Hello dearest friends,
I must apologize for the late delivery of my newsletters as of late. To my long-standing and loyal subscribers, I apologize. To my new followers and subscribers, all of you are a part of a new era.
It’s been taking me a long time to get to the keyboard for multiple reasons. I am without an assistant right now. Things just take a little bit longer. I also, as I’m sure you are, meditating on the state of the world and the state of energy as of late. We are indeed, as a collective energy going through a potent time of regeneration, fighting regurgitations of old histories, and relinquishing our history as we try to create positive new futures and boundaries, both personally and collectively. To say we are going through an awakening, would be an understatement.
After a summer, full of astrological, purging and backpedaling, little by little as the autumn and winter come about, the big outer planets are now moving forward one by one. Allowing the lessons and awarenesses of the last 4 to 6 months come to the forefront, creating karmic endings and karmic new beginnings. I am absolutely positive in some manner or effect that each one of you reading this has felt this or experienced this in some manner. Whether it be through work, relationships, family, health and body, addictions, and dramas, and or epiphanies and spiritual awareness‘s, that are bubbling up into the forefront all the while swimming through murky waters and foggy space. Everyone has been there.
No one necessarily has been immune to the energy that is happening right now. As most of you know, Maine went through a tragedy in the month of October. And as the days got darker, so did the deeper meaning of what we see as where we are all at in our mental and spiritual health. This is the beauty of the darkness of Scorpio season. There is also a lot of Uranus ( sudden change in revelations ) energy right now, creating sudden and spontaneous changes, whether it be inner awareness and habits, or someone in the outside of your world, creating crosshairs, with a divine intent of you beginning some thing that’s needed to change for a very long time.
Is this all sounding familiar? I’m sure it is. I mean I can back this up with my clients ( the trials and tribulations you all have been going through ) and my community, as well as myself.
You see I am in my second Saturn return. Creating the need to go inward and assess where I have been, where I am at, and where I am heading. Right now I am in deep meditation and rearranging my personal health habits. It is definitely working, because when you tend to your self in all manners and create a space for healing and happiness. No doubt the universe is going to work behind the scenes, creating the next wave of work, relationship, geography and happiness on the horizon.
I have been through much in my life and a ton in the last several years, including losing both of my parents. All the while keeping the door way to my heart space open for all of my clients. Life is, indeed, a perpetual turnstile of either repeating paradigms, or new spiritual experiences, carving us into diamonds out of coal; should we accept it and allow it.
And by the way, no one is immune To change, to loss, to sorrow, to disillusionment, confusion, addiction, and the beautiful search for more meaning in life. The latter being the most important thing to do no matter what is going on. Especially now in this age of technology and illusion around the lack of nature and the impending temptation of losing privacy and AI technology; definitely things to think about in the coming years.
I have been doing this job, a very long time, and the purpose of my readings have been the same, but also altered throughout the years. I’ve gone from being definitely a medium and psychic and spiritual counselor to all of the above but I would say truly a spiritual teacher. The amount of stories and energies that I have seen over the years, I have compiled in my consciousness as a beautiful blueprint to help others navigate all the things I have mentioned in this newsletter so far.
I have a dear dear friend. Who had said to me that what he sees in me, is mostly a modern mystic. A gifted quantum seer. I would say he’s correct.
Why do I say all this? Well, I am here to do this job and I am also open to all the changes on the horizon that will be created throughout my personal and spiritual transits. I am going through.
I welcome in the creative and happy changes. I welcome in all the personal and private happiness and regeneration I have going on in my life.
In the future, I will shift both this newsletter and a couple other forms to spiritual storytelling, as well as avenues for lectures and events that help people transfer and understand, navigating tools to create light in times of darkness and confusion. Whether in relationships, or in work, or in life, purpose, and meaning.
That being said, I am hoping to generate more opportunities for the aforementioned events, yet I need someone to help me do so. Right now, I am a one woman show, and I am open to speaking with anyone out there that is aligned with finding/marketing/producing ideas for future events. I have not done a big event in a very long time and I’m hoping to do so in 2024.
As the big daddy, planet Saturn finally went direct after six months on November 4, we will find ourselves climbing out of stagnancy, and in the beginning of December finally Neptune goes direct as well. Followed by Jupiter. All of these planets have been retrograde making us do life reviews, leave habits and karmic, patterning and karmic relationship that we needed to end, stop or be healed. Although mercury goes retrograde on December 13 for three weeks, it’s of little importance in the grand scheme to the big outer planets that have been making us do the work over the last 4 to 6 months. HUGE work. Even if it hasn’t seemed like that. In hindsight, you will understand.
With the last Taurus eclipse full moon on October 28, we put to rest the ending of the Scorpio / Taurus cycle of death and rebirth. Next year we will have eclipses in Libra and Aries. I highly recommend either getting an astrology reading from a reputable astrologer, and or following astrologers on YouTube to understand where and how these placements and these changes affect your life. We are in a cycle that is similar to what happened to us personally, and the years 2004 to 2006. Think back and wonder what it’s changed or what you were going through then. It won’t be exact, but it could be similar.
It is incredibly important to not only have a spiritual practice right now, but to tend to, and care for the people around us, that hold our vulnerabilities with care and dignity, because judgment and projection are a trip backwards in time and very much a part of the old paradigm which we are trying to alter.
Who do you have in your world that accepts your vulnerabilities and gives you space to not only care for yourself but speak of them with tenderness and understanding? Even if it’s only one or two people or a revered counselor or helper. These things are important right now as we close out this year.
How can you find your magic right now.? How can you care for yourself while setting up boundaries? How can you change tradition that does not work anymore? How can you call in purpose, to truly Create with God and the universe a feeling of more genuine purpose meaning of value to yourself? These are some of the templates that are working with us right now.
I hope to be able to help you all in the now and in the future.
Which brings me to this!
My group sessions of smaller amounts of people somewhere between three and 10 people. These are not only affordable if you share the cost between each other, but incredibly bonding as a spiritual experience as anybody knows who has had a group reading with me they are not only loving and powerful, but extremely funny and create waves of laughter and spiritual bonding. In ways that are quite unique. You can inquire about group sessions in my office, through emailing us, and or signing up here.
Also. Welcome to the holidays! Already this year is gone by!
To purchase a gift certificate which can be sent digitally or in a card through regular US mail, click here to purchase. It makes a very unique and timeless and special holiday gift for friends and family and loved ones.
For now I leave you with these thoughts to ponder.
Everybody changes. Everything changes. Nature abhors a vacuum. We are in that time. To those of you have stuck with me and honored me and love me just the way I am. I salute you. To those of you who are open to all the beauty in the coming years that we have to share with each other. I salute you. to those of you who have tried very hard to do some of the powerful work that we have spoken of. I salute you. I see LIGHT in ALL of you.
At this time of Thanksgiving, I give powerful and deep things for every single one of you. For all that you have shown me, and all that you have given me, and all that I have been able to mirror back to you. I love you and I see you. As does God.
I am profoundly excited for the future, and what it brings. Both personally and collectively. Let’s work on making it a loving world. Full of compassion and Joy, and beauty, art and music and dancing. Life is indeed very short. It’s a good time to start living.
……In the end, though, maybe we must all give up trying to pay back the people in this world who sustain our lives. In the end, maybe it's wiser to surrender before the miraculous scope of human generosity and to just keep saying thank you, forever and sincerely, for as long as we have voices.
Elizabeth Gilbert,
I am here, loving you.
Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place. It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow. Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart, far better things will take their place.