on my immediate family and my life for the first time in years seeing that I started this work, approximately 25 years ago, and, I have done many readings and healings and leading for others during that time . It was an effective time, and one that I will remember and take into my future planning with love and reverence .

Now onto the newsletter! Hang tight! It’s a long one :)

I’m sure many of you are aware that the energy is, and can be quite challenging for some people, as of late. It’s also been very enlightening for many as well. Astrologically, basically, the entire summer was fraught with multiple planets retrograde, and a whole lot of water. We here in Maine had an immense amount of rain this summer, and as you know, New England and other places in the world have had devastating issues with water, as well as fire. Quite apocalyptic.

The energy is one of cleansing and changing and frightening moments. The question is, why do these things happen? Firstly, let’s look at the Astrology; Well, with Pluto in Capricorn right now, issues around transforming and detoxifying structures, including personally or socially, are up in the forefront. Saturn in Pisces right now retrograde, and turning direct on November 4 structural ideas are clashing with both with restrictive, energy and watery intuitive, dreamy, piscean energy. These contradictions are appropriate for us as a society, and as a humanity, it helps us to understand where the darkness lies in our thinking, and in our behaving, and in our habits or our habitats. To contend with the depths of possibility.

We were not meant to be in a box the universe is love, and protection and abundance is eternal and circular, and for us to become better at transforming our souls purpose here on earth, we must remember to continually work on ourselves, and our communities with love and compassion and totality.

I’m sure some of you out there have been feeling quite stuck and alone or anxious in ways you may have never felt before, or quite possibly exhilarated and paradoxically feeling freer than you used to in your mind somehow. These are all symptoms of your souls desire to ascend out of the stuckness of your life. Whether it be a job or relationship, a career, a health issue, or any, and all of the above.

This is one of the reasons why it was imperative for me to take time off. Because of this specific career, but also because of my own personal spiritual path upon this planet, and beyond, I had to take time to walk the walk.

I often feel like a broken record when I advise my clients to begin to look at things in a different way, including either daily habits, or structures of relating and letting go and forgiveness

A great method is to learn the best way for your own personal meditation habits whether that be exercise or prayer or journaling, or spending time in nature.

Or all of the above.

As eclipse season begins, you will notice October and November, becoming a potent time of metamorphic, change. We have a solar eclipse New Moon on October 14 in the sign of Libra, and a partial lunar eclipse on October 28 in the sign of Taurus.

With the nodes of fate that have changed into the Libra/Aries access most everyone is entering into a different cycle. The last time this happened was between 2004 and the beginning of 2006.

New social circles, income and resource energy, ideas, and soulmate relationships will be formulating throughout the next year and a half.

It’s a grand time to be alive right now! To know and understand that we are not governed by anything but the Creator, energy, and our free will .

So it is a great time to think about going back to the drawing board of your life. Think about what’s been bothering you or what needs to be cleared out and cleaned up and realize that there are truly no mistakes and only beautiful lessons. Once we get that, that circular love both for self, and others begins to get stronger and becomes the bubble wrap against darker energies or shadowy things.

Love truly is the only way right now. And our communities are of the upmost importance . How we express and contend with that love into higher meaning with forgiveness, and not in judgment or projection.

I do believe we’re in for a wild ride of change upon this planet in so many ways. A spiritual anchor is very important right now, so finding ways to heal and care for the self, and soul, are vital.

I am an optimist by nature, and a believer in the heart, and I feel beautiful things brewing.

When, in doubt, either cry it out or laugh it out those two things should help. I am also a fan of breaking bread with your tribe and dancing, and sharing in communal love, and tender care being a good friend, and being a good listener, I spent all of August, working on that inwardly and outwardly, I recommend even half an afternoon or a whole Saturday or Sunday to do some thing that feels right for your soul because it lets the universe go to work and lets your spirit guides work on communicating with you when you get back to the drawing board of life.

It feels good to be back and it feels good to feel different than I did. Every time Sarah takes some time off an angel gets its wings. Lol only kidding. But that’s what it feels like!!!

I am blessed to be surrounded by beautiful people and my wonderful family. I see every relationship as the greatest gift. In all forms.

Remember, we come here for a reason. And the school that is teaching us all the things we are learning wants us to be grateful for everything, sometimes even the painful things.

Honoring our ancestors, praying for guidance, holding those we love, tight heart to heart with God inside these things…. This is what help us get through.

I’m happy to say that I am working on a project with someone that will be great to announce soon probably in my next newsletter, so stay tuned for that.

Right now, I was guided to get in touch finally and send this channeled message to you all with a clink of the glass and a big tight hug

Today, and always remember the truth of your own divinity, and the divinity of the people around you, and you must remember the illusion of our separateness gets in the way. Work on the circle, that light ❤️

I am here loving you ❤️

God bless you all,


Reed Allen
Late July Newsletter; Destiny, Retrogrades, Value and Trust

Hello my Friends,

Finally I am siting down to write you all. Thick in summer in Maine but a cloudy and very very very wet and rainy one. Its been a horrible weather pattern for many in the world this summer. I am here to update you on the current energies and astrology of the summer and a few updates from me, as well.

Although we currently have many big outer planets retrograde and lovely Venus joins in on July 22 to September 3rd. Venus retrograde gives us all time to reevaluate all issues around love, relationship and money. A great time for review on worth in general but not the best for elective cosmetic surgery or that wild new haircut :) The greatest shift tho, begins on July 17th on the Cancer New Moon. On the same day the lunar nodes of destiny and fate change signs into the action sign of Aries ( north node-what you are moving towards) and Libra ( south node- what you are leaving behind) for 18 months.

The last time it had this placement was late 2004-early 2006. Think back to what was going on in your life at that time. I can! Huge destiny change for me that I have been on in my spiritual career ( coming out publicly to this job as psychic medium, leaving a marriage and finding my tribe, and entering into a time of liberation) It put me on the road that I am on today. So here we are again and it will effect each sign and your life in multiple ways. Here is a simple way of explaining it;

  • Aries- boldly beginning personal developments, using leadership and big courage, moving away from old partnering

  • Taurus- big shifts in spiritual journey and deep unconscious learning, moving away from negative heath or routines

  • Gemini- finding tribe and working in teams, with new groups, moving away from old creative energy and poor relations

  • Cancer- New Career opportunities, moving away from restrictive thinking
    Leo- working on travel and possible higher learning, moving away from needing to think too much big picture and let go more

  • Virgo- working on joint income, unconscious dark issues, moving away from the need to have, fears in money issues.

  • Libra- finding new relationships and becoming stronger in relating, moving away from pushy energy

  • Scorpio- finding new work and service, moving away from unconscious fears of the unknown

  • Sagittarius- working on new creative projects and romantic energy, moving away from outworn group energy

  • Capricorn- working on new home and family, focusing on changes in daily work routines

  • Aquarius- focus on speaking or publishing, tech and less on far away ideas.

  • Pisces- a focus on income and money and less on "other peoples money"

Ok. This is a basic almost too simple way of  explaining it and obviously there are variables in all subjects. The best way of relaying this message would be this- we all have fated moments, learning times, travels, relationships, life purposes and this shift will help us "get there" in that Aries go get it energy. The best part of Divine will, is that it helps us in the murky space of indecision to give us momentum on our personal, soul evolution. AKA; how am I growing away from the past and into more LOVE ( for self or other) which helps us ALL evolve our planet and choice.

You may have noticed increasing water energy ( very Saturn in Pisces energy) and also a rise in AI. This is NOT a time to disregard being grounded in nature or revering being connected to our own intuition or autonomy of choice. It is a time to remember our connection to earth as much as our bodies are, and to the great cosmos, the Universe, or what you know to be Source energy. God. the Light, and the Light within our people places or dreams. Hold it close and hold it with gratitude. For that is the real thing to weave us a healthy life, mentally, spiritually, physically.

Lastly, I want to thank any and all that helped me get precious time off this summer. I have been reading and teaching and loving practically non stop for close to 25 years and this break will help me not only rest and reboot but reevaluate this career and teaching possibilities ( and creative endeavors) and I am utterly thrilled at this. Thank you and keep the love coming! Its a tough job I have and its time for a shift. I love you all so very much.

Booking readings for fall currently.

Next Newsletter will have some fun announcements of ticketed events that I am excited to be sharing with some other lovely humans that are here for Changing the dial of how we go about our lives with more magic, more Spirit, more intuition, more LOVE. In business and in our personal lives. So looking forward to new events and new creative projects ( hint- even Sarah teaching intuitive painting !) Stay tuned

For now , gather up your lives, let go of what you do not want anymore, find faith in knowing that there us a Source where we come from, where we go to, that loves us all beyond any comprehension you may have and let it love you. As I do.

I leave you with this:

"Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about, Ideas, language, even the phrase "each other" doesn't make any sense. The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don't go back to sleep. People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch.  The door is round and open.........Don't go back to sleep."  - Rumi

Now to pack for my family arriving and to journey to my hometown, to my fathers memorial this weekend. To scatter him on the islands of Maine and to love with all the Grace my God has given me.

In deep, deep gratitude,


Reed Allen

Hello friends of Sarah, 

This newsletter comes to you written by Sarah’s team, with reverence and integrity. Sarah herself will send out another newsletter with energy updates later in the month. 

( please read / share this loving message with many ) 

We hope this message finds you surrounded with all the blessings and bounty of the summer season. In the spirit of these blessings and abundance, we are reaching out to you today.

Sarah Winslow has been an anchor of love and truth for clients, locally, nationally and globally for over 20 years. She has used her gift as a psychic medium and spiritual counselor with clear and true sight to bring closure, clarity, healing and connection to people of all walks of life.

We believe it’s time for Sarah to receive the gifts she has shared with so many for so long. On behalf of Sarah, we are asking the universe, by way of reaching out to you, to help Sarah access all the good fortune, and healing life has to offer. 

Sarah currently finds herself with a schedule that’s overbooked and is in critical need of some time to recharge and recuperate. Sarah has long been able to help bring health, wealth and healing to the lives of thousands, and is ready to accept these same gifts in her own life. 

By contributing, you are allowing a loving, compassionate, hard working light-bringer to take a much needed respite and ensure her tank is at its fullest. This will enable her to create and make the necessary shifts needed to expand her love and service to you all. 

We have created a GoFundMe page to help Sarah take this time that she needs. Please click the link below to read more, and thank you for considering making a contribution to help our friend Sarah Winslow.  

Sarah’s GoFundMe:

With love and sincere gratitude , 

Julia, Ellen, Haven & Emma 

All of Sarah’s former assistants 

Reed Allen
May Newsletter; Eclipse, Shifts, Intuition, Healing; Renewal

Hello All,

Hold on tight and hang in with me, this is a tad long but necessary. This month is beginning with a bang. Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn, mercury is still retrograde until the 14th, and last but energetically not least we have a full moon lunar eclipse on Friday the 5th ( cinco de mayo) in the potent sign of Scorpio. The last eclipse was in April and this means this is creating what we like to call a opening and closure gateway of karmic cycles ending and beginning and shift of personal and global change. Depending on where this eclipse falls in your birth chart, you will notice unraveling and insights, a sudden un-stuckness ( hopefully) heralding in the shifts you didn't even know you needed but have signed up for. Watch for new opportunities and relationships to blossom and flow, possibly after a bit of upheaval, tears , or come to Jesus conversations with loved ones and counselors. You see, even with free will much of our lives are prewritten in the stars prior to our arrival here. Below I will use my life as a teaching tool on just that. (Beyond the fact that I get to do this groovy job, helping y'all!)

This current energy is a powerful time of letting things flow and move into the place that they need to be. Best not to fight it all with refusal to change but be willing to find your place in the groove of this shifting energy. If you have been feeling anxious and tired this week that is very normal for this huge eclipse energy.

Below is a bit of a story about me that can help you understand intuition and timing and more.

Even after what has seemed like the longest greyest transition from a very taxing winter, Divine timing is the most amazing thing, showing you that in time all things are heard, all prayers are known and in some way or another, always answered. I have been struggling with health issues for a while. Sort of permanent numb tongue, allergies and low energy. Its been a struggle for a bit. So I did the normal thing and cut out or did a trial basis watching my foods. Nothing was totally helping. It is tiring to do readings and the two things together were all but knocking me down. Recently thinking my makeup remover was giving me a rash,I switched to coconut oil. A bit earlier that week, I put on my mothers " silver bracelet" that I love. After several days not only was the rash getting worse around my eyes, but under that lovely bracelet a rash was forming . Too busy to worry I did my readings and after work, I sat outside , barefoot, eyes closed in the sun, grounding. A loud voice says " nickel allergy" in my inner ear and I preceded to pick up my phone and google it. 3 hours later and much reading, meditation, and enhances and memories. I knew the culprit. Apparently, a nickel allergy can grow and change and there are MANY foods high in nickel. Yep- coconuts. Nuts and seeds and legumes are high. Tuna fish and lettuce. That very morning after my run, I ate tuna on lettuce, and drank a coconut water. Immediately my Tongue began the thing.

Like a flash of total wisdom and recall, years of memories came flooding in , much like how I see in all your readings. Like movies playing. I was tested for allergies in my late teens and found out I was allergic to peanuts and peas, legumes slightly, but that was ages ago and the soils and so much has shifted. I get too busy listening for you all I forgot to listen for me!! Anyway, to further let you know why I believe in the power of our own bodies to heal, to know, and in astrology too, this mercury retrograde is falling in my 6th house of daily routine, work and health , my 6th house is for a while so thematically it is not wonder I can now discover how to feel better and shift my work as well.

We are ALL connected to source energy and source information. That is how you hear of miracles and goosebumps validation. You only need to get grounded, shut off the noise, get in nature and LISTEN : Your answers come " leave job or not" " leave relationship" " go back to school" " or " " work out " " start that business" etc. It goes on and on the answers are there. Intuition is your best friend in a world of AI crap and viral overload- That's why I LOVE teaching and my Psychic 101 class is the bomb for fun, magic, a fantastic reminder that we all thrive when we follow that gut and that heart. Still some space left for May 20th class here; it will fill up though so sign up fast .

The things that are milling about this week and into may are radical feelings of insight and the necessity to have boundaries from others judgement. And projection of their own stuff. These things come up during emotional shifts. A hurtful heart only hurts others so do the work to clean up those thoughts and work on the inside a bit more this month.

Lastly, my sweet assistant is leaving by end of month! Again! It seems that those loves that work with me for a bit all have a big lovely life change whilst working with me. I will be sad to see her go but it is for more lovely things in her families life. Plus we are connected forever! I do not have an answer yet about what to do about that, as I need help, finding event venues, places and spaces and ways to teach, and opportunities but its not really in my budget at the moment to employ someone . I am on the search for this big shift I have been feeling for a while. I'm open to loving help and suggestions! Change is coming for Sarah and many many of you reading this .

"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth" Mohammed Ali

For now go and move on with this day. Be kind to others and yourself, this week. Be aware and sensitive. To others.

I am loving you all and praying for you and thanking the God that watches you ,


Reed Allen
April Newsletter; Healing Ideas, Astrology, Classes

Hello Friends,

Yet again I sit here on the cusp of the full moon preparing this letter. Seems as though that moon tickles me into submission to task to channel for you all and remind you why energy is all we are! The libra full moon falls on the 6th of the month and reminds us to close doors and open them, metaphorically and cyclically. The Aries sun reminds of tasks to begin and projects to dream of. On the 11th a beautiful sun conjunct Jupiter day a rare and benevolent day to enjoy luck and love and passions. Then as we move thorough the month that pesky mercury will turn retrograde On April 21st until the 14th of May. I already feel that shadow with techno problems arising and fumbles in communication. Triple check those emails during this time as mishaps can occur. On the 20th of the month we have a new moon in Aries that is a solar eclipse! Eclipses herald the energy shifts and life changes that we either know we need or don't and then in the months following, The Universe and serendipity begin to make that happen. Its like that expression what you seek is seeking you. Yet often we don't know what we want or how to get it. Eclipse energy does help with that.

I asked what was most important for me to relay at the current time and energy. In between dreams and surrender is the below message I was given:

If you have ever had a period of time that you feel stuck as chuck and unmotivated and unclear, you know how life can appear for a time, very unhappy and very lonely. I know this feeling too. It’s as if you and your soul are at odds on what way to find a way though and which direction to go for you seem for a bit to have "lost your way". Remember that in ones lifetime, we all go though things like this. Its the "grey" space of unknowing before the burst of desire, insight or motivation begins. We must remember to practice self love and care during such times as truly what we are doing is unraveling from trauma or karma or shadow to clear out the closet of our body and soul for REALIGNING with what our ACTUAL souls journey is here for/has to do/begin/participate in or experience. It’s real and you are here for a reason. The journey IS the reason! All the key players and people and lessons help you acquire the wisdom you need to level up in some way- relationships-work-or work/life balance-emotions and health are all the vibrations that go through shifts so we can BE ourSelves and grow. To love is the key to buffering the shifting tides of life and compassion for self and other is key. We all grieve. We all fear. We all get lost. Somehow....but that is why we strive to pray and meditate on change. That is the recipe to begin to SEE the way out or though. Ask of yourself; what am I DONE feeling? What am I LONGING for? What is MISSING? It could lead to new love, new work, new location purpose!! Eclipse season will bring this for many.

Death and living. The human experience is a challenging one but also oh so beautiful. In this era of big technology the HUMAN experience if going to have to be one that you chose and find and keep. Nature, the cosmos, the energy of human touch and love. All imperative to our spiritual journey and happiness. Healing to-boot! Dare to make that change your thinking and walk THROUGH fear as much as you can. Yes, dear reader I am talking to YOU! Your ancestors and your guides are around you always and give you signs to let you know. This is why I guide people to pray, meditate, and OBSERVE. This is how they are helping.
It’s helpful to understand intuitive nudges and the different feeling that is holds other than pure desire. Tricky but possible for anyone.

That is why I am going to teach my Psychic 101 again! This class is NOT just for those learning about their psychic gifts it is for anyone curious about intuition, mediation, energy, symbols and messages, guidance and life path help. The link to sign up and description is here - sign up fast as space is limited in this fun, hands on class. MAY 20th, 10 AM- 2 PM, South Portland.

Later this month we will announce next Sarah event and Soul’s Journey class so stay in touch here and on social media.

For now I leave you with this thought:

What risk must you take internally, externally or within your life to have the joy and abundance you want and what reward will come from the TRUST that you know the Universe has your back always. Faith is absolutely the bird that sings in the dark fore dawn.

I am here, loving you

Rock on,


Reed Allen
March Newsletter: Era Shift, Discipline and Passion

Hello Friends

This newsletter will possibly and most hopefully help you understand better either in "food for thought" energy, or "vision in the rear view mirror" energy.  I write you this on the 6th of March. Tomorrow we have a full moon in Virgo while the sun currently remains in Pisces. A pivotal day to take stock and in time later on remember as the Lord of Time and Karma , Restriction and Responsibility changes from his stint in Aquarius (Since March of 2020!) to Pisces until February 2026! How this effects us as individuals does depend a bit on our natal birth charts but in general the " vibe " will change again (as you recall that it DID as we entered into "lock down" in 2020 as it entered into Aquarius).

Pisces is a naturally intuitive and feeling natured dreamy sign. Big daddy Saturn will have a weird time here as it is rigid and structured energy and Pisces dissolves boundaries as a highly mutable sign, but the two of them together may help us all FEEL our way into life purpose and passion and drive though gut feelings and dream time. As we approach the spring equinox (in the northern hemisphere) the sun will move into fiery Aries and begin to motivate those pesky to do lists. Then on March 23rd the planet Pluto lord of Death and resurrection and deep dive growth and inner worlds enters into Aquarius where it will stay till June then retrograde back into Capricorn till the end of the year but then REENTER Aquarius until 2043! That is a long time. Life era time, transforming the next 20 years. 

WE are in for a shift as we always do throughout historical marking points. The gateway to the "age of Aquarius". How will our worlds shift? How will this epochal energy transform YOU? I ask you to ponder what you WANT to be doing with what your WIRED to be doing whilst allowing yourself to be dispatched to the old ways and feelings of days long gone by and relations that have outworn their karmic learning phase. Be VERY mind full of the addictive escapism of the online temptress of dopamine rush. It will not help you to navigate your shift into LISTENING to the lists of goals and ideas you may have as solutions. What works for one may not work for your life so it's time to get to know what you are made for.  I will give you an idea how astrology works, keeping in mind our gift of Free Will and choice as well.

While Pluto was touring Capricorn, (since 2008) think stature and responsibility, as the death and rebirth planet toured my 2nd house of money and values (all value including self) I met my ex, got married, moved many times, my career grew and grew and I went tough a painful financially draining divorce right after my mothers passing and I am wrapping it up with my fathers passing. A huge time of Lessons and growth and transformations that ultimately truly carved me even further into the human here that helps YOU understand things as well. The University of earth and its valuable school of knowledge. Spiritual understanding and practices are VITAL for growth and shifts. Think of what you learned or went tough since 2008, and also since 2020. Can you pluck the good out of it? It takes a lot of POOP to make a nourishing garden, I say. Don't play a victim; Ask of God, "where am I best used to help?" "What are my dreams?” ?Why am I not taking those chances?” “What has been blocking me or restraining me?” “What micro steps can I make to grow?” Any effort will be "rewarded" in some manner that you can reflect on later.

As a teacher of the energy of consciousness and ultimately the VOID, I say the only way out is through. I, myself, being a creative hope to shift further into ALL my gifts in the coming years. Why not? This big blue ball is a blast to be on when you turn off the feed of the news and the pain; there is MORE to us humans than that. I see it daily. WE as a community of souls need to help each other rise up to full power and potential away from only greed and consumerism. As someone who has assisted countless though grief I can safely say...We do not take our "things" with us and in a flash of light our souls are no longer tethered to the trappings that we broke our backs, hearts and bodies for. Love and its cousins joy and fellowship are of most important. Think of that as the full moon pulls at the waters of earth over the next days. We are made of electric energy and we have WAY more mojo than we have been fooled. Use it wisely friends!

There is still a bit more room for The Souls Journey class so information and sign up is here : fast as it is on March 25 11-2 PM.

Shifts to team Sarah are on the horizon, as are ways of accessing my updates and words.  We will have new events for the Spring! And a few "new" newsletters will be in our inbox soon.

I really wanted to get this out near that full moon, so I hope those reminders are falling on grateful ears and eyes. I am so grateful for all of you who take the chance on coming in and getting walloped with love and awakenings for your OWN spiritual and physical journey

Be ready for the shift. I make a bet EVERYONE in your circle is in it, feeling it, needing it, or going though something.

Bless you all, may you prosper in all things,

As your heart knows the way,

" As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live" Goethe

Reed Allen
February Newsletter: Cycles of Life, Renovation, Rebirth

Hello My Dear Friends

Early February has us here in Maine just exiting the coldest arctic blast we have had yet. A slap in the face from winter, reminding us what season it really is and how much in charge the natural world is. I write this to you on a Leo full moon. A week full of dreams and symbolic messages. As many of you know, I have returned recently from being with my family as my father passed away on January 26th. Ultimately a peaceful passage after a bout of wrestling. My father actually said the day before, "Dying is absurd." Indeed, Dad. And so is living! Isn't it all so wonderful and baffling?

These processes we go through are exhausting if not brutally existential and profoundly spiritual in nature. Reminding us ALL of impermanence and the beauty of living. Dealing with this subject in a spiritual contexture for my work, helps me, as it helps you. This time with my last living parent passing has come to me at the moment of a leap for me, after the wresting with what I like to call, -psychic grieving. Sick for most of January, I found myself in bed much of the time in a state of co-creation set up with God. Just subtly preparing for the days and months ahead. For my family, for my work, for my own heart. Beyond basic training for the incoming re haul .

I am not alone in this. Many of you out there are in the cannons barrel. Feeling a profound need for change. Already in it, on the search, asking the questions and posing for the leaps and creations. I see this with so many people. Much of this also looks like the Divine force of hand. Forced uncomfortably back to the womb, the drawing board, the heart. The astrology of now is saying, "prepare for the wave of your instinct to act differently than it did" from the last several years. WE are in for a change beginning in late March and beyond of how things feel and look out there in the world. So likely, your inner consciousness knows this on some level somehow. Hence those nudges you are feeling about :

Your purpose
Your body
Your relationships
Your finances
Your creativity
Your family
Your vocation
Your geography

Am I right ?? Oh how this earth wants us to KNOW what we are here to do. Oh how the Divine wants us to remember why we are here. Why we suffer endlessly and search when those answers are waiting for us to look inside and listen.

You know that taking a leap means moving out of comfort into or though the fear. It is not an absence of fear, but the faith to know that the shift you desire is within your grasp. To every problem there is a solution. To every solution not found, is letting go.

That's when the Divine swoops in. Faith builds and the voice becomes louder.

This letter has been different for a reason. Things are shifting and I am not only here, but renovating this work and this delivery method. So to speak. In coming weeks you will see and be offered a way of joining in that journey with me. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, do consider joining my Souls Journey class on March 25th. A big loving energy to speak more on the subject I teach of why, how come, where, are we humans here and for what reason do we choose these lives. Read more here and sign up.

What else to say?

"In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there's something stronger-something better, pushing right back."  Albert Camus

We are on the road to into a new era. The cycles of our lives will remain ever changing and The Great Creator within all of us knows somehow, in the midst of tears and hugs, that life ever and always goes on.

I am here and ready for it.

Happy Valentine's Day

My heart is yours,


Reed Allen
January Newsletter; New Year, Welcoming the Shift

Hello My friends,

I hope you are well at the start of this new year. Apologies for the late arrival of this letter. It was a rough start for me as I ended last year and began this one very sick and got quite behind. This is in the rear view now and I am walking steadily into the new year. It has been a bit of a muddy start to the year for many of us as Mercury is still retrograde and things have been slow an muddied. Mars which has been retrograde for 3 months is preparing to go direct on the 12th and will help with that motivation/action factor. Many of us are snail walking into this month but that will lift soon with Mercury going direct on the 18th and followed by Uranus going direct after the New Moon on the 22nd. This means there are NO planets retrograde all the way until April and this cosmic help from the Universe frees up some energy and gathers us a but of pep in our step around goals, ideas, actions, renovation, and awareness. Progress.

Progress. That is an interesting word. Many of us left `22 with a feeling as if things needed to change in our worlds. I mean, it was palpable for many. Collective energy around a desire for shift, for reciprocity, for purpose, for freedom, for love, for passion and NEW. This is the wind in the air coming. In the months ahead we will have a significant epochal change as Saturn moves into Pisces for 3 years (it has been in Aquarius since the 2020 lock down), Pluto moves into Aquarius (it will move a bit around Capricorn and will totally enter Aquarius in `24 and will stay there until 2044!!), and Jupiter enters Taurus in May for a full year. What this means is CHANGE. Think of the last (crappy) (wild) (interesting) (restrictive) (awakening) 3 years! These upcoming shifts will make it feel very different than it was.

Things will and should feel different this year. You can already see that. I have a new assistant and the goal for me is to shift this platform and my life in HUGE ways but will do so in mini steps. It has to happen. I was reflecting when I was sick and how long I have done this work.. I estimate over 10,000 readings or more. Over 20 years...24... I have talked countless humans and held them in light as they process loss, fear and confusion, search, and pain. I have travelled into the dark of the ethers to find and help them in the search for love and healing for many. I have channeled years and years. It is time for the next phase and I am excited for this shift.  I am sure many of you who have been coming to me for that time or any length of time or to your referrals too, understand.

It all started when I was a child, and in reflection recently I was in recall of being this human in other scopes where I would tell almost strangers or friends at pubs or at an event, things that I was guided to pull out of the pain inside or the Universal God mind. More than once many times the response was "who ARE you? Where have you been all this time?" All BEFORE beginning this work which I was fighting tooth and nail with God NOT to do but I ended up saying...."I bow to you....I get it.......Ok......."

..." show me your love, God." Love IS that way and that word, and that Grace that keeps this heart moving forward.

This is my purpose but there is more and I am being called. Stay tuned here for more on all of this. We will be doing more live stage events and I will be teaching.

Speaking of teaching  I have a few classes up and you can find more and sign up here:

PSYCHIC 102 - is a continuation for any former students or other people on the search for deeper learning of INTUITION and deeper connection to your guides; Read more here and to sign up. FEBRUARY 11TH. 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. $325. SOUTH PORTLAND ME.

Back by popular demand - THE SOULS JOURNEY; (HEALING LESSONS ON KARMA, LIFE PATH AND SOULS). A powerful class that I give from my years of mediumship and learning the reasons, lessons and karma of why we are, WHO we are, and how to go deeper to HEAL and find PURPOSE. March 25th, 11:00 AM- 2:00 PM. Location: TBD. $250.00. Sign up and more info here.

And in that I go for now and ask you all to ponder what you want the upcoming year to Bring to you... this wild and precious life.

May it be healthy
May it be loved
May it have meaning
May it have magic
May it prosper

I am here, loving YOU


Reed Allen