Hello my friends
This is the wrap up end of 2023 newsletter. Print this out and sit quietly, or find a quiet time to read it online. I hope you stick with me as could be long, and, quite frankly, a little bit different. I intend, and pray that the whole experience is helpful to you in its entirety.
As we end 2023 and get ready to welcome 2024, the Sun is in Capricorn and we wrap up the current Mercury retrograde with Mercury going direct on New Year’s Day. That will be helpful to begin the new year. Our beneficial planet Jupiter finally goes direct on the 30th, allowing for a few short months, with no planets retrograde! A lovely way to begin clearing out as we pace ourselves into the coming year. Remember, the symbolism of retrograde is “review and redo”. Since the summertime, this has been the general theme. I definitely feel as though some projects won’t get off the ground until spring/summer or even autumn of 2024, yet there will be forward, momentum, and change happening for many of us.
In January, we have the planet Pluto, (I like to call it a generational planet because it’s slow move through every sign is long) signaling new generations pathways, and Dharma on the planet. Pluto moves away from Capricorn and into Aquarius on January 20. While it will retrograde for just a few months at the end of 2024 back into Capricorn essentially it will stay in Aquarius for the next 20 years! Heralding in definitely a new era. Aquarius rules revolution, as well as regeneration in technology, the Internet, astrology, human consciousness, so shifting and changing these areas will be abundant in waves through the coming years. I’m sure that reminds you of what could, what will, and all the variables happening with AI in the coming years. Something to think about for sure.
How will it help us? Will it hinder us? How will we remain connected through heart, and nature and spirit? Will we allow the Internet to disconnect us further or will we rise up to the opportunity to shift in consciousness to utilize advancements in technology to help us?
I definitely need to touch on 2023, for many of you need to hear why it was so challenging. Some of us had some triumphs for sure. Whether small or large they still exist in every time we are incarnate on this planet. As individuals, families, and the collective. And we also suffer, as a group, as individuals, as families, and the collective.
To be earthly human can be painful and feels so finite, as well as extreme, spiritually and profoundly beautiful in its ability for us to connect body, mind, heart and spirit. It really depends on the work you are doing inside, as well as how you perceive what’s going on around you.
To review things, through observation and forgiveness and acceptance, or to remain contrary, and divisive in your thinking. It really depends. Even on a given day!
2023 gave many of you opportunities to pray for others, to ponder how to place yourself in the mirror of compassion as other people either far away or nearby, dealt with suffering, illness, or loss.
And many of us experienced things of that nature in our own lives. I have seen a continuing and stronger pattern of people, pondering where their purpose is locally or otherwise. Where life’s meaning has become faster, and life becomes seemingly more chaotic. The wrapping up of our time with Pluto, the planet of transformation, detoxification, and destruction in Capricorn, which is authority, rule, regulation, structure and society. Well …. I am sure we’ve seen since 2020 shifts and of the battle between authority and rule in a dance with transformation and symbolic death a so called rebirth of society as we know it . Authority bashing with Sovereignty. As we move into the age of Aquarius, this theme of personal autonomy and spiritual serenity will continue to grow.
With Saturn currently in Pisces until 2026 the continual feeling of stamping down on our freedom to experience things in a compassionate and spiritual way will also be around. We definitely want so badly to understand why we are here and how to be more connected through spirit and heart, rather than Old outworn ways of thinking and doing things.
Both personally and collectively.
Onto the Personal;
2024, being a very changeable year, where things move into a different groove, from where they were last year for many of us. All the let go and let down and dissolution of people, places, and things will turn into the next stage and phase of many of our lives.
People, placeholders, professions, and personal habits are being rearranged left and right.
The frustrations that many of you are feeling are genuinely valid around, changing course, either through thinking, or habits, and the rearrangement of a personal belief system. Projection and judgments have no place when you were trying to find new footing in the world.
Reflection, and forgiveness and going back to the drawing board, well, these things are helpful
As if it were a battle of dark and light, people are really reviewing addictions and mental challenges. This will continue to be a theme.
Anything you can do to regain clarity, and to untie yourself from the continuing wave of psychic, frantic, collective, fear, or fear, mongering, will be very helpful in the coming days and weeks and months, and years.
I recommend spiritual practice and community, understanding and sharing. The classics of positive group discourse, and spiritual practice, as well as Personal, solitude and reflective time.
In nature and positive personal habits.
Think, happy go-to discussions online and exterior physical and helpful work in the natural world. Building home and sharing in sport and dance and breaking bread together.
Think, finding new ways to celebrate beyond hiding through addiction, or addictive substance or doom scrolling and dopamine junkie activities.
It takes a lot to change habits and the first step is awareness.
To see, is to know.
What does love look like to you? What does Joy look like to you? These things are going through changes. It sounds odd to think that but it is true. What used to hold importance may not anymore. It’s like the awareness of running through the rat race for so long that it makes no sense anymore, and a spiritual tug, in the heart first through anxiety and depression, then knocks at the door of awareness that starts to scream; “Something has to change!“
Many of you are hearing it.
I know this both as a seer, and as someone who can statistically say that as doing readings for as long as I have over 25 years, I have really seen the shift.
I have taken stock on witnessing this.
What relationship looks like to people.
What projection and judgment has done to people. The pain of separation.
What the beguiling 30 second soundbite of the virtual world has done to the collective.
It’s been wild to observe! And be a part of……
I think the expression is; what a time to be alive!
We are all here for a reason, and I believe we will start to understand more and more what that means in the next year.
I’m going to wrap up this newsletter with a quick and brief, loving personal explanation.
Let me preface this by saying no need to email in or DM me on social media, commenting about loss or grief around my own personal story.
While I appreciate and understand, your need to give me that love, there is no need to do so as the beauty of Sarah being Sarah is the reflection of her ability to see things from such a grand perspective, so ultimately benefit others in her own life review.
2023 saw the loss of my last living parent and many other many small, personal deaths inside of my life. I teach something in my sessions around pre-grieving when you know things are going to shift well before they happen. It says if you understand how to work through things prior to them actually happening, so when they actually happen, you’re more in a deep reflection, time, and essentially a human life review, rather than, a CHRONIC bereavement or grief mentality or victim mentality.
With both of my parents in heaven, and an energetic, rather than literal connection with them, I have now essentially been given instructions on maneuvering my life. I am grateful for these shifts in consciousness, and in action. Not all the action has happened yet, but it will come, as I have learned to be ultimately quite patient over the last years.
To live in gratitude for everything that the good the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, the sublime takes a lot of practice. I highly recommend trying.
Sometimes it takes a lot of quiet time and solitude. Something I have been taking much of lately. Prayer helps.
Reverence to good friends and to tiny moments of compassion these things are definitely helpful. Gratitude and reflection to what has been “lost” is also very helpful as well.
Curiosity as to what the future has to hold, all the while not knowing exactly what it looks like, is very natural. So natural that it feels often daunting, and a bit scary. But nonetheless, the future comes through a whole pile of tiny moments in the present.
Staying Present, for what IS entirely important in the journey of the human experience.
How to do it right ??? Thats the conundrum!
I like to ask my clients this question and I asked this of myself.
What am I here for? What am I missing? What have I not experienced? Is there something I can release through my thinking or habits that will help to make space for what’s coming? Am I stuck ?
What can I change even in tiny little bits or fragments to become unstuck?
I know it sounds simple, but these questions are huge in the grand scheme of shifting things. Into the new sector of your life or calling, and your space here in the collective evolution.
How do you wrap up this year with gratitude even through all the pain and sorrow we have experienced?
To love.
To love so truly and so honestly, each other is the most powerful and advanced weapon against darkness. It is free it costs nothing and it is within us deep inside the core of our being the eternal flame from where we come from and of which we return to at the end of physical life.
We must remember this.
The antidote
Is Love .
So I wrap up this year with you. I send a prayer for healing to your battered and bruised hearts for any and all losses, confusion, or grief.
I send a prayer for forgiveness to your anger, your rage or resentment
I send you understanding and compassion for feelings, abandonment, or self punishment.
I know this. There are angels among us. They are everywhere. Look for them in every corner. And thank them when you become aware.
2024 will bring change, and I will let you know here, and other ways my part in that. Stay tuned.
From my heart to yours, Happy New Year ! ✨💫🌟❤️
May God bless us, and keep us, everyone
“The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.”
J.R.R. Tolkien,